Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Now Trump is trying to claim he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare in his first 61 days.

Even though he said that he would repeal and replace on Day One at all those Chump rallies. Even though he said that he would on his web site.

And now he has deleted that promise from his web site, because every huckster worth his salt knows his marks will keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
That is a Lie..........I heard today that he was disappointed in the outcome..........He was pushing to fulfill his promise..........but there is disagreement on the final solution.............The Final Law.............

As I said this bill was better than Obamacare but didn't fix the problem good enough for passage.
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
The democrats, and some republicans, are going to lose when the dust settles.
I have no doubt about that.
Now Trump is trying to claim he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare in his first 61 days.

Even though he said that he would repeal and replace on Day One at all those Chump rallies. Even though he said that he would on his web site.

And now he has deleted that promise from his web site, because every huckster worth his salt knows his marks will keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
That is a Lie..........
See for yourself, rube: Trump: “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days"

You Chumps just keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
Ryan said the GOP had been the opposition party for the last 10 years. Saying it was easy, because all they had to do was to say no. Now that they're expected to govern they realize how hard it is.

Ryan finally admitted what we've been saying for years.

Ryan betrayed Trump.
Trump told America he had a plan much better than Obamacare. cheaper, better coverage

Why did he need Ryan's plan?

You're free to come up with your own hypothesis. But Ryan took him down.
The inability of Republicans to EVER agree on healthcare took him down

No. For whatever reason Trump trusted Ryan.
Trump had no choice

Trump lied about having his own plan
Ryan had the same POS plan he has been pushing for years
Republican base HATES healthcare

Donny Dealmaker couldn't get it done

Republicans have a 44 seat advantage in the House and couldn't get 50%
Now Trump is trying to claim he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare in his first 61 days.

Even though he said that he would repeal and replace on Day One at all those Chump rallies. Even though he said that he would on his web site.

And now he has deleted that promise from his web site, because every huckster worth his salt knows his marks will keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
That is a Lie..........
See for yourself, rube: Trump: “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days"

You Chumps just keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
So the Fk what...............I never heard him put a deadline or timeline on passage.
Ryan betrayed Trump.
Trump told America he had a plan much better than Obamacare. cheaper, better coverage

Why did he need Ryan's plan?

You're free to come up with your own hypothesis. But Ryan took him down.
The inability of Republicans to EVER agree on healthcare took him down

No. For whatever reason Trump trusted Ryan.
Trump had no choice

Trump lied about having his own plan
Ryan had the same POS plan he has been pushing for years
Republican base HATES healthcare

Donny Dealmaker couldn't get it done

Republicans have a 44 seat advantage in the House and couldn't get 50%

..and yet you cannot take any seats away.....
President-elect Donald J. Trump said this weekend that he was nearly ready to unveil a plan to replace President Obama’s Affordable Care Act with “insurance for everybody.”

Mr. Trump, in an interview Saturday evening with The Washington Post, said that health care offered under his plan would come “in a much simplified form — much less expensive and much better.”

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Mr. Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

New York Times
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.
This place never changes as do the politics in this country..............divided down party lines neither side budging.............and then both point fingers saying the other is to blame when they don't do the job they were elected to do.

They need to get over their usual BS and do their dang job...........or get the people to stop electing their asses. Under the Constitution laws were designed to be hard to pass for a all must come to together and come up with a law worth passing...........Those days were gone a long long long time ago.
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.

Nope. The GOP took a shellacking, and do not want to remind anybody of it by continuing to beat the dead horse this year, because that will just make their upcoming failure of tax reductions even worse. Next year is an election year, so they sure as hell aren't going to bring it up then. By the year after that, there ill be 30 million Americans on ACA, so forget about it!
Now Trump is trying to claim he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare in his first 61 days.

Even though he said that he would repeal and replace on Day One at all those Chump rallies. Even though he said that he would on his web site.

