Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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she did.

Indiana Dr. Caitlin Bernard reported 10-year-old Ohio girl's abortion, records show​

Tony Cook
Indianapolis Star July 15, 2022

The Indiana physician who provided abortion services to a 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped disclosed the abortion in a form filed with the Indiana Department of Health and the Department of Child Services, according to documents obtained by IndyStar through a public records request.
Indiana Dr. Caitlin Bernard reported 10-year-old Ohio girl's abortion, records show

oh & guess what?

Doctor who provided abortion for Ohio girl files claim for damages against Todd Rokita​

Tony Cook
Indianapolis Star July 10, 2022

Dr. Caitlin Bernard, who was cast into the national spotlight after providing abortion services for a 10-year-old Ohio girl, has filed a claim for damages against Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita ― a first step toward a possible defamation lawsuit.
Attorneys for Bernard sent a tort claim notice Tuesday to Rokita seeking unspecified damages for security costs, legal fees, reputational harm, and emotional distress. The tort claim triggers a 90-day period for Rokita to investigate or settle the claim. After that, Bernard can file a lawsuit.

“Mr. Rokita’s false and misleading statements about alleged misconduct by Dr. Bernard in her profession constitute defamation per se," the notice says. "The statements have been and continue to be published by or on behalf of Mr. Rokita and the Office of the Attorney General. To the extent that these statements exceed the general scope of Mr. Rokita’s authority as Indiana’s Attorney General, the statement forms the basis of an actionable defamation claim against Mr. Rokita individually.”
Doctor who provided abortion for Ohio girl files claim for damages against Todd Rokita

lol... ^^^ THAT ^^^
still only newspapers, no government agencies. why?
playtime , cool, post the agency confirming the story.

what would be even MORE fantastic - would be for you to post their denial. she's taking the AG to court. the facts will come out.... & you can also try to 'splain why she would go after him then?

lol .
what would be even MORE fantastic - would be for you to post their denial. she's taking the AG to court. the facts will come out.... & you can also try to 'splain why she would go after him then?

lol .
the AG getting sued? your post right?

To make it seem like it happened when nothing yet says it did.
How about 12 year olds

14 year olds

17 year olds

Seems like there’s a lot of exceptions… but there actually are none
Well if it doesn't physically endanger them, then no exception......10 year olds do pass that. I mean stay on topic....
1 she is not going to die or likely not die from pregnancy right then and there, and/or will not face death without having an abortion.

2 she will not likely suffer permanent harm to her bodily functions, if she went through full gestation, here in the USA. If her pelvic is not fully developed, a c section is performed.

Well Doc Care4All -- how many obstetricians you know are FULLY on board with coaxing a 10 yr old rape victim thru birth? Just the METABOLIC LOAD on body that small that's in PEAK GROWTH mode could damage organs, severely retard HER growth. And the mechanical strain WILL damage her reproductive abilities WELL BEFORE BIRTH.

You got Pix of a 6 or 7 month pregnant 10 year old? Probably NOT from the US of A. We DONT LET 10 yr old girls "go to term" IN THIS COUNTRY... It's barbaric.

A 10-year-old girl in Colombia recently gave birth via caesarian section, placing her among the youngest mothers in the world. Though the girl is now recovering, her case highlights the dangers of pregnancy before maturity, doctors say.

"No 10-year-old anywhere in the world should be having a baby," Lewis Wall, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, told LiveScience.

According to Good Morning America, the 10-year-old girl, a member of the Wayuu tribe in Manaure, Colombia, delivered a 5-pound (2.26 kilogram) baby girl. The age of the father is not known, but Colombian police reportedly cannot press charges as the tribe is under its own jurisdiction.

"Any 10-year-old who is pregnant has already been abused significantly by somebody," he said. "That probably should go without saying."

"The placenta preferentially will take nutrition from the mother, who really is a child," said Sherry Thomas, an ob/gyn at Mission Community Hospital in Panorama City, Calif. That means that the developing fetus will leach calcium and other nutrients from a child who should still be growing herself. Likewise, pregnancy puts a major strain on the cardiovascular system, according to Wall. Pregnant women have about 50 percent more blood circulating through their bodies compared with non-pregnant women. [8 Odd Bodily Changes During Pregnancy]


Only in tribal primitive cultures....

A pregnant 10 yr old RAPE VICTIM is a FUCKING MEDICAL EMERGENCY !!! The AG of Ohio MADE IT CLEAR that child was eligible to be properly treated IN THE STATE OF OHIO !!!

What cranny of the web gave you the idea that having 10 yrs old deliver CEASAREAN OR NOT -- was a civilized thing to do?

