Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

it's time to fix o-care.... maybe they can do this now, with participation from both sides of the aisle?

needs lower deductibles
needs means to bring costs down
needs more competition,
maybe group insurance pools for those having to buy individually?
There is no desire to fix Obamacare from any Democrat.
How do I know this?
Not one bill to try to fix it has ever been submitted in the last 7 years.
True, but the partisanship in DC is on BOTH sides and they leave the American people to suffer as a result.

Maybe the best thing that could happen is for all of Congress to resign and hold new elections tomorrow?
Hate to say it, but term limits and laws making Congress comply with all of the same laws you and I do is the only solution. And I don't see that happening because they want to keep their insiders club intact.
Trump is blaming the Dems because the Freedom Caucus would not vote for the damn bill.

Until the sane portion of the GOP takes back control of the party, this is what our government is going to be like: a fucking failure.
The Dems didn't have to do a thing to stop Donnycare

What a humiliation
wow aren't you proud your guys did nothing. such legislation responsibilities. the do nothing demophobes. wow you should wear that as a tatoo.
We did something......We call it Obamacare

Trump is nothing more than a salesman, he makes promises without delivering. Neither he, nor anyone else will be able to come up with a perfect plan that covers 300 million people, rich and poor, old and young. So instead of working to make Obamacare better Trump and the Republicans tried to repeal and replace. Why not work on fixing the parts that don't work.

Trump is use to dealing with people that have an incentive to do the right thing.

The Democrats that wouldn't support this improved bill had no incentive to do the right thing.

The Democrats passed a stupid bill in 2009 that most of them never read and had to lie to sell and didn't do a damn thing in seven years to improve it and you can't deal with people like that.

The bill did not get voted on today because of a dozen or so Freedom Cacus members wouldn't vote for it. It failed because 190 something Democrats wouldn't support it. They were never going to vote on anything Trump proposed because that is just the kind of asshole they are.
It failed because the bill was a pile of crap that would have just made everyone beg for Obamacare.
I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
False. You have an insurance policy written by an insurance company.

If you have a policy through the exchange, then you're getting subsidized by the government. Why is that?

Why don't you skip the exchange, pass on the subsidies, and just walk into your local Blue Cross or Humana, etc. and just buy a policy? Then you won't "be on Obamacare".
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

Obamacare saved it. Premiums were skyrocketing and 40 million were uncovered until he fixed it. All Trumpcare would've given you is a tax break for the very rich (Clearly not you) and 24 million people thrown off of their plans.

If that's what you call "fixing", then you're fucking stupid.
Trump is blaming the Dems because the Freedom Caucus would not vote for the damn bill.

Until the sane portion of the GOP takes back control of the party, this is what our government is going to be like: a fucking failure.
The Dems didn't have to do a thing to stop Donnycare

What a humiliation
wow aren't you proud your guys did nothing. such legislation responsibilities. the do nothing demophobes. wow you should wear that as a tatoo.
We did something......We call it Obamacare
death spiraling, and you're proud. dude, too funny. fk the country ought to be your motto.
The reason why we still have that Obamacare failure is not because of the Freedom Caucus. It is because no Democrats wanted to fix any of the things that are broke. These dumbass Libtards didn't think it out very well.

The Democrats own that disaster and there will be no running away from it.

Do you blame the person that can't fix what is broke or do you blame the asshole that broke it in the first place?
If I hire an employee who said in the interview he could do X, and then after hired says he has no idea what X is, what is the result going to be?

I didn't vote for Trump so I don't want to defend him. However, to be fair Trump had the majority of the people in Congress agreeing that Obamacare needs to go. The failure was getting agreement as to the extent of how much to change Obamacare.

There are three branches of government. The presidency doesn't control the elected members of Congress.

The good thing is that the Republicans didn't do today what the filthy ass Democrats did in 2009. They didn't pass a bad bill that nobody had read and that would take lying to sell it.
It's hard to imagine how Trump could be failing any harder.

The Republicans have had years to come up with an alternative and build a consensus. It's laughable how inept this is.

The Freedom caucus can't function in the real world either, they are so terrified that any compromise will see them lynched in a primary they would rather do nothing.

