As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
The entire media was reporting on the roll out. It wasn’t just Fox and Breitbart that broke and reported that story. The reporters pundits weren’t being dicks to Obama like they are to Trump, then again, Obama wasn’t prancing around yelling fake news every day either.

You're basically admitting that the "reporters pundits" have been being "dicks" to Trump, Slade and that took place from the moment he was named the GOP candidate! He accuses the main stream media of "fake news" because he's been subjected to a non stop barrage of negative coverage by them.
Of course they are dicks to him, he talks shit about them non stop. Trump is a villan, he picks on people like a school yard bully. Obama stood for hope and was inspirational. Put politics aside and just look at each mans character and how they represented themselves and our country. That’s why they are being treated different.
As for his promise that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor...PERIOD? Considering the fact that this was a bald faced lie and Obama knew it was a lie...he took an incredibly small amount of heat over that blatant lie from the main stream media.
That’s bullshit and you know it. The law didn’t force doctors to drop patients and it didn’t force insurance companies to drop plans. It set standards for them to comply with and then they did what they did. It was a broken promise but it wasn’t a lie. You use that term much to loosly and the irony isn’t lost considering the current president that you support.
It was a "broken promise" but not a lie? When you promise something that you know you have no intention of delivering on...isn't it a lie? Especially when it's going to affect a huge part of the economy? Obama lied, Slade and the main stream media covered for him on that lie.
It was a broken campaign promise. I lie would be if after the fact he told everybody that costs are down and everybody got to keep their doctors and plans when it is verifiably not true. Ya know like Trump likes to do all the time, make up how own reality. *cough* crowd size
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.

So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.

So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.

So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?

You seem to have missed the part where I don't give a fuck what any politician says.

I didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Hillary either.

In all honesty I stopped caring about who is president and now I only care about keeping as much of my own money as possible
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.

So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?

You seem to have missed the part where I don't give a fuck what any politician says.

I didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Hillary either.

In all honesty I stopped caring about who is president and now I only care about keeping as much of my own money as possible
Then why are you engaging in this conversation? You post a question asking if Trump is obligated to do pressers, obviously defending him. I bring up his past statements showing his hypocracy, you say all politicians do it.... I say “so what hold them all accountable”.... you say well I don’t care cause I didn’t vote for Trump... what kind of debate is this? We in grade school now?
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.

So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?

You seem to have missed the part where I don't give a fuck what any politician says.

I didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Hillary either.

In all honesty I stopped caring about who is president and now I only care about keeping as much of my own money as possible
Then why are you engaging in this conversation? You post a question asking if Trump is obligated to do pressers, obviously defending him. I bring up his past statements showing his hypocracy, you say all politicians do it.... I say “so what hold them all accountable”.... you say well I don’t care cause I didn’t vote for Trump... what kind of debate is this? We in grade school now?
Hey you replied to my post, idiot

and I wasn't defending him I asked a question. That you think asking a question is defending anyone says more about you than it does me. You are obviously a partisan oriented sheep

I would have asked that same question no matter who was president.

I mean really what do you learn from a press conference with the president that you don't learn from the daily press briefings?

FYI I don't think any candidate should reveal his taxes either or their medical records as these things are not required by law to run for office.
Remember all the shit he talked about hillary for not holding a presser? I recount a ticker on fox counting the days since her last press conference.

So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?

You seem to have missed the part where I don't give a fuck what any politician says.

I didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Hillary either.

In all honesty I stopped caring about who is president and now I only care about keeping as much of my own money as possible
Then why are you engaging in this conversation? You post a question asking if Trump is obligated to do pressers, obviously defending him. I bring up his past statements showing his hypocracy, you say all politicians do it.... I say “so what hold them all accountable”.... you say well I don’t care cause I didn’t vote for Trump... what kind of debate is this? We in grade school now?
Hey you replied to my post, idiot

and I wasn't defending him I asked a question. That you think asking a question is defending anyone says more about you than it does me. You are obviously a partisan oriented sheep

I would have asked that same question no matter who was president.

I mean really what do you learn from a press conference with the president that you don't learn from the daily press briefings?

FYI I don't think any candidate should reveal his taxes either or their medical records as these things are not required by law to run for office.
You’re right, presidents don’t have to do any of that. I was simply pointing out the irony of his campaign rhetoric and his current actions. Yes all politicians do it, that doesn’t mean it shouldnt be called out and scrutinized
So you actually think any politician will not be duplicitous?

