Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Donny Dealmaker can't even get a deal through the House. Republicans control the House and only need 51%

What made him think he could get it through the Senate?
The American people did NOT 'vote' for Obamacare:

It was not until the late Sen. Arlen Specter, a lifelong Republican, switched parties in April 2009 to join Democrats, providing the 60th vote in favor of Obamacare in December 2009.

But to argue this was somehow a sweeping mandate for overhauling the nation’s health care system is a bit specious.

After all, when voters were given their opportunity to render their verdict on Specter in 2010 — and thus Obamacare — they threw Specter out on his ear in favor of now Sen. Pat Toomey. Again, Toomey was an Obamacare opponent.

Even in the state of Massachusetts, when socialized medicine advocate Ted Kennedy passed away, and voters had an opportunity to affirm their support for Obamacare, they elected Scott Brown on the platform that he would vote against it.

In 2010, after Brown was sworn in and when Democrats could no longer get to 60, they made several modifications to Obamacare using the simple majority reconciliation process, getting around traditional order in the Senate that typically requires 60 votes.

Again, hardly a sweeping mandate for a law that only came into being because Specter duped Pennsylvania voters by changing his party affiliation. If elections had had the consequences voters intended, Obamacare would have been killed at inception by being blocked in the Senate.

The American people never voted for Obamacare - NetRight Daily

The week before the ACA was rammed into law, American voters 'melted' the Congressional phone lines in DC, demanding that a vote NOT be taken on the ACA.
- They had been promised every meeting on health care would be televised. IT WASN'T - only the 1st one was.

- They were promised they could read the bill before it was voted on. THEY WERE DENIED - Pelosi even told the American people they had no right to know what was in it before it passed.

Plus, most Americans weren't as stupid as Democrats who actually believed the ACA would be the 1st government (of any kind) social program in the history of the world that did not cost voters a dime and that would pay for itself.
-- 2 sayings come to mind here: 1) There's a sucker born every minute & 2) If it sounds too good to be true that's because it is.

If the ACA wasn't a POS the Democrats would not have hid the details and the creative process., and they would not have had to ram it into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept.

No, if the majority of Americans had 'voted for it' the Democrats could have openly voted for it instead of sneaking it into law as they did.

The Democrats also avoided the same problems the GOP is having with it's new health care proposal by ramming it into law in the wee hours of the morning while people slept. No one was around to give them grief about their POS bill.
The filthy ass Democrats own Obamacare lock stock and barrel now. They could have joined the RINOs to make some improvements but instead they decided to vote in bloc against the improvements.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.

Too bad for BO, he was hoping they'd get something passed so his legacy would no longer be tied to a failing system.
Now silly asshole. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And could not do the job. Now is the time for the Dems to present a comprehensive fix to the ACA that would eventually segue into a universal single payer system. are fucking stupid......universal healthcare will make obamacare look perfect.....all of the social welfare state healthcare systems are collapsing around the world...and you want to dive in .....

Can you explain to us.......the Veterans Admininstration medical system was created specifically to handle the medical care of a tiny number of Americans...our Veterans......and it is a fucking can you please explain the audience how you think the same politicians and bureaucrats who can't provide medical care to a tiny group of Vets is going to be able to scale that system to take care of 320 million people.....?

CAre to explain how that works?
Hey Hoss, your sick GOP had seven years to come up with a real replacement. What they came up with was a sorry abortion. Destroyed the credibility of the Speaker and the President. Now they want to go to Tax Reform. They will attempt to shift the taxes to the middle class and have the very wealthy pay even a less percentage of their income.

Not my GOP.....remember, Trump was chosen because he wasn't one of the 16 regular GOP guys.....the establishment republicans are why we put Trump in...remember....? This is why we can't stand the won't find support for them with me.......and he still has 8 years to get this done......Trump doesn't lose.....
The orange clown has, at best, 4 years. Maybe not that long, if we find that he was working with Russia during his campaign.

8 years...and hilary and her actual ties to Russia will come out first...after john podesta takes the plea deal...
If conservatives think that an entitlement will be ripped up from its roots when over 30 million are now dependent on it, then conservatives are STUPID.

The Democrats are stupid not to join the RINOs to enact some things that would have saved the program. Now they will be the owners of the failure that is coming either later this year or next.
And go back to what we had before the ACA. And more than 20 million Americans lose their coverage. But that is what you people desire.

80% of Americans liked their insurance before obamacare.....we had a few things to fix....and obama used those things to destroy our healthcare system.... are these same politicians and bureaucrats who can't handle the V.A. going to handle the healthcare for 320 million people....?

