Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Well if it does implode on itself, then we can all point to the Dims for shoving it on us.

In the meantime, this is a great case study in how difficult it is to end an entitlement.
Once you create a government handout, even the people who resist at first in time believe they are entitled to it, then scream like bloody murder when anyone suggest it should end. This is what we have here, and even GOP lawmakers at the end of the day know they get votes when they work to maintain entitlements.
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
Congress needs to be locked in a conference room on the 50th floor of a building and nobody gets out until an agreement is reached. Just like the Twelve Angry Men movie.

Here is the link.......the kid did it...

Did 12 Angry Men get it wrong?
It just amazes me that NONE of you give a shit what this means to the people who need health insurance they can afford/afford to use.
It's about nothing but politics to you.
What are you talking about, OldLady?

1. You think Obama and the Democrats cared about people who could not afford health care when they created the ACA? What a great idea - if you can't afford assurance we are going to hit you with a punitive monetary punishment. You think they care more about helping people or politics / legacies? They LIED to Americans on a massive scale and left them with a health care system that is collapsing under it's own incompetent, failed existence.

2. Why are you worried about health insurance that people can afford? Obama and the democrats fixed all that - Obamacare is awesome. just ask 'rightwinger'. He and other snowflakes think the GOP failing is a GOOD thing - now everyone can keep their Obamacare.

In reality, replacing the collapsing ACA is what it should be all about, and the GOP (Ryan) having to pull their 'rushed patch job' off the table after demanding the GOP pull a 'Pelosi' by just passing it and then finding out what was in it is a GOOD thing!

This is so important, as you point out, that it needs to be done truly publicly, openly, and time being taken to do it right.

The GOP has had 8 years to get this ready - Ryan promised Trump he had it ready, and we see now that was a lie. Maybe, hopefully, the politicians in DC will now do it right - bi-partisanly, for the American people. After the Democrats have declared they are committed to Obstructionism 1st and foremost for the good of their party's benefit, I am not sure if I see that happening.

Once again, Americans end up the collateral damage between the GOP and DNC's constant battle for power.
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
Congress needs to be locked in a conference room on the 50th floor of a building and nobody gets out until an agreement is reached. Just like the Twelve Angry Men movie.

Here is the link.......the kid did it...

Did 12 Angry Men get it wrong?
I think I like the 97 remake a little better.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.
If 7 to 9 million lose health care over the next year, hoss, the Dems will get a chance in 2019, yes.
No, because democrats own the problem 100%.

Trump is the President

If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it
Well if it does implode on itself, then we can all point to the Dims for shoving it on us.

In the meantime, this is a great case study in how difficult it is to end an entitlement.
Once you create a government handout, even the people who resist at first in time believe they are entitled to it, then scream like bloody murder when anyone suggest it should end. This is what we have here, and even GOP lawmakers at the end of the day know they get votes when they work to maintain entitlements.
BS. Republicans got hired to do the job they promised to do.
We like to call it Obamacare. The best universal healthcare plan our country has ever seen
View attachment 118421

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Since it was sworn to pay for itself and not cost a dime, the GOP should leave it as is, don't spend another dime on it, and letting it continue to collapse. When it does the GOP can lay all the blame at the feet of Obama and the democrats who rammed it into law.
You guys have been predicting Obamacare will fail for seven years

Any day now.....any day
Trump is the President. If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it
Funny how that 'Trump is the President so everything is his fault and his responsibility' line only applies, according to you snowflakes, when the President is a Republican...
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.
If 7 to 9 million lose health care over the next year, hoss, the Dems will get a chance in 2019, yes.
No, because democrats own the problem 100%.

Trump is the President

If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it

You guys don't think anything is wrong with obamacare...what is there to fix.....?
Trump is the President. If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it
Funny how that 'Trump is the President so everything is his fault and his responsibility' line only applies, according to you snowflakes, when the President is a Republican...

Exactly......obama rode the "Bush did it," line all 8 years.......
Speaker Ryan's Last-Minute Changes Mean GOP Must Pass RyanCare to Know What's in It - Breitbart

The reason the GOP refused to vote for the Ryan's replacement bill was because they rejected Nancy Pelosi's idea that they had to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

They just proved that, unlike Democrat Politicians, they would rather be informed that just blindly follow along like lemmings and vote for something they have no clue about.

