Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.

Giving up so easily? :gay:

Obama stuck it out for two years to get his done. Your bitches went down cheap.
You must be seeing a fat lady............I'm not seeing the Fat Lady............

Oh well............

Back to square one.
One more than Obama.
The Democrats fucked up real bad today and they are not smart enough to know it.

The RINO plan maintained substantial government interference in health care just like the Democrats love so much but it fixed several of the things that were going to cause the Obmacare plan to implode, which it now will do.

Democrats should have sided with the RINOs. The RINO plan was what the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if they had bothered to read what they voted on.

Trump is smart letting it fail. He will take the little hit on not doing right away what he said he would do with repeal but he will be the Savior when it fails. Meanwhile the stupid Democrats will take all the blame.
The Democrats won Bigly

They did not even have to cast a vote

First of all Moon Bat, the filthy ass Democrats didn't do jackshit. It was the division of the Liberals and Conservatives within the Republican Party that cause the bill not to be passed, which is good because it was nothing more than a watered down version of Obamacare.

Second of all America lost because Obamacare continues with failure eminent. Obamacare has always been a disaster.

Isn't it funny that every time the filthy ass Democrats "wins" America loses?

The best scenario would have been for a hands down repeal of Obamacare just like the Freedom Caucus wanted. The second best scenario is that a big government alternative plan that is only marginally better than Obamacare did not get passed and Obamacare goes on and implodes. This was a good move by Trump.
Medicare for everyone will be the "cure".
You will have the republicans to thank.
The holy grail of the Liberal agenda...............To get a single payer plan........which was the plan to begin with..........Obamacare wasn't designed to succeed but they can say there is no other solution...............

Making it afforable..........yeah it really did that...........NOT.
We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Republicans control everything. They are proving incapable of solving any problem.
We are not cleaning up Barry's mess, sorry.

A little late for that.
The republicans did this to themselves. Poetic justice.
Well, let's see just what Trump has accomplished so far:
1. EO blocking immigrations from 7 countries. No
2, Second EO blocking immigration from 6 countries. No
3. Repeal ACA on day one. No
4. Play golf 10 times in 8 weeks. Yes.

I will give him credit for not declaring war on Mexico, yet....
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.

Giving up so easily? :gay:

Obama stuck it out for two years to get his done. Your bitches went down cheap.

That asshole Obama didn't have a division of Liberals and Conservatives within the Democrat Party. The filthy ass Democrat Party in 2009 was populated by bat shit crazy Libtards that never even read the bill they voted on. It is easy to get morons to do stupid things and that is exactly what we saw in 2009.
The Democrats fucked up real bad today and they are not smart enough to know it.

The RINO plan maintained substantial government interference in health care just like the Democrats love so much but it fixed several of the things that were going to cause the Obmacare plan to implode, which it now will do.

Democrats should have sided with the RINOs. The RINO plan was what the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if they had bothered to read what they voted on.

Trump is smart letting it fail. He will take the little hit on not doing right away what he said he would do with repeal but he will be the Savior when it fails. Meanwhile the stupid Democrats will take all the blame.
The Democrats won Bigly

They did not even have to cast a vote

First of all Moon Bat, the filthy ass Democrats didn't do jackshit. It was the division of the Liberals and Conservatives within the Republican Party that cause the bill not to be passed, which is good because it was nothing more than a watered down version of Obamacare.

Second of all America lost because Obamacare continues with failure eminent. Obamacare has always been a disaster.

Isn't it funny that every time the filthy ass Democrats "wins" America loses?

The best scenario would have been for a hands down repeal of Obamacare just like the Freedom Caucus wanted. The second best scenario is that a big government alternative plan that is only marginally better than Obamacare did not get passed and Obamacare goes on and implodes. This was a good move by Trump.
I agree on most points..........Repeal the dang thing straight up....................

But I don't agree with not having a replacement plan...............Trump has pushed for a replacement plan to sign with the repeal...........That has always been his position...........................He did support the passage of this bill and would have signed it....................

That is the facts of the matter....................A replacement bill is still agreeable to me.........because there are ways to help fix the dang cost without going postal like the Dems did......................

A full repeal vote is needed.
Well, let's see just what Trump has accomplished so far:
1. EO blocking immigrations from 7 countries. No
2, Second EO blocking immigration from 6 countries. No
3. Repeal ACA on day one. No
4. Play golf 10 times in 8 weeks. Yes.

I will give him credit for not declaring war on Mexico, yet....
Federal Court Blocks Trump Admin's Immigration Executive Order - Breitbart

A judge blocked the executive order..............It is a stay and a legal matter..............

Tell me how inviting them into your country is working out...............Start with London.
A song for the current parties in this country.....................something they no longer know how to do.

Meanwhile in Iraq......................

ISIS HQ..................

Where are the liberals crying over collateral damage................tsk tsk......
The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement. Today's clusterfuck is more evidence on a mountain of evidence that all those 60+ repeals all these years were theater for you rubes.

Now that they actually have to replace it, they were caught with their dicks in their hands. They have NOTHING.

And Trump had NOTHING. He lied to your faces, and you are going to just sit there and take it. You are going to take his cock in your mouth and suck him off like the good little suckers you are.

And the Magic Negro and your Hildabitch lied to you, so what.

They didn't lie to me, retard. They lied to their own pack of rubes.

Your vocabulary is astounding son. You jus a badass internet mofo ainchu? You talk like a 12 year old who isn't in mom and Dad's presence so you think it's "cool" to swear and call names.

^Another internet cowboy badass.
Well, let's see just what Trump has accomplished so far:
1. EO blocking immigrations from 7 countries. No
2, Second EO blocking immigration from 6 countries. No
3. Repeal ACA on day one. No
4. Play golf 10 times in 8 weeks. Yes.

I will give him credit for not declaring war on Mexico, yet....
Federal Court Blocks Trump Admin's Immigration Executive Order - Breitbart

A judge blocked the executive order..............It is a stay and a legal matter..............

Tell me how inviting them into your country is working out...............Start with London.

Tell ya what. How about you telling ME how blocking immigration would have kept a native born British muslim from killing Londoners?
A judge blocked the executive order..............It is a stay and a legal matter..............
Tell me how inviting them into your country is working out...............Start with London.

News Flash, the guy in london was a natural born citizen of the UK.
Tell ya what. How about you telling ME how blocking immigration would have kept a native born British muslim from killing Londoners?

Common sense need not apply.

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