As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people...

Basically, my marriage is over, my children are grown, and my career is not really going anywhere.

So, at the age of 51, I have nothing to do but prepare to die.

And, I'm not prepared, not nearly.

Ok, how about now?
What I am now is lost.

You sound that way. You're posting very differently than usual. I've thought you were just another RWNJ hater and mostly scroll right on by but you're sounding downright human today.

You can't let this fester and grow any bigger. With depression, the easiest thing to do is less of everything. Hard to find a way out of the dark cloud.

Do you have interests? Hobbies? What do you care about?

There's so much need in this world. Do you think you could find a way to make it better and do that?
As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people, that's one of the rules. I believe I'm not doing that very well, and it's even harder to be nice on the internet because you can't see the faces of the people you're talking to.

I realize now that I called theDoctorisIn a lot of nasty names today in another thread, which is probably why he's calling me a "fuckwit" in another thread.

So, theDoctorisIn, I am sorry for all those names I called you today, and if I hurt you in any other way, I apologize for that too.

I think I might have to leave this forum because it's such a temptation to be mean to people, and if I'm going to be a good Catholic, I can't be mean to people anymore.

But for the time being, I will stick around and see if I can convey my ideas, without being mean to people.

If that doesn't work, I will quit.
I feel guilty sometimes, too, Blackrook, for the things I say here. It is full of people who like to provoke and sometimes even if they aren't intentionally provoking anyone, the idea itself is so antithetical to what I believe that it just plain PISSES ME OFF.

Rather than focus on the words you say, I think if you really want to be nice to people, you might want to start by not holding all Muslims responsible for terrorism.

But give yourself a little break. Christ knows we're human. At least you're trying.

I agree.

Like she said, I'm not like this in real life either. Most people IRL would not recognize me here. Interesting to me is when I see something I have in common with someone here I so completely disagree with. If we met someplace else, would we see that we have more in common than differences? I hope so.

Forgiving others for their weaknesses. Like, say, homeless. Not all of us are strong enough to make something out of nothing. Why not reach out a hand to help someone up?

Who said "be the change you want to see"? Obama? Whoever it was, that's a lofty goal and if we can't do that everyday, we shouldn't kick ourselves around.

The internet. It was supposed to set us free. All the knowledge on the planet at our fingertips and I'll bet that 99.99% of what we read is opinion. NOT fact. And its tearing us apart.
As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people, that's one of the rules. I believe I'm not doing that very well, and it's even harder to be nice on the internet because you can't see the faces of the people you're talking to.

I realize now that I called theDoctorisIn a lot of nasty names today in another thread, which is probably why he's calling me a "fuckwit" in another thread.

So, theDoctorisIn, I am sorry for all those names I called you today, and if I hurt you in any other way, I apologize for that too.

I think I might have to leave this forum because it's such a temptation to be mean to people, and if I'm going to be a good Catholic, I can't be mean to people anymore.

But for the time being, I will stick around and see if I can convey my ideas, without being mean to people.

If that doesn't work, I will quit.

How about as person you suppose to be nice to people. It has always befuddled me that some people rely on their religion to teach them how to be a decent person. I guess without religion some people would be even bigger a-holes.

People come to Christ only when they come to the realization that they need him.

Obviously, you think your life will be OK without him.

I somewhat agree with your statement. I don't think however that Christ or Christianity has a monopoly on "saving " people. There is great value in religious practice to many people. It's real, and in the context of this thread, if it makes you a nicer person, then I have no issue.

Either Christ went to the cross for all of mankind or he did it for nothing.

Either Christ was the only Son of God or he was not.

It's just that simple.
As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people, that's one of the rules. I believe I'm not doing that very well, and it's even harder to be nice on the internet because you can't see the faces of the people you're talking to.

I realize now that I called theDoctorisIn a lot of nasty names today in another thread, which is probably why he's calling me a "fuckwit" in another thread.

So, theDoctorisIn, I am sorry for all those names I called you today, and if I hurt you in any other way, I apologize for that too.

I think I might have to leave this forum because it's such a temptation to be mean to people, and if I'm going to be a good Catholic, I can't be mean to people anymore.

But for the time being, I will stick around and see if I can convey my ideas, without being mean to people.

If that doesn't work, I will quit.

How about as person you suppose to be nice to people. It has always befuddled me that some people rely on their religion to teach them how to be a decent person. I guess without religion some people would be even bigger a-holes.

People come to Christ only when they come to the realization that they need him.

Obviously, you think your life will be OK without him.

I somewhat agree with your statement. I don't think however that Christ or Christianity has a monopoly on "saving " people. There is great value in religious practice to many people. It's real, and in the context of this thread, if it makes you a nicer person, then I have no issue.

Either Christ went to the cross for all of mankind or he did it for nothing.

Either Christ was the only Son of God or he was not.

It's just that simple.

