Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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She was smarter than you since you couldn't even show a doctor in Ohio was willing to perform an abortion.
I mean, it's hard to tell you are a grown up or not. Here's how I see your entire argument.

I know you are.gif
didn't realize it had... anyhoo - seems like it will not go good for the AG.
yeah, I'm sure he shaking in his boots. hahahahahahahahahahaha. They will need evidence and then the additional information will come out huh? How the person lied in Indiana? hahahahahahahahaha
For some reason I feel the need to take the expert medical opinion of numerous MDs in the field vs some single digit IQ simpleton Dimtard on a messgeboard.

What Pregnancy and Childbirth Do to the Bodies of Young Girls​

Stephanie Nolen
Tue, July 19, 2022 at 1:50 PM

After the account a 10-year-old Ohio girl crossing state lines to get an abortion drew national attention last week, some prominent opponents of abortion suggested the child should have carried her pregnancy to term.

But midwives and doctors who work in countries where pregnancy is common in young adolescent girls say those pushing for very young girls to carry pregnancies to term may not understand the brutal toll of pregnancy and delivery on the body of a child.

“Their bodies are not ready for childbirth and it’s very traumatic,” said Marie Bass Gomez, a midwife and the senior nursing officer at the reproductive and child health clinic at Bundung Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Gambia.

The critical issue is that the pelvis of a child is too small to allow passage of even a small fetus, said Dr. Ashok Dyalchand, who has worked with pregnant adolescent girls in low-income communities in India for more than 40 years.

“They have long labor, obstructed labor, the fetus bears down on the bladder and on the urethra,” sometimes causing pelvic inflammatory disease and the rupture of tissue between the vagina and the bladder and rectum, said Dyalchand, who heads an organization called the Institute of Health Management Pachod, a public health organization serving marginalized communities in central India.

“It is a pathetic state particularly for girls who are less than 15 years of age,” he added. “The complications, the morbidity and the mortality are much higher in girls under 15 than girls 16 to 19 although 16 to 19 has a mortality twice as high as women 20 and above.”
What Pregnancy and Childbirth Do to the Bodies of Young Girls

No, but she needed one and you're incapable of showing she didn't have to leave Ohio to get one.
No stupid, I quoted the lead law enforcement officer in the State. You have nothing showing she couldn't get her abortion in Ohio. Nothing.

You are being a lunatic for claiming I need to call every abortion clinic in Ohio and confirm they told her no, Simp. :cuckoo:
No stupid, I quoted the lead law enforcement officer in the State. You have nothing showing she couldn't get her abortion in Ohio. Nothing.

You are being a lunatic for claiming I need to call every abortion clinic in Ohio and confirm they told her no, Simp. :cuckoo:
it would be easier for him to name the one that turned her away.
Their law proved it for me as it doesn't include exceptions based on age.
It includes exception based on the danger to the mother's health, Simp.

This has been explained to you many times, and yet you continue to lie your ass off thinking anyone believes your bullshit.

Grow a brain.
It includes exception based on the danger to the mother's health, Simp.

This has been explained to you many times, and yet you continue to lie your ass off thinking anyone believes your bullshit.

Grow a brain.
you would need a seed.
What a crock of shit! It's below you....way below you!

Or maybe not? :(

No one on the left wanted that little girl to go through this, or have to travel to another state to get the medical treatment she needed..... Ohio law, the way it is written, makes the doctors afraid of legal action against them, if they gave her an abortion. The bill has over regulated, squashing their ability to do what is right for the health of this girl or any pregnant girl 15yrs and under, carrying a pregnancy.

This bill you seem to love or defend, also gave NO EXCEPTION for the mental health of a raped child going through pregnancy with a child. Nor any exception for any raped victim.

The bill needs to be rewritten, to cover these type of scenarios, clearly.

Why are you against the legislature doing that....?

NO abortion law gives recognition to the mental health of 10 yr old because 10 yr olds are not SUPPOSED TO BE pregnant rape victims. And if "mental health" was considered for ADULT females (pardon my non-woke, but biologically accurate terminology) -- it wouldn't be JUST A LOOPHOLE. Because at 8+ months, the mother could HAVE a crushing case of anxiety and DEMAND an abortion.

