Article About Libs On This Board

Alarmist claptrap. It is a fact that if you scare conservatives enough they will beg the government to take away freedoms. Of course it is the liberal freedoms of privacy, the vote, speech, assembly and religious choice, who the hell needs that useless shit when you can own guns.

Liberals brought us all that, huh? I guess I'll have to talk to my history teachers about that one.

Now what freedoms would conservatives want to take away from you besides abortion?
Conservatives damned sure never brought those freedoms, they were to busy being loyalists. It's just not in your nature to let people you do not like alone. You people fought giving the vote to women and minorities. You people had zero problem with McCarthy and his reign of terror. You people brought us the patriot act and domestic spying because you were scared. You do not mind when the police commit manslaughter on unarmed Americans, you applaud when protests are violently put down, you damned near have spontaneous orgasms at the thought of mass deportations. In short you really do want a police state as long as you think it would make the white protestant male the pinnacle of society again. Problem is, if they will do it to "them" they will do it to you too.
We've been warned for 8 years that President Obama was taking our guns...don't believe you anymore.

And he would have if he had the Supreme Court behind him. If Hillary is elected, she will nominate gun grabbing judges that will take our guns.
Who cares. HIllary isn't going to abolish nearly all the government and is going to keep investing in America. That is why I am voting for her. NOT THAT SHE HASN"T LIED. I don't think she lies as much as Donald, but hell, I wouldn't care at this point if she did.

Its odd, you make up blatant lies then get upset about them. :eusa_think:
Conservatives damned sure never brought those freedoms, they were to busy being loyalists. It's just not in your nature to let people you do not like alone. You people fought giving the vote to women and minorities. You people had zero problem with McCarthy and his reign of terror. You people brought us the patriot act and domestic spying because you were scared. You do not mind when the police commit manslaughter on unarmed Americans, you applaud when protests are violently put down, you damned near have spontaneous orgasms at the thought of mass deportations. In short you really do want a police state as long as you think it would make the white protestant male the pinnacle of society again. Problem is, if they will do it to "them" they will do it to you too.

Your list is as ridiculous as it is long, but I will address a few latter points:

There is no law that a person has to be armed before a police officer can use deadly force. I'm an armed citizen, and there is no law that states I can't use deadly force against an unarmed attacker. The attacker being armed or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is our laws, and our laws state an armed person can use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death.

When a person LEGALLY uses deadly force for protection, it is not murder, it is not manslaughter, it is self defense, which is one of the things liberals wish to take away from us. And for the life of me, I can't understand how you consider a persons right to self-defense a loss of freedom.

How is mass deportation a loss of freedoms? Do you think people here illegally deserve any kind of freedom? They are law breakers and don't belong here. They don't deserve anything but to be kicked out.

When did our police forces ever violently put down a protest that was not violent first? Show me a protest that was within our laws, bothering nobody, not burning down businesses, automobiles or even police cars, that the police violently stopped. What we have seen recently are police backing down from violent protesters. That's what took place in Baltimore and Ferguson.
Bullshit, only conservative judges seek to overturn what is considered settled law.

They do? Then why is abortion still constitutionally protected in our country?

You don't think a leftist court would take our guns away? Then look up any decisions on gun issues brought before them and see how the leftist judges voted.
I have no illusions about Hillary Clinton, she was not my candidate of choice. I did not like her in 2008 and I do not like her now but if voting for her is the only way to keep a fascist fuckhead from power I will hold my nose and check that box on my ballot just like a lot of others who are not happy with either choice.

If that would happen, then only blame yourself once you no longer have a constitutional right to own firearms and the border is all but eliminated. Once we are disarmed, violent crime will do a reverse and start going back upwards.

With the exception of the Supreme Court nominees, the President alone has very little power. If you look at the laundry lists of both Trump and Clinton, there are few things they can actually do by themselves.
Alarmist claptrap. It is a fact that if you scare conservatives enough they will beg the government to take away freedoms. Of course it is the liberal freedoms of privacy, the vote, speech, assembly and religious choice, who the hell needs that useless shit when you can own guns.

The 2nd Amend. Is what protects all the others from you liberals taking away them away!
Bullshit, we could easily become a fascist dictatorship as long you easily frightened assholes are certain it will only oppress whoever it is they have frightened you with. All the assaults on our civic freedoms and privacy have come from republicans scaring you blithering jellyfish with terrorism. If you people fought half as hard to protect our other rights as you do the guns you would not seem like such authoritarian following dicks.
Apparently, asshole, you haven't watched all your far left friends beating people at Trump rally's, and KILLING POLICE...You fuckers should ALL be dispatched for the betterment of the world! You talk a good fight but it's EMPTY WORDS coming from the scum of humanity!
Funny how when libs on this board are faced with an inconvenient, uncomfortable truth about Ovama or Hillary ... or themselves ... the desperately fwel the need to change the subject

No, we acknowledge that her facts differ from what really happened, but you're picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants. Trump is a racist, misogynist, thin-skinned narcissist, who cannot keep from attacking those he accuses of disloyalty. He has neither the experience or the temperment for the job.

