Article V movement


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

No matter who wins in a few days, no matter which side dominates, half of the country is going to want to secede. That is, after legal battle after legal battle over the election with no real accepted closure for the defeated side. There is no way to stop that, or is there?

It used to be that states ran their own affairs. That means if you live in Seattle or San Fran and you want to invite illegals into your state and allow hoodlums to torch your cities and close down police departments, you are free to do so. And if you want to state to run your health care, retirement, and pretty much you whole life you can do that as well. However, if you live in a state where you don't want any of those things, you don't have to. Naturally, there will be some unhappy campers in blue and red states that don't like the system, but they are free to leave, like we see mass migrations of Californians fleeing to Texas, etc.

In fact, Massachusetts had Romneycare as their health insurance and they liked it. They even tried to stop Obamacare by voting for a Republican, Scott Brown to replace Kennedy so he would vote against it. However, the democrats bypassed his vote and the democratic process via Reconciliation. So Scott Brown failed as the people of MA were force fed the Federal health care plan.

But with states running their own affairs, like MA did at one time, all 50 states would have different ways of trying to solve problems like health care, and we can then step back and see which work best so that others will be more apt to choose them rather than demanding we all bow to the same ideology and put all our eggs in one basket and force feed us something. Actually, that was the original design and it was referred to as Federalism

States were to run their own affairs as the Federal government played referee. That way any injustices, which are bound to come, can be met with Federal intervention to correct those injustices. However, with the Federal government now running everything, when injustices come, which they do and will continue, who can we run to for justice? The referee is now running with the ball.

So I implore all of you, consider supporting the Article V movement. I see it as the last legal and civil and humane way to deal with the great divide in the country. Otherwise, you are faced with only trying to attain power and forcing the other half of the country to submit.

The choice is yours.
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If that ends up like the foolhardy ranked choice voting, it'll be a major train wreck.
In both cases, we've been told that this is the route to break up the establishment -and the left in particular- and put them back in their box....WIth ranked choice voting, all that has done in practice has been to further empower the left.
If that ends up like the foolhardy ranked choice voting, it'll be a major train wreck.
In both cases, we've been told that this is the route to break up the establishment -and the left in particular- and put them back in their box....WIth ranked choice voting, all that has done in practice has been to further empower the left.
Then why is the Left not championing it?

Now if Kamala Biden takes over, the Republic is toast. You do realize that, right?

The idea is to share power, something fascists don't ever consider doing.

Really the only hope is for conservatives and liberals to support it, Leftists will not.
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

The Founders put the Article V provision in the Constitution for a reason, and that reason was, to address an out of control Federal system. By all counts, we have reached that and then some.

So were the Founders stupid, or are we for not ever trying it because it has never been done before?

What I do know is, the US Federal Congress has not had an approval rating of above 20% for decades now. And issue such as term limits for Congress and a balanced budget amendment of some kind are supported by upwards of 60 to 80% of the public. These things will never be fixed unless this approach is taken because Congress will never decrease their power by choice.
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
If that ends up like the foolhardy ranked choice voting, it'll be a major train wreck.
In both cases, we've been told that this is the route to break up the establishment -and the left in particular- and put them back in their box....WIth ranked choice voting, all that has done in practice has been to further empower the left.
Then why is the Left not championing it?

Now if Kamala Biden takes over, the Republic is toast. You do realize that, right?

The idea is to share power, something fascists don't ever consider doing.

Really the only hope is for conservatives and liberals to support it, Leftists will not.
I'm merely pointing out that what you end up getting in these pursuits is very often quite different from what the purported desired outcome is.
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
So why would those in Congress repeal being elected directly by the people when the can control it? They have zero support according to the polls for decades but somehow keep finding their way back into office. And why would they repeal the Federal income tax? Again, they will not lay down their own power. Only the states can legally force them to do these things.
If that ends up like the foolhardy ranked choice voting, it'll be a major train wreck.
In both cases, we've been told that this is the route to break up the establishment -and the left in particular- and put them back in their box....WIth ranked choice voting, all that has done in practice has been to further empower the left.
Then why is the Left not championing it?