I applaud those who refused to vote. Something this important should not be rushed and needs to be done it should have been done the 1st time.
Congress needs to be locked in a conference room on the 50th floor of a building and nobody gets out until an agreement is reached. Just like the Twelve Angry Men movie.

Here is the link.......the kid did it...

Did 12 Angry Men get it wrong?
Interesting take but in this case the Liberal pukes are guilty beyond doubt.
We like to call it Obamacare. The best universal healthcare plan our country has ever seen
View attachment 118421

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Since it was sworn to pay for itself and not cost a dime, the GOP should leave it as is, don't spend another dime on it, and letting it continue to collapse. When it does the GOP can lay all the blame at the feet of Obama and the democrats who rammed it into law.
You guys have been predicting Obamacare will fail for seven years

Any day now.....any day

Moron....they put the worst of it off until after the 2016 election....and almost made it...except in October the new premium notices went out...and hilary's run for President ended......
Donny Dealmaker can't even broker a deal with his own party
No 'deal' was ever 'brokered' to get the ACA passed, not even one within the DNC that included all Democrats. It was proven afterwards that the majority of Democrats had no clue what was in the ACA because they never read the thing. They were ordered to vote for it, and like good little lemmings they followed along and voted for it.
i'm so sick of this LIE....that "they had to pass it before they could read it..."

everyone in the house that voted on the ACA got to see and participate in the whole bill before they voted on it

everyone in the Senate that voted on the aca bill got to see and read it and amend it, in the senate....160 amendments from the REPUBLICANS that got passed before they voted on it...

What Pelosi was talking about was the MERGED Senate and House bills together in reconciliation, that they were unable to see before having to pass the reconciled bill.

The House mmbers were able to read the Senate bill that passed

The Senate members were able to read th House bill that passed

ALL BEFORE they had to vote on the Bill merger.

So, yes, there were some changes that incorporated some of the Senate ideas that were not in the House bill, but they were aware of those additions bfore having to vote on the reconciled health care bill.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.
If 7 to 9 million lose health care over the next year, hoss, the Dems will get a chance in 2019, yes.
No, because democrats own the problem 100%.

Trump is the President

If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it

You guys don't think anything is wrong with obamacare...what is there to fix.....?
Nothing a little Duct Tape can't fix
Moron....they put the worst of it off until after the 2016 election....and almost made it...except in October the new premium notices went out...and hilary's run for President ended......
'Winner, winner - chicken dinner!' It was back-loaded.

Back to my original point. They had 7 years to hash it out, and instead waited until the last second to toss a piece of crap together that solved nothing.

I don't think it was a piece of crap from the perspective of the big government Republicans that didn't have the courage to do away with Obamacare. I think that is basically what the cowards wanted. Thank goodness that we had the Freedom Caucus that weren't going to allow Obamacare Light.

If there was a failure lets put the blame where it really belongs. The Democrats passed a terrible bill and did not do anything in seven years to fix and did not join the Liberal Republicans to enact some reforms.
The reason why we still have that Obamacare failure is not because of the Freedom Caucus. It is because no Democrats wanted to fix any of the things that are broke. These dumbass Libtards didn't think it out very well.

The Democrats own that disaster and there will be no running away from it.

Do you blame the person that can't fix what is broke or do you blame the asshole that broke it in the first place?
If I hire an employee who said in the interview he could do X, and then after hired says he has no idea what X is, what is the result going to be?

I didn't vote for Trump so I don't want to defend him. However, to be fair Trump had the majority of the people in Congress agreeing that Obamacare needs to go. The failure was getting agreement as to the extent of how much to change Obamacare.

There are three branches of government. The presidency doesn't control the elected members of Congress.

The good thing is that the Republicans didn't do today what the filthy ass Democrats did in 2009. They didn't pass a bad bill that nobody had read and that would take lying to sell it.
If Trump can't tell Ryan to put in the bill we can buy insurance from any carrier, all is lost.

It sounds like you and I should have been the ones to design the replacement since we are in agreement on that issue. To bad we don't have the job to do it.

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