The emotional PANTING in this thread is over-whelming common sense. And it's all sparked by people LOSING THEIR MINDS to politics.
Your story is made up by your right wing faux media.... It's all right wing media specu!action and tabloid shit because your media, is in it for ONLY political reasons, not facts or truth.

Your media sucks, they lack in journalism standards. The newspaper that reported it, got it right, and continued to get it right by follow through. They were there for the 27yr old being arraigned... Your media made up shit, sitting at a computer reading what others reported and twisting a wild story out of the reporting of others trying to investigate. The Right wing AG made up shit on tv, instead of finding out the truth...

This STORY GOT WORSE EVERY DAY. There was PLENTY of lying going around the mother, the baby-father, the Ohio abortion counselor. That Ohio abortion counselor that couldn't control herself because she wanted to LIE about "referring a pregnant 10 yr to another state" IS FACTUALLY CORRECT. BECAUSE of the Ohio CONFIRMING that a "10 yr old PREGNANT mother" is IN ITSELF -- a medical emergency for that mother.

ALL media didn't have the WHOLE story for DAYS after that abortion director HAD to score some political pts on Twitter with that Tweet. The story GOT 19 TIMES UGLIER and sadder after that.

NOBODY needs to score political pts here. TELEMUNDO did a doorway interview with the mom about 2 days after the tweet. I SAW IT. When the mother started crying "He's NOT a bad man", I KNEW who the rapist was. Then we find out the baby momma HERSELF is pregnant by this illegal immigrant. WHOOPEE -- let's all trash the RIGHT WING media. FOR WHAT? The TWEET WAS A LIE. STILL IS. Right-Wing media got it RIGHTER than the Left. But NOT as right as REAL journalist from Telemundo going and knocking on a door. NO FANCY analysts. NO annoying egotistical anchors. Just the facts.
The AG said a lot of shit. Most of it wrong. Most of it dishonest

The Ohio AG has been spot on. The lie about FORCING this abortion out of state is STILL A LIE. See my posts above. The mother being probably an honest abused woman herself most likely told the Ohio abortion clinic the truth about the rapist. THEN -- there was NO CHANCE of protecting the precious "He's a good man" baby daddy. Because that OHIO clinic would HAVE TO FILE A REPORT on the rape. ALONG WITH rape kit tests, and possibly preserving fetal tissue DNA.

SO -- the OHIO abortion director recommended she GO OUT OF STATE to avoid the reporting. That was "the referral". But in DOING SO probably counseled the woman to lie about knowledge of rapist. WHICH SHE DID IN INDIANA, Said the rapist was 17. The papers filed THERE ARE LEGALLY USELESS and there's fetal DNA to enable a prosecution.

As opposed to YOUR negative screaching on this matter, The Ohio AG is one of the more RESPONSIBLE parties in this sordid tale.
Though very possible, not necessarily. It would have ended up in the courts to determine if she could get an abortion and potentially pass a date where she could legally get one anywhere unless a doctor determined her life was at risk, which it wasn't at 6 weeks.

Dude. It's not a matter of HOW PREGNANT a 10 yr old is. SHE NEEDS an abortion ASAP. Because America doesn't have 10 yr old girls "going to term". It IS A FUCKING MEDICAL EMERGENCY for the life of the mother. See the ScienceDirect link above. Take a break and get a clue.
Dude. It's not a matter of HOW PREGNANT a 10 yr old is. SHE NEEDS an abortion ASAP. Because America doesn't have 10 yr old girls "going to term". It IS A FUCKING MEDICAL EMERGENCY for the life of the mother. See the ScienceDirect link above. Take a break and get a clue.
Facts are not on his side.

Well Doc Care4All -- how many obstetricians you know are FULLY on board with coaxing a 10 yr old rape victim thru birth? Just the METABOLIC LOAD on body that small that's in PEAK GROWTH mode could damage organs, severely retard HER growth. And the mechanical strain WILL damage her reproductive abilities WELL BEFORE BIRTH.

You got Pix of a 6 or 7 month pregnant 10 year old? Probably NOT from the US of A. We DONT LET 10 yr old girls "go to term" IN THIS COUNTRY... It's barbaric.

A 10-year-old girl in Colombia recently gave birth via caesarian section, placing her among the youngest mothers in the world. Though the girl is now recovering, her case highlights the dangers of pregnancy before maturity, doctors say.

"No 10-year-old anywhere in the world should be having a baby," Lewis Wall, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, told LiveScience.

According to Good Morning America, the 10-year-old girl, a member of the Wayuu tribe in Manaure, Colombia, delivered a 5-pound (2.26 kilogram) baby girl. The age of the father is not known, but Colombian police reportedly cannot press charges as the tribe is under its own jurisdiction.