No wonder your panties are in a state of permanent twist
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?

You seem to have missed the part where I don't give a fuck what any politician says.

I didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Hillary either.

In all honesty I stopped caring about who is president and now I only care about keeping as much of my own money as possible
Then why are you engaging in this conversation? You post a question asking if Trump is obligated to do pressers, obviously defending him. I bring up his past statements showing his hypocracy, you say all politicians do it.... I say “so what hold them all accountable”.... you say well I don’t care cause I didn’t vote for Trump... what kind of debate is this? We in grade school now?
Hey you replied to my post, idiot

and I wasn't defending him I asked a question. That you think asking a question is defending anyone says more about you than it does me. You are obviously a partisan oriented sheep

I would have asked that same question no matter who was president.

I mean really what do you learn from a press conference with the president that you don't learn from the daily press briefings?

FYI I don't think any candidate should reveal his taxes either or their medical records as these things are not required by law to run for office.
You’re right, presidents don’t have to do any of that. I was simply pointing out the irony of his campaign rhetoric and his current actions. Yes all politicians do it, that doesn’t mean it shouldnt be called out and scrutinized

Gee politicians don't keep campaign promises. Call it out and scrutinize it all you want or if you want to do something more productive, empty out the Pacific Ocean with a teaspoon
Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?
which came first treating Trump hostile or him spitting in their faces?
I think most politicians are duplicitous and I think it’s fine to call them on it when they do. So you gonna call trump out on this one or try another diversion?

You seem to have missed the part where I don't give a fuck what any politician says.

I didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Hillary either.

In all honesty I stopped caring about who is president and now I only care about keeping as much of my own money as possible
Then why are you engaging in this conversation? You post a question asking if Trump is obligated to do pressers, obviously defending him. I bring up his past statements showing his hypocracy, you say all politicians do it.... I say “so what hold them all accountable”.... you say well I don’t care cause I didn’t vote for Trump... what kind of debate is this? We in grade school now?
Hey you replied to my post, idiot

and I wasn't defending him I asked a question. That you think asking a question is defending anyone says more about you than it does me. You are obviously a partisan oriented sheep

I would have asked that same question no matter who was president.

I mean really what do you learn from a press conference with the president that you don't learn from the daily press briefings?

FYI I don't think any candidate should reveal his taxes either or their medical records as these things are not required by law to run for office.
You’re right, presidents don’t have to do any of that. I was simply pointing out the irony of his campaign rhetoric and his current actions. Yes all politicians do it, that doesn’t mean it shouldnt be called out and scrutinized

Gee politicians don't keep campaign promises. Call it out and scrutinize it all you want or if you want to do something more productive, empty out the Pacific Ocean with a teaspoon
If you don’t care and are fine excusing those kind of actions then don’t engage in discussion about it.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?
which came first treating Trump hostile or him spitting in their faces?
Doesn’t matter when your talking about running for and being president of the USA. He has a responsibility to rise above IMO
You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?

Why wouldn't Obama treat the main stream media well? They were responsible for getting him elected over both Hillary Clinton and John McCain when he quite obviously didn't have the experience to do the job...and then they carried his water for his entire two terms even when things went terribly wrong with his decisions.
You don’t think the MSM has a part in getting Trump elected as well? How much free airtime did he get during the campaign? A week before the election were they leading each show off with fake news about Trump or covering Hillaries e-mail scandal?

I think the main stream media had a HUGE part in getting Trump elected, Slade! They basically starved the other GOP candidates of coverage giving the majority of it to Trump. A cynical person might think they did so because they felt that Trump posed the smallest threat to Hillary Clinton...the candidate they REALLY wanted to see elected! That would explain why their coverage of Trump went from presenting him in a more favorable light prior to his being the the nonstop attacks they launched upon him once he became the nominee!

I think one of the reasons why so many in the main stream media are so unhinged when it comes to a Trump Presidency is that they KNOW that they WERE a huge part of getting him elected!
So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
The entire media was reporting on the roll out. It wasn’t just Fox and Breitbart that broke and reported that story. The reporters pundits weren’t being dicks to Obama like they are to Trump, then again, Obama wasn’t prancing around yelling fake news every day either.

