As a libertarian I support your choices.

I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?
You if anyone should know the answer to that question. Paying your debt to the society that took care of you when your own parents couldn't.
I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?
You if anyone should know the answer to that question. Paying your debt to the society that took care of you when your own parents couldn't.

And I already pay for that system as I have said before

You want people to pay even more to parents who don't care for their children

And I don't have a debt to "society"

y foster parents were complete assholes and in fact even though I petitioned family court to be emancipated at 17 I was basically on my own since I was 14. I got a job saved every penny and was away from the foster home most of the time sleeping on couches in my friends houses. I paid for all my own food and clothing too.

So don't think you know what "society" gave me.
So you think it's more humane to leave kids with people who can't or wont care for them

Got it
Sometimes yes, sometimes, no. Would you take a child from his family because his family can't afford life insurance?

I never said life insurance was a requirement but responsible parents do.

So here we go again

If you can't afford to provide food , shelter, clothing, and yes medical care for your children then you should not have kids.

Why should anyone expect other parents who do all of the above for their children to give money that could be used for the welfare of their own children to someone else who refuses to provide all those things for his own family?

I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?

I'm curious how you would go about this. Mandatory sterilization, mandatory abortions or would you restrict this to just a system of state run child centers? Perhaps a combination?
So you think it's more humane to leave kids with people who can't or wont care for them

Got it
Sometimes yes, sometimes, no. Would you take a child from his family because his family can't afford life insurance?

I never said life insurance was a requirement but responsible parents do.

So here we go again

If you can't afford to provide food , shelter, clothing, and yes medical care for your children then you should not have kids.

Why should anyone expect other parents who do all of the above for their children to give money that could be used for the welfare of their own children to someone else who refuses to provide all those things for his own family?

I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?

I'm curious how you would go about this. Mandatory sterilization, mandatory abortions or would you restrict this to just a system of state run child centers? Perhaps a combination?

You take kids away from people who do not provide those things and give them to someone who will.
Funny I knew a guy that was thrown in jail for not paying child support to his ex.

WHy shouldn't we treat any parent who refuses to support their own kids the same way?
So you think it's more humane to leave kids with people who can't or wont care for them

Got it
Sometimes yes, sometimes, no. Would you take a child from his family because his family can't afford life insurance?

I never said life insurance was a requirement but responsible parents do.

So here we go again

If you can't afford to provide food , shelter, clothing, and yes medical care for your children then you should not have kids.

Why should anyone expect other parents who do all of the above for their children to give money that could be used for the welfare of their own children to someone else who refuses to provide all those things for his own family?

I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?

I'm curious how you would go about this. Mandatory sterilization, mandatory abortions or would you restrict this to just a system of state run child centers? Perhaps a combination?

I'm not one ever in favor of forcing anyone to do anything that includes forcing people who work hard to support their own kids to pay for someone else's kids or forcing people who chose not to have kids to pay for someone else's kids.

We already have a system in place that is supposed to look after kids when their parent don't we don't need another. If you think we do then start a charity
I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?
You if anyone should know the answer to that question. Paying your debt to the society that took care of you when your own parents couldn't.

And I already pay for that system as I have said before

You want people to pay even more to parents who don't care for their children

And I don't have a debt to "society"

y foster parents were complete assholes and in fact even though I petitioned family court to be emancipated at 17 I was basically on my own since I was 14. I got a job saved every penny and was away from the foster home most of the time sleeping on couches in my friends houses. I paid for all my own food and clothing too.

So don't think you know what "society" gave me.
I'm guessing that, however bad the foster care system, if you had gotten sick or had an accident, it would have covered your expenses. It seems that if you're already paying for healthcare for foster children, paying healthcare of other children but not removing them from their families, is both more humane and more cost effective.
As a committed lifelong libertarian I support your right to enjoy the liberties we have here in the United States. You certainly have every right to eat bad food like a pig, smoke tobacco like a chimney, drink alcohol like a fish, smoke weed on a regular basis and lay around like a sloth. God bless America.

