Artic ice at a 30 year high

World Net Daily (WND)



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  • Overall, we rate WND Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

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Do you have anything refuting the article?
I remember, back before Escalator Day, we used to call sites like WND and Breitbart and Alex Jones "fake news" here.

Now, for these people, they're The Truth.
Care to comment on the topic and data the article cites instead of dunbfucking about, trying to discredit the messenger?
I see. So you are tacitly admitting that you are too stupid to think for yourself. In other words, you are a typical low IQ LWNJ moonbat. Aka, a Democrat.

You're a stupid and therefore easily brainwashed dupe.

can you explain how reading a story from WND is "thinking for yourself"?
It's a huge wealth redistribution scheme
The entirety of the left side of the political spectrum has become unwitting useful idiots for marxist wealth redistribution philosophy. Every issue they champion, at its base, requires taking money from earner to redistribute to those who didn't earn it. Every one.
The entirety of the left side of the political spectrum has become unwitting useful idiots for marxist wealth redistribution philosophy. Every issue they champion, at its base, requires taking money from earner to redistribute to those who didn't earn it. Every one.
First of all, if you knew anything about marxism you would know that there can't be any wealth to redistribute. The end result is where barter becomes the way. And only with the excess. You can't get rich in a Commune. But you also can't get poor either.

Do they teach stupid in your school or do you have to learn it at night.
First of all, if you knew anything about marxism you would know that there can't be any wealth to redistribute. The end result is where barter becomes the way. And only with the excess. You can't get rich in a Commune. But you also can't get poor either.

Do they teach stupid in your school or do you have to learn it at night.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (German: Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen) is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Programme.[1][2] The principle refers to free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services.[3] In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist system will be capable to produce; the idea is that, with the full development of socialism and unfettered productive forces, there will be enough to satisfy everyone's needs.[4][5]
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Wikipedia

Do you deny the left's desire to take from those with abilities and give to those with needs? Try to think conceptually instead of literally, son.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (German: Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen) is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Programme.[1][2] The principle refers to free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services.[3] In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist system will be capable to produce; the idea is that, with the full development of socialism and unfettered productive forces, there will be enough to satisfy everyone's needs.[4][5]
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Wikipedia

And it was proven in practice to only work with small groups. Karl Marx's solution didn't work on Nations. The Nation would become an Anarchy very quickly as it broke down. Lenin believed in Marx but he was about the last one that did. Stalin pretended to believe it him but Stalin only believed in Stalin. The hopes of Marxism (or even communism) died with Lenin.

Here's a question for you. If those services and goods are freely given to everyone, who is giving them in the first place? Again, it only works in small groups, not nations.
And it was proven in practice to only work with small groups. Karl Marx's solution didn't work on Nations. The Nation would become an Anarchy very quickly as it broke down. Lenin believed in Marx but he was about the last one that did. Stalin pretended to believe it him but Stalin only believed in Stalin. The hopes of Marxism (or even communism) died with Lenin.

Here's a question for you. If those services and goods are freely given to everyone, who is giving them in the first place? Again, it only works in small groups, not nations.
I've made my point. You can bicker with someone else if you'd like.
Wealth redistribution is the soul of Marxism.
Your agreement isn't necessary.
Hey dumbfucks, CO2 is not a "global warming" contributor. Your entire bullshit (global warming) is based on bullshit.
I've made my point. You can bicker with someone else if you'd like.
Wealth redistribution is the soul of Marxism.
Your agreement isn't necessary.

Your point is that you are arguing a lie. Marxism cannot exist at a national level, period. You are just parroting what your handlers are telling you to say as if it were the truth. I am trying to give you the information so you can 'Think".
Hey dumbfucks, CO2 is not a "global warming" contributor. Your entire bullshit (global warming) is based on bullshit.

Wow, another Handler Parrot person. When you don't have enough CO2 in the atmosphere, too much of the suns rays bounce back and it gets colder. But if you have too much then there is to much sunlight or "Heat" reflected back to the earth. Ideally, it should be enough to self heal. Mother Nature is very capable in doing that but we keep "Helping".
Your point is that you are arguing a lie.
I'm not arguing at all.
Wealth redistribution is a central tenet of Marxism.
Your agreement or disagreement is neither necessary nor relevant.
I'm not arguing at all.
Wealth redistribution is a central tenet of Marxism.
Your agreement or disagreement is neither necessary nor relevant.

You are arguing about something that cannot exist.

So I put in in my Gracie file. Say Goodnight, Gracie.
You are arguing about something that cannot exist.
You seem obsessed with arguing. I'm not arguing about anything.
So I put in in my Gracie file. Say Goodnight, Gracie.
You can put "in in" where the sun doesn't shine, for all I care, you illiterate imbecile.
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And if there really was bad artic ice loss, and no global flooding has occurred, welp.
Jesus. Look who has never taken a physics class. FYI, floating ice does not raise the level of the water in which it rests when it melts. It is the ice on land which is the worry in that context.
Wow, another Handler Parrot person. When you don't have enough CO2 in the atmosphere, too much of the suns rays bounce back and it gets colder. But if you have too much then there is to much sunlight or "Heat" reflected back to the earth. Ideally, it should be enough to self heal. Mother Nature is very capable in doing that but we keep "Helping".
Wow you are stupid. You really believe that? That is fantasy science.
Wow you are stupid. You really believe that? That is fantasy science.

Wow, now you want to rewrite the laws of Physics. You have nothing I care to listen to so you go in my Gracie File. Say goodnight, Gracy.
If the libs put forth that turning left made the climate change, they would have an army of enforcers and anyone turning left would be painted as a terrorist.

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