Art As Servant of The State

What's wrong with the 'collective'? Humans are social animals.

Remarkable! That anyone can still ask such a silly question is proof of the effectiveness of loony leftist propaganda on our weakest minds. That humans are social animals does not lead to collectivism. It leads to socio-political and economic organization..

I asked the OP what's wrong with collectivism. She was dumbfounded, reduced to babbling incoherently about Ann Coulter.

Can you help her?

What's wrong with my credit union?

I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.
What's wrong with the 'collective'? Humans are social animals.

Remarkable! That anyone can still ask such a silly question is proof of the effectiveness of loony leftist propaganda on our weakest minds. That humans are social animals does not lead to collectivism. It leads to socio-political and economic organization..

I asked the OP what's wrong with collectivism. She was dumbfounded, reduced to babbling incoherently about Ann Coulter.

Can you help her?

What's wrong with my credit union?

I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?
So what is an example of government collectivism in the US? Social Security?

Your credit union ... SS is retirement insurance.

So my excellent source of good banking at a good price is collectivism? And I should be horrified and run for my life why exactly?

SS is collectively owned retirement insurance run by the government. Isn't that well within the overall definition(s) of 'collectivist'?
Remarkable! That anyone can still ask such a silly question is proof of the effectiveness of loony leftist propaganda on our weakest minds. That humans are social animals does not lead to collectivism. It leads to socio-political and economic organization..

I asked the OP what's wrong with collectivism. She was dumbfounded, reduced to babbling incoherently about Ann Coulter.

Can you help her?

What's wrong with my credit union?

I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?

Sure....the policies of the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

Pick up a book for once,
So my excellent source of good banking at a good price is collectivism? And I should be horrified and run for my life why exactly?

Do you have a comprehension prob or did you just not like my answer to that question:

Clearly there is room in our society for co-ops (which are fine for those who choose to be collectivized) but as centralized gov'ts it is a disaster. Once the gov't chooses it for you, it is the end of your world.

...there's nothing wrong with your choosing to be part of a credit union (but there's plenty wrong with gov't collectivization). Big diff.
U are a servant to political propogandists.

Maybe you should try art. No 2 girls one cup type shit though, please.

I notice that, as usual, you were unable to comment on any of the facts that I've included in my exposition.

I've concluded that the reasons for same are:
1. as usual, I am 100% accurate and correct.


2. you are a 100% imbecile searching for attention.

You’ve heard the phrase “how the other half lives…”? I see you as exactly that…the ‘other half’ of posters.
My question: how do you derive any satisfaction by posting without any substance? What is it that you believe you bring to the table?
Im not reading this but uh...

Another suggestion, if youre going to do art - dont do stand up comedy. Youre not witty or funny enough. Leave that to witty and funny people, doorknob.

"Im not reading this but uh..."
I guess you drive with a blindfold, too.

So, you also lie with impunity!
You read it, and it stung. So you lie.

Let's see you answer this 'without reading it.'
Stalin was clear in his beliefs about intellectuals, the ones Lenin supposedly called 'Useful Idiots.'

He wanted them to compose odes, paeans, essays, plays praising communism....but outside of that.....

5. "Theintellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and gaining strength in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its henchmen, the intellectual lackeys of capital, who imagine they are the brains of the nation. Actually, they are not the brains, but s**t."
From a letter Lenin wrote to Maxim Gorky, Written on September 15, 1919

Following suit, Mao had intellectuals slaughtered.

Not known for intellectual prowess, still, artists have a need to be 'soi-disant' experts in all things political.....

Arnold Hauser published The Social History of Art ...When the work appeared in English in the 1950s, it stirred up great controversy because of its ideological orientation. It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that a Marxist approach was accepted as a natural or fashionable part of academic research in Western Europe.

Funny in a pathetic kind of way, when one recognizes what Stalin did to those artists who didn't dance to his tune.

Recall all those Hollywood 'artists' who swore fealty to their god, Obama?
6. Taking a page from the earlier Progerssive, Woodrow Wilson, Barack Obama's regime had a "Ministry of Propaganda," as well.

a. “At first glance, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) conference call of August 10th, 2009 sounds innocent enough because it’s supposedly been organized by Michael Skolnik, political director for Russell Simmons and someone not officially associated with any government agency. Skolnik appears to be acting independently as a concerned citizen and to have taken it upon himself to gather together a group of artists and art organizations hoping to move them towards “national service.”