What I find difficult to grasp is your eager support of Venezuelan-style government health insurance like the Affordable Care Act that forces the rest of us to pay for your choices. Forty years ago when many were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow I was running ten miles a day. A respected local physician told me many years ago that when my joints and ligaments began to protest I should transition to the bicycle which I did in 1983.

With the thousands I saved from not smoking, drinking to excess and using illegal drugs I was able to purchase an expensive racing bicycle and never looked back. Today at 72 I have a 45-year-old body from riding with people decades younger than I am.

You are free to do live any way you want. If you want to get your leg sawed off from self-inflicted diabetes go for it. If you want to cough up blood because your liver looks like a Sun-dried sponge, have at it. If you want to be financially destroyed by paying for quadruple heart bypass surgery I won’t stand in your way. You certainly have every right to spend you twilight years enjoying your COPD; I choose to have clear lungs so I can chase the wind on my bike.

What I can’t understand is that you want me to pay for all the dancing you did as the fiddler’s bill comes due. Why are you trying to use the government to strong-arm me to pay your bill? No government insurance buys me new tires for my bike or prescription coverage to pay for expensive frame components or cycle clothing.

I want you to be happy as you dance but you must pay your own bill as you either drop dead or end up swallowing your face in a nursing home at fifty. It’s your choice and as a libertarian I support that choice. Enjoy your handicap parking sticker and electric shopping cart; I’ll ride my bike. I want the government to leave me alone.
Great post. Freedom means that you are free to make bad decisions as well as good ones for yourself. Keep riding I will keep running as long as my knees let me.
I have no problem with allowing people to make bad decisions what I have a problem with is making me pay for their bad decisions

If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
As a committed lifelong libertarian I support your right to enjoy the liberties we have here in the United States. You certainly have every right to eat bad food like a pig, smoke tobacco like a chimney, drink alcohol like a fish, smoke weed on a regular basis and lay around like a sloth. God bless America.

What I find difficult to grasp is your eager support of Venezuelan-style government health insurance like the Affordable Care Act that forces the rest of us to pay for your choices. Forty years ago when many were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow I was running ten miles a day. A respected local physician told me many years ago that when my joints and ligaments began to protest I should transition to the bicycle which I did in 1983.

With the thousands I saved from not smoking, drinking to excess and using illegal drugs I was able to purchase an expensive racing bicycle and never looked back. Today at 72 I have a 45-year-old body from riding with people decades younger than I am.

You are free to do live any way you want. If you want to get your leg sawed off from self-inflicted diabetes go for it. If you want to cough up blood because your liver looks like a Sun-dried sponge, have at it. If you want to be financially destroyed by paying for quadruple heart bypass surgery I won’t stand in your way. You certainly have every right to spend you twilight years enjoying your COPD; I choose to have clear lungs so I can chase the wind on my bike.

What I can’t understand is that you want me to pay for all the dancing you did as the fiddler’s bill comes due. Why are you trying to use the government to strong-arm me to pay your bill? No government insurance buys me new tires for my bike or prescription coverage to pay for expensive frame components or cycle clothing.

I want you to be happy as you dance but you must pay your own bill as you either drop dead or end up swallowing your face in a nursing home at fifty. It’s your choice and as a libertarian I support that choice. Enjoy your handicap parking sticker and electric shopping cart; I’ll ride my bike. I want the government to leave me alone.
Great post. Freedom means that you are free to make bad decisions as well as good ones for yourself. Keep riding I will keep running as long as my knees let me.
I have no problem with allowing people to make bad decisions what I have a problem with is making me pay for their bad decisions

If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

So I should then have the means to keep you from making bad decisions?
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
its not an excuse its the consequences of dependency if there aren't any consequences of dependency there is no incentive not to be a dependent
As a committed lifelong libertarian I support your right to enjoy the liberties we have here in the United States. You certainly have every right to eat bad food like a pig, smoke tobacco like a chimney, drink alcohol like a fish, smoke weed on a regular basis and lay around like a sloth. God bless America.

What I find difficult to grasp is your eager support of Venezuelan-style government health insurance like the Affordable Care Act that forces the rest of us to pay for your choices. Forty years ago when many were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow I was running ten miles a day. A respected local physician told me many years ago that when my joints and ligaments began to protest I should transition to the bicycle which I did in 1983.

