Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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In Ohio she absolutely was . In Indiana in a short time it will be illegal as well

That's HORRIFIC. Forcing a ten year old rape victim to have the child of her rapist?

Are you fucking kidding?
Shut the fuck up you constant liar. She wasn’t denied anything in Ohio and wouldn’t have been. Oh wait, not ONE abortion clinic in that state was even notified. She would not have been “forced to have the child” you idiot. You give not one shit about the girl, just your precious screeching about abortion.
The FACTS turned out to be the exact opposite.

is he that incompetent?

He wasted no time claiming that it hadn't happened without actually looking. He was FEEDING the hoax narrative

so people like you could spread it
Once again you are caught being a lying sack of shit.

He never said it didn't happen, he said there was no legal record of it, Simp. There wasn't at the time. And to date nobody has documented where she went to an abortion clinic in Ohio and was told no, Stupid.

Like I advised you earlier...................YOU SHOULD TAP OUT NOW, Dumbass.
You fucking liar.

Ohio law says abortion is outlawed after six weeks. No exceptions. She was further along than six weeks
Once again you are a lying sack of shit, Letch.

There are exceptions if the health/life of the mother are endangered. Clearly a 10 year old would be endangered by having a baby, Dumbass.

This is what the Ohio AG correctly pointed out.

None of your unhinged lunatic ravings will change the fact of this situation, Simp.
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost appeared on Fox News this week, casting doubt on the veracity of Dr. Caitlin Bernard's account that a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim needed to travel to Indiana for an abortion.

Yost, a Republican, doubled down on that in an interview with the USA TODAY Network Ohio bureau on Tuesday.

"Every day that goes by the more likely that this is a fabrication. I know the cops and prosecutors in this state. There's not one of them that wouldn't be turning over every rock, looking for this guy and they would have charged him," he said. "I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence. And shame on the Indianapolis paper that ran this thing on a single source who has an obvious axe to grind.""

Of course there was plenty of evidence (since the creep was charged days later)...he just didn't look for it and said all that shit or he LIED

So who's the bigger asshole...Yost or Nostra?

I call it a tie
You can't answer that because there is no child abuse doctor in Ohio. The girl's mother says that everything said about the accused rapist is a lie. Including that he raped the daughter. Yes. Someone has been charged as a rapist. He's going to walk. You know that right?
These morons also conveniently forget that the original doctor put the perp as a 17 year old, not 27. That may well get a court case dismissed. Now why did the doctor do that? Seems nobody really wants to touch that question.
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost appeared on Fox News this week, casting doubt on the veracity of Dr. Caitlin Bernard's account that a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim needed to travel to Indiana for an abortion.

Yost, a Republican, doubled down on that in an interview with the USA TODAY Network Ohio bureau on Tuesday.

"Every day that goes by the more likely that this is a fabrication. I know the cops and prosecutors in this state. There's not one of them that wouldn't be turning over every rock, looking for this guy and they would have charged him," he said. "I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence. And shame on the Indianapolis paper that ran this thing on a single source who has an obvious axe to grind.""

Of course there was plenty of evidence (since the creep was charged days later)...he just didn't look for it and said all that shit or he LIED

So who's the bigger asshole...Yost or Nostra?

I call it a tie
Of course there was plenty of evidence (since the creep was charged days later).

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
fortfuninsanity said:
Good God. Nice morals.

ECB's MORALS?? She didn't rape the child, cart her off to the abortionist, shout it to the world, defend him for the mom, or mislead the report. HER MORALS are fine. How about YOURS. THis activity is the norm in Mexico and south america...who are you to get your panties in a wad about it.
These morons also conveniently forget that the original doctor put the perp as a 17 year old, not 27. That may well get a court case dismissed. Now why did the doctor do that? Seems nobody really wants to touch that question.
The penalties are not as severe for a minor. And now we find out the rapist was also fucking mommy and mommy is pregnant. No abortion this time though.

It's the culture. This type of thing is just not unusual or frowned upon.
Why aren't y'all having cows over the guy not facing charges, trial and inarceration here? They're going to deport him to maybe his own country where this is nothing but standard traditional behavior.

Let's lay fault here at the feet of the PseudoBiden administration. If the border were protected these people wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be talking about it.
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost appeared on Fox News this week, casting doubt on the veracity of Dr. Caitlin Bernard's account that a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim needed to travel to Indiana for an abortion.

Yost, a Republican, doubled down on that in an interview with the USA TODAY Network Ohio bureau on Tuesday.

"Every day that goes by the more likely that this is a fabrication. I know the cops and prosecutors in this state. There's not one of them that wouldn't be turning over every rock, looking for this guy and they would have charged him," he said. "I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence. And shame on the Indianapolis paper that ran this thing on a single source who has an obvious axe to grind.""

Of course there was plenty of evidence (since the creep was charged days later)...he just didn't look for it and said all that shit or he LIED

So who's the bigger asshole...Yost or Nostra?

I call it a tie
You’re the biggest asshole. Not one thing Yost stated was wrong. Not one clinic in Ohio notified. No legal paperwork filed stating a rape had occurred (that itself is illegal). The original doctor lying and stating a 17 year old was involved, not a 27 year old. This whole thing stinks and you eat it up and ask for more.
My comment was in response to Woodwork201 who stupidly claimed "If the mother dies, the baby dies".

That's not at all true...
You're suggesting that if a pregnant mother dies her baby lives on it's own? Like viability? Or what?

Until viability, if the mother dies, how does the baby live?
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