Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Well, let's see just what Trump has accomplished so far:
1. EO blocking immigrations from 7 countries. No
2, Second EO blocking immigration from 6 countries. No
3. Repeal ACA on day one. No
4. Play golf 10 times in 8 weeks. Yes.

I will give him credit for not declaring war on Mexico, yet....
Federal Court Blocks Trump Admin's Immigration Executive Order - Breitbart

A judge blocked the executive order..............It is a stay and a legal matter..............

Tell me how inviting them into your country is working out...............Start with London.

Tell ya what. How about you telling ME how blocking immigration would have kept a native born British muslim from killing Londoners?
Wouldn' lets bring in a whole dang herd of them.....created by the vacuum with ISIS...........and roll the dice to see which one starts killing here..........

I don't think so.................many examples of how this dang policy hasn't worked in Europe.................Make them your dang neighbors...........not mine..............There is a cultural DIVIDE that in many cases cannot be reconcilled.............PERIOD................bringing them here will only cause more terror attacks..................
A judge blocked the executive order..............It is a stay and a legal matter..............
Tell me how inviting them into your country is working out...............Start with London.

News Flash, the guy in london was a natural born citizen of the UK.
Tell ya what. How about you telling ME how blocking immigration would have kept a native born British muslim from killing Londoners?

Common sense need not apply.
Make them your neighbor then................Enjoy..................

Don't look at the shit that's been happening in Europe while your at it....................

Reporter before being violently raped............

Again........they can be your dang neighbor not mine.

You are being redirected...
Look at them smiling as they get ready to rape the woman......................many examples.............
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.
The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement. Today's clusterfuck is more evidence on a mountain of evidence that all those 60+ repeals all these years were theater for you rubes.

Now that they actually have to replace it, they were caught with their dicks in their hands. They have NOTHING.

And Trump had NOTHING. He lied to your faces, and you are going to just sit there and take it. You are going to take his cock in your mouth and suck him off like the good little suckers you are.
no they need 60 votes in the senate, they don't have them. It isn't on them. it needed eight democrat senators. eight fking individuals who might actually legislate, but nope. they don't want to lose that campaign money. The country held hostage on democrats campaign spending habits.
Trump had NOTHING. He had no replacement plan. He lied to your flaccid little faces, and you just sit there and take it.
I already explained it to you once. he needed eight demophobe senators to get repeal. he knew he wouldn't get that. he focused on a three part plan and he can't get the GOPs. so, he is stuck today. so now it's time to move on and get tax reform done. You think the demophobes will work on that? I highly doubt it. budget? I doubt it. supreme court nominee? I doubt it. BTW, nice how trump is being blamed for the GOP not looking at obummer's nominee. wow, such sweet americans we have. let's just destroy the country legislation is what we're watching and you're proud of them. funny stuff. and then you wish to bash trump.
Hey JC......STFU. Red state Amerika are on their OWN!!!!! OBAMA CARE kicked the GOP's ASS.
Obamacare will leave thousands dying in the streets.

Obamacare is now in the hands of our almighty Republicans that is running this country.........Anything fails will fall under Trump.

Any dying Americans because of ACA will explode under Trump face.
Mine is 304 per month with an 8000 deductable for just me. The insurance is crap, and like someone else said, I just make a donation. The only people laughing right now must have insurance through their work. Evil crap shoved down our throats.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Mine is 304 per month with an 8000 deductable for just me. The insurance is crap, and like someone else said, I just make a donation. The only people laughing right now must have insurance through their work. Evil crap shoved down our throats.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

Well, this is your lucky day! Here is where you can get competitive health insurance quotes!

Individual Health Insurance Quotes – View Plans and Apply Online at

Why, if you don't smoke, and have not been treated for any illness in the last 5 years, you may be eligible for a policy for as little as $75 per month!
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
Mine is 304 per month with an 8000 deductable for just me. The insurance is crap, and like someone else said, I just make a donation. The only people laughing right now must have insurance through their work. Evil crap shoved down our throats.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

Well, this is your lucky day! Here is where you can get competitive health insurance quotes!

Individual Health Insurance Quotes – View Plans and Apply Online at

Why, if you don't smoke, and have not been treated for any illness in the last 5 years, you may be eligible for a policy for as little as $75 per month!
What a lie

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Mine is 304 per month with an 8000 deductable for just me. The insurance is crap, and like someone else said, I just make a donation. The only people laughing right now must have insurance through their work. Evil crap shoved down our throats.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

Well, this is your lucky day! Here is where you can get competitive health insurance quotes!

Individual Health Insurance Quotes – View Plans and Apply Online at

Why, if you don't smoke, and have not been treated for any illness in the last 5 years, you may be eligible for a policy for as little as $75 per month!
What a lie

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Sorry, no. The lie is all of these people who claim they are in perfect health, are paying these ridiculous premiums, and have these outrageous deductibles.

One of those three things cannot be true. I don't have perfect health, and my rates are reasonable, and my deductibles manageable. So, either I'm the luckiest guy in America, or these other claims are bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
I'm sorry, Pond. I really am. Us ACA supporters have put you into a position where you will have to take advantage of us that pay for our health insurance, and will end up paying for your hospital emergency room visits, as well. It is SO unfair to you....
Last edited:
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!

In every country in the world, except the US and Canada, you can get private health insurance for a little more than $100 a month.
True Conservatives vote their conscience and beliefs
...which is soundly rejected by the American voter. Which is why conservatives are a distinct minority, and shrinking. Failed ideologies eventually wither and die. was conservatives pushing on why Hillary got smacked down.

Trump and his Moron Army are not conservatives. Conservatives didn't even have the juice to nominate a conservative. The only conservative running was Rafael. And he got trounced by an amateur politician con man.
The Democrats fucked up real bad today and they are not smart enough to know it.

The RINO plan maintained substantial government interference in health care just like the Democrats love so much but it fixed several of the things that were going to cause the Obmacare plan to implode, which it now will do.

Democrats should have sided with the RINOs. The RINO plan was what the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if they had bothered to read what they voted on.

Trump is smart letting it fail. He will take the little hit on not doing right away what he said he would do with repeal but he will be the Savior when it fails. Meanwhile the stupid Democrats will take all the blame.
The Democrats won Bigly

They did not even have to cast a vote

They all voted No............didn't cast a vote.......You crack me up.

You're claiming they took a vote? And you're using laughing smilies?

What a retard.
Mine is 304 per month with an 8000 deductable for just me. The insurance is crap, and like someone else said, I just make a donation. The only people laughing right now must have insurance through their work. Evil crap shoved down our throats.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

Well, this is your lucky day! Here is where you can get competitive health insurance quotes!

Individual Health Insurance Quotes – View Plans and Apply Online at

Why, if you don't smoke, and have not been treated for any illness in the last 5 years, you may be eligible for a policy for as little as $75 per month!
What a lie

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Sorry, no. The lie is all of these people who claim they are in perfect health, are paying these ridiculous premiums, and have these outrageous deductibles.

One of those three things cannot be true. I don't have perfect health, and my rates are reasonable, and my deductibles manageable. So, either I'm the luckiest guy in America, or these other claims are bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
The insurers fleeing from the program like rats from a sinking ship and premiums out the roof for crap insurance.

People will see who the liars are when it all collapses.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

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