Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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You are full of shit. The Ohio AG has stated you are full of shit, and he would be the one who prosecuted anyone who performed an abortion on this girl.

Why do you morons keep trying to deny the reality of this situation?
The Ohio AG is not a gynecologist. The law allows no exception for risk.... You have to know she will die or know she will be permanently damaged in bodily function.....under the law as written.

Neither of those things are guaranteed in the young girl's case. She could bear a normal child, physically unscathed with a c- section
The Ohio AG is not a gynecologist. The law allows no exception for risk.... You have to know she will die or know she will be permanently damaged in bodily function.....

Neither of those things are guaranteed in the young girl's case. She could bear a normal child, unscathed.
No, he is no gynecologist. But he is the leading law enforcement officer in the state.

This is a matter of law that the leading law enforcement officer of the state says she would be able to get an abortion in Ohio.

You clowns just won't give up, no matter how stupid you look. :cuckoo:
The Ohio AG is who is full of shit.
Perhaps he is just more educated than you are, Simp.

No, he is no gynecologist. But he is the leading law enforcement officer in the state.

This is a matter of law that the leading law enforcement officer of the state says she would be able to get an abortion in Ohio.

You clowns just won't give up, no matter how stupid you look. :cuckoo:
The law is not clear, and is not written that way, for a gynecologist to know it would be legal....or their lawyers to advise them that it would be legal. That's a problem, that needs amending, in the law.
Perhaps he is just more educated than you are, Simp.

Does a young girl pregnancy kill her, in the USA? No it would likely not kill the girl.

Will the pregnancy permanently harm her bodily function in the future if she bears the child? If they perform a c section, which they would, it is UNLIKELY she would be permanently harmed for life.

Will she be mentally harmed by going through pregnancy at 10? YES! But there is no mental health exception.
The law in ohio, as it is written, would not allow an abortion in this case, without fear of the gynecologist going to jail for it.

I read the article, and was the first to link it, and I read the Ohio fetal heartbeat law, and the language does not cover the 10-15 yr old girl at risk because her pelvis is not fully developed yet....according to abortionist doctors.

Did you read the ScienceDirect article? Can you find me credible obstetricians that would encourage this young girl to "go to term"? Here's the weirdest part. You're still worried about her pelvis. OBGYNs are worried about her potential organ damage, loss of reproductive ability, permanently retarded PHYSICAL growth or EVEN DEATH from all of the above.

Why are you even DEFENDING forcing a 10 yr old to TERM? How does that fit with a PRO-CHOICE stance?

The Ohio AG said clearly -- The "emergency medical clause would DEFINITELY cover this situation". How and WHY are you arguing it would not?

The Ohio fetal heart beat bill allows two exceptions.. 1, the woman is dying and you have to perform an abortion to save her life. That was NOT THE CASE with the 10 yr o!d girl.

2. The doctor is certain the woman will have permanent damage to her bodily organs and function that is in-repairable. THAT TOO, was NOT the case with this 10 year old girl.

It does not say those things. Does NOT SAY "dying". Does not say IMMINENT risk. "Let's wait and see". What it says is
Knowingly performing or inducing an abortion once a fetal heartbeat has been detected, unless designed or intended to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman
Statutory Definition of Legal AbortionIn the physician's reasonable medical judgment, an abortion that is designed or intended to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman

It DOES NOT SAY the physician has to WAIT until "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function" OCCURS. And in the CASE of 10 yr old (impregnated at 9 yrs old) MOST OBGYNs and Pediatricians and every OTHER speciality involved will consider a pregant 10 year

BY ITSELF -- to be a "serious risk".

Please answer my bolded question above. I CANNOT understand WHY you oppose abortions on pregnant 10 yr abused and raped girls. Or are questioning the AG of a state on his opinion on the matter. ALL charges on physician's liability on abortion must pass HIS approval. He could crush a faulty lawsuit anytime in his state.
Did you read the ScienceDirect article? Can you find me credible obstetricians that would encourage this young girl to "go to term"? Here's the weirdest part. You're still worried about her pelvis. OBGYNs are worried about her potential organ damage, loss of reproductive ability, permanently retarded PHYSICAL growth or EVEN DEATH from all of the above.