… the conference call was a ruse, a front for a White House using Skolnik as a kind of beard in order to put an innocent spin on their abuse of the NEA and two non-partisan volunteer organizations (United We Serve – an initiative overseen by The Corporation for National and Community Service – a federal agency, and the White House’ Office of Public Engagement).

b. Skolnik states openly that the White House and NEA asked him to round everyone up… I have been asked by folks in the White House and folks in the NEA about a month ago in a conversation that was had. We had the idea that I would help bring together the independent artists community around the country. “ Big Hollywood - Breitbart

7. The NEA briefly appeared on radar screens in the mid-90s due to objections from conservatives over its funding of controversial (sexually explicit and often offensive) works by artists such as Robert Mapplethorpe and Andres Serrano. After losing a court case when it subsequently tried to refuse funding to four artists over content concerns, the NEA at Congress’ direction subsequently stopped directly funding individual artists, in favor of supporting group projects and collaboratives, arts education and leadership initiatives.

a. As of this month, the NEA is now using your tax dollars to organize and promote art projects specifically designed to advocate for President Obama’s political initiatives, including health care reform and climate action.
NEA using your tax dollars to fund left-wing propaganda Sanity Injection

b. The street artist behind the iconic "Hope" poster of then-candidate Barack Obama says the president has let him down.

In an interview with Esquire, Shepard Fairey said President Obama has not lived up to the expectations of the image that captured the verve behind Obama's 2008 run. In fact, Fairey said, he's "not even close." Lost Hope Poster artist says Obama let him down Fox News

Artists scammed by the collectivists???

How could this be?
8. It's more than interesting that disparate governments, like Roosevelt's New Deal, and Hitler's National Socialists, share an enormous number of similar characteristics.

The use of the arts, and artists, is but one of them.

Both the National Socialists and the New Dealers conceived of the first step in educating and influencing the masses was to find out what the masses thought. But in the late ‘30’s, the focus of the Roosevelt administration shifted to the need to influence rather than research popular opinion, leading to the formation of public relations departments, such as the Office of Facts and Figures.
Richard W. Steele, “The Pulse of the People: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Gauging of American Public Opinion,” Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 9, p. 203.

a. Government institutions for collecting and disseminating information grew at about the same rate in both Washington, and in Berlin, after 1933. Work in this area by both the Roosevelt administration and Hitler’s regime was unlike anything that had come before. The American campaigns were “unparalleled among democracies,” and, “under the New Deal the government undertook efforts unprecedented in peacetime.” John A. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78, pp.932, 925.

b. Significant pressure was used on radio, with the state as the controlling authority, restricting broadcasting licenses. Control began with the Radio Act of 1927, but it was the US Communications Act of 1934 that reduced licenses to six month durations!

FDR appointed his functionaries to control the FCC, which required stations to submit transcripts of “public affairs” programs, and let it be known that criticism of the government would be reason for revoking of licenses. Richard W. Steele, “Propaganda in an Open Society: The Roosevelt Administration and the Media, 1933-1940,” p. 18-20.

Sound like a free country to you?

How many in this generation have fallen for totalist government schemes, such as Net Neutrality?
I asked the OP what's wrong with collectivism. She was dumbfounded, reduced to babbling incoherently about Ann Coulter.

Can you help her?

What's wrong with my credit union?

I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?

Sure....the policies of the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

Pick up a book for once,
That's about the time the other communistic collectivist the Boy Scouts were popular...
I asked the OP what's wrong with collectivism. She was dumbfounded, reduced to babbling incoherently about Ann Coulter.

Can you help her?

What's wrong with my credit union?

I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?

Sure....the policies of the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

Pick up a book for once,

So you can't actually name an example of collectivism in America.
8. It's more than interesting that disparate governments, like Roosevelt's New Deal, and Hitler's National Socialists, share an enormous number of similar characteristics.

The use of the arts, and artists, is but one of them.

Both the National Socialists and the New Dealers conceived of the first step in educating and influencing the masses was to find out what the masses thought. But in the late ‘30’s, the focus of the Roosevelt administration shifted to the need to influence rather than research popular opinion, leading to the formation of public relations departments, such as the Office of Facts and Figures.
Richard W. Steele, “The Pulse of the People: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Gauging of American Public Opinion,” Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 9, p. 203.

a. Government institutions for collecting and disseminating information grew at about the same rate in both Washington, and in Berlin, after 1933. Work in this area by both the Roosevelt administration and Hitler’s regime was unlike anything that had come before. The American campaigns were “unparalleled among democracies,” and, “under the New Deal the government undertook efforts unprecedented in peacetime.” John A. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78, pp.932, 925.

b. Significant pressure was used on radio, with the state as the controlling authority, restricting broadcasting licenses. Control began with the Radio Act of 1927, but it was the US Communications Act of 1934 that reduced licenses to six month durations!

