Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Isn't the sexual promiscuity that you and your political bed fellows have pushed on society for the last 40 years grand? Are you proud of yourselves for what you have turned this country into? You're all disgusting and pathetic, and the fact that you consider yourself a christian is even more pathetic. You reap what you sow. Your kind has pushed 'sexual freedom' and the moral decay of society since the 60's, and here you are defending killing the babies of the babies that your 'vision' for society has created. Your 'feel good' policies have created this situation, but of course you once again refuse to open your eyes or take responsibility for the bullshit policies you promote and the results they produce.
Casting a wide net over people you don't even know, is not decent, nor morally the high ground that you've fooled yourself in to believing you stand on.
Isn't the sexual promiscuity that you and your political bed fellows have pushed on society for the last 40 years grand? Are you proud of yourselves for what you have turned this country into? You're all disgusting and pathetic, and the fact that you consider yourself a christian is even more pathetic. You reap what you sow. Your kind has pushed 'sexual freedom' and the moral decay of society since the 60's, and here you are defending killing the babies of the babies that your 'vision' for society has created. Your 'feel good' policies have created this situation, but of course you once again refuse to open your eyes or take responsibility for the bullshit policies you promote and the results they produce.
The 50s are calling you

They want you back
Him going on TV (what non partisan middle of the country Ag does that) and saying he had no evidence that this was real...gave YOU fuckers the ammunition to call it a hoax...WRONGLY

That "we have no information" WAS CORRECT. Because the mother didn't WANT an abortion in Ohio if it meant her rapist lover who impregnated the young daughter was gonna be arrested.

The Ohio abortion clinic COULD HAVE DONE the abortion as the AG stated. But almost certainly the woman dragged the daughter in and EXPOSED the ACTUAL rapist. The "referral" to Indiana was to AVOID a rape kit test and preservation of fetal DNA and a REPORT to the state of OHIO FINGERING her 'good man" lover. NO REFERRAL of what the mother told the Ohio clinic WAS EVER MADE to Ohio authorities. Just the notes about the "referral".

And then mother LIED in Indiana, - probably because the abortion director who STARTED this on Tweeter suggested that she do so..

EVERYBODY HERE LIED and some of the same CONTINUE to lie, but nothing on Fox news was a lie at that time it aired. It was WHAT WAS KNOWN.

And the story GOT WORSE and filled with MORE lies from folks involved in this SNAFU as the days went on --- EXCEPT the coverage in the small section of news, like Telemundo and FOX AIRING THAT Telemundo doorway interview -- when most other outlets were ONLY CONCERNED about scoring political points.
Him going on TV (what non partisan middle of the country Ag does that) and saying he had no evidence that this was real...gave YOU fuckers the ammunition to call it a hoax...WRONGLY
You said he called it a hoax. The more you get proven wrong the more angry your responses are getting.

Yes, I'm a fucker but, no, I didn't call it a hoax. For those who did, they called it a hoax because the truth was that mandatory reporting wasn't done. You're bitching about the AG going on TV and telling the truth? Well, that's consistent. If there's anything the left hates over the past 7 years, it's the truth.
At 6 weeks pregnant, there is no risk.
I didn't realize you were a doctor, Dr. Faun. Thanks for letting us know. You should get the mods to change your name or at least update your profile so we know to refer all questions requiring professional medical expertise your way.
Why would he use the word, "hoax,", as he's talking with the AG who's saying he hadn't seen any evidence yet?
He used the word hoax because he hoped that there wasn't a raped 10-year-old, idiot.

You didn't know any better than did anyone else whether it was true or not true. Were you hoping it wasn't a hoax and that a 10-year-old girl had been raped because you needed for a 10-year-old girl to have been raped for your narrative?
Why would he use the word, "hoax,", as he's talking with the AG who's saying he hadn't seen any evidence yet?
He used the word hoax because, considering that the mandatory reporting that had to be completed in 24 hours wasn't done 21 days later, he was holding out hope that it was a hoax - not to defend abortion but in the hopes that there hadn't been a 10-year-old girl raped.

You, on the other hand, were desperately hoping it was not a hoax because you wanted it to be true that a 10-year-old girl had been raped. That's why so many on the left were also using the word hoax.
You said he called it a hoax. The more you get proven wrong the more angry your responses are getting.

Yes, I'm a fucker but, no, I didn't call it a hoax. For those who did, they called it a hoax because the truth was that mandatory reporting wasn't done. You're bitching about the AG going on TV and telling the truth? Well, that's consistent. If there's anything the left hates over the past 7 years, it's the truth.
I was wrong. He did not DIRECTLY call it a hoax...he went on Fox and gave you assholes the ammunition so that YOU could call it a hoax and you did just that
Of course not. Still, that is the origin for many on the right calling it a hoax.
Wrong. That the AG or the governor said there were no reports is not the cause of people thinking it might be a hoax. The fact that the legally required reports, reports that anyone who cared about children would have made immediately, were not made caused people to think it was a hoax - the facts, not the telling of the facts; that's what led to the thought that it might be a hoax.
I was wrong. He did not DIRECTLY call it a hoax...he went on Fox and gave you assholes the ammunition so that YOU could call it a hoax and you did just that
He truthfully answered a direct question from the press. Thank God he did so because, otherwise, the rapist would still be on the streets raping 9-year-olds.

You sure do hate the truth.

