Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

it's time to fix o-care.... maybe they can do this now, with participation from both sides of the aisle?
needs lower deductibles
needs means to bring costs down
needs more competition, needs to address pharma
maybe group insurance pools for those having to buy individually?

I agree, maybe the Democrats can take this opportunity to simply isolate the ideological conservatives and work with Ryan and Trump to FIX what is broken and set aside this foolish partisanship and rhetorical nonsense that does nothing to serve the interests of the American people?

There is no way democrats want to fix anything...the whole point on obamacare was to collapse our healthcare system...they want control over it..they don't want to fix it....

Congress refuses to make even easy improvements, it won’t surprise you to hear that GOP leaders have not allowed even consideration of either conservative or liberal improvements.

How Republicans Are Ruining Obamacare

And that is exactly what is expected from the democrat press...the democrats passed obamacare, lying in order to do it....and now they want to blame republicans when it fails....
it's time to fix o-care.... maybe they can do this now, with participation from both sides of the aisle?
needs lower deductibles
needs means to bring costs down
needs more competition, needs to address pharma
maybe group insurance pools for those having to buy individually?

I agree, maybe the Democrats can take this opportunity to simply isolate the ideological conservatives and work with Ryan and Trump to FIX what is broken and set aside this foolish partisanship and rhetorical nonsense that does nothing to serve the interests of the American people?

There is no way democrats want to fix anything...the whole point on obamacare was to collapse our healthcare system...they want control over it..they don't want to fix it....

Congress refuses to make even easy improvements, it won’t surprise you to hear that GOP leaders have not allowed even consideration of either conservative or liberal improvements.

How Republicans Are Ruining Obamacare
They didn't do anything to it, but take the mandate unlawful away.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
he's spot on.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.
If 7 to 9 million lose health care over the next year, hoss, the Dems will get a chance in 2019, yes.
No, because democrats own the problem 100%.

Trump is the President

If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it
Let it die, and then redo it.
They can redo it right now. They just need to get Republicans to vote for it like they promised for 7 years.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.
If 7 to 9 million lose health care over the next year, hoss, the Dems will get a chance in 2019, yes.
No, because democrats own the problem 100%.

Trump is the President

If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it
Let it die, and then redo it.
Guess who gets hurt first?


They did a crappy job setting up Healthcare Exchanges. They rejected Medicaid expansion

Let's let people in Red States suffer and see who they blame
i'm so sick of this LIE....that "they had to pass it before they could read it..."

everyone in the house that voted on the ACA got to see and participate in the whole bill before they voted on it

everyone in the Senate that voted on the aca bill got to see and read it and amend it, in the senate....160 amendments from the REPUBLICANS that got passed before they voted on it...

After passing the ACA most Democrats refused to go back home and hold townhalls and many of those who did were embarrassed in front of Constituents, admitting they didn't read it or knowing less than their constituents did. Many Democrats did not read the bill before passage....

Many of them had their aides / pages try to read as much of it as they could and brief them on it, so they did not personally attempt to read the legislation and find out what was in it....despite that actually being part of their jobs they get paid for!

And many Americans certainly did not get the chance to read it, despite Obama promising Americans would have at least 2 days to read the legislation before passage.
You're still a full of shit liar.

If anyone chose to not read the bill that's their fault. That's not the same thing as saying they didn't have a chance to read the bill.
Maybe Republicans so pissed about Obamacare should ask why the CEO of one of the insurance corporations bleeding you dry is making $164,383 PER DAY. ($60 million per year ÷ 365 days per year).

I think your anger is misplaced.
Since not 1 Republican voted for the ACA that is currently allowing that CEO to do that WHILE having paid / paying Insurance companies subsidies to participate in the ACA, better to ask the democrats who voted for it why this was allowed to happen under the ACA...
He's not making $60 million per year due to Obamacare, dumbass.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.
If 7 to 9 million lose health care over the next year, hoss, the Dems will get a chance in 2019, yes.
No, because democrats own the problem 100%.

Trump is the President

If something is wrong, it is his responsibility to fix it
Let it die, and then redo it.
Guess who gets hurt first?


They did a crappy job setting up Healthcare Exchanges. They rejected Medicaid expansion

Let's let people in Red States suffer and see who they blame
The whole thing is failing. Too bad Hillary isn't in to make it a single payer. Lol
Maybe Republicans so pissed about Obamacare should ask why the CEO of one of the insurance corporations bleeding you dry is making $164,383 PER DAY. ($60 million per year ÷ 365 days per year).

I think your anger is misplaced.
Since not 1 Republican voted for the ACA that is currently allowing that CEO to do that WHILE having paid / paying Insurance companies subsidies to participate in the ACA, better to ask the democrats who voted for it why this was allowed to happen under the ACA...
He's not making $60 million per year due to Obamacare, dumbass.
I agree., which is why I said the Democrats who passed it should be explaining how they allowed this to happen.
Donny Dealmaker never even got a vote
You are an ignorant dumbass, aren't you?!

The President of the united states does not vote on legislation.

I can see now how / why you have formed many of your opinions:


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