As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

Are the stupid Moon Bats suggesting that Trump may be afraid of the press?

LOL! That man ain't afraid of the press. He usually makes the Libtard press look like morons.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Need some cheese Billyboy ?
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Obama knew how to treat people with respect. Trump behaves like a drunken buffoon.

Yes, just ask the police somewhere on the east coast.

And of course......the bitterly clinging crowd were just enamored to hell with him.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
They won't care. Remember, he could murder a bunch of people in the middle of 5th Avenue and they'd still worship him.
True, Fox would report it as him killing an illegal migrant worker and all would be fine.

Sure glad you think Fox actually gives a shit about what you think....or whether you live or die.
LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
See I told you that you’d make an ass out of yourself if you tried to explain your ignorant statements.

I don’t hate Trump but I am highly critical of him because I think he acts wildly inappropriate for the position that he is in. You on the other had seem highly emotional and unable to present a rational or honest argument. But whatever floats your boat I guess

Nah, you hate trump you are just too dense or stupid to admit it to yourself.

I give what I get and you frankly aren't worth my tier one responses.

You get to be called out like the other morons on this board.
Go on whatever little power trip you need to, fact is you don’t know shit about what I think so you just make yourself sound even more stupid when you try and dictate to me how I feel about things. Doesn’t get much more idiotic than that!

I can observe your posts, and that tells me all I need to know, at least about your posting persona.
Yeah and when I see you regurgitating back your off base observations it only makes me laugh. You’re not as smart as you think you are Marty and you make yourself look like an ass when you try and tell people how they feel about things. I’d work on a different approach to these discussions if you want to be taken seriously, because what you’re doing now is a joke.

If you don't want to be treated like a progressive cuck hack, stop posting like one.
Which of my posts are you referring to? Quote me, let’s see what you consider a “progressive cuck hack” whatever that means...
No, just the ones that use it to slow the roll of civil rights. The people that used the bible to justify segregation, slavery and anti miscegenation were bigots. So are the ones that use it to keep gays from gaining equal rights.

The Rude Pundit

The Rude Pundit

Proudly lowering the level of political discourse


Sorry, Conservatives: You Are a Bigot If You Oppose Gay Marriage:
Oh, how we laugh at the idiots of the past. When we watch TV shows and movies that were produced or take place in the past, through the 1980s, at least, how we shake our heads, most of us, at the men who think a woman's place is in the home. What fools they are, what narrow-minded, bigoted fools, we think, and we know we're on the good side of history because, well, shit, we are, despite the best efforts of some on the right (men and women) to tell us that the nation collapsed once women decided life could be something other than just taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. Or that careers could be more than teacher, nurse, maid, or nanny, professions that were seen as variations on housewife. But if you were to tell the men, including politicians and religious leaders, who believed in what they saw as a "natural order" or some such garbage that they were, indeed, bigoted fools, they would have said the exact same goddamned thing that opponents of gay marriage now say: Hey, we're not bigots just because we disagree with you.​

A bigot for something that was only invented 30 years ago?


Sorry, but not everyone is going to like your lifestyle, and they have the right to try to make government act the way they want within the limits of the constitution (or past it if they get enough people).

And you are a bigot if you think them following their religion makes them bigots.

Hypocrites all of you.

So the people that “followed their religion” in regards to slavery, anti miscegenation and segregation weren’t bigots? Religion gives you a cover?

Most of them tacked the religion on via piss poor interpretations of the bible only AFTER they were called out by Northern Abolitionists.

The Bible and most other religious texts consider homosexuality to be sinful. Show me in the bible where it makes slavery or segregation or bans on inter-racial marrying approved of, or even required.

The bible does have some references on how to treat slaves, but it doesn't require it. It also has some things to say about how the Jews should associate with other groups, but most of those were not carried over into Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.
No, just the ones that use it to slow the roll of civil rights. The people that used the bible to justify segregation, slavery and anti miscegenation were bigots. So are the ones that use it to keep gays from gaining equal rights.