Hillary has admitted she made a mistake with her email, but even the FBI said she did nothing illegal. The question of her having multiple devices, yes, she had more than one device. The others were located in her office, not on the plane with her. See how you can twist questions so it can make her statement appear to be a lie when it's not.

Email is not and has never been a secure method of transmission. Everyone who works with email knows that. Realio trulio classified material - state secrets, names of spies, and crap like that would never be in an email. The US government has old crappy equipment and gets hacked all of the time. Look at all of the systems and businesses which have been compromised by email leaks.

George W. Bush also deleted and failed to turn over more than 50,000 emails when he left office. Why has Hillary been held to a different standard than Bush, Powell or Rice?
No, you are telling the Director of the FBI that every time he contradicted her lie he was wrong. You're telling the 4 Fact-Check sites that concluded Hillary lied her ass off ('PANTS ON FIRE') That you know more than they do and that they're wrong. It means you are telling everyone else - to include news agencies like CNN who also concluded Hillary was / is lying - that only YOUR reality is true.

The author of this article wrote this piece SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU. You are the living personification of this article. It MOCKS not only people LIKE you while it demonstrates there are such people like you, it points out and mocks YOU!

They could not have asked for a better demonstration.
Funny how when libs on this board are faced with an inconvenient, uncomfortable truth about Ovama or Hillary ... or themselves ... the desperately fwel the need to change the subject

No, we acknowledge that her facts differ from what really happened, but you're picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants. Trump is a racist, misogynist, thin-skinned narcissist, who cannot keep from attacking those he accuses of disloyalty. He has neither the experience or the temperment for the job.

Hillary has admitted she made a mistake with her email, but even the FBI said she did nothing illegal. The question of her having multiple devices, yes, she had more than one device. The others were located in her office, not on the plane with her. See how you can twist questions so it can make her statement appear to be a lie when it's not.

Email is not and has never been a secure method of transmission. Everyone who works with email knows that. Realio trulio classified material - state secrets, names of spies, and crap like that would never be in an email. The US government has old crappy equipment and gets hacked all of the time. Look at all of the systems and businesses which have been compromised by email leaks.

George W. Bush also deleted and failed to turn over more than 50,000 emails when he left office. Why has Hillary been held to a different standard than Bush, Powell or Rice?

In answer to your question, AS PROVEN...

Bush did not break the law as Hillary did.

Bush did not LIE about what the FBI said

...because Bush was never under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION by the FBI...

Bush never lied about his testimony and the Direcror of the FBI's, got 4 Pinocchios, lied AGAIN, and then got 1 x 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × PINOCCHIOS...AGAIN...and then kept lying about lying...
I'm just frankly amazed Hillary is the best the Dims could do. The idea that they don't blink an eye at having the Clinton circus back in the White (whore) House is mind bogging.
The Republicans put up a guy who is offensive...who said offensive things.

The Democrats put up a candidate who was under CRIMINAL investigation by the FBI...a person who LIED about using an illegal unauthorized unencrypted server and multiple devices...who allowed persons without security clearances to have access to potentially grave national security damaging Top Secret information...who jeopardized national security just by doing these things...who DID send and receive classified material on an unsecure illegal network AND lied about it....then lied about lying about it....then once called out for her lies lied AGAIN, was called out AGAIN for her lies, but is STILL lying about it.

The FACT - that not one liberal can legitimately, truthfully deny - is that if the person who did this was a Republucan they would be screaming like hell until the GOP candidate was FORCED out of the race and possibly faced jail time at the hands of Loretta Lynch who WOULD have pressed for prosecution had they been Republican!
"For some on the left, Hillary has never told a lie about her email

There’s always a fringe of people willing to believe anything you tell them about their favorite candidate. That’s clearly the case with Hillary Clinton. ...

Hillary has been sharply rebuked in the past week by several fact-checkers after claiming on Fox News that FBI Director Comey “said my answers were truthful.”

The Washington Post gave her claim 4 Pinocchios, the equivalent of saying she told a whopper. ...

Clinton repeatedly said she did not have any classified information whatsoever in her email, marked or unmarked. After the FBI investigation, including the interview with Clinton, Comey said she unequivocally did. ...

So there you have it. Annenberg Fact Check, CNN, the Washington Post, the Associated Press and even Politifact—none of them what you would call right-wing publications—agree Hillary has been very misleading in her statements. But in the far-left fever swamps, there are still people claiming Hillary never told a lie about her emails."

For some on the left, Hillary has never told a lie about her email - Hot Air

Here's to you, all you die-hard, reality-denying liberal Hillary supporters!



Hilary lied.

Bill lied.





Bad business. I wish the GOP picked a better candidate, you know, someone without his head jammed up his ass.

Voting for Hillary feels like punting. She's extremely qualified and experienced. Her little finger knows more about policy than Trump and his entire family.
"For some on the left, Hillary has never told a lie about her email

There’s always a fringe of people willing to believe anything you tell them about their favorite candidate. That’s clearly the case with Hillary Clinton. ...

Hillary has been sharply rebuked in the past week by several fact-checkers after claiming on Fox News that FBI Director Comey “said my answers were truthful.”

