Arrested for jaywalking and not producing id while jogging....

Lots of outrage for hearing one side of the story. The arrest was apparently over resisting and the article paints her as an angel and the cops as demons. I'm always suspicious of lopsided "reporting". They were giving tickets for jaywalking as part of their job. I think it's bs, maybe they did too, who knows, but that's what they were told to do. My guess is that the angel refused to go along with it after breaking the law and there was no way to confirm her identity for the ticket. The issue isn't quite as simple as portrayed.

Like to think I'm pretty good about giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt, but this time, WTF guys!? These two should be fired immediately and a public apology issued for their behaviour and actions.

They're an embarassment to cops everywhere.

Have to provide identification everywhere, maybe not with physical ID cards, but if detained by police, you have to be abl to prove who you are. Be it memorized ID number, SSN, etc. but something verifying your identity is required.

Not entirely correct. In New York, you're not allowed to lie about who you are, but you're under no obligation to tell the police who you are until you are actually cited for something. Being "detained" doesn't require an ID or self identification.

Once you're issued a summons or arrested, you are required to tell the officers who you are. You're still not required to produce and ID. The police may detain you until you can be positively identified only after issuing that summons and only if you refuse to state who you are.

The police are saying that this woman failed to tell them who she was after being cited and that's why she was arrested.

I say she should have never been cited in the first place. Jaywalking should only be a punishable offense if one actually causes disruption to drivers. That apparently wasn't the case here as the witness stated "the cops were kind of just hanging out on the corner giving citation after citation".

And the idea she resisted because she didn't hear them teller her to stop? That's complete bullshit. By that reasoning, cops should be able to arrest any deaf person.

The cops SHOULD have better things to do than this dirty little quota filling, revenue enhancing scheme on citizens that have not infringed on another's rights.

Isn't the Iphone camera and Youtube a wonderful thing. It exposes atrocities such as this that would previously stayed under the media radar.
They have over reached themselves. It will be dismissed, and they will look foolish and money grubbing. People do not carry ID when they go jogging.

Joggers also do not come up to a stop light and wait. It would disrupt the entire running activity.
Lots of outrage for hearing one side of the story. The arrest was apparently over resisting and the article paints her as an angel and the cops as demons. I'm always suspicious of lopsided "reporting". They were giving tickets for jaywalking as part of their job. I think it's bs, maybe they did too, who knows, but that's what they were told to do. My guess is that the angel refused to go along with it after breaking the law and there was no way to confirm her identity for the ticket. The issue isn't quite as simple as portrayed.

Selective enforcement! How many other joggers have these same police watched cross the street illegally and done nothing. My guess is a lot.
They have over reached themselves. It will be dismissed, and they will look foolish and money grubbing. People do not carry ID when they go jogging.

Joggers also do not come up to a stop light and wait. It would disrupt the entire running activity.

Yes, exactly. I have jogged many, many miles during 20 years of running. If there is no traffic, you don't stop. Everyone knows that. These cops were over reaching their authority. Not being reasonable. One thing I learned early on in my profession: pick your battles. A cop should not be insisting a jogger behave in the same way as a pedestrian if it is not necessary for safety concerns.
Selective enforcement! How many other joggers have these same police watched cross the street illegally and done nothing. My guess is a lot.
So you think the cops just got bored and decided to start terrorising the innocents? It probably came down as an order from the chief and the chief was probably told to do something about by the mayor's office and the mayor's office was probably told to do something about it by the innocents.

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