Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
So you got caught with a mouthful of bullshit.

Trump lied to you, and you just sit there and take it.
He pushed a plan that the GOP came up with.............the plan wasn't all bad.......

But wasn't the plan everyone could agree on.................Reset and negotiate and go again............That is possible and doable unless they are all like the ones posting here...................Who put country first over the usual BS>
Less people would be insured.

Premiums would rise by 20 percent.

That's not a plan. That's a total disaster. And that is why REAL conservatives like Ted Cruz could not support it.

Trump told the rube herd he had a plan. He lied. He had nothing. He was going to steal credit for the Ryan plan, and he's been caught holding his dick in his hand.

And you rubes just sit there and stroke it for him.

I gave up long ago on you dumb fucks ever waking up.
It was a GOP plan..............He would have signed it had it come to his desk.......

Was it his personal plan..............Nope..............Was Obamacare his personal plan............Nope..............

Most presidents don't right their on dang plan.........Never have............they ask for changes and push their party to pass laws for them to sign..........

Tell me the President who wrote his on dang plan.................waiting.
Trump said he had a "beautiful" plan. He said you would love it.

Where is it, Chump?

He never had one. And just look at you, lying face down and taking it up the ass from a New York huckster. :lol:

Give me examples of Presidents on bills on this that weren't written by someone else.........waiting.
Ask Trump.....he said he had an amazing plan

Are you saying he lied?
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
Like Joe Biden said......This is a big Fucking deal
The Republicans have no party discipline, and I doubt if they will have in the foreseeable future. The Tea Party, otherwise known as the Walking Dead, are not yet aware that they are dead.The GOP moderates are patiently waiting for them to find out that they are dead. Trump doesn't have a clue how to lead in a democracy, and Ryan's GOP foundation is as solid as a bed of kelp. LBJ, the consummate politician, would have gotten this through like grease through a goose, but there is no credible leadership in the GOP. Hell, it has been so long since they had power that they yearn for the good old days when Newt was still around!
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
The Republicans have no party discipline, and I doubt if they will have in the foreseeable future. The Tea Party, otherwise known as the Walking Dead, are not yet aware that they are dead.The GOP moderates are patiently waiting for them to find out that they are dead. Trump doesn't have a clue how to lead in a democracy, and Ryan's GOP foundation is as solid as a bed of kelp. LBJ, the consummate politician, would have gotten this through like grease through a goose, but there is no credible leadership in the GOP. Hell, it has been so long since they had power that they yearn for the good old days when Newt was still around!
So dead that the bill didn't pass........................

I guess they just don't count then...............they are dead...........

What happened to that bill BTW>..
The Republicans have no party discipline, and I doubt if they will have in the foreseeable future. The Tea Party, otherwise known as the Walking Dead, are not yet aware that they are dead.The GOP moderates are patiently waiting for them to find out that they are dead. Trump doesn't have a clue how to lead in a democracy, and Ryan's GOP foundation is as solid as a bed of kelp. LBJ, the consummate politician, would have gotten this through like grease through a goose, but there is no credible leadership in the GOP. Hell, it has been so long since they had power that they yearn for the good old days when Newt was still around!

The republicans are individuals...not the Borg collective like the racist the democrats the government is God.....and they will unite to give their God as much power as possible.

Our system of Government was designed to impede the accumulation of power......that is why we have 3 separate and co-equal branches of government. What happened today is due to the design....road blocks to keep power limited.

Unfortunately, the Founders never knew about the Borg collective...the left the left wing, government is their where the founders wanted each branch of government to protect it's own power....the left wing will surrender the power of their branch of government to the Executive Branch as long as it increases the size and power of the government...that is why left wing judges willingly give up their power and why the left wing politicians in congress ignored obama's over reach.....
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
And that changes the discussion how....................

Obamacare is still a disaster and there is disagreement on the solution.................

That is how it works............regroup......rewrite and pass a compromise..............
The Republicans have no party discipline, and I doubt if they will have in the foreseeable future. The Tea Party, otherwise known as the Walking Dead, are not yet aware that they are dead.The GOP moderates are patiently waiting for them to find out that they are dead. Trump doesn't have a clue how to lead in a democracy, and Ryan's GOP foundation is as solid as a bed of kelp. LBJ, the consummate politician, would have gotten this through like grease through a goose, but there is no credible leadership in the GOP. Hell, it has been so long since they had power that they yearn for the good old days when Newt was still around!

The republicans are individuals...not the Borg collective like the racist the democrats the government is God.....and they will unite to give their God as much power as possible.

Our system of Government was designed to impede the accumulation of power......that is why we have 3 separate and co-equal branches of government. What happened today is due to the design....road blocks to keep power limited.

Unfortunately, the Founders never knew about the Borg collective...the left the left wing, government is their where the founders wanted each branch of government to protect it's own power....the left wing will surrender the power of their branch of government to the Executive Branch as long as it increases the size and power of the government...that is why left wing judges willingly give up their power and why the left wing politicians in congress ignored obama's over reach.....
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
Do you kiss that picture before going to bed at night.. LOL
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
Do you kiss that picture before going to bed at night.. LOL

He is the Borg Queen.......
Yeah, I saw that presser of Ryan's today. He admitted what I have been telling the tards for years. Any dumb shit can attack the other guy's plan, but it takes intelligence and courage to put a better plan on the table and defend it.

Exactly, which is why I am not going to let the Trump supporters here throw Ryan under the bus to cover Donald Trump.
Conservatives didn't agree with the plan...............stood their ground..............

If that is throwing Ryan under the bus then so be it...............

Reset and repeat with a better bill................that is how it is supposed to work........or just push Repeal Obamacare and it will pass.........
They won't be around after the '18 election. I can promise you that. :)
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.

Giving up so easily? :gay:

Obama stuck it out for two years to get his done. Your bitches went down cheap.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.

Giving up so easily? :gay:

Obama stuck it out for two years to get his done. Your bitches went down cheap.
You must be seeing a fat lady............I'm not seeing the Fat Lady............

Oh well............
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Did they?

It wasn't the dems that spent seven years promising repeal and replace, dumbass.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
It will not last...........if they pushed a repeal vote it would be history.................enjoy the will not last.
And that changes the discussion how....................

Obamacare is still a disaster and there is disagreement on the solution.................

That is how it works............regroup......rewrite and pass a compromise..............

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