Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Ryan said the GOP had been the opposition party for the last 10 years. Saying it was easy, because all they had to do was to say no. Now that they're expected to govern they realize how hard it is.

Ryan finally admitted what we've been saying for years.

Ryan betrayed Trump.
Trump told America he had a plan much better than Obamacare. cheaper, better coverage

Why did he need Ryan's plan?

You're free to come up with your own hypothesis. But Ryan took him down.
The inability of Republicans to EVER agree on healthcare took him down

No. For whatever reason Trump trusted Ryan.
Trump doesn't have two brain cells to scratch together when it comes to policy. He kept asking people around him "is this bill any good?" because he doesn't have a clue. Ryan is made out to be the Serious Man for the Republicans - why wouldn't he trust him?

(that link is from 5 years ago, and still relevant)
Rand Paul takes victory lap on GOP health bill

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) quickly declared victory on Friday, praising conservatives for "standing up against ObamaCare Lite."

“I applaud House conservatives for keeping their word to the American people,” Paul said in a statement.

Republican leaders pulled their bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare on Friday afternoon, acknowledging that it was headed toward defeat.

Paul — who has been a top antagonist of the House bill — added that "I look forward to passing full repeal of ObamaCare in the very near future.”

Paul and other House conservatives have offered an alternative repeal bill that mirrors 2015 legislation cleared by Congress but vetoed by then-President Barack Obama.

The bill would effectively separate repeal and replace into two separate pieces of legislation, a move that would likely draw pushback from a coalition of moderate lawmakers.
GOP lawmakers haven't signaled that they are preparing to take up another healthcare bill, instead telling reporters that they didn't have a plan B.
So the Fk what.......
So you got caught with a mouthful of bullshit.

Trump lied to you, and you just sit there and take it.
He pushed a plan that the GOP came up with.............the plan wasn't all bad.......

But wasn't the plan everyone could agree on.................Reset and negotiate and go again............That is possible and doable unless they are all like the ones posting here...................Who put country first over the usual BS>
Less people would be insured.

Premiums would rise by 20 percent.

That's not a plan. That's a total disaster. And that is why REAL conservatives like Ted Cruz could not support it.

Trump told the rube herd he had a plan. He lied. He had nothing. He was going to steal credit for the Ryan plan, and he's been caught holding his dick in his hand.

And you rubes just sit there and stroke it for him.

I gave up long ago on you dumb fucks ever waking up.
It was a GOP plan..............He would have signed it had it come to his desk.......

Was it his personal plan..............Nope..............Was Obamacare his personal plan............Nope..............

Most presidents don't right their on dang plan.........Never have............they ask for changes and push their party to pass laws for them to sign..........

Tell me the President who wrote his on dang plan.................waiting.
Trump said he had a "beautiful" plan. He said you would love it.

Where is it, Chump?

He never had one. And just look at you, lying face down and taking it up the ass from a New York huckster. :lol:

Give me examples of Presidents on bills on this that weren't written by someone else.........waiting.
While you snowflakes cry and whine, the rest of us will be working towards making things better.
g5000 What bill if any do you want passed..................

speak in to the microphone.
Yeah, I saw that presser of Ryan's today. He admitted what I have been telling the tards for years. Any dumb shit can attack the other guy's plan, but it takes intelligence and courage to put a better plan on the table and defend it.

Exactly, which is why I am not going to let the Trump supporters here throw Ryan under the bus to cover Donald Trump.
Yeah, I saw that presser of Ryan's today. He admitted what I have been telling the tards for years. Any dumb shit can attack the other guy's plan, but it takes intelligence and courage to put a better plan on the table and defend it.

Exactly, which is why I am not going to let the Trump supporters here throw Ryan under the bus to cover Donald Trump.
Conservatives didn't agree with the plan...............stood their ground..............

If that is throwing Ryan under the bus then so be it...............

Reset and repeat with a better bill................that is how it is supposed to work........or just push Repeal Obamacare and it will pass.........
Partisan politics as usual here.............which is why I hardly ever post here.
Politics on a political forum? How awful!

Maybe the Barbie forum is more your speed.
Partisan politics versus politics are a different breed.................

You are a political hack........always have been.........and are taking the opportunity to wave your pom poms because it didn't pass........even though you see the damage from Obamacare and Insurance Companies hauling ass..........and premiums continuing to rise..........

Affordable Health Care Coverage my ass...........You have no dog in this hunt after what was already passed.
Conservatives didn't agree with the plan...............stood their ground..............