You're basically admitting that the "reporters pundits" have been being "dicks" to Trump, Slade and that took place from the moment he was named the GOP candidate! He accuses the main stream media of "fake news" because he's been subjected to a non stop barrage of negative coverage by them.
Of course they are dicks to him, he talks shit about them non stop. Trump is a villan, he picks on people like a school yard bully. Obama stood for hope and was inspirational. Put politics aside and just look at each mans character and how they represented themselves and our country. That’s why they are being treated different.

You think Obama wasn't just as much a villain to those who opposed HIS vision of what America should be? The Obama White House used the IRS against it's political opponents. The Obama White House used FISA courts to spy on it's political opponents. The Obama White House deliberately lied to the American people about the Affordable Care Act...thinking they were too stupid to understand what was going to be passed! The Obama White House waged a war against the entire fossil fuel industry attempting to shut down both coal production, off shore oil drilling and fracking.

Obama may have been "inspirational" to you if you believe in big government interfering in the lives of every day Americans but if you believed in the Constitution he was a complete "villain"!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?

Why wouldn't Obama treat the main stream media well? They were responsible for getting him elected over both Hillary Clinton and John McCain when he quite obviously didn't have the experience to do the job...and then they carried his water for his entire two terms even when things went terribly wrong with his decisions.
You don’t think the MSM has a part in getting Trump elected as well? How much free airtime did he get during the campaign? A week before the election were they leading each show off with fake news about Trump or covering Hillaries e-mail scandal?

I think the main stream media had a HUGE part in getting Trump elected, Slade! They basically starved the other GOP candidates of coverage giving the majority of it to Trump. A cynical person might think they did so because they felt that Trump posed the smallest threat to Hillary Clinton...the candidate they REALLY wanted to see elected! That would explain why their coverage of Trump went from presenting him in a more favorable light prior to his being the the nonstop attacks they launched upon him once he became the nominee!

I think one of the reasons why so many in the main stream media are so unhinged when it comes to a Trump Presidency is that they KNOW that they WERE a huge part of getting him elected!
I think the reason he got and still gets pretty much wall to wall coverage is because of one thing... ratings. Whether it is positive or negative news Trump is a ratings beast. He is that car accident on the side of the road you can’t help but look at when you drive by.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
The entire media was reporting on the roll out. It wasn’t just Fox and Breitbart that broke and reported that story. The reporters pundits weren’t being dicks to Obama like they are to Trump, then again, Obama wasn’t prancing around yelling fake news every day either.

You're basically admitting that the "reporters pundits" have been being "dicks" to Trump, Slade and that took place from the moment he was named the GOP candidate! He accuses the main stream media of "fake news" because he's been subjected to a non stop barrage of negative coverage by them.
Of course they are dicks to him, he talks shit about them non stop. Trump is a villan, he picks on people like a school yard bully. Obama stood for hope and was inspirational. Put politics aside and just look at each mans character and how they represented themselves and our country. That’s why they are being treated different.

You think Obama wasn't just as much a villain to those who opposed HIS vision of what America should be? The Obama White House used the IRS against it's political opponents. The Obama White House used FISA courts to spy on it's political opponents. The Obama White House deliberately lied to the American people about the Affordable Care Act...thinking they were too stupid to understand what was going to be passed! The Obama White House waged a war against the entire fossil fuel industry attempting to shut down both coal production, off shore oil drilling and fracking.

Obama may have been "inspirational" to you if you believe in big government interfering in the lives of every day Americans but if you believed in the Constitution he was a complete "villain"!
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully
So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?

Why wouldn't Obama treat the main stream media well? They were responsible for getting him elected over both Hillary Clinton and John McCain when he quite obviously didn't have the experience to do the job...and then they carried his water for his entire two terms even when things went terribly wrong with his decisions.
You don’t think the MSM has a part in getting Trump elected as well? How much free airtime did he get during the campaign? A week before the election were they leading each show off with fake news about Trump or covering Hillaries e-mail scandal?

I think the main stream media had a HUGE part in getting Trump elected, Slade! They basically starved the other GOP candidates of coverage giving the majority of it to Trump. A cynical person might think they did so because they felt that Trump posed the smallest threat to Hillary Clinton...the candidate they REALLY wanted to see elected! That would explain why their coverage of Trump went from presenting him in a more favorable light prior to his being the the nonstop attacks they launched upon him once he became the nominee!