With the thousands I saved from not smoking, drinking to excess and using illegal drugs I was able to purchase an expensive racing bicycle and never looked back. Today at 72 I have a 45-year-old body from riding with people decades younger than I am.

You are free to do live any way you want. If you want to get your leg sawed off from self-inflicted diabetes go for it. If you want to cough up blood because your liver looks like a Sun-dried sponge, have at it. If you want to be financially destroyed by paying for quadruple heart bypass surgery I won’t stand in your way. You certainly have every right to spend you twilight years enjoying your COPD; I choose to have clear lungs so I can chase the wind on my bike.

What I can’t understand is that you want me to pay for all the dancing you did as the fiddler’s bill comes due. Why are you trying to use the government to strong-arm me to pay your bill? No government insurance buys me new tires for my bike or prescription coverage to pay for expensive frame components or cycle clothing.

I want you to be happy as you dance but you must pay your own bill as you either drop dead or end up swallowing your face in a nursing home at fifty. It’s your choice and as a libertarian I support that choice. Enjoy your handicap parking sticker and electric shopping cart; I’ll ride my bike. I want the government to leave me alone.
Great post. Freedom means that you are free to make bad decisions as well as good ones for yourself. Keep riding I will keep running as long as my knees let me.
I have no problem with allowing people to make bad decisions what I have a problem with is making me pay for their bad decisions

If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

So I should then have the means to keep you from making bad decisions?
Yes if your going to live on my dime
If your going to act like a child a dependent child then you need to be treated as such

for example we have an obesity problem here in the US and the biggest culprit of obesity is those below the poverty line ones that collect food stamps so why are we letting people that collect food stamps buy junk food unhealthy food that causes obesity with those stamps?
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
Conservatives do not tell people how to live. We point out self destructive behavior but the choice is always yours.
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
Conservatives do not tell people how to live. We point out self destructive behavior but the choice is always yours.

Uh huh...
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
its not an excuse its the consequences of dependency if there aren't any consequences of dependency there is no incentive not to be a dependent

Sure. I understand. It's different when you do it. ;)
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
its not an excuse its the consequences of dependency if there aren't any consequences of dependency there is no incentive not to be a dependent

Sure. I understand. It's different when you do it. ;)
if I have to foot the bill dam right
I'm not asking you too foot any of my bills with any of my decisions
If you are going to force me to pay for other peoples bad decisions I want the means to keep them from making bad decisions

And this is the one-two punch that drives a welfare state toward totalitarian government. Liberals promote dependency on the state, and conservatives use it as an excuse to tell people how to live.
its not an excuse its the consequences of dependency if there aren't any consequences of dependency there is no incentive not to be a dependent

Sure. I understand. It's different when you do it. ;)
if I have to foot the bill dam right
I'm not asking you too foot any of my bills with any of my decisions

Do your kids go to public schools? Do you drive on public roads? If so, your bad decisions can definitely end up costing me money. So, that excuse doesn't fly.
So you think it's more humane to leave kids with people who can't or wont care for them

Got it
Sometimes yes, sometimes, no. Would you take a child from his family because his family can't afford life insurance?

I never said life insurance was a requirement but responsible parents do.

So here we go again

If you can't afford to provide food , shelter, clothing, and yes medical care for your children then you should not have kids.

Why should anyone expect other parents who do all of the above for their children to give money that could be used for the welfare of their own children to someone else who refuses to provide all those things for his own family?

I don't have kids so why should I have to pay more of the money I earn so people who have kids they never should have had can get a check?
Also, why should someone who doesn't have children pay the same in property taxes as someone who does? If you don't have children using the school system then you shouldn't pay as much. If you eventually have a child then your tax bill increases accordingly
Always say “No!” to unconditional public assistance when you are able bodied.
Just the opposite for me. I went to public school and I sent my kids to public school.
How far away are you from the closest Hood?
Currently about 3-6 miles depending on your definition.
Hob nob or work with any Hoodies?
Nope. Not sure why you care?

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