Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Wrong. Anonymized case data that cannot be used to identify the person about whom the case is, can be freely shared. For instance:

A girl had an abortion - shareable.
A 10-year-old girl had an abortion - shareable
A hispanic 10-year-old girl had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl in Columbus had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl in Columbus whose mother brought her illegally into the country this year had an abortion - shareable
An illegal immigrant 10-year-old girl who live on Illegal-Immigrant Street in Columbus had an abortion - probably not shareable unless there are a LOT of illegal immigrant 10-year-old girls living on Illegal-Immigrant Street in Columbus.

If the information cannot be connected to or otherwise used to identify a specific person then it is not PII. That's why it's called "Personally" identifiable information.
Ah so you're a fucking idiot that knows absolutely nothing about information security nor PII. Appreciate the heads-up. :113:
What's needed is a Dem Senate with balls enough to expand the SCOTUS and negate this activist radical right wing Court
And the next time Reps are in control they expand it to 175 with all Conservative judges.

Wake the fuck up, Moron.
Fact. This girl was raped
Fact this 10 year old girl became pregnant because of that rape
Fact. This poor girl could not get an abortion because the SCOTUS over turned Roe and Ohio had a “trigger law” waiting to go

Those are the facts

Oh yea… and Fact. Right wing anti-abortion freaks claimed it never happened and then when faced with the reality that it did… are throwing everything possible against the wall trying to hide the horrendous results of over turning Roe
FACT. The rape is only because of a white supremacy law.
FACT. The mother of the ten year old said there was no rape. It is all a lie.
FACT. The only reason why the girl and her mother went to Indiana was to conceal the identity of the man who had sex with a nine year old girl. More than once.
Hey Simp, nowhere in your link does he say it is a "hoax". He said there has been no evidence, as in no report from any abortion provider this 10 year old showed up for an abortion. Not reporting that would be a crime in Ohio, Simp.

But all the facts below ARE in your link that destroys your bullshit, you fucking idiot. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

The Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said his office didn't hear a 'whisper' about the 10-year-old girl who allegedly had to leave the state in order to get an abortion, and said there's 'no biological evidence' of the case as a rape kit was not performed.

'Even more telling, Jesse, my office runs the state crime lab. Any case like this, you're going to have a rape kit, you're going to have biological evidence, and you'd be looking for DNA analysis,' he said on Monday. 'There is no case request for analysis that looks anything like this.'

'We have regular contact with prosecutors and local police and sheriffs, not a whisper anywhere,' he told Fox News.
Yost also claimed he 'knows' the state prosecutors and cops in Ohio and said all of them would be 'turning over every rock in their jurisdiction if they had to slightest hint that this occurred there.'

The Buckeye State AG also said he doesn't even know if the 'originating doctor' exists and said it would be a crime for that doctor to not report the girl's alleged abuse to law enforcement, as she is a minor.

'In Ohio, rape of a 10-year-old means life in prison,' Yost declared.

Governor Mike DeWine's office has also said it has no record of the case, according to Fox News.

It was originally reported that the girl had to leave the state for an abortion due to trigger laws, but Yost told Fox News that that is incorrect.

'Ohio's heartbeat law has a medical exception, which is broader than just the life of the mother,' he said. 'This young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her - it breaks my heart to think about it - she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment.'
You just detailed all the bullshit Yost claimed in his effort to support the hoax claim

The perp was yea...he's either MASSIVELY incompetent or lying
Here's the latest update!

Telemundo Reporter Confirms Woman’s Domestic Relationship in Ohio Child Rape Case – Mother is Pregnant by Her Child’s Rapist! (VIDEO)​

No 10 year old is physically capable of having a baby. It would have done immeasurable harm to her body to force her to even try.

Isn't it wonderful that your wife had that choice. Too bad you'd take it away from everyone else.

There have been plenty of 9-year-old girls who have given birth. What the risks are or the likelihood of death to the mother, I don't know. If the 10-year-old, in this case, girl and her doctor and her mother agree that the risk is too high and medical evidence supports that, then do what's necessary; I've never said differently.
FACT. The mother of the ten year old said there was no rape. It is all a lie.
The fact that someone had sex with a ten year old by definition is RAPE ya fucking piece of shit
FACT. The only reason why the girl and her mother went to Indiana was to conceal the identity of the man who had sex with a nine year old girl. More than once.
Bullshit. Abortion is outlawed in Ohio past six weeks...regardless of rape or incest.

you have ZERO credibility here after claiming this was a hoax. Fuck off
The fact that someone had sex with a ten year old by definition is RAPE ya fucking piece of shit

Bullshit. Abortion is outlawed in Ohio past six weeks...regardless of rape or incest.

you have ZERO credibility here after claiming this was a hoax. Fuck off
It's rape only because there is a white man's law against it.
You just detailed all the bullshit Yost claimed in his effort to support the hoax claim

The perp was yea...he's either MASSIVELY incompetent or lying
Hey you stupid Dimtard Halfwit, the guy wasn't arrested until after your link.

And once again you are a lying sack of shit by claiming he said it was a 'hoax".

You should tap out now, you unhinged lunatic.
WTF are you babbling about?
This is statutory rape. There is a statute, a law in a lawbook that says an adult having sex with a minor is rape. The girl's mother says that it's all lies. There was no rape. Obviously there was because the girl was pregnant. What mom means is there was no forcible rape. No tearful, traumatized girl. The girl is fine.

Since the authorities will never prove that there was force or fear involved, all they are left with is statutory rape. Fuentes will likely get off with time served and not even be deported.
This is statutory rape. There is a statute, a law in a lawbook that says an adult having sex with a minor is rape. The girl's mother says that it's all lies. There was no rape. Obviously there was because the girl was pregnant. What mom means is there was no forcible rape. No tearful, traumatized girl. The girl is fine.

Since the authorities will never prove that there was force or fear involved, all they are left with is statutory rape. Fuentes will likely get off with time served and not even be deported.
And now the mom is pregnant with his child.
Let's remember that these pieces of shit were claiming that this was all a hoax...with NO evidence

Have any apologized for that?

Of course not

They are scum

No one claimed it was a hoax without evidence. They claimed it a possible hoax because there was no evidence it was not and the criminal evidence of failure to report raised doubts.

I know you and your ilk were excited about the rape and wanted it to be true so badly, and now you're thrilled that it seems more likely to be true but the opposite of your view is that everyone else wanted it to not be true; wanted there to not be a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio or anywhere else.

But you leftists don't care a bit about the girl; only about the abortion. For instance, where was the outrage in these cases where leftist judges let child rapists walk. I hear these stories very often.

No one claimed it was a hoax without evidence.

They claimed it a possible hoax because there was no evidence it was not and the criminal evidence of failure to report raised doubts.
That's a distinction without a difference...and if you read the various threads on this site a shitload of your cynical bastards were claiming that it WAS a hoax. Of course you had no evidence of that because there was none
That's a distinction without a difference...and if you read the various threads on this site a shitload of your cynical bastards were claiming that it WAS a hoax. Of course you had no evidence of that because there was none
YOU claimed the Ohio AG called it a "hoax".

You lied, Fuckwit. When are you going to admit that?
No, he didn't. He stated facts.
The FACTS turned out to be the exact opposite.

is he that incompetent?

He wasted no time claiming that it hadn't happened without actually looking. He was FEEDING the hoax narrative

so people like you could spread it
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