FDR appointed his functionaries to control the FCC, which required stations to submit transcripts of “public affairs” programs, and let it be known that criticism of the government would be reason for revoking of licenses. Richard W. Steele, “Propaganda in an Open Society: The Roosevelt Administration and the Media, 1933-1940,” p. 18-20.

Sound like a free country to you?

How many in this generation have fallen for totalist government schemes, such as Net Neutrality?

Gee, someone notify the 24/7 rightwing radio propaganda machine that their license has been revoked.
What's wrong with the 'collective'? Humans are social animals.

Remarkable! That anyone can still ask such a silly question is proof of the effectiveness of loony leftist propaganda on our weakest minds. That humans are social animals does not lead to collectivism. It leads to socio-political and economic organization..

Which includes collectivism. I'm in an electric cooperative owned by the consumers of the electricity. I'm in a credit union owned by the depositors. The world hasn't ended

and btw...both are better deals than the for profit companies.

Clearly there is room in our society for co-ops (which are fine for those who choose to be collectivized) but as centralized gov'ts it is a disaster. Once the gov't chooses it for you, it is the end of your world.

We choose our government.
Another artist martyred to the regime with which Franklin Roosevelt felt comfortable confederating the United States, the Russian communists:

c. Vsevolod Meyerhold... was a Russian and Soviettheatre director,actorandtheatrical producer.... In the early 1930s, when Joseph Stalin repressed all avant-garde art and experimentation, his works were proclaimed antagonistic and alien to the Soviet people. His theatre was closed down ... Meyerhold was brutally tortured[5]and forced to confess that he worked for Japanese and British intelligence agencies. He later recanted the confession in a letter to Vyacheslav Molotov.

The file on Meyerhold contains his letter from prison to Molotov:

The investigators began to use force on me, a sick 65-year-old man. I was made to lie face down and beaten on the soles of my feet and my spine with a rubber strap... For the next few days, when those parts of my legs were covered with extensive internal hemorrhaging, they again beat the red-blue-and-yellow bruises with the strap and the pain was so intense that it felt as if boiling water was being poured on these sensitive areas. I howled and wept from the pain…

When I lay down on the cot and fell asleep, after 18 hours of interrogation, in order to go back in an hour's time for more, I was woken up by my own groaning and because I was jerking about like a patient in the last stages of typhoid fever.[6]

He was sentenced to death by firing squadon 1 February 1940, and executed the next day. The Soviet government cleared him of all charges in 1955, during the first wave of de-Stalinization." Vsevolod Meyerhold - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

" Three weeks later, thugs acting on orders of Stalin's secret police broke into Meyerhold's Moscow apartment and savagely attacked [his wife] Raikh; she died of 17 stab wounds, two of them through her eyes.." Zinaida Raikh 1894 - 1939 - Find A Grave Memorial

The above starkly illustrates the governance of Joseph Stalin, the man Franklin Roosevelt called 'Uncle Joe,' and for whom he lied to the American people: "Stalin fights for the same things as America does!"

Roosevelt swore to the American public that the Bolsheviks fought for the same things as America did.


Oh now I get it. This is another incarnation of PC's FDR derangement syndrome.

Let me give you a clue. Ranting, pissing, and moaning are your prerogative, but the bottomline is,

FDR won, America won, and your kind lost, and you will never ever reverse that.
I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?

Sure....the policies of the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

Pick up a book for once,

So you can't actually name an example of collectivism in America.

Another version of his specialty from the NYLiar.
I simply nailed you with a quote that correctly identified your obfuscation.

The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?

Sure....the policies of the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

Pick up a book for once,
That's about the time the other communistic collectivist the Boy Scouts were popular...

What sort of moron would attempt to conflate voluntary avocations with those coerced under threat by an all powerful government?

Raise your paw.
Government bankrolls the Arts, of course they honor their masters.

One possibility.....

...but not the only one, especially under totalitarian rule.

It is enlightening to view another totalitarian regime, to see the result to artists who resist obeying the regime....

4. Progressive Woodrow Wilson referred to men as 'clay,' to be molded by leaders. This is a staunch belief of totalitarians. Stalin referred to writers as 'the engineers of human souls.'