Why are you even DEFENDING forcing a 10 yr old to TERM? How does that fit with a PRO-CHOICE stance?

The Ohio AG said clearly -- The "emergency medical clause would DEFINITELY cover this situation". How and WHY are you arguing it would not?

It does not say those things. Does NOT SAY "dying". Does not say IMMINENT risk. "Let's wait and see". What it says is

It DOES NOT SAY the physician has to WAIT until "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function" OCCURS. And in the CASE of 10 yr old (impregnated at 9 yrs old) MOST OBGYNs and Pediatricians and every OTHER speciality involved will consider a pregant 10 year

BY ITSELF -- to be a "serious risk".

Please answer my bolded question above. I CANNOT understand WHY you oppose abortions on pregnant 10 yr abused and raped girls. Or are questioning the AG of a state on his opinion on the matter. ALL charges on physician's liability on abortion must pass HIS approval. He could crush a faulty lawsuit anytime in his state.
No OBGYN would want a 10 year old to go through pregnancy, none! But the Ohio law, is not clear to allow them to perform one without legal advice and chancing a felony and court case, and damage to their practice is what I read the gynecologists have said on it.

I read a 'live science' article on it....describing the physical problems that occur in third world countries, but not likely in countries like ours with advanced medicine....would she have permanent physical harm..... There would be a higher risk for a child, but there is also a much higher risk of a pregnant black woman dying, than a white woman having a baby too, yet there is no exception for her either.

An abortion can be conducted after the six-week mark if a physician finds the procedure "necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman." It can also be conducted if there is no fetal heartbeat

Where does the 10 yr old fit in to these two exceptions? I don't think it is as clear as you or the AG thinks.
No OBGYN would want a 10 year old to go through pregnancy, none! But the Ohio law, is not clear to allow them to perform one without legal advice and chancing a felony and court case, and damage to their practice is what I read the gynecologists have said on it

No - its very clear. And that explains why you WISH the state of Ohio would force the 10 yr rape victim thru that dangerous physical and mental torture. But that's a NOT a good look for the "pro-choice" side just to TRY to win an argument about the abortion directors' tweet.

It IS clear. Even from what you said. Because to CHARGE a physician for doing that abortion that the young girl is ENTITLED to under the actual WORDING of the law -- you'd have to FIND OBGYNs that would TESTIFY that it would be all be honky dory to force her to term.

And NO ONE is gonna find medical experts to TAKE that position in a FIRST WORLD country
. Or medical societies ADVOCATING 10 yrs to term. If you put down the tribal warrior weapons and THOUGHT about what you just said -- you would have found the logical error in your thinking.

THIS -- is the crux of the matter. US voters haven't HAD to understand and think and argue about the nuances of WHERE the abortion lines SHOULD be drawn. They can NOT be drawn at the extremist positions. Either outlawing abortion almost completely or ALLOWING abortion in the 3rd trimester or even DURING birth wont do. I'm a moderate on where this end up. I've got NO PARTY loyalties. Got no dogma here. But I got a lot appreciation about science and medicine and the people of this country have to INVEST in learning some. So that reasonable abortion accommodations DO GET MADE.

I certainly dont understand the COMPLETE dysfunction of the mother or her rapist lover. But I DO understand that SupCt was NOT THE VENUE to DETERMINE where the line gets drawn. It's gonna be LOUD and it's gonna be combative. But these convos are NECESSARY to come to 50 "reasonable decisions". And the PEOPLE will be responsible for 50 outcomes.
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Does a young girl pregnancy kill her, in the USA? No it would likely not kill the girl.

Will the pregnancy permanently harm her bodily function in the future if she bears the child? If they perform a c section, which they would, it is UNLIKELY she would be permanently harmed for life.