Why are you so obsessed that a few people, based on the evidence, the cover up, the laws broken by mandatory reporters, thought it was a hoax? Everyone who should have protected that girl and future girls did everything they could do to hide and destroy every bit of evidence that a rape occurred. Some people believed the fake evidence; how can you blame them?

That, even still, the most important thing to you and your leftist cohorts is how many people fell for the coverup instead of child rape, failure to protect the child, failure to protect other children, broken laws about reporting child rape, that some people getting suckered rather than all these actual crimes, actual damage to the girl and the community, is so much more important to you really speaks loudly about you and the left.
Yet another story of the mother lying to protect her baby rapist boyfriend who raped both of her daughters - multiple times, no doubt because the odds of each of them getting pregnant from one instance of intercourse each is not too high. Edit: I forgot to mention the lie the mother told to protect the baby rapist who raped her daughters is that she accused the girls' natural father of the rapes. He spent a lot of time in jail, with the other inmates thinking he was a sicko who had raped his own little girls. How do you think jail was going for him?

And, again, no one on the left is screaming about the rape, only about the abortion. Where are the cries to stop child rapes in the immigrant communities - of all immigrant communities. It's happening in more than just the Latino community.

How about the rapist gets the death penalty, hang by the neck until he's dead, in a public hanging in the neighborhood where he lived.

King Hammurabi had a rule that if you made a hole in someone's house to break in and rob it, you would be killed and buried in front of the hole. Couldn't we bury rapists ( no stone or marker) in the front yard of where they raped?
I was wrong. He did not DIRECTLY call it a hoax...he went on Fox and gave you assholes the ammunition so that YOU could call it a hoax and you did just that
Once again, yes, I am an asshole. But I didn't call it a hoax. Not even a potential hoax. I never commented on the possibility of it being a hoax.

Once again, the post history is your friend. What's said on the Internet stays on the Internet. You should be able to find me saying that it was a hoax.

Yeah... I'm going to need you to go ahead and post a quote of me calling it a hoax.
Once again, yes, I am an asshole. But I didn't call it a hoax. Not even a potential hoax. I never commented on the possibility of it being a hoax.

Once again, the post history is your friend. What's said on the Internet stays on the Internet. You should be able to find me saying that it was a hoax.

Yeah... I'm going to need you to go ahead and post a quote of me calling it a hoax.
"You" is the royal "you"

No one cares what you individually said.

Your buddies said it for you
"You" is the royal "you"

No one cares what you individually said.

Your buddies said it for you
haha.. I have no buddies. I keep proving that those who think they're conservatives are Gascon style liberals and Bloomberg style gun controllers.

I'm like the great unifier: both the left and the right think I'm an asshole.
Short answer? Because it took that long for Fox News to question why there were no police reports and arrests - there was no intention on reporting or arresting a 27 year old criminal alien child rapist in the the sanctuary city of Columbus, Ohio. The police report only came from the questions from Fox News.

Here's the basic flow and timeline, in my opinion, as I see it:

May 12, while the child was still 9, was the last time, out of at least two times Fuentes admitted to having sex with her, that the mother sold her daughter to Fuentes.

June 22, forty-one days after the last rape,the mother realizes her little money maker is pregnant. She doesn't report the crime of rape to the police; she goes to the child care services and applies for medical care for her pregnant daughter - not for an abortion but for medical care. She is able to name the rapist in her benefits application. There appears to be no record of a police report at this point, in spite of the MSM claims to the contrary. No arrest is made. Child welfare did not obey the law that requires them to investigate the rape explicitly in partnership with law enforcement within 24 hours.

Benefits in hand, mother goes to the doctor and the doctor realizes that me has to end this pregnancy because he doesn't want to have to report a child rape. Apparently it was after June 24 when the girl gets to the doctor because the doctor is in a panic about referring the child for an abortion so he calls a well known abortionist in Indiana, one who has a track record of failing to report child pregnancies so he thought he would be safe.

Little did the Ohio doctor know, but Dr. Caitlin Bernard, the Indiana abortion enthusiast, loves the camera far more than she loves little girls and Guatemalan rapists. On July 1, Bernard violates her medical ethics and HIPAA by taking the story to the press.

Between July 1 and July 11, generally everyone believed the story but some had questions about the single source. Still no police investigation and no arrest of the known rapist. The girl's story was repeated over and over again by politicians advocating for the 99%+ of abortions that don't involve child rape but not one Democrat or MSM person was asking where and who was the rapist. No one actually cared about the girl; they cared only about leftist women's right to have recreational sex without consequences.

Finally, on July 11, Jesse Waters, followed by Tucker Carlson and then Sean Hannity, and perhaps the next two Fox talking heads but I don't listen to them, all asked the obvious question: with Ohio and Indiana's laws requiring doctors and caregivers to report any child abuse, including sexual abuse and rape, to child welfare services or local law enforcement and the law that requires child welfare services to being an investigation, specifically partnering with law enforcement, within 24 hours of learning of the rape, where is the investigation?

Fox researched it, called the Ohio AG, several law enforcement agencies, and abortion clinics in Ohio and not a single one of them knew of an active case of a raped 10-year-old. But now the news was out and the coverup exposed.

On July 12, suddenly, the known rapist is arrested. I will bet money that the sworn records, especially when questioned in a court room, will show that no state or local law enforcement was engaged before July 12. Once engaged, since the rapist was known to the mother, he was easily arrested as a coverup to the failure to report over the last 2 months.
Lots of leftists should be doing serious prison time.
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