The Washington Post gave her claim 4 Pinocchios, the equivalent of saying she told a whopper. ...

Clinton repeatedly said she did not have any classified information whatsoever in her email, marked or unmarked. After the FBI investigation, including the interview with Clinton, Comey said she unequivocally did. ...

So there you have it. Annenberg Fact Check, CNN, the Washington Post, the Associated Press and even Politifact—none of them what you would call right-wing publications—agree Hillary has been very misleading in her statements. But in the far-left fever swamps, there are still people claiming Hillary never told a lie about her emails."

For some on the left, Hillary has never told a lie about her email - Hot Air

Here's to you, all you die-hard, reality-denying liberal Hillary supporters!



Hilary lied.

Bill lied.





Bad business. I wish the GOP picked a better candidate, you know, someone without his head jammed up his ass.

Voting for Hillary feels like punting. She's extremely qualified and experienced. Her little finger knows more about policy than Trump and his entire family.
I wish this administration wasn't bias and corrupt. Hillary would be in jail by now.
The Republicans put up a guy who is offensive...who said offensive things.

The Democrats put up a candidate who was under CRIMINAL investigation by the FBI...a person who LIED about using an illegal unauthorized unencrypted server and multiple devices...who allowed persons without security clearances to have access to potentially grave national security damaging Top Secret information...who jeopardized national security just by doing these things...who DID send and receive classified material on an unsecure illegal network AND lied about it....then lied about lying about it....then once called out for her lies lied AGAIN, was called out AGAIN for her lies, but is STILL lying about it.

The FACT - that not one liberal can legitimately, truthfully deny - is that if the person who did this was a Republucan they would be screaming like hell until the GOP candidate was FORCED out of the race and possibly faced jail time at the hands of Loretta Lynch who WOULD have pressed for prosecution had they been Republican!

The reason Hillary was under investigation by the FBI, is because Republicans asked the FBI to investigate. The FBI found NOTHING ILLEGAL OR ACTIONABLE. She never lied about using a private server - the State Department was always aware of it.

The rest of your paragraph is just made up shit.

When multiple Republicans did this - Bush, Powell and Rice, NOBODY SAID BOO ABOUT IT.
"For some on the left, Hillary has never told a lie about her email

There’s always a fringe of people willing to believe anything you tell them about their favorite candidate. That’s clearly the case with Hillary Clinton. ...

Hillary has been sharply rebuked in the past week by several fact-checkers after claiming on Fox News that FBI Director Comey “said my answers were truthful.”

The Washington Post gave her claim 4 Pinocchios, the equivalent of saying she told a whopper. ...

Clinton repeatedly said she did not have any classified information whatsoever in her email, marked or unmarked. After the FBI investigation, including the interview with Clinton, Comey said she unequivocally did. ...

So there you have it. Annenberg Fact Check, CNN, the Washington Post, the Associated Press and even Politifact—none of them what you would call right-wing publications—agree Hillary has been very misleading in her statements. But in the far-left fever swamps, there are still people claiming Hillary never told a lie about her emails."

For some on the left, Hillary has never told a lie about her email - Hot Air

Here's to you, all you die-hard, reality-denying liberal Hillary supporters!



say what you want
but Queen Hillary is obviously having an impact
even on the Olympics

must be that ... being the 2nd woman ever to be nominated thing
lying is cool.


"I'm so confuse by your talking boxes, and machines that fly thru the air"
The Republicans put up a guy who is offensive...who said offensive things.

The Democrats put up a candidate who was under CRIMINAL investigation by the FBI...a person who LIED about using an illegal unauthorized unencrypted server and multiple devices...who allowed persons without security clearances to have access to potentially grave national security damaging Top Secret information...who jeopardized national security just by doing these things...who DID send and receive classified material on an unsecure illegal network AND lied about it....then lied about lying about it....then once called out for her lies lied AGAIN, was called out AGAIN for her lies, but is STILL lying about it.

The FACT - that not one liberal can legitimately, truthfully deny - is that if the person who did this was a Republucan they would be screaming like hell until the GOP candidate was FORCED out of the race and possibly faced jail time at the hands of Loretta Lynch who WOULD have pressed for prosecution had they been Republican!

The reason Hillary was under investigation by the FBI, is because Republicans asked the FBI to investigate. The FBI found NOTHING ILLEGAL OR ACTIONABLE. She never lied about using a private server - the State Department was always aware of it.

The rest of your paragraph is just made up shit.

When multiple Republicans did this - Bush, Powell and Rice, NOBODY SAID BOO ABOUT IT.
You either lie or are ignorant - by choice or not.

Comey was reminded that Hillary claimed under oath to have testified that she turned over all State Department-related documents, as she was required to do BY LAW. Comey stated THAT WAS NOT TRUE, MEANING HILLARY COMMITTED PERJURY ... AND he stated the FBI found THOUSANDS of such documents HILLARY HAD NOT TURNED IN, MEANING SHE BROKE THE LAW BY NOT DOING SO - SPECIFICALLY THE FOIA & THE FEDERAL RECORDS ACT.


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