Now if Kamala Biden takes over, the Republic is toast. You do realize that, right?

The idea is to share power, something fascists don't ever consider doing.

Really the only hope is for conservatives and liberals to support it, Leftists will not.
I'm merely pointing out that what you end up getting in these pursuits is very often quite different from what the purported desired outcome is.
But do you not see what is coming?


Or do you think they can be kept out of office indefinitely?

Soon we may not even be allowed to speak freely about this on the internet.
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
well i agree w/you Oddone, my personal views are rather dark you see, i view our current governance as as overbearing all controlling behemoth, were they turn a simple bill into a 2000 page free for all ~S~
I'm tired of conservatives just playing defense. They have lost more and more ground over the years, and no offense to take it back.

By God it's time to go on offense!
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
So why would those in Congress repeal being elected directly by the people when the can control it? They have zero support according to the polls for decades but somehow keep finding their way back into office. And why would they repeal the Federal income tax? Again, they will not lay down their own power. Only the states can legally force them to do these things.
Point being that the Article V-ers want to add things to the Constitution, when subtracting the things that have neutered it is really all that's called for....Y'know, less is more.

No matter who wins in a few days, no matter which side dominates, half of the country is going to want to secede. That is, after legal battle after legal battle over the election with no real accepted closure for the defeated side. There is no way to stop that, or is there?

It used to be that states ran their own affairs. That means if you live in Seattle or San Fran and you want to invite illegals into your state and allow hoodlums to torch your cities and close down police departments, you are free to do so. And if you want to state to run your health care, retirement, and pretty much you whole life you can do that as well. However, if you live in a state where you don't want any of those things, you don't have to. Naturally, there will be some unhappy campers in blue and red states that don't like the system, but they are free to leave, like we see mass migrations of Californians fleeing to Texas, etc.

In fact, Massachusetts had Romneycare as their health insurance and they liked it. They even tried to stop Obamacare by voting for a Republican, Scott Brown to replace Kennedy so he would vote against it. However, the democrats bypassed his vote and the democratic process via Reconciliation. So Scott Brown failed as the people of MA were force fed the Federal health care plan.

But with states running their own affairs, like MA did at one time, all 50 states would have different ways of trying to solve problems like health care, and we can then step back and see which work best so that others will be more apt to choose them rather than demanding we all bow to the same ideology and put all our eggs in one basket and force feed us something. Actually, that was the original design and it was referred to as Federalism

States were to run their own affairs as the Federal government played referee. That way any injustices, which are bound to come, can be met with Federal intervention to correct those injustices. However, with the Federal government now running everything, when injustices come, which they do and will continue, who can we run to for justice? The referee is now running with the ball.

So I implore all of you, consider supporting the Article V movement. I see it as the last legal and civil and humane way to deal with the great divide in the country. Otherwise, you are faced with only trying to attain power and forcing the other half of the country to submit.

The choice is yours.

Can anyone believe we are talking about a nation so divided half might be willing to secede over an election between a current President who is historically documents as the most successful President in decades - in some cases ever in US history and a candidate who has been in government for 47 years, has accomplished nothing, is suffering dementia, confessed on video-tape to extorting a former Ukraine PM, and he and his family have been exposed as being engaged in taking bribes from foreign nations / US enemies, money laundering, and enriching themselves for decades - to include taking $1.5 BILLION from the Chicoms....?
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
well i agree w/you Oddone, my personal views are rather dark you see, i view our current governance as as overbearing all controlling behemoth, were they turn a simple bill into a 2000 page free for all ~S~
The issue is centralized power. It will break and corrupt any system, which it has in the US. That is why the Founding Fathers created Federalism, which has been subverted over the years.

So the only cure is decentralization.

And I understand the cynicism and distrust, but does this mean we can never put our hope and trust in anything to fight the current system?
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
So why would those in Congress repeal being elected directly by the people when the can control it? They have zero support according to the polls for decades but somehow keep finding their way back into office. And why would they repeal the Federal income tax? Again, they will not lay down their own power. Only the states can legally force them to do these things.
Point being that the Article V-ers want to add things to the Constitution, when subtracting the things that have neutered it is really all that's called for....Y'know, less is more.
I don't believe that they all agree with what to do or which amendments to make or retract, rather, they are simply trying to get states to start the process is all.

