Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Trump has been in charge 2 months. You want to go after Ryan I am all for it. This was Ryan's baby.
Who said " I'm going to repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better."
You idiots just don't have the integrity to say TRUMP LIED TO ME.
Trump is nothing more than a salesman, he makes promises without delivering. Neither he, nor anyone else will be able to come up with a perfect plan that covers 300 million people, rich and poor, old and young. So instead of working to make Obamacare better Trump and the Republicans tried to repeal and replace. Why not work on fixing the parts that don't work.
Donny Dealmaker can't even broker a deal with his own party
No 'deal' was ever 'brokered' to get the ACA passed, not even one within the DNC that included all Democrats. It was proven afterwards that the majority of Democrats had no clue what was in the ACA because they never read the thing. They were ordered to vote for it, and like good little lemmings they followed along and voted for it.
Not one deplorable has the integrity to tell the truth.
You control both houses of Congress and the presidency.
Your goal was to repeal and replace Obamacare.
You failed miserably.
Still not one legislative victory in this failed regime.

The lying cheeto said after he went down inflames today: " I didn't say I'd be able to get this done in 60 days."
No ya lying fuck you said you'd do it on DAY ONE.

The DEPLORABLES were lied to AGAIN.. but all I see is them blaming Obama and the democrats.
The democrats have already started fundraising on Trump's major defeat.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Trump has been in charge 2 months. You want to go after Ryan I am all for it. This was Ryan's baby.
Who said " I'm going to repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better."
You idiots just don't have the integrity to say TRUMP LIED TO ME.
Trump is nothing more than a salesman, he makes promises without delivering. Neither he, nor anyone else will be able to come up with a perfect plan that covers 300 million people, rich and poor, old and young. So instead of working to make Obamacare better Trump and the Republicans tried to repeal and replace. Why not work on fixing the parts that don't work.

The whole thing doesn't was never intended to was created to destroy private order for the democrats to grab it under a single payer system they would control...
Trump is blaming the Dems because the Freedom Caucus would not vote for the damn bill.

Until the sane portion of the GOP takes back control of the party, this is what our government is going to be like: a fucking failure.
The Dems didn't have to do a thing to stop Donnycare

What a humiliation
wow aren't you proud your guys did nothing. such legislation responsibilities. the do nothing demophobes. wow you should wear that as a tatoo.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
So Donny Dealmaker fails to even get Donnycare out of the House

Next up ....Trump Tax Reform
If he can't get Repeal and Replace what makes him think he can pass a bill that will add $10 trillion to our debt?

Obama is laughing
We like to call it Obamacare. The best universal healthcare plan our country has ever seen

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Since it was sworn to pay for itself and not cost a dime, the GOP should leave it as is, don't spend another dime on it, and letting it continue to collapse. When it does the GOP can lay all the blame at the feet of Obama and the democrats who rammed it into law.
Trumpcare will fail

Even Donny Dealmaker can't get the TeaTards to agree to compromise

Well then we are stuck with the crap Democrats put through without one Republican. So the disaster remains and it still belongs to the Democrats.

We like to call it Obamacare. The best universal healthcare plan our country has ever seen

Maybe with your blinders on. Good thing you can see who to follow. That would be the useful idiot ahead of you.
The reason why we still have that Obamacare failure is not because of the Freedom Caucus. It is because no Democrats wanted to fix any of the things that are broke. These dumbass Libtards didn't think it out very well.

The Democrats own that disaster and there will be no running away from it.

Do you blame the person that can't fix what is broke or do you blame the asshole that broke it in the first place?
If I hire an employee who said in the interview he could do X, and then after hired says he has no idea what X is, what is the result going to be?
Trump the neophyte learned a valuable lesson today. If he wants to do anything big he's going to need democrats to help him.
This is what happens when you elect a serial sex offender as president with absolutely no experience. You dopes loved he had no experience. You were wrong

Trump is nothing more than a salesman, he makes promises without delivering. Neither he, nor anyone else will be able to come up with a perfect plan that covers 300 million people, rich and poor, old and young. So instead of working to make Obamacare better Trump and the Republicans tried to repeal and replace. Why not work on fixing the parts that don't work.

Trump is use to dealing with people that have an incentive to do the right thing.

The Democrats that wouldn't support this improved bill had no incentive to do the right thing.

The Democrats passed a stupid bill in 2009 that most of them never read and had to lie to sell and didn't do a damn thing in seven years to improve it and you can't deal with people like that.

The bill did not get voted on today because of a dozen or so Freedom Cacus members wouldn't vote for it. It failed because 190 something Democrats wouldn't support it. They were never going to vote on anything Trump proposed because that is just the kind of asshole they are.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.

Too bad for BO, he was hoping they'd get something passed so his legacy would no longer be tied to a failing system.
Now silly asshole. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And could not do the job. Now is the time for the Dems to present a comprehensive fix to the ACA that would eventually segue into a universal single payer system. are fucking stupid......universal healthcare will make obamacare look perfect.....all of the social welfare state healthcare systems are collapsing around the world...and you want to dive in .....

Can you explain to us.......the Veterans Admininstration medical system was created specifically to handle the medical care of a tiny number of Americans...our Veterans......and it is a fucking can you please explain the audience how you think the same politicians and bureaucrats who can't provide medical care to a tiny group of Vets is going to be able to scale that system to take care of 320 million people.....?

CAre to explain how that works?

Thank you, Jim Bowie. LOL All of those nations listed, save the US, have universal health care.
Yes and all those nations are paying high taxes. But just like in the US, the people who work pay for the freeloaders and deadbeats and the taxes are killing them.
Interesting, what happened to the Right's line that Americans pay more taxes Whatever they think works in the moment.
So Donny Dealmaker fails to even get Donnycare out of the House

Next up ....Trump Tax Reform
If he can't get Repeal and Replace what makes him think he can pass a bill that will add $10 trillion to our debt?

Obama is laughing
obummer has been laughing since he conned americans for his presidency. he demonstrated how to be a dictator and he is now demonstrating how to be traitor.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

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