"He didn't understand that talented writers cannot go against their talent and survive, that they cannot be engineers. Talentless writers can, or they can try; it was a good thing to be a talentless writer in the USSR, and a very bad thing to be a talented one."
Martin Amis.

a. And those who didn't toe the communist government line?

"Isaac Babel... was a Russian language journalist, playwright, literary translator, and short story writer. ... masterpieces of Russian literature. Babel has also been acclaimed as "the greatest prose writer of Russian Jewry".[1]Loyal to, but not uncritical of, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Babel fell victim to Joseph Stalin's Great Purge.... After confessing under interrogation to being a Trotskyist terrorist and foreign spy, he was shot on 27 January 1940." Isaac Babel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. "Osip Mandelstam[1] ... was a Russian poet and essayist who lived in Russia during and after its revolution and the rise of the Soviet Union and husband of Nadezhda Mandelstam... He was arrested by Joseph Stalin's government during the repression of the ... In 1938 Mandelstam was arrested again and sentenced to a camp in Siberia. He died that year at a transit camp.

Mandelstam's non-conformist, anti-establishment tendencies were not heavily disguised. He opposed the increasingly totalitarian government under Joseph Stalin. In the autumn of 1933, he composed the poem "Stalin Epigram", which he read at a few small private gatherings in Moscow. The poem was a sharp criticism of the "Kremlin highlander". It was likely inspired by Mandelstam's having seen the effects of the Great Famine that year, during his vacation in the Crimea. This was the result of Stalin'scollectivisation in the USSR and his drive to exterminate the "kulaks"."
Osip Mandelstam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This post was submitted 4 minutes after the preceding PC post. That's fucking impressive.
The fact that Ann Coulter stupidly and wrongly thinks that people agreeing on the definitions of the terms in discussion is some fallacious evil liberal scheme isn't correct about anything.

The obfuscation here is yours.

I have no prob leaving that determination up to the readers.

Not to worry....some may even be liars, like you.

Can you provide examples of collectivism in America?

Sure....the policies of the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

Pick up a book for once,
That's about the time the other communistic collectivist the Boy Scouts were popular...

What sort of moron would attempt to conflate voluntary avocations with those coerced under threat by an all powerful government?

Raise your paw.
I didn't know that George Washington was a tyrant for taxing whiskey...
Government bankrolls the Arts, of course they honor their masters.

One possibility.....

...but not the only one, especially under totalitarian rule.

It is enlightening to view another totalitarian regime, to see the result to artists who resist obeying the regime....

4. Progressive Woodrow Wilson referred to men as 'clay,' to be molded by leaders. This is a staunch belief of totalitarians. Stalin referred to writers as 'the engineers of human souls.'

"He didn't understand that talented writers cannot go against their talent and survive, that they cannot be engineers. Talentless writers can, or they can try; it was a good thing to be a talentless writer in the USSR, and a very bad thing to be a talented one."
Martin Amis.

a. And those who didn't toe the communist government line?

"Isaac Babel... was a Russian language journalist, playwright, literary translator, and short story writer. ... masterpieces of Russian literature. Babel has also been acclaimed as "the greatest prose writer of Russian Jewry".[1]Loyal to, but not uncritical of, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Babel fell victim to Joseph Stalin's Great Purge.... After confessing under interrogation to being a Trotskyist terrorist and foreign spy, he was shot on 27 January 1940." Isaac Babel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. "Osip Mandelstam[1] ... was a Russian poet and essayist who lived in Russia during and after its revolution and the rise of the Soviet Union and husband of Nadezhda Mandelstam... He was arrested by Joseph Stalin's government during the repression of the ... In 1938 Mandelstam was arrested again and sentenced to a camp in Siberia. He died that year at a transit camp.

Mandelstam's non-conformist, anti-establishment tendencies were not heavily disguised. He opposed the increasingly totalitarian government under Joseph Stalin. In the autumn of 1933, he composed the poem "Stalin Epigram", which he read at a few small private gatherings in Moscow. The poem was a sharp criticism of the "Kremlin highlander". It was likely inspired by Mandelstam's having seen the effects of the Great Famine that year, during his vacation in the Crimea. This was the result of Stalin'scollectivisation in the USSR and his drive to exterminate the "kulaks"."
Osip Mandelstam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This post was submitted 4 minutes after the preceding PC post. That's fucking impressive.
Must have a slow mouse....

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