Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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And women had far fewer rights...gays had no rights and racism was rampant
and black fathers lived in the homes with their children and the mothers of their children. Black men and women had jobs, careers, futures.

We're told by today's left that right now is the most racist period in the history of the United States since slavery. And it might actually be true if you consider the hatred for straight white men today.

I was listening to Sonny Johnson (Sonny's Corner) on Patriot XM yesterday and she pointed out that as early as the 1870s until the 1960s, basically for a hundred years before Democrats decided they wanted to "help" black people, black people - no, not all of them but very many of them - had gone directly from the plantation to high finance, banking, manufacturing, working with all kinds of technical and skilled trades, black wall streets in many cities, etc. Not all black people were successful but neither were all white people.

And then came the Democrats, Johnson's Great Society, and the war on poverty.

She also points out how Republicans haven't a clue how to solve it politically. They may know the policies to solve it but are completely ignorant in how to partner with black communities to get anything done - and she's right.

But, the point is, in the 50s, Black Americans were, as a whole, much better off than they are today..... (sitting back and waiting for IM2. who wasn't live in the 50s. to tell me, who was alive in the 50s, what the 50s were like)
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Your Golden Age… was characterized by blatant racism and few right for women and no rights for gays
Who cares about special rights for gays. Gays had every constitutional right that everyone else had. They had the right to keep and bear arms. They had the right to a trial by jury, an attorney, due process, free speech.

They had every right anyone else had.
I’m neither female nor gay nor black so it’s clearly NOT about me

And if you think the 50s weren’t blatantly racist you might want to read up on MLK a bit
It's about you. It's about you telling yourself how wonderful you are because you pretend to fight, as Correll correctly pointed out, battles that were already won.

That Reverend King continued to fight for equal rights, that there were still improvements to make doesn't mean that the 50s were blatantly racist, it simply means there was still work to do. There's still work to do today. In fact, because of race baiters like you, there's more to do today than there has been in any time in the past 150 years. But none of that is a reflection on the 50s and the racial progress made.
That "we have no information" WAS CORRECT. Because the mother didn't WANT an abortion in Ohio if it meant her rapist lover who impregnated the young daughter was gonna be arrested.

The Ohio abortion clinic COULD HAVE DONE the abortion as the AG stated. But almost certainly the woman dragged the daughter in and EXPOSED the ACTUAL rapist. The "referral" to Indiana was to AVOID a rape kit test and preservation of fetal DNA and a REPORT to the state of OHIO FINGERING her 'good man" lover. NO REFERRAL of what the mother told the Ohio clinic WAS EVER MADE to Ohio authorities. Just the notes about the "referral".

And then mother LIED in Indiana, - probably because the abortion director who STARTED this on Tweeter suggested that she do so..

EVERYBODY HERE LIED and some of the same CONTINUE to lie, but nothing on Fox news was a lie at that time it aired. It was WHAT WAS KNOWN.

And the story GOT WORSE and filled with MORE lies from folks involved in this SNAFU as the days went on --- EXCEPT the coverage in the small section of news, like Telemundo and FOX AIRING THAT Telemundo doorway interview -- when most other outlets were ONLY CONCERNED about scoring political points.

You have no evidence that Ohio doctor would have performed an abortion on the girl.
He used the word hoax because he hoped that there wasn't a raped 10-year-old, idiot.

You didn't know any better than did anyone else whether it was true or not true. Were you hoping it wasn't a hoax and that a 10-year-old girl had been raped because you needed for a 10-year-old girl to have been raped for your narrative?

He used the word hoax because, considering that the mandatory reporting that had to be completed in 24 hours wasn't done 21 days later, he was holding out hope that it was a hoax - not to defend abortion but in the hopes that there hadn't been a 10-year-old girl raped.

You, on the other hand, were desperately hoping it was not a hoax because you wanted it to be true that a 10-year-old girl had been raped. That's why so many on the left were also using the word hoax.

Great, quote me saying I hope this wasn't a hoax or you expose you're hallucinating...
Wrong. That the AG or the governor said there were no reports is not the cause of people thinking it might be a hoax. The fact that the legally required reports, reports that anyone who cared about children would have made immediately, were not made caused people to think it was a hoax - the facts, not the telling of the facts; that's what led to the thought that it might be a hoax.


This forum proves you wrong...

Once again, yes, I am an asshole. But I didn't call it a hoax. Not even a potential hoax. I never commented on the possibility of it being a hoax.

Once again, the post history is your friend. What's said on the Internet stays on the Internet. You should be able to find me saying that it was a hoax.

Yeah... I'm going to need you to go ahead and post a quote of me calling it a hoax.


You mean like you claiming I didn't want this to be a hoax even though my posting history reveals no such delusion of yours.
Who cares about special rights for gays. Gays had every constitutional right that everyone else had. They had the right to keep and bear arms. They had the right to a trial by jury, an attorney, due process, free speech.

They had every right anyone else had.
Please stop LYING

I like that you realized you had to make up shit to keep up your attack. That was your brain realizing it had lost the argument, and now it was time to start lying.

My point stands. The 50s were a Golden Age.

Why are you so hostile to the idea of an American Golden Age?


Lesh is right...

I see like twenty people. You really going to try to say that defines the South of the time?

Of course it was still prevalent in the south. No one would have ever heard of MLK Jr. had it not been.
The bit where she pretended that I said something I never said?

That is her making up shit. That is her being wrong. You are retarded asshole.

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Great, now you're lying about what you called made up shit. This is actually what you called, "made up"...

Lesh: Do you think Brown v Board magically made racism go away? It didn’t Racism was entrenched in the 50s

Correll: I like that you realized you had to make up shit to keep up your attack.
Of course it was still prevalent in the south. No one would have ever heard of MLK Jr. had it not been.

Funny, you posted a picture of twenty people and I ask if you are trying to define the whole of the South by those twenty people.

And you didn't answer my question.


Great, now you're lying about what you called made up shit. This is actually what you called, "made up"...

Lesh: Do you think Brown v Board magically made racism go away? It didn’t Racism was entrenched in the 50s
Correll: I like that you realized you had to make up shit to keep up your attack.

Correct. I never said anything remotely like she claimed I said.

What part of that is too hard for you to understand?

My point stands. the 1950s were an American Golden Age.

Only fools, liars, and anti-American assholes would claim otherwise.

To be clear, if you deny it, you are all of them, it is not an either or choice thing.
Funny, you posted a picture of twenty people and I ask if you are trying to define the whole of the South by those twenty people.

And you didn't answer my question.


You lie again.

"Of course it was still prevalent in the south," was my answer to your question.
You lie again.

"Of course it was still prevalent in the south," was my answer to your question.

If you say so. BUT, twenty people do not define millions.

Hey, in your mind, is the South still a bunch of seething wacists? And have been all the way since then?
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