And now he has deleted that promise from his web site, because every huckster worth his salt knows his marks will keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
That is a Lie..........
See for yourself, rube: Trump: “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days"

You Chumps just keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
So the Fk what...............I never heard him put a deadline or timeline on passage.
g5000 is just another Hillary panty sniffer. I don't take anything he says seriously.

Trump told America he had a plan much better than Obamacare. cheaper, better coverage

Why did he need Ryan's plan?

You're free to come up with your own hypothesis. But Ryan took him down.
The inability of Republicans to EVER agree on healthcare took him down

No. For whatever reason Trump trusted Ryan.
Trump had no choice

Trump lied about having his own plan
Ryan had the same POS plan he has been pushing for years
Republican base HATES healthcare

Donny Dealmaker couldn't get it done

Republicans have a 44 seat advantage in the House and couldn't get 50%

..and yet you cannot take any seats away.....
Trump is President

We shall see...we shall see
This place never changes as do the politics in this country..............divided down party lines neither side budging.............and then both point fingers saying the other is to blame when they don't do the job they were elected to do.

They need to get over their usual BS and do their dang job...........or get the people to stop electing their asses. Under the Constitution laws were designed to be hard to pass for a all must come to together and come up with a law worth passing...........Those days were gone a long long long time ago.

Wow, so now is the time for democrats to compromise?

Didn't see that coming! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Now Trump is trying to claim he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare in his first 61 days.

Even though he said that he would repeal and replace on Day One at all those Chump rallies. Even though he said that he would on his web site.

And now he has deleted that promise from his web site, because every huckster worth his salt knows his marks will keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
That is a Lie..........
See for yourself, rube: Trump: “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days"

You Chumps just keep coming back to be hoaxed again and again.
So the Fk what.......
So you got caught with a mouthful of bullshit.

Trump lied to you, and you just sit there and take it.
Trump never had a plan. He lied to you Chumps. He lied right to your faces, and you just sit there and take it. You have been massively hoaxed by a New York huckster, and you just keep on sucking his cock.
Partisan rhetoric which is not worth the post written on. In all, the changes made were still better than Obamacare...........but would not fix the problem.

Perhaps your side shouldn't have said get to the back of the bus back then and not said my way or the highway..........Obamacare will eventually go down and get repealed............but not this time.......

Perhaps your side could stop playing the games and do your dang job............compromise and get a better law...........

You have no right to criticize attempted fixes on Obamacare when you rammed it down the countries throat already anyway.

Again, at least Conservatives don't march lock and key with the party as the Dems always do.............Country before party..........and I agree with it.
I don't support Obamacare, idiot. I am pissed at Trump and the tards who voted him in because now we are STUCK WITH OBAMACARE BECAUSE OF TRUMP AND THE TARD HERD.

I've said countless times on this forum we should all be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. I've said countless times we need to do away with employer-sponsored insurance and its massive tax exemption.

I'm a free market, small government conservative. We had SEVERAL REAL CONSERVATIVES to choose from during the primaries, and the bigoted retarded psychopaths chose the worst possible asshole huckster motherfucker.
Bills fail to get passed all the dang time..........Doesn't mean we are stuck with Obamacare forever...........That is a dumb ass statement.

Another will be proposed and put forward in time...........and it was the Freedom Caucus...........who are Conservatives that mainly stopped the passage......

Had this been a Repeal Obamacare vote it would have passed without a problem.

Nope. The GOP took a shellacking, and do not want to remind anybody of it by continuing to beat the dead horse this year, because that will just make their upcoming failure of tax reductions even worse. Next year is an election year, so they sure as hell aren't going to bring it up then. By the year after that, there ill be 30 million Americans on ACA, so forget about it!
As I said, bills fail to pass all the time..........If they can't get up out of the dirt after getting knocked down and try again then they should go get a job as a trash collector..................

We need them to negotiate the best plan possible.............not possible with the political landscape we have today............

Should we have taken a better plan than Obamacare..........maybe..............but they need to meet again and refine the dang thing so it does what it is supposed to do.


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