As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

You are stepping all over yourself if you are trying to make a case that the press needs to be out watchdogs. If that’s your position then the harsh and critical treatment of trump should be welcomed and Trumps dishonest attacks on the press when he calls critical news “fake” should be criticized. I dont see you doing that

The press has earned every bit of scorn it gets from Trump. And their critical treatment of Trump has nothing to do with their sense of civic duty, but their hatred of him, his positions and anyone who agrees with him.

Your blindness to this just show how much of a prog-cock sucking hack you are.
What exactly do you think I’m blind too?

Figure it out yourself.
The easy way for me to make you look even more stupid than you make yourself look is by simply asking you to explain yourself. People like you never can so they respond like you just did, by either dodging or diverting. Nice try.

Fine, you are blind to your own obvious hatred and biases.

i.e. "slade hates trump, so he will gladly turn a blind eye to anyone who is an ass as long as they hate trump"

You would probably give them a reach around while rimming their asshole at the same time.
See I told you that you’d make an ass out of yourself if you tried to explain your ignorant statements.

I don’t hate Trump but I am highly critical of him because I think he acts wildly inappropriate for the position that he is in. You on the other had seem highly emotional and unable to present a rational or honest argument. But whatever floats your boat I guess
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Treat people with respect and they should respect you back... treat them like shit and well you get the point. It isn’t a hard concept

LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.
No, what I alluded to earlier is that it's not my opinion that matters, nor is it yours, the U.S. Supreme Court is the opinion which matters. I never said I didn't have an opinion on the matter prior to Obergefell.

I'm not saying my opinion has any bearing on the court's decision, which would make it circular. I am saying, both my opinion and the opinion of the court is that some people were being treated differently under the law for the reasons I care not to repeat again.

And you're entitled to your opinion. What a pity you failed to demonstrate it beyond, nuh-uh.

I made several references to precedent and my view that it isn't equal via the constitution because it's a concept that wasn't even around when the 14th amendment was thought up.

Again, the right way was to let States figure out if they want to issue SSM licenses, but force all States to recognize those licenses, like all others, under full faith and credit.
There is no precedent which can stand unconstitutionally. And the 14th amendment protects equality of all laws, not just those which existed before its ratification. Just like the Constitution protects Congress’ authority in maintaining an Air Force even though there was no such branch of the military in 1788.

And again, states don’t get to violate peoples’ constitutional rights.

It's not about laws before or after the amendment was passed, it's about concepts.

and air power can be equated to both cavalry and artillery, two things that were around when the Constitution was ratified.

Please show me any culture that even considered SSM prior to the past 3 decades.

So you are saying the 14th amendment is absolute? Be careful with that....
You were the one to posit, ”my view that it isn't equal via the constitution because it's a concept that wasn't even around when the 14th amendment was thought up,” and that’s an absurd excuse.

And against n, it matters not when it became a thing nor does it matter how other countries view it. We are not citizens of other countries and it’s a thing now where some people were being denied the fundamental right to marry the person of their choice while others were not.

Sadly for you, you’ve presented no compelling argument for why such discrimination should have been allowed to continue.
And you haven't provided a compelling argument why States should be forced to issue SSM licenses beyond "I think they should, fuh fuh fuh, obergfell, fuh fuh fuh"
Now you’re simply lying as I’ve stated the compelling interests repeatedly; which extended well beyond, ”fuh fuh fuh.”

Regrettably, with your lies, your surrender is attached, which I gracefully accept.
Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Treat people with respect and they should respect you back... treat them like shit and well you get the point. It isn’t a hard concept

LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
We should count our blessings...the butchering of the English language alone would be beyond troubling.
Treat people with respect and they should respect you back... treat them like shit and well you get the point. It isn’t a hard concept

LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

And we can only Thank God for that-lol

LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

It isn't the job of the press to report a President's successes? Really? Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the job of the press was report successes and failures? As for asking the "hard questions"? Did the main stream press hold Barack Obama's feet to the fire when he started using "jobs created or saved" to distract from how few jobs he was able to create with his stimulus? Or did they just go along with that farce? You can't be "critical" of one President when you've just had a slobbering love affair with the proceeding President. You can't if you want to be seen as fair and unbiased!

As for what I think Trump is? He's a promoter. He promotes himself. He promotes his agenda. He does so in a totally over the top manner. Everything is "huge"...everything is "amazing"! It's who he's how he'll always be. That's all a show though...what you need to look at with Trump is whether he achieves his goals...and to be quite honest with you, the man constantly surprises me with what he IS getting done!
Media started off trotting events; aka news .
Then they moved to creating events
Now fabricating events;aka fake news
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Because he doesn't know facts and lies.....
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

It isn't the job of the press to report a President's successes? Really? Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the job of the press was report successes and failures? As for asking the "hard questions"? Did the main stream press hold Barack Obama's feet to the fire when he started using "jobs created or saved" to distract from how few jobs he was able to create with his stimulus? Or did they just go along with that farce? You can't be "critical" of one President when you've just had a slobbering love affair with the proceeding President. You can't if you want to be seen as fair and unbiased!

As for what I think Trump is? He's a promoter. He promotes himself. He promotes his agenda. He does so in a totally over the top manner. Everything is "huge"...everything is "amazing"! It's who he's how he'll always be. That's all a show though...what you need to look at with Trump is whether he achieves his goals...and to be quite honest with you, the man constantly surprises me with what he IS getting done!
Yes you are correct the press should report everything honestly, I’m simply saying it isn’t their job to just report his successes and kiss his ass like the Hannities do. Its what you bitch about the MSM doing for Obama.

