Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Why aren't y'all having cows over the guy not facing charges, trial and inarceration here? They're going to deport him to maybe his own country where this is nothing but standard traditional behavior.

Let's lay fault here at the feet of the PseudoBiden administration. If the border were protected these people wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be talking about it.
He's not going to be deported. There is no one to testify against him. Not one witness. If they have DNA evidence it can only prove statutory rape. Meaning he will walk with time served.

The ten year old's mother is also pregnant with this man's baby. She's not getting an abortion. She will plead that she needs him to take care of the baby. Otherwise the headlines will be "United States deports the father of a newborn."
Ohhh..."the culture"

So you're also a fucking bigot.


Any other excuses?
It's the culture. They just don't have the same ideas about sex with children as we do. Now, I'm not willing to accept that as civilized behavior. You are. Recognizing this as barbarism to you is bigoted. That might be one of your worst character flaws.
Hey asshole. Read this slowly


Everything he said was either a lie or he's the most incompetent AG (with the biggest mouth) in the country
Link us up to his lies, Simp.
Here is a sampling of the "nobody called it a Hoax" folks...CALLING IT A HOAX

The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist (thread title of several similar threads)

Insane much? The story is fake.

i think it’s important to call out propaganda and hoax like this often and repeatedly…hopefully it will stop and we can discuss real issues

Not at all difficult to smell a rat on this one, and yes indeed, ESPECIALLY doctors who kill babies for a living would be crazy enough to manufacture a story like this and think they could get away with it. Absolutely.

Anyone want to calculate the odds of this happening?

It sounds like a fake story designed (poorly) to try and play on people's emotions to charge them.

10 year old girl denied an abortion. Border patrol agents whipped innocent criminal invaders.
Joe Biden was legitimately elected president.

The pattern of lies is chilling.

The police would investigate. There would be a record of a case.

No record, because it's fiction.

The mother says her daughter is fine. Everything said about Fuentes is a lie. Presumably calling him a rapist is a lie also. Which makes the rape a hoax.

The reason everyone thought it was a hoax

There’s no victim, hoax post something of evidence
Here is a sampling of the "nobody called it a Hoax" folks...CALLING IT A HOAX

The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist (thread title of several similar threads)

cerainly smelled like one considering the AG of the state was saying their was no criminal probe.

turns out l, the dems were attempting to cover for the illegal alien they raped the girl and the doctor is being investigated for not reporting as required to
cerainly smelled like one considering the AG of the state was saying their was no criminal probe.

turns out l, the dems were attempting to cover for the illegal alien they raped the girl and the doctor is being investigated for not reporting as required to
You all bit into that Republican bullshit like you do every time
Here is a sampling of the "nobody called it a Hoax" folks...CALLING IT A HOAX

The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist (thread title of several similar threads)

How does that prove the girl exists?
Here is a sampling of the "nobody called it a Hoax" folks...CALLING IT A HOAX

The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist (thread title of several similar threads)

Not one iota of shame from me. Yours is the party of lies and hoaxes. So you got one sickeningly, tragically right--one of your illegal aliens raped a poor 10 year old. And she got pregnant. Congrats, you "win".
You all bit into that Republican bullshit like you do every time
we just reported what the AG stated at the time. The fact he was r aware was because the dem abortion doctor was attempting to help protect the illegal

Less than an hour after it was announced that the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost filed a motion to lift an injunction against Ohio's "heartbeat bill."

And by last Friday evening, the bill — officially called the "Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act" — became law.

The law bans abortions in Ohio after six weeks of gestation. It is called the "Heartbeat Protection Act" because physicians are required to determine if there is a detectable fetal heartbeat before conducting an abortion. If there is, the procedure cannot move forward.

The law does provide two exceptions, however. An abortion can be conducted after the six-week mark if a physician finds the procedure "necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman." It can also be conducted if there is no fetal heartbeat.

The state defines conditions that pose a serious risk to a pregnant person as:
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Inevitable abortion
  • Premature rupture of the membranes

It does not include:
  • "A condition related to the woman's mental health"
The law contains no exceptions for rape or incest. It also only applies to what the state describes as "intrauterine pregnancies."

Physicians are required to record and report the medical condition necessitating each patient's abortion and the "medical rationale" behind their decision. That documentation must be kept by the doctor for at least seven years.

Pregnant people are also required to sign a form acknowledging the presence of a fetal heartbeat and the statistical probability the fetus could be carried to term, as told to them by their physician.

Doctors who perform an abortion in violation of the law can be charged with a fifth-degree felony.
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we just reported what the AG stated at the time. The fact he was r aware was because the dem abortion doctor was attempting to help protect the illegal
Bull crap once again!

The abortion was June 30th and the doctor filed ALL REQUIRED PAPERWORK, on July 2nd.

The Ohio agency, child protective service I believe, where the mother first went to, was responsible for filing a sexual abuse report in Ohio.

This republican, Ohio State dude lying and defaming her at every turn on FOX, is gonna get his ass sued...
You are the liar.

The Ohio AG correctly points out she could have had her abortion in Ohio.
He did not point it out, he lied.

It is not in the bill. There is no exception for rape or incest.

And also no mental health excuse allowed.

And this child was not guaranteed to die, if she went through gestation.

And the child was not guaranteed to damage her organs, permanent physical harm if she went through pregnancy.

Those conditions are not present.

The risk is a little higher for 10 to 15 year old girls to have problems, but they are no guarantee that they would happen.....

The law does provide two exceptions, however. An abortion can be conducted after the six-week mark if a physician finds the procedure "necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman." It can also be conducted if there is no fetal heartbeat.

The state defines conditions that pose a serious risk to a pregnant person as:

  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Inevitable abortion
  • Premature rupture of the membranes

It does not include:
  • "A condition related to the woman's mental health"
The law contains no exceptions for rape or incest. It also only applies to what the state describes as "intrauterine pregnancies."

Physicians are required to record and report the medical condition necessitating each patient's abortion and the "medical rationale" behind their decision. That documentation must be kept by the doctor for at least seven years.

Pregnant people are also required to sign a form acknowledging the presence of a fetal heartbeat and the statistical probability the fetus could be carried to term, as told to them by their physician.

Doctors who perform an abortion in violation of the law can be charged with a fifth-degree felony

Therefore the abortion in Ohio is illegal.
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