As a Black voter, I find this offensive: ‘What about 9/11?’ Twitter furious after Biden calls Capitol storming ‘worst attack since Civil War"

Once again, NAZI, no one was armed.
Tell that to DOJ, who have charged dozens of them with armed assault and weapons possession.

Arms don't mean just firearms. Remember, there were arms well before the invention of gunpowder.

Not to take over the government you need guns for that, and they didn't have them......

They had iphones and took selfies...meanwhile, blm and antifa brown shirts of the democrat party attacked the police and vandalized the building.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.
Well, they have to, of course.

It was just a Capitol building tour that got a little rowdy, that's all!

The Dems should be sending these people Thank You cards.
how much training you think they did for that? I'm curious to the extent you think they planned this whole thing out to confuse people like you. I indeed like the buffalo head dress for a helmet.

Oh and not wearing any bullet proof vests was very strategic I'm sure.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.

Then they could have been charged with kidnapping, and the government would still have not fallen.

And there was no mechanism for Trump to be declared the winner anyway.
The entire thing was an attempt to coerce the Congress to name Trump the winner.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.

Then they could have been charged with kidnapping, and the government would still have not fallen.

And there was no mechanism for Trump to be declared the winner anyway.
The entire thing was an attempt to coerce the Congress to name Trump the winner.
It’s good to have government afraid of the voters.
Mission accomplished.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

No guns were found on the Trump an "insurrection," was fucking impossible, you doofus........

The only individual killed was an unarmed, female Trump supporter who was shot without any attempt at an arrest.....

Trump supporters calmly walked through the hallways and took selfies....the blm and antifa democrat party brownshirts attacked police and vandalized the building...

What are you shit for brains going to do when it is finally revealed that the actual violent attackers were blm and antifa.....the same way it was finally exposed that the cop wasn't hit with a fire extinguisher, and didn't die from violence...

What are you morons going to do?

Considering that not a single masquerading rioter has been identified, I will probably conclude QAnon has infiltrated the fucking DoJ. Numerous cops were hit by all manner of weapons and several suffered permanent disability as a result. But the lot of you just don't seem to care. You don't deserve this country.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.

Then they could have been charged with kidnapping, and the government would still have not fallen.

And there was no mechanism for Trump to be declared the winner anyway.
The entire thing was an attempt to coerce the Congress to name Trump the winner.
It’s good to have government afraid of the voters.
Mission accomplished.
there's only one reason they'd actually be scared.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.

Then they could have been charged with kidnapping, and the government would still have not fallen.

And there was no mechanism for Trump to be declared the winner anyway.
The entire thing was an attempt to coerce the Congress to name Trump the winner.
It’s good to have government afraid of the voters.
Mission accomplished.
They've been afraid of their votes since the beginning of the republic. If you want them afraid of their guns, you need to leave.
Your attempt to imply an actual armed insurrection (meaning with firearms) when it clearly was a protest that got out of control (not even a riot, at most a mass trespass) doesn't mean that reality folds to make it an actual insurrection.

Armed does not need to be with firearms. I'm sure if they showed up with RPG's you would say they weren't firearms, so it didn't count.

When you say someone was armed, everyone thinks gun. if not they say something like armed with a knife, or armed with a bat. when you just hear armed you think gun.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

You think the injuries suffered by the Capitol Police weren't worth mentioning? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I said died, you brought up injuries.

Where were you when these injuries happened?

Federal officers in Portland suffered 113 eye injuries from lasers, DHS official says
Good to know we can overthrow the government with just a few dozen people trespassing in the Capitol.
Those 280 million guns can be kept in our gun safes.
Why lie about how many stormed the Capitol? "Few dozen?" Some 400 have already been arrested and another roughly 200 are still being hunted down. So by a "few dozen," you really mean about 50 dozen?

In what rightarded world is 50, a few?
Well, considering 70 million think the election was stolen, the coup planned this summer should go well.
Say what? Let's see your evidence 70 million think the election was stolen...

Is this just more of your fuzzy math where you claim 50 equals a few?
how was it coordinated? the take over attempt. where do you supposed they trained? you think they all go together and said, leave all your guns at home and bring flag poles and that will show them. you all are indeed fking idiots. holy fk.

Read a newspaper, the FBI has intercepted their communications, including from groups that include members with police and military training, as primary recruits.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.

Then they could have been charged with kidnapping, and the government would still have not fallen.

And there was no mechanism for Trump to be declared the winner anyway.
They felt otherwise. They stormed the Capitol to "stop the steal." Trump told them to stop the steal and so they tried. That means stopping Biden from being certified as the president and declaring Trump as president.

Trump told them to peacefully protest, you left that part out.
That is about 10% higher and even that will be difficult to pass. Luckily the rich are so bloated and overly wealthy it will be more than you think LOL. Damn it. Well you should tell the GOP to raise it to 60 which is what the Democrats actually want.
So you claim you want to tax the rich, and you suggest a tax of 60% for them. Not much of an increase there. Here's what taxes on the rich were when Republican presidents were in power.

Eisenhower - 91-92%
Nixon - 77%
Ford - 70%
Reagan - 69.13%

View attachment 485097
Well that's a total load of crap. Yes 90% under Eisenhower, then 70% under Kennedy then 50% under Reagan and he had success, and then going out the door he took it to 28% and nothing but trouble since. Worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Time for everyone to pay their fair share and to invest in America and Americans again. Change the channel.
Where does the Constitution say Congress is required to accept the electoral votes? What part of "they aren't required to accept them" didn't you understand?

What a fucking moron.

Article 2. Which requires the acceptance of electoral votes except by a majority vote of both houses of congress.

And Trump did not have a majority vote in both houses of congress to do that.

Hence the insurrection.

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