But here’s the deal. Most things that you call successes from Trump are reported on those networks you call fake news. You may not like the pundit commentary and spin but the major outlets all cover the same headlines. Just as they covered Benghazi and the IRD scandal and the Clinton Email probe etc
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Why the hell should he waste his time with a bunch of mewling idiots? Look how they scream wildly whenever given a chance.
The press has earned every bit of scorn it gets from Trump. And their critical treatment of Trump has nothing to do with their sense of civic duty, but their hatred of him, his positions and anyone who agrees with him.

Your blindness to this just show how much of a prog-cock sucking hack you are.
What exactly do you think I’m blind too?

Figure it out yourself.
The easy way for me to make you look even more stupid than you make yourself look is by simply asking you to explain yourself. People like you never can so they respond like you just did, by either dodging or diverting. Nice try.

Fine, you are blind to your own obvious hatred and biases.

i.e. "slade hates trump, so he will gladly turn a blind eye to anyone who is an ass as long as they hate trump"

You would probably give them a reach around while rimming their asshole at the same time.
See I told you that you’d make an ass out of yourself if you tried to explain your ignorant statements.

I don’t hate Trump but I am highly critical of him because I think he acts wildly inappropriate for the position that he is in. You on the other had seem highly emotional and unable to present a rational or honest argument. But whatever floats your boat I guess

Nah, you hate trump you are just too dense or stupid to admit it to yourself.

I give what I get and you frankly aren't worth my tier one responses.

You get to be called out like the other morons on this board.
I made several references to precedent and my view that it isn't equal via the constitution because it's a concept that wasn't even around when the 14th amendment was thought up.

Again, the right way was to let States figure out if they want to issue SSM licenses, but force all States to recognize those licenses, like all others, under full faith and credit.
There is no precedent which can stand unconstitutionally. And the 14th amendment protects equality of all laws, not just those which existed before its ratification. Just like the Constitution protects Congress’ authority in maintaining an Air Force even though there was no such branch of the military in 1788.

And again, states don’t get to violate peoples’ constitutional rights.

It's not about laws before or after the amendment was passed, it's about concepts.

and air power can be equated to both cavalry and artillery, two things that were around when the Constitution was ratified.

Please show me any culture that even considered SSM prior to the past 3 decades.

So you are saying the 14th amendment is absolute? Be careful with that....
You were the one to posit, ”my view that it isn't equal via the constitution because it's a concept that wasn't even around when the 14th amendment was thought up,” and that’s an absurd excuse.

And against n, it matters not when it became a thing nor does it matter how other countries view it. We are not citizens of other countries and it’s a thing now where some people were being denied the fundamental right to marry the person of their choice while others were not.

Sadly for you, you’ve presented no compelling argument for why such discrimination should have been allowed to continue.
And you haven't provided a compelling argument why States should be forced to issue SSM licenses beyond "I think they should, fuh fuh fuh, obergfell, fuh fuh fuh"
Now you’re simply lying as I’ve stated the compelling interests repeatedly; which extended well beyond, ”fuh fuh fuh.”

Regrettably, with your lies, your surrender is attached, which I gracefully accept.

The only compelling interest you state is your own desire for it, and some mumbling about equality without showing it or proving it.

What it probably boils down to is you hate religious people and you jerk off at any opportunity to fuck them over.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

It isn't the job of the press to report a President's successes? Really? Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the job of the press was report successes and failures? As for asking the "hard questions"? Did the main stream press hold Barack Obama's feet to the fire when he started using "jobs created or saved" to distract from how few jobs he was able to create with his stimulus? Or did they just go along with that farce? You can't be "critical" of one President when you've just had a slobbering love affair with the proceeding President. You can't if you want to be seen as fair and unbiased!

As for what I think Trump is? He's a promoter. He promotes himself. He promotes his agenda. He does so in a totally over the top manner. Everything is "huge"...everything is "amazing"! It's who he's how he'll always be. That's all a show though...what you need to look at with Trump is whether he achieves his goals...and to be quite honest with you, the man constantly surprises me with what he IS getting done!

LOL, the press reported when Obama had a successful bowel movement....
how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There are still people that feel that way. Guess we can't celebrate any advances in Civil Rights because it hurts bigots feelings.
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There are still people that feel that way. Guess we can't celebrate any advances in Civil Rights because it hurts bigots feelings.

there you go using that overused word again.

So everyone who follows the bible is a bigot?
So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There are still people that feel that way. Guess we can't celebrate any advances in Civil Rights because it hurts bigots feelings.

there you go using that overused word again.

So everyone who follows the bible is a bigot?
Who cares? You and your hurt feelings are irrelevant.
So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There are still people that feel that way. Guess we can't celebrate any advances in Civil Rights because it hurts bigots feelings.

there you go using that overused word again.

So everyone who follows the bible is a bigot?

No, just the ones that use it to slow the roll of civil rights. The people that used the bible to justify segregation, slavery and anti miscegenation were bigots. So are the ones that use it to keep gays from gaining equal rights.

The Rude Pundit

The Rude Pundit

Proudly lowering the level of political discourse


Sorry, Conservatives: You Are a Bigot If You Oppose Gay Marriage:
Oh, how we laugh at the idiots of the past. When we watch TV shows and movies that were produced or take place in the past, through the 1980s, at least, how we shake our heads, most of us, at the men who think a woman's place is in the home. What fools they are, what narrow-minded, bigoted fools, we think, and we know we're on the good side of history because, well, shit, we are, despite the best efforts of some on the right (men and women) to tell us that the nation collapsed once women decided life could be something other than just taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. Or that careers could be more than teacher, nurse, maid, or nanny, professions that were seen as variations on housewife. But if you were to tell the men, including politicians and religious leaders, who believed in what they saw as a "natural order" or some such garbage that they were, indeed, bigoted fools, they would have said the exact same goddamned thing that opponents of gay marriage now say: Hey, we're not bigots just because we disagree with you.​

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