You spent TOO MUCH time trying to minimize the EXACT physical risk to a 10 yr old child - misreprenting the ACTUAL health risks to the child "going to term". And you PURPOSELY misrepresented the ACTUAL law by claims of "death risk" or IMMEDIATE actual physical damage,

All that soars against the common sense of the Ohio AG who PROPERLY acknowledge that the law I quoted includes ALL physical RISKS -- present or future to a child in that condition.

THE STATE or a dissenting parent would have to sue a physician acting the precepts of that law. And MAYBE --- they could find ONE or two radicalized OBGYN(s) (actually probably NONE) to claim the child was just fine carrying to term, but THAT testimony would FAIL in any court that was not full of political leftist jurors -- like yourself.

If the AG SAYS he's NOT WILLING to deny the child an abortion, the STATE would not sue OR take the side of the dissenting parent. The STATE would file a brief REJECTING that claim.

As it turns out -- this 10yr old had no parent to SUE the state. In FACT -- the "mom" DECIDED to go out of state to AVOID exposing her rapist lover.

No state suit, no parental suit, no radicalized OBGYN professional org to support the suit. The suit NEVERS HAPPENS.

The politics is LOUDER AND MORE SHRILL here than common sense, the facts or empathy for the tremendous sadness of this story.
There was no reason for that girl to put her fate in the hands of the government. Maybe they would have let her get an abortion. Maybe they would have challenged it. She did the right thing. She went to a state where she, with her mother, was in control of her body.

The State AG who PROPERLY pointed out the abortion WAS covered under Ohio state law is gonna BRING A SUIT against a doctor? Are either of the dysfunctional PARENTS gonna bring a suit?

No. Neither of them. Case closed. Get some help for the anxiety and stress of defending the indefensible.
No stupid, I quoted the lead law enforcement officer in the State. You have nothing showing she couldn't get her abortion in Ohio. Nothing.

You are being a lunatic for claiming I need to call every abortion clinic in Ohio and confirm they told her no, Simp. :cuckoo:

Who said that only after the fact. Doesn't mean he would not have acted on it had she gotten an abortion in Ohio. He probably would have just to set an example for the new law to be observed.

Regardless, the law makes no exceptions based on age and the 19 year old girl, who proves to be smarter than you, did the right thing going to a state where getting an abortion couldn't lead to legal consequences.
The State AG who PROPERLY pointed out the abortion WAS covered under Ohio state law is gonna BRING A SUIT against a doctor? Are either of the dysfunctional PARENTS gonna bring a suit?

No. Neither of them. Case closed. Get some help for the anxiety and stress of defending the indefensible.

Again, he said that after the fact. It's like being a free hero. Regardless, what doctor was willing to perform an abortion in a state that just passed some of thd most stringent anti-abortion laws in the country?
Again, he said that after the fact. It's like being a free hero. Regardless, what doctor was willing to perform an abortion in a state that just passed some of thd most stringent anti-abortion laws in the country?
how do you do it? just curious.
Where does the 10 yr old fit in to these two exceptions? I don't think it is as clear as you or the AG thinks.

RIGHT HERE... Do you understand "OR clauses" in a legal document? Maybe not.

An abortion can be conducted after the six-week mark if a physician finds the procedure "necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman." It can also be conducted if there is no fetal heartbeat.

I already gave you BOTH this law, It's interpretation of a LEGAL abortion which ILLUMINATES the meaning of what I bolded and SEVERAL members included MYSELF have given you statements from US OBGYNs and pediatricians to the effect of -- a pregnant 10 yr old DOES have "serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function"..

All you've given back is political heat and rhetoric. GO FIND THE OBGYN or Pedia specialist that will ARGUE IN COURT AGAINST what the VAST MAJORITY of the peers, maybe ALL of their peers will not. A case would also have to prove (from the FINDLAW interpretation of a LEGAL Ohio abortion) the doctor DID NOT MAKE "a reasonable medical judgement".

Medicine and COMMON SENSE says a decision like that IS "reasonable medical judgement". Stop whining about politics and go find ANY OPINION ANYWHERE that says an abortion in this case VIOLATES that interpretation of the law.
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