Will she be mentally harmed by going through pregnancy at 10? YES! But there is no mental health exception.
For some reason I feel the need to take the expert medical opinion of numerous MDs in the field vs some single digit IQ simpleton Dimtard on a messgeboard.
No - its very clear. And that explains why you WISH the state of Ohio would force the 10 yr rape victim thru that dangerous physical and mental torture. But that's a NOT a good look for the "pro-choice" side just to TRY to win an argument about the abortion directors' tweet
What a crock of shit! It's below you....way below you!

Or maybe not? :(

No one on the left wanted that little girl to go through this, or have to travel to another state to get the medical treatment she needed..... Ohio law, the way it is written, makes the doctors afraid of legal action against them, if they gave her an abortion. The bill has over regulated, squashing their ability to do what is right for the health of this girl or any pregnant girl 15yrs and under, carrying a pregnancy.

This bill you seem to love or defend, also gave NO EXCEPTION for the mental health of a raped child going through pregnancy with a child. Nor any exception for any raped victim.

The bill needs to be rewritten, to cover these type of scenarios, clearly.

Why are you against the legislature doing that....?
What a crock of shit! It's below you....way below you!

Or maybe not? :(

No one on the left wanted that little girl to go through this, or have to travel to another state to get the medical treatment she needed..... Ohio law, the way it is written, makes the doctors afraid of legal action against them, if they gave her an abortion. The bill has over regulated, squashing their ability to do what is right for the health of this girl or any pregnant girl 15yrs and under, carrying a pregnancy.

This bill you seem to love or defend, also gave NO EXCEPTION for the mental health of a raped child going through pregnancy with a child. Nor any exception for any raped victim.

The bill needs to be rewritten, to cover these type of scenarios, clearly.

Why are you against the legislature doing that....?
You are still lying. She did not have to leave Ohio to get her abortion.
Dude. It's not a matter of HOW PREGNANT a 10 yr old is. SHE NEEDS an abortion ASAP. Because America doesn't have 10 yr old girls "going to term". It IS A FUCKING MEDICAL EMERGENCY for the life of the mother. See the ScienceDirect link above. Take a break and get a clue.

There was no reason for that girl to put her fate in the hands of the government. Maybe they would have let her get an abortion. Maybe they would have challenged it. She did the right thing. She went to a state where she, with her mother, was in control of her body.
No - its very clear. And that explains why you WISH the state of Ohio would force the 10 yr rape victim thru that dangerous physical and mental torture. But that's a NOT a good look for the "pro-choice" side just to TRY to win an argument about the abortion directors' tweet.

It IS clear. Even from what you said. Because to CHARGE a physician for doing that abortion that the young girl is ENTITLED to under the actual WORDING of the law -- you'd have to FIND OBGYNs that would TESTIFY that it would be all be honky dory to force her to term.

And NO ONE is gonna find medical experts to TAKE that position in a FIRST WORLD country
. Or medical societies ADVOCATING 10 yrs to term. If you put down the tribal warrior weapons and THOUGHT about what you just said -- you would have found the logical error in your thinking.

THIS -- is the crux of the matter. US voters haven't HAD to understand and think and argue about the nuances of WHERE the abortion lines SHOULD be drawn. They can NOT be drawn at the extremist positions. Either outlawing abortion almost completely or ALLOWING abortion in the 3rd trimester or even DURING birth wont do. I'm a moderate on where this end up. I've got NO PARTY loyalties. Got no dogma here. But I got a lot appreciation about science and medicine and the people of this country have to INVEST in learning some. So that reasonable abortion accommodations DO GET MADE.

I certainly dont understand the COMPLETE dysfunction of the mother or her rapist lover. But I DO understand that SupCt was NOT THE VENUE to DETERMINE where the line gets drawn. It's gonna be LOUD and it's gonna be combative. But these convos are NECESSARY to come to 50 "reasonable decisions". And the PEOPLE will be responsible for 50 outcomes.

If it were as "clear" as you suggest, they would have included exceptions based on age. It's not clear so the girl went to a state where it is. Who knows why that's a problem for you?
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