They need 2/3 of the states to join and so far I think they have around 15 who have voted to do this.
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
well i agree w/you Oddone, my personal views are rather dark you see, i view our current governance as as overbearing all controlling behemoth, were they turn a simple bill into a 2000 page free for all ~S~
The issue is centralized power. It will break and corrupt any system, which it has in the US. That is why the Founding Fathers created Federalism, which has been subverted over the years.

So the only cure is decentralization.

And I understand the cynicism and distrust, but does this mean we can never put our hope and trust in anything to fight the current system?
What would be more decentralizing than ending the income tax, a return to sound money, and putting the Senate back into the hands of the states legislatures?

No matter who wins in a few days, no matter which side dominates, half of the country is going to want to secede. That is, after legal battle after legal battle over the election with no real accepted closure for the defeated side. There is no way to stop that, or is there?

It used to be that states ran their own affairs. That means if you live in Seattle or San Fran and you want to invite illegals into your state and allow hoodlums to torch your cities and close down police departments, you are free to do so. And if you want to state to run your health care, retirement, and pretty much you whole life you can do that as well. However, if you live in a state where you don't want any of those things, you don't have to. Naturally, there will be some unhappy campers in blue and red states that don't like the system, but they are free to leave, like we see mass migrations of Californians fleeing to Texas, etc.

In fact, Massachusetts had Romneycare as their health insurance and they liked it. They even tried to stop Obamacare by voting for a Republican, Scott Brown to replace Kennedy so he would vote against it. However, the democrats bypassed his vote and the democratic process via Reconciliation. So Scott Brown failed as the people of MA were force fed the Federal health care plan.

But with states running their own affairs, like MA did at one time, all 50 states would have different ways of trying to solve problems like health care, and we can then step back and see which work best so that others will be more apt to choose them rather than demanding we all bow to the same ideology and put all our eggs in one basket and force feed us something. Actually, that was the original design and it was referred to as Federalism

States were to run their own affairs as the Federal government played referee. That way any injustices, which are bound to come, can be met with Federal intervention to correct those injustices. However, with the Federal government now running everything, when injustices come, which they do and will continue, who can we run to for justice? The referee is now running with the ball.

So I implore all of you, consider supporting the Article V movement. I see it as the last legal and civil and humane way to deal with the great divide in the country. Otherwise, you are faced with only trying to attain power and forcing the other half of the country to submit.

The choice is yours.

Can anyone believe we are talking about a nation so divided half might be willing to secede over an election between a current President who is historically documents as the most successful President in decades - in some cases ever in US history and a candidate who has been in government for 47 years, has accomplished nothing, is suffering dementia, confessed on video-tape to extorting a former Ukraine PM, and he and his family have been exposed as being engaged in taking bribes from foreign nations / US enemies, money laundering, and enriching themselves for decades - to include taking $1.5 BILLION from the Chicoms....?
Considering the level of corruption in the US and world at large, yes I can believe it.

Now what to do about it, or do you hope Trump becomes king and lives forever?
The choice is yours.
Not in a broken system Votto

Yeah it is....But not for reasons that the Article V people say it is.

The Fed, thei income tax, and direct election of Senators have all served to create an immense mess.....Repeal those foolish departures from the Constitution and most of the current political problems would go away.
So why would those in Congress repeal being elected directly by the people when the can control it? They have zero support according to the polls for decades but somehow keep finding their way back into office. And why would they repeal the Federal income tax? Again, they will not lay down their own power. Only the states can legally force them to do these things.
Point being that the Article V-ers want to add things to the Constitution, when subtracting the things that have neutered it is really all that's called for....Y'know, less is more.
I don't believe that they all agree with what to do or which amendments to make or retract, rather, they are simply trying to get states to start the process is all.

They need 2/3 of the states to join and so far I think they have around 15 who have voted to do this.
I understand all that....But the agenda is still to try to add things to the Constitution, without any real consideration of the fact that what has been already added is the source for most of what has gone wrong.

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