Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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GOOD GRIEF. Raped this illegal child TWICE...and they've RELEASED HIIM???? So glad we're adopting solutions that match the country these illegals come from. I mean...we sure don't wanna judge other nations cultural traditions NOW dO WE??????

The story continues: “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has requested that the Columbus [Ohio] Police Department notify federal officers when 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes is released from custody so that he can be transferred to federal detention and begin removal proceedings in court.”

Say, what…? Released from custody? Removal proceedings? Why would you release a felony rape suspect from the jurisdiction of his crime? Which he has confessed to, by the way. And remove him — that is, deport him… out of the USA… to where exactly? And into what legal apparatus? In what other country? With what obligation to prosecute crimes committed elsewhere in the world?

Meanwhile, attention in the case had shifted to the doctor in Indiana, one Caitlin Bernard, who performed the abortion. Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita joined the rumpus: “We’re gathering the evidence as we speak, and we’re going to fight this to the end, including looking at her licensure if she failed to report. And in Indiana, it’s a crime … to intentionally not report,” Rokita declared on Fox News.
It didn’t happen
What unspeakable ghoul would perform an abortion on a ten year old. I wonder...did she sedate her or just go jabbing her instrument up this child like that stinking chinawoman did to that little boy when she gave him the chinese covid test torture. How you say Nurse Ratchett in Chinese? I know you pronounce it 'HERO' here in blue states.
No menstruating girl
What unspeakable ghoul would perform an abortion on a ten year old.
What unspeakable ghoul would for a ten year old rape victim to birth that child?

You realize of course they would have to cut her open to make that happen right? A ten year old child can't pass a baby through the birth canal
The only fucking idiots are thev ones who thought there would really be a rapist.

Well, someone's been charged as a rapist - someone the girl's mother said was the father of the baby. When a 10-year-old girl is pregnant, there's a rapist - always.

But there's one other kind of fucking idiot: those who can't take the value of the evidence of the articles for what they're worth, choosing to accept or not accept as they will but, instead, keep asking stupid questions like "what's the Ohio doctor's name?"
What unspeakable ghoul would for a ten year old rape victim to birth that child?

You realize of course they would have to cut her open to make that happen right? A ten year old child can't pass a baby through the birth canal
She wasn’t pregnant because she was ten
Well, someone's been charged as a rapist - someone the girl's mother said was the father of the baby. When a 10-year-old girl is pregnant, there's a rapist - always.

But there's one other kind of fucking idiot: those who can't take the value of the evidence of the articles for what they're worth, choosing to accept or not accept as they will but, instead, keep asking stupid questions like "what's the Ohio doctor's name?"
You can't answer that because there is no child abuse doctor in Ohio. The girl's mother says that everything said about the accused rapist is a lie. Including that he raped the daughter. Yes. Someone has been charged as a rapist. He's going to walk. You know that right?
Who is 'we' kemosabe?

Perhaps if you're tracking things like website visits or mining data for advertising purposes. But when PII is also PHI (personal health information) or financial classified due to security clearance, a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request is required. And even if the request is granted (usually need a court order), information can be legally redacted.

Risk assessment. Many times, information security is handled on a case by case basis.

Wrong. Anonymized case data that cannot be used to identify the person about whom the case is, can be freely shared. For instance:

A girl had an abortion - shareable.
A 10-year-old girl had an abortion - shareable
A hispanic 10-year-old girl had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl in Columbus had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl in Columbus whose mother brought her illegally into the country this year had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl who live on Illegal-Immigrant Street in Columbus had an abortion - probably not shareable unless there are a LOT of illegal immigrant 10-year-old girls living on Illegal-Immigrant Street in Columbus.

If the information cannot be connected to or otherwise used to identify a specific person then it is not PII. That's why it's called "Personally" identifiable information.
You can't answer that because there is no child abuse doctor in Ohio. The girl's mother says that everything said about the accused rapist is a lie. Including that he raped the daughter. Yes. Someone has been charged as a rapist. He's going to walk. You know that right?
Fact. This girl was raped
Fact this 10 year old girl became pregnant because of that rape
Fact. This poor girl could not get an abortion because the SCOTUS over turned Roe and Ohio had a “trigger law” waiting to go

Those are the facts

Oh yea… and Fact. Right wing anti-abortion freaks claimed it never happened and then when faced with the reality that it did… are throwing everything possible against the wall trying to hide the horrendous results of over turning Roe
Fucking idiot

Within hours of the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortion access a constitutional right, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost filed a motion to immediately dissolve that court’s injunction. A judge approved it Friday afternoon.

Read more at:

At least you finally admit that abortion actually was NOT a right until the Supreme Court made it a right in Roe - something the Supreme Court doesn't have the authority to do that. Finally, you admit that abortion was never actually a constitutional right.
At least you finally admit that abortion actually was NOT a right until the Supreme Court made it a right in Roe - something the Supreme Court doesn't have the authority to do that. Finally, you admit that abortion was never actually a constitutional right.
That's not at all what I have said or implied
Hey Simp, nowhere in your link does he say it is a "hoax". He said there has been no evidence, as in no report from any abortion provider this 10 year old showed up for an abortion. Not reporting that would be a crime in Ohio, Simp.

But all the facts below ARE in your link that destroys your bullshit, you fucking idiot. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

The Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said his office didn't hear a 'whisper' about the 10-year-old girl who allegedly had to leave the state in order to get an abortion, and said there's 'no biological evidence' of the case as a rape kit was not performed.

'Even more telling, Jesse, my office runs the state crime lab. Any case like this, you're going to have a rape kit, you're going to have biological evidence, and you'd be looking for DNA analysis,' he said on Monday. 'There is no case request for analysis that looks anything like this.'

'We have regular contact with prosecutors and local police and sheriffs, not a whisper anywhere,' he told Fox News.
Yost also claimed he 'knows' the state prosecutors and cops in Ohio and said all of them would be 'turning over every rock in their jurisdiction if they had to slightest hint that this occurred there.'

The Buckeye State AG also said he doesn't even know if the 'originating doctor' exists and said it would be a crime for that doctor to not report the girl's alleged abuse to law enforcement, as she is a minor.

'In Ohio, rape of a 10-year-old means life in prison,' Yost declared.

Governor Mike DeWine's office has also said it has no record of the case, according to Fox News.

It was originally reported that the girl had to leave the state for an abortion due to trigger laws, but Yost told Fox News that that is incorrect.

'Ohio's heartbeat law has a medical exception, which is broader than just the life of the mother,' he said. 'This young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her - it breaks my heart to think about it - she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment.'
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