And nothing is supposedly one of their most hated laws of all time.....
We like to call it Obamacare. The best universal healthcare plan our country has ever seen
View attachment 118421

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Since it was sworn to pay for itself and not cost a dime, the GOP should leave it as is, don't spend another dime on it, and letting it continue to collapse. When it does the GOP can lay all the blame at the feet of Obama and the democrats who rammed it into law.
It just amazes me that NONE of you give a shit what this means to the people who need health insurance they can afford/afford to use.
It's about nothing but politics to you.
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
The reason why we still have that Obamacare failure is not because of the Freedom Caucus. It is because no Democrats wanted to fix any of the things that are broke. These dumbass Libtards didn't think it out very well.

The Democrats own that disaster and there will be no running away from it.

Do you blame the person that can't fix what is broke or do you blame the asshole that broke it in the first place?
If I hire an employee who said in the interview he could do X, and then after hired says he has no idea what X is, what is the result going to be?

I didn't vote for Trump so I don't want to defend him. However, to be fair Trump had the majority of the people in Congress agreeing that Obamacare needs to go. The failure was getting agreement as to the extent of how much to change Obamacare.

There are three branches of government. The presidency doesn't control the elected members of Congress.

The good thing is that the Republicans didn't do today what the filthy ass Democrats did in 2009. They didn't pass a bad bill that nobody had read and that would take lying to sell it.
Back to my original point. They had 7 years to hash it out, and instead waited until the last second to toss a piece of crap together that solved nothing.
Trump the neophyte learned a valuable lesson today. If he wants to do anything big he's going to need democrats to help him.
This is what happens when you elect a serial sex offender as president with absolutely no experience. You dopes loved he had no experience. You were wrong

No...Trump isn't the serial sexual offender....that was bill clinton...who has 3 actual rape allegations and at least a dozen sexual assault allegations against him...but he isn't in office right now....but morons like you still see him as your actual rapist....
The reason why we still have that Obamacare failure is not because of the Freedom Caucus. It is because no Democrats wanted to fix any of the things that are broke. These dumbass Libtards didn't think it out very well.

The Democrats own that disaster and there will be no running away from it.

Do you blame the person that can't fix what is broke or do you blame the asshole that broke it in the first place?
If I hire an employee who said in the interview he could do X, and then after hired says he has no idea what X is, what is the result going to be?

I didn't vote for Trump so I don't want to defend him. However, to be fair Trump had the majority of the people in Congress agreeing that Obamacare needs to go. The failure was getting agreement as to the extent of how much to change Obamacare.

There are three branches of government. The presidency doesn't control the elected members of Congress.

The good thing is that the Republicans didn't do today what the filthy ass Democrats did in 2009. They didn't pass a bad bill that nobody had read and that would take lying to sell it.
If Trump can't tell Ryan to put in the bill we can buy insurance from any carrier, all is lost.
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
Congress needs to be locked in a conference room on the 50th floor of a building and nobody gets out until an agreement is reached. Just like the Twelve Angry Men movie.
The reason why we still have that Obamacare failure is not because of the Freedom Caucus. It is because no Democrats wanted to fix any of the things that are broke. These dumbass Libtards didn't think it out very well.

The Democrats own that disaster and there will be no running away from it.

Do you blame the person that can't fix what is broke or do you blame the asshole that broke it in the first place?
If I hire an employee who said in the interview he could do X, and then after hired says he has no idea what X is, what is the result going to be?

I didn't vote for Trump so I don't want to defend him. However, to be fair Trump had the majority of the people in Congress agreeing that Obamacare needs to go. The failure was getting agreement as to the extent of how much to change Obamacare.

There are three branches of government. The presidency doesn't control the elected members of Congress.

The good thing is that the Republicans didn't do today what the filthy ass Democrats did in 2009. They didn't pass a bad bill that nobody had read and that would take lying to sell it.
Back to my original point. They had 7 years to hash it out, and instead waited until the last second to toss a piece of crap together that solved nothing.

Yep....that is what you get from establishment republicans...and that was why we elected Trump......he can only do so much.....but he has 8 years to fix the system...especially after obamacare collapses this year....
Back to my original point. They had 7 years to hash it out, and instead waited until the last second to toss a piece of crap together that solved nothing.

.. and Donald Trump fully backed the bill (apparently without reading it).
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
Congress needs to be locked in a conference room on the 50th floor of a building and nobody gets out until an agreement is reached. Just like the Twelve Angry Men movie.

Actually, I saw an article that looked at that movie...and pointed out...the kid was was a good article......
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
Congress needs to be locked in a conference room on the 50th floor of a building and nobody gets out until an agreement is reached. Just like the Twelve Angry Men movie.
With no bathroom.

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