If that is throwing Ryan under the bus then so be it...............

Donald Trump endorsed the bill, and the buck stops at the top. Attack Paul Ryan all you want, but you better hold Donald accountable as well.
The Democrats fucked up real bad today and they are not smart enough to know it.

The RINO plan maintained substantial government interference in health care just like the Democrats love so much but it fixed several of the things that were going to cause the Obmacare plan to implode, which it now will do.

Democrats should have sided with the RINOs. The RINO plan was what the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if they had bothered to read what they voted on.

Trump is smart letting it fail. He will take the little hit on not doing right away what he said he would do with repeal but he will be the Savior when it fails. Meanwhile the stupid Democrats will take all the blame.
The Democrats won Bigly

They did not even have to cast a vote

They all voted No............didn't cast a vote.......You crack me up.

There was no vote Tard
Rand Paul takes victory lap on GOP health bill

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) quickly declared victory on Friday, praising conservatives for "standing up against ObamaCare Lite."

“I applaud House conservatives for keeping their word to the American people,” Paul said in a statement.

Republican leaders pulled their bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare on Friday afternoon, acknowledging that it was headed toward defeat.

Paul — who has been a top antagonist of the House bill — added that "I look forward to passing full repeal of ObamaCare in the very near future.”

Paul and other House conservatives have offered an alternative repeal bill that mirrors 2015 legislation cleared by Congress but vetoed by then-President Barack Obama.

The bill would effectively separate repeal and replace into two separate pieces of legislation, a move that would likely draw pushback from a coalition of moderate lawmakers.
GOP lawmakers haven't signaled that they are preparing to take up another healthcare bill, instead telling reporters that they didn't have a plan B.

Defeat= Victory
Conservatives didn't agree with the plan...............stood their ground..............

If that is throwing Ryan under the bus then so be it...............

Donald Trump endorsed the bill, and the buck stops at the top. Attack Paul Ryan all you want, but you better hold Donald accountable as well.
He endorsed part of it lands on him as well......................Of course.........

I'm not the one who started the BS about throwing Ryan under the bus......someone else did....

Direct that line of crap to who did that.
Rand Paul takes victory lap on GOP health bill

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) quickly declared victory on Friday, praising conservatives for "standing up against ObamaCare Lite."

“I applaud House conservatives for keeping their word to the American people,” Paul said in a statement.

Republican leaders pulled their bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare on Friday afternoon, acknowledging that it was headed toward defeat.

Paul — who has been a top antagonist of the House bill — added that "I look forward to passing full repeal of ObamaCare in the very near future.”

Paul and other House conservatives have offered an alternative repeal bill that mirrors 2015 legislation cleared by Congress but vetoed by then-President Barack Obama.

The bill would effectively separate repeal and replace into two separate pieces of legislation, a move that would likely draw pushback from a coalition of moderate lawmakers.
GOP lawmakers haven't signaled that they are preparing to take up another healthcare bill, instead telling reporters that they didn't have a plan B.

Defeat= Victory
To defeat a bill that would not have fixed Obamacare is a Victory...........Correct.............

You are smarter than I gave you credit for.............Good Job...........

You want a dog biscuit.
The Democrats fucked up real bad today and they are not smart enough to know it.

The RINO plan maintained substantial government interference in health care just like the Democrats love so much but it fixed several of the things that were going to cause the Obmacare plan to implode, which it now will do.

Democrats should have sided with the RINOs. The RINO plan was what the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if they had bothered to read what they voted on.

Trump is smart letting it fail. He will take the little hit on not doing right away what he said he would do with repeal but he will be the Savior when it fails. Meanwhile the stupid Democrats will take all the blame.
The Democrats won Bigly

They did not even have to cast a vote

They all voted No............didn't cast a vote.......You crack me up.

There was no vote Tard
Well you win that be it..............I was wrong on that.......

You want a cookie.................

Doesn't change the fact that Obamacare is from Crete.............
Link? LMAO, honey if you never heard him say all of that repeatedly I can't help you.
Translation "You got me there "

(smile) You run with that kid. I am very comfortable with yours and her ignorance. ;)

hey, dum dum.. i was asking for a link to where i ever said what you claimed.

Hey dum dum, I don't give a shit what you asked for, if you never heard him say it you are an idiot.
Perhaps the GOP conservatives should have just said we'll pass it..................

Then took a page out of the Dems playbook...........and said you can come along for the ride but you will sit on the back of the bus................

But they are for country over party.............the shame.......................oh be it.

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