Article About Libs On This Board

You either lie or are ignorant - by choice or not.

Comey was reminded that Hillary claimed under oath to have testified that she turned over all State Department-related documents, as she was required to do BY LAW. Comey stated THAT WAS NOT TRUE, MEANING HILLARY COMMITTED PERJURY ... AND he stated the FBI found THOUSANDS of such documents HILLARY HAD NOT TURNED IN, MEANING SHE BROKE THE LAW BY NOT DOING SO - SPECIFICALLY THE FOIA & THE FEDERAL RECORDS ACT.


On the other side of the coin, Martha Stewart spent 5 months in prison because she lied about some stock tip that she got. Afterwards, she spent two years under strict supervision.

The reason these criminals (like Hillary) do things like this is because they are not held to the same standards as your average citizen. It's like a mobster going to court for a murder charge, but the judge and prosecuting attorney are both in the mob as well. Nothing is going to happen to him.

This is why we need major changes (like Trump) in our government. Somebody has to put a stop to all this.
If Hillary believed it to be true, it's neither a lie nor perjury. Don't forget that most of her emails were sent to people at the State Department. She assumed that if she sent it to someone at State, that meant the Department had a copy. This wasn't necessarily true. She also didn't personally turn the stuff over, she gave instructions to others to do it. If they did their jobs poorly, how would she know?

Comey also said she broke no laws. You have taken minor indiscretions and tried to turn this into a major scandal. Why aren't you this excited about the 50,000 emails Bush deleted? Hillary has at least, acknowledged that she handled the email poorly. Nobody's even questioned Bush about his deleted emails. Why the double standard for Republicans violating these laws?

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