"Any 10-year-old who is pregnant has already been abused significantly by somebody," he said. "That probably should go without saying."

"The placenta preferentially will take nutrition from the mother, who really is a child," said Sherry Thomas, an ob/gyn at Mission Community Hospital in Panorama City, Calif. That means that the developing fetus will leach calcium and other nutrients from a child who should still be growing herself. Likewise, pregnancy puts a major strain on the cardiovascular system, according to Wall. Pregnant women have about 50 percent more blood circulating through their bodies compared with non-pregnant women. [8 Odd Bodily Changes During Pregnancy]


Only in tribal primitive cultures....

A pregnant 10 yr old RAPE VICTIM is a FUCKING MEDICAL EMERGENCY !!! The AG of Ohio MADE IT CLEAR that child was eligible to be properly treated IN THE STATE OF OHIO !!!

What cranny of the web gave you the idea that having 10 yrs old deliver CEASAREAN OR NOT -- was a civilized thing to do?

The emotional PANTING in this thread is over-whelming common sense. And it's all sparked by people LOSING THEIR MINDS to politics.
The law in ohio, as it is written, would not allow an abortion in this case, without fear of the gynecologist going to jail for it.

I read the article, and was the first to link it, and I read the Ohio fetal heartbeat law, and the language does not cover the 10-15 yr old girl at risk because her pelvis is not fully developed yet....according to abortionist doctors.

In the USA, a C section would be given to the young girl .....which would avoid all of those problems of an underdeveloped pelvic bone that can cause an opening. And those openings, if they do occur, can be sewn up, and fixed. My best friend had that complication when she delivered her second child, and had surgery to sew her up, the right way. So it is not permanent bodily harm.

The Ohio fetal heart beat bill allows two exceptions.. 1, the woman is dying and you have to perform an abortion to save her life. That was NOT THE CASE with the 10 yr o!d girl.

2. The doctor is certain the woman will have permanent damage to her bodily organs and function that is in-repairable. THAT TOO, was NOT the case with this 10 year old girl.

The law is causing all kinds of problems with women getting the healthcare that they need, because of the way it is written, not just this 10 year old, but with women miscarrying, and women with a certain cancer etc....

Doctors are scared to death of these individual situations, because of all the legal ramifications that could occur.... Lawyers are having to be called before giving healthcare they would normally not hesitate to do.

The Ohio law also has no exception for mental health damage and concerns, which the 10 yr old would have Qualified, and again no exception for rape or incest.... Incest implies they are talking about young children with family member raping them, so young age was considered when the law was written by these idiot legislators.

The OHIO LAW is not CLEAR that it would cover any raped young girl.....Imo

So, we will just have to disagree on this.
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Facts are not on his side.

That's the saddest part here. The abdication of the media to prioritizing political ADVOCACY over journalism. NOBODY consuming one-sided news is getting facts and true analysis. You gotta get out there and piece it all together from primary sources.
The law in ohio, as it is written, would not allow an abortion in this case, without fear of the gynecologist going to jail for it.

I read the article, and was the first to link it, and I read the Ohio fetal heartbeat law, and the language does not cover the 10-15 yr old girl at risk because her pelvis is not fully developed yet....according to abortionist doctors.

In the USA, a C section would be given to the young girl .....which would avoid all of those problems of an underdeveloped pelvic bone that can cause an opening. And those openings, if they do occur, can be sewn up, and fixed. My best friend had that complication when she delivered her second child, and had surgery to sew her up, the right way.

The Ohio fetal heart beat bill allows two exceptions.. 1, the woman is dying and you have to perform an abortion to save her life. That was NOT THE CASE with the 10 yr o!d girl.

2. The doctor is certain the woman will have permanent damage to her bodily organs and function that is in-repairable. THAT TOO, was NOT the case with this 10 year old girl.

The law is causing all kinds of problems with women getting the healthcare that they need, because if the way it is written, not just this 10 year old, but with women muscarrying, and women with a certain cancer etc....

Doctors are scared to death of these individual situations, because of all the legal ramifications that could occur.... Lawyers are having to be called before giving healthcare they would normally not hesitate to do.

The Ohio law also has no exception for mental health damage and concerns, which the 10 yr old would have qualify, and again no exception for rape or incest.... Incest implies they are talking about young children with family member raping them, so young age was considered when the law was written by these idiot legislators.

The OHIO LAW is not CLEAR that it would cover any raped young girl.....Imo

So, we will just have to disagree on this.
You are full of shit. The Ohio AG has stated you are full of shit, and he would be the one who prosecuted anyone who performed an abortion on this girl.

Why do you morons keep trying to deny the reality of this situation?
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