Can you please explain how that is going to happen?
Donny Dealmaker can't even get a deal through the House. Republicans control the House and only need 51%

What made him think he could get it through the Senate?
He mistakenly listened to the 'leaders' in the house and Senate - the same guys who spewed hate on him during the nomination process / election and who had already proven to be failures/liars.
it's time to fix o-care.... maybe they can do this now, with participation from both sides of the aisle?

needs lower deductibles
needs means to bring costs down
needs more competition, needs to address pharma
maybe group insurance pools for those having to buy individually?
Trump is blaming the Dems because the Freedom Caucus would not vote for the damn bill.

Until the sane portion of the GOP takes back control of the party, this is what our government is going to be like: a fucking failure.
Nice to see your taking responsibility for your party and the collapsing ACA.. We will see how your doing in march when over 9 million people loose their insurance during an election year..
I am Republican and you are idiot. The American people are going to blame Trump and our party if they lose their health insurance.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.

Too bad for BO, he was hoping they'd get something passed so his legacy would no longer be tied to a failing system.
Now silly asshole. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And could not do the job. Now is the time for the Dems to present a comprehensive fix to the ACA that would eventually segue into a universal single payer system. are fucking stupid......universal healthcare will make obamacare look perfect.....all of the social welfare state healthcare systems are collapsing around the world...and you want to dive in .....

Can you explain to us.......the Veterans Admininstration medical system was created specifically to handle the medical care of a tiny number of Americans...our Veterans......and it is a fucking can you please explain the audience how you think the same politicians and bureaucrats who can't provide medical care to a tiny group of Vets is going to be able to scale that system to take care of 320 million people.....?

CAre to explain how that works?

Thank you, Jim Bowie. LOL All of those nations listed, save the US, have universal health care.
I am urging all my senators and congressmen to work on fixing the problems. TOGETHER or I won't forget it. No one loses here but the people. They need to stop being pouty pants and pointing fingers, roll up their sleeves and do something about out of sight premiums and deductibles that just keep getting worse and worse. The problems have not gone away because the bill didn't pass.

I left the Dem party in 1978, hooch.
About to become a former Republican.

Republicans got hired to fix it, and have had since 2009 to craft a good solid bill that thinking people could support.
Epic fail.

I am glad that the RINO bill failed but I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this. Of all the criticism against the Republicans that is the weakest. They had no incentive to do the hard work to replace Obamacare as long as that jackass Obama was President and the Senate had the ability to demand 60 votes. For the last two years almost everybody in this country thought Crooked Hillary was going to win so don't blame them for not having all the ducks in a row. They deserve criticism for being cowards and not coming up with an outright repeal but I don't think they should be accountable for not doing anything in the last seven years.
You are wrong in that this bill is crap because it was all tossed together in the last 2 months. It would have passed if it had been crafted over the past 6 years because it would have worked the kinks out with input from everyone.

My contention was that there was no real incentive to have a good replacement bill as long as that jackass Obama was President and the Senate had the ability to filibuster in the Senate.

If you want to blame the Republicans since 2010 then blame them for not doing the hard job of defunding Obamacare, even if it took shutting down the government.
All we have heard from Republicans for the past 7 years is elect me because I will get rid of Obamacare.
They lied, they had zero intention. Anyone interested in replacing it would have already crafted a replacement bill. They tossed together crap knowing it would fail. They WANTED it to fail.
How do I know they WANTED it to fail?

Not even a peep of discussion about using the Reid option and go nuclear.

I have given up trying to figure out the motivation of Liberals, both Democrats and RINOs.
The motivation of Democrats and RINOs is simple. They have their little elite club of corruption in DC that keeps insiders in power and the little people outside the Beltway in chains.

Why do you think the only real estate in America that did not take a big dump in 08 was the DC area? Because the money flows like crazy there as they spend our hard earned money like drunken sailors on payday.
Oh good so obamacare is still on. When it fails the democrats get the blame 100%.

Wouldn't it be nice if the Dems came to Trump with a plan to fix Obamacare? A breath of bipartisanship would be nice...
it's time to fix o-care.... maybe they can do this now, with participation from both sides of the aisle?

needs lower deductibles
needs means to bring costs down
needs more competition,
maybe group insurance pools for those having to buy individually?

Not going to was meant to have all those things...high dedutcibles, higher costs, no competition and no insurance is meant to destroy private healthcare so the government can take over...

You know...the same government that runs the Veterans Hospitals......those same guys who can't run a tiny medical system for a tiny number of Americans, now want to run the entire healthcare system for 320 million Americans....

How is that going to work genius?
Total repeal is the solution.
I agree. Sometimes when I'm helping someone with a really screwed up paper they're writing, the only solution is to start over. There are things that can't be fixed.

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