Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Does a young girl pregnancy kill her, in the USA? No it would likely not kill the girl.

Will the pregnancy permanently harm her bodily function in the future if she bears the child? If they perform a c section, which they would, it is UNLIKELY she would be permanently harmed for life.

Will she be mentally harmed by going through pregnancy at 10? YES! But there is no mental health exception.
You keep saying it won't kill her or cause permanent damage but you can't show a case where a 10-year old went full term in the United States to back that up, can you?

Are you seriously trying to make the case that the 10-year-old should have to carry the baby?
You keep saying it won't kill her or cause permanent damage but you can't show a case where a 10-year old went full term in the United States to back that up, can you?

Are you seriously trying to make the case that the 10-year-old should have to carry the baby?
Absolutely not. She should have been allowed an abortion in Ohio.

Unfortunately Ohio law would not allow it
Any state that would not allow the abortion in this case is beyond morally wrong. The Dr who performed the abortion is a hero in my book.
She was smarter than you since you couldn't even show a doctor in Ohio was willing to perform an abortion.
Nobody asked a doctor in Ohio to do an abortion. They sent the girl to Indiana to cover up the rape and protect the rapist.

What Pregnancy and Childbirth Do to the Bodies of Young Girls​

Stephanie Nolen
Tue, July 19, 2022 at 1:50 PM

After the account a 10-year-old Ohio girl crossing state lines to get an abortion drew national attention last week, some prominent opponents of abortion suggested the child should have carried her pregnancy to term.

But midwives and doctors who work in countries where pregnancy is common in young adolescent girls say those pushing for very young girls to carry pregnancies to term may not understand the brutal toll of pregnancy and delivery on the body of a child.

“Their bodies are not ready for childbirth and it’s very traumatic,” said Marie Bass Gomez, a midwife and the senior nursing officer at the reproductive and child health clinic at Bundung Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Gambia.

The critical issue is that the pelvis of a child is too small to allow passage of even a small fetus, said Dr. Ashok Dyalchand, who has worked with pregnant adolescent girls in low-income communities in India for more than 40 years.

“They have long labor, obstructed labor, the fetus bears down on the bladder and on the urethra,” sometimes causing pelvic inflammatory disease and the rupture of tissue between the vagina and the bladder and rectum, said Dyalchand, who heads an organization called the Institute of Health Management Pachod, a public health organization serving marginalized communities in central India.

“It is a pathetic state particularly for girls who are less than 15 years of age,” he added. “The complications, the morbidity and the mortality are much higher in girls under 15 than girls 16 to 19 although 16 to 19 has a mortality twice as high as women 20 and above.”
What Pregnancy and Childbirth Do to the Bodies of Young Girls

Thank you for proving the point that the Ohio law clearly would allow the girl to get an abortion in Ohio.
Thank you for proving the point that the Ohio law clearly would allow the girl to get an abortion in Ohio.

lol ... 'cept for the fact that the loophole would be to force her to gestate long enough to cut her open & take it b4 it got too big. a female with diabetes can have a dangerous pregnancy - but not for the whole 9 months. she also would be on a wait 'n see protocol.
It was actually a physician in Ohio who reached out to a colleague in Indiana to perform the abortion.
You must mean to say there was actually a physician in Ohio who failed to follow Ohio law and report the rape of a 9-year-old girl but, instead, conspired with others to cover up the rape and arrange the abortion in Indiana instead of Ohio so as to complete the cover up.

That's what you meant, right?
Nobody asked a doctor in Ohio to do an abortion.

Prove that
And you did not
Thank you for proving the point that the Ohio law clearly would allow the girl to get an abortion in Ohio.
So show us how that would allow an abortion as per Ohio law.

It requires Imminent threat to live or significant bodily function.

Show us how that applies here...but not to an 11 year old or a 12 year old...or a 15 year old...
You must mean to say there was actually a physician in Ohio who failed to follow Ohio law and report the rape of a 9-year-old girl but, instead, conspired with others to cover up the rape and arrange the abortion in Indiana instead of Ohio so as to complete the cover up.

That's what you meant, right?
That is obviously false since the perp was quickly arrested
Show proof that the required reports were not filed.

And let's not see some incompetent partisan claiming "Well I haven't seen it" like Yost did with the Ohio report
It's impossible to prove a negative. The proof would be someone showing a redacted copy of the reports - from either state. No one has even claimed that the required reports were filed in either state until AFTER the Jesse Watters show which was 3 weeks or so after the mother applied for welfare for her coming grandchild.
10 year olds having babies is a threatening medical condition.

No its not.
Giving birth is not harmful to anyone who can get pregnant at all.
Humans come from species with much shorter life span, so are capable of pregnancy much earlier safely.
A thousand years ago, giving birth at 12 was common.
Romeo and Juliet were supposed to be 10 and 14, for example.
That is obviously false since the perp was quickly arrested
The mother went to welfare on May 22. The abortion supposedly happened on June 30. Jesse Waters asked about the missing police reports on July 11, and on July 13 the rapist was arrested. Yes, he was arrested quickly after the coverup was exposed. He would never have been arrested had Fox News not done an investigation to find the reports to back up the claim by the Indiana abortion enthusiast.

Required reporters in Ohio knew of the rape on May 22. Ohio law requires the report be made to law enforcement and that a joint child protective service and law enforcement investigation begin within 24 hours, or on May 23. No such investigation was begun or the known rapist (mom's boyfriend) at a known address (mom's house) would have been arrested before the end of May 24, rather than 20 days later.
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