I think one of the reasons why so many in the main stream media are so unhinged when it comes to a Trump Presidency is that they KNOW that they WERE a huge part of getting him elected!
I think the reason he got and still gets pretty much wall to wall coverage is because of one thing... ratings. Whether it is positive or negative news Trump is a ratings beast. He is that car accident on the side of the road you can’t help but look at when you drive by.

So it's just a coincidence how the tenor of coverage on CNN changed once Trump was the GOP nominee? You really buy that, Slade? Let's be honest here for a change...shall we? I think we both would agree that the media feels that THEY (both on the left side of the spectrum and the right!) should be the ones that decide who becomes our President? It's an issue far bigger than some attempts by Russia to hack our election when a major news organization like CNN pushes a candidate in the primaries that they think will be easier for their favorite candidate to beat in the election. I think we can also agree that the REAL job of the media is to give us the best candidates from both parties?
The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
The entire media was reporting on the roll out. It wasn’t just Fox and Breitbart that broke and reported that story. The reporters pundits weren’t being dicks to Obama like they are to Trump, then again, Obama wasn’t prancing around yelling fake news every day either.

You're basically admitting that the "reporters pundits" have been being "dicks" to Trump, Slade and that took place from the moment he was named the GOP candidate! He accuses the main stream media of "fake news" because he's been subjected to a non stop barrage of negative coverage by them.
Of course they are dicks to him, he talks shit about them non stop. Trump is a villan, he picks on people like a school yard bully. Obama stood for hope and was inspirational. Put politics aside and just look at each mans character and how they represented themselves and our country. That’s why they are being treated different.

You think Obama wasn't just as much a villain to those who opposed HIS vision of what America should be? The Obama White House used the IRS against it's political opponents. The Obama White House used FISA courts to spy on it's political opponents. The Obama White House deliberately lied to the American people about the Affordable Care Act...thinking they were too stupid to understand what was going to be passed! The Obama White House waged a war against the entire fossil fuel industry attempting to shut down both coal production, off shore oil drilling and fracking.

Obama may have been "inspirational" to you if you believe in big government interfering in the lives of every day Americans but if you believed in the Constitution he was a complete "villain"!
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully

Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?

Why wouldn't Obama treat the main stream media well? They were responsible for getting him elected over both Hillary Clinton and John McCain when he quite obviously didn't have the experience to do the job...and then they carried his water for his entire two terms even when things went terribly wrong with his decisions.
You don’t think the MSM has a part in getting Trump elected as well? How much free airtime did he get during the campaign? A week before the election were they leading each show off with fake news about Trump or covering Hillaries e-mail scandal?

I think the main stream media had a HUGE part in getting Trump elected, Slade! They basically starved the other GOP candidates of coverage giving the majority of it to Trump. A cynical person might think they did so because they felt that Trump posed the smallest threat to Hillary Clinton...the candidate they REALLY wanted to see elected! That would explain why their coverage of Trump went from presenting him in a more favorable light prior to his being the the nonstop attacks they launched upon him once he became the nominee!

I think one of the reasons why so many in the main stream media are so unhinged when it comes to a Trump Presidency is that they KNOW that they WERE a huge part of getting him elected!
I think the reason he got and still gets pretty much wall to wall coverage is because of one thing... ratings. Whether it is positive or negative news Trump is a ratings beast. He is that car accident on the side of the road you can’t help but look at when you drive by.

So it's just a coincidence how the tenor of coverage on CNN changed once Trump was the GOP nominee? You really buy that, Slade? Let's be honest here for a change...shall we? I think we both would agree that the media feels that THEY (both on the left side of the spectrum and the right!) should be the ones that decide who becomes our President? It's an issue far bigger than some attempts by Russia to hack our election when a major news organization like CNN pushes a candidate in the primaries that they think will be easier for their favorite candidate to beat in the election. I think we can also agree that the REAL job of the media is to give us the best candidates from both parties?
I’m sure there are plenty in the media with big enough heads to think they control elections. I don’t really give a shit, I’ve always taken everything I hear from the media with a grain of salt. I’m a big boy and I can tell the difference between opinion and facts.

I don’t think it is the media’s job to give us the best candidates, I think it our responsibility to support and elect the best candidates and the whole system is so fucked up and driven by power and money that we end up with a bunch of talking heads instead of honorable people. Our campaign finance and electoral system needs major reform and is the root of many of the issues we see in our politics.

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