I just bristle at the notion that the only way to salvation is thru Christ and Christianity. Living a good and decent life, being thoughtful and caring for your fellow man can be done without a devotion to a historical figure.
As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people, that's one of the rules. I believe I'm not doing that very well, and it's even harder to be nice on the internet because you can't see the faces of the people you're talking to.

I realize now that I called theDoctorisIn a lot of nasty names today in another thread, which is probably why he's calling me a "fuckwit" in another thread.

So, theDoctorisIn, I am sorry for all those names I called you today, and if I hurt you in any other way, I apologize for that too.

I think I might have to leave this forum because it's such a temptation to be mean to people, and if I'm going to be a good Catholic, I can't be mean to people anymore.

But for the time being, I will stick around and see if I can convey my ideas, without being mean to people.

If that doesn't work, I will quit.
I feel guilty sometimes, too, Blackrook, for the things I say here. It is full of people who like to provoke and sometimes even if they aren't intentionally provoking anyone, the idea itself is so antithetical to what I believe that it just plain PISSES ME OFF.

Rather than focus on the words you say, I think if you really want to be nice to people, you might want to start by not holding all Muslims responsible for terrorism.

But give yourself a little break. Christ knows we're human. At least you're trying.

I agree.

Like she said, I'm not like this in real life either. Most people IRL would not recognize me here. Interesting to me is when I see something I have in common with someone here I so completely disagree with. If we met someplace else, would we see that we have more in common than differences? I hope so.

Forgiving others for their weaknesses. Like, say, homeless. Not all of us are strong enough to make something out of nothing. Why not reach out a hand to help someone up?

Who said "be the change you want to see"? Obama? Whoever it was, that's a lofty goal and if we can't do that everyday, we shouldn't kick ourselves around.

The internet. It was supposed to set us free. All the knowledge on the planet at our fingertips and I'll bet that 99.99% of what we read is opinion. NOT fact. And its tearing us apart.
Blackrook is a she?
You put your finger on something--depression.
Basically, my marriage is over, my children are grown, and my career is not really going anywhere.

So, at the age of 51, I have nothing to do but prepare to die.

And, I'm not prepared, not nearly.
but you can start a new life
As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people, that's one of the rules. I believe I'm not doing that very well, and it's even harder to be nice on the internet because you can't see the faces of the people you're talking to.

I realize now that I called theDoctorisIn a lot of nasty names today in another thread, which is probably why he's calling me a "fuckwit" in another thread.

So, theDoctorisIn, I am sorry for all those names I called you today, and if I hurt you in any other way, I apologize for that too.

I think I might have to leave this forum because it's such a temptation to be mean to people, and if I'm going to be a good Catholic, I can't be mean to people anymore.

But for the time being, I will stick around and see if I can convey my ideas, without being mean to people.

If that doesn't work, I will quit.
I wish you well.

While not a Christian, I do believe that one of Jesus's most powerful statements is when he says(paraphrasing) to not only love your neighbors- but to love your enemies too. That is insidiously powerful- and very, very hard to do.

Good luck.
Basically, my marriage is over, my children are grown, and my career is not really going anywhere.

So, at the age of 51, I have nothing to do but prepare to die.

And, I'm not prepared, not nearly.

Blackrook- I disagree with almost everything you post here.

And I am going to disagree with you again.

You have a choice- you can choose to do nothing but prepare to die- or you can choose to do something else.

I hope you choose something else and I sincerely wish you success in finding new purpose in your life- 51 is way too young to give up.
As a Catholic, I'm supposed to be nice to people, that's one of the rules. I believe I'm not doing that very well, and it's even harder to be nice on the internet because you can't see the faces of the people you're talking to.

I realize now that I called theDoctorisIn a lot of nasty names today in another thread, which is probably why he's calling me a "fuckwit" in another thread.

So, theDoctorisIn, I am sorry for all those names I called you today, and if I hurt you in any other way, I apologize for that too.

I think I might have to leave this forum because it's such a temptation to be mean to people, and if I'm going to be a good Catholic, I can't be mean to people anymore.

But for the time being, I will stick around and see if I can convey my ideas, without being mean to people.

If that doesn't work, I will quit.

How about as person you suppose to be nice to people. It has always befuddled me that some people rely on their religion to teach them how to be a decent person. I guess without religion some people would be even bigger a-holes.

People come to Christ only when they come to the realization that they need him.

Obviously, you think your life will be OK without him.

I somewhat agree with your statement. I don't think however that Christ or Christianity has a monopoly on "saving " people. There is great value in religious practice to many people. It's real, and in the context of this thread, if it makes you a nicer person, then I have no issue.

Either Christ went to the cross for all of mankind or he did it for nothing.

Either Christ was the only Son of God or he was not.

It's just that simple.
was not

man gods have no roots in Judaism which Christians claim is their roots

and no its not what you christians have been taught since childhood

Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus

Why Don't Jews Believe In Jesus | The difference between Judaism and Christianity
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