The Rude Pundit

The Rude Pundit

Proudly lowering the level of political discourse


Sorry, Conservatives: You Are a Bigot If You Oppose Gay Marriage:
Oh, how we laugh at the idiots of the past. When we watch TV shows and movies that were produced or take place in the past, through the 1980s, at least, how we shake our heads, most of us, at the men who think a woman's place is in the home. What fools they are, what narrow-minded, bigoted fools, we think, and we know we're on the good side of history because, well, shit, we are, despite the best efforts of some on the right (men and women) to tell us that the nation collapsed once women decided life could be something other than just taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. Or that careers could be more than teacher, nurse, maid, or nanny, professions that were seen as variations on housewife. But if you were to tell the men, including politicians and religious leaders, who believed in what they saw as a "natural order" or some such garbage that they were, indeed, bigoted fools, they would have said the exact same goddamned thing that opponents of gay marriage now say: Hey, we're not bigots just because we disagree with you.​

A bigot for something that was only invented 30 years ago?


Sorry, but not everyone is going to like your lifestyle, and they have the right to try to make government act the way they want within the limits of the constitution (or past it if they get enough people).

And you are a bigot if you think them following their religion makes them bigots.

Hypocrites all of you.

So the people that “followed their religion” in regards to slavery, anti miscegenation and segregation weren’t bigots? Religion gives you a cover?

Most of them tacked the religion on via piss poor interpretations of the bible only AFTER they were called out by Northern Abolitionists.

The Bible and most other religious texts consider homosexuality to be sinful. Show me in the bible where it makes slavery or segregation or bans on inter-racial marrying approved of, or even required.

The bible does have some references on how to treat slaves, but it doesn't require it. It also has some things to say about how the Jews should associate with other groups, but most of those were not carried over into Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.

The bible never mentions gay marriage and no, the Christian taliban doesn't get to impose their religious rules on the rest of us...besides you're not in the majority.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?
I just want to say,



I would love to see him hold a press conference and then just come out, and say, "no questions" and spray them all down with an industrial sized Pepper spray.

Did, I mention, FUCK THE PRESS?
If the press had treated Donald Trump, the presidential contender, as they should have treated him, it would all be different now.

But from the very moment Donald Trump announced, he got nothing but scorn, ridicule and resentment from the so-called main stream media.

Respect was nowhere on the main stream media horizon.

They laughed at the idea that he can beat 16 other Republican contenders. Hell, these assholes ridiculed him for contending as a Republican.

Respect was nowhere to be found in the main stream media.

Then, when he demolished all the Republican wusses they ridiculed the idea that he could beat beat the woman who was "in line" supported by the Hungarian Jew whose name means in line.

Where was the respect of the main stream media then?

And then, to the very last minute on election night the contempt and pre-election disrespect peaked when it was foolishly declared by the main stream media that he has no path to the presidency.

And when he won 30 states the REAL disrespect really began.

And you wonder why President Trump wants to have as little to do with the main stream as media as possible.

Like you say, you get the respect you deserve and you get what you give.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
As for his promise that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor...PERIOD? Considering the fact that this was a bald faced lie and Obama knew it was a lie...he took an incredibly small amount of heat over that blatant lie from the main stream media.
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
It's because he's a pussy.
The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
It's because he's a pussy.

Come on, haven't seen that in so would you even know?
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.
Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

"i don't know" and "more than likely"?
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

"i don't know" and "more than likely"?
God you’re so lame. I don’t remember how the media reacted. So what? The roll out was undeniably botched. It’s not like Reuters or AP would just pretend otherwise. Don’t you see how dumb you sound? You’re saying any media source besides rightwing biased sources like Fox just pretended there wasn’t a problem. Why would they do that? What do they have to gain from protecting Obama? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

We’ll keep using Twitter and Sarah Huckabee Sanders to continue verbally bitch-slapping LefTards.
You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

"i don't know" and "more than likely"?
God you’re so lame. I don’t remember how the media reacted. So what? The roll out was undeniably botched. It’s not like Reuters or AP would just pretend otherwise. Don’t you see how dumb you sound? You’re saying any media source besides rightwing biased sources like Fox just pretended there wasn’t a problem. Why would they do that? What do they have to gain from protecting Obama? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

How can a dumb person sound like anything? Do you realize how ignorant you come off?

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