As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
What is in it for him?
Better to do rally's and let the press televise those.
Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

"i don't know" and "more than likely"?
God you’re so lame. I don’t remember how the media reacted. So what? The roll out was undeniably botched. It’s not like Reuters or AP would just pretend otherwise. Don’t you see how dumb you sound? You’re saying any media source besides rightwing biased sources like Fox just pretended there wasn’t a problem. Why would they do that? What do they have to gain from protecting Obama? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What would they have to gain from protecting him? They loved the guy. People like Chris Matthews at MSNBC got a tingle up his leg just from hearing Obama speak! You don't remember that you? It was an eight year slobbering love affair between the liberal media and Barack Obama! When his job creation numbers were awful they let him get away with changing the measure to jobs created or saved...a number that anyone with even a dollop of common sense realized could be whatever the Obama Administration wanted it to be because there was no way in the world to verify what they claimed. You think they'd EVER let W. or Trump get away with something like that? Don't make me laugh...
None of this explains why he doesn’t owe to the American people to do it. Quit coddling him. Hes a big boy. He should be able to defend himself to the media if they are so unfair.

The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
Sure, since y’all swear that CNN is up Obama’s butthole I’ll use some examples from their network... also note, I’m not saying that Obama got the same coverage as Trump. Trump waged war against the MSM when he called them the enemy of the people and started calling everything negative Fake News. He escalated this war into something I’ve never seen. Obama and even George W who got much negative press both handled the press with respect and were smart and savvy enough to not pour fuel on the fire as Trump likes to do.

Obamacare website developers: It's not our fault - CNNPolitics

Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class

Obama had a tense exchange with CNN's Jake Tapper over why he won't say 'radical Islamic terrorism'
As for his promise that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor...PERIOD? Considering the fact that this was a bald faced lie and Obama knew it was a lie...he took an incredibly small amount of heat over that blatant lie from the main stream media.
That’s bullshit and you know it. The law didn’t force doctors to drop patients and it didn’t force insurance companies to drop plans. It set standards for them to comply with and then they did what they did. It was a broken promise but it wasn’t a lie. You use that term much to loosly and the irony isn’t lost considering the current president that you support.
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions
So...would you be a pussy if you didn't feel like fending off bullshit lies told about whatever you said by assholes constantly riding your ass/making crude remarks about what shoes your wife is wearing/making fun of your youngest son? Or would you just say fuck it, and not give them ammo? Methinks the latter, but you won't admit it.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

We’ll keep using Twitter and Sarah Huckabee Sanders to continue verbally bitch-slapping LefTards.
It’s pretty funny that Sarah Hickabee Sanders is your bulldog. Even more funny that you think she has an effective bitch slap. Haha, scary!
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
The entire media was reporting on the roll out. It wasn’t just Fox and Breitbart that broke and reported that story. The reporters pundits weren’t being dicks to Obama like they are to Trump, then again, Obama wasn’t prancing around yelling fake news every day either.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
What you’re saying is so dumb. Yes, it was a PR problem for Obama. However, Obama doesn’t work in fucking IT so obviously he had no direct hand in its roll out. I mean for fuck sake, you’re talking about a goddamn website failing. Don’t you realize how stupid you sound?

Seriously, what exactly, does the MSM have to gain by protecting Obama’s image? What good would it do for them? Are you really going to tell me sources like Reuters or AP just decided to ignore any negative press about Obama? None of this crap you are saying makes any sense.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Ya,Obama got no bad press! Where do you get this shit! Bad pres comes with the job. No president is imune. God him self coould install paradise on earth and some one would still give him bad press!
The only thing that Trump owes to the American people is doing the job that he was elected to do and fulfilling as many of his campaign promises as he can.

He owes NOTHING to the main stream media! They have a job to keep the American people informed. Does anyone out there want to claim that Donald Trump isn't telling us all what it is that he's doing? So if we're informed then what role does the media play? Trump's point...and it's a valid that the main stream media doesn't report on the successes of his Administration. So he skips them and goes right to the American people through social media. That's what drives the liberal media crazy. They can't control the narrative if Trump won't go through them. He puts out what HE thinks is important and they counter it or ignore it. In many ways Trump has "neutered" the talking heads and god, do they hate him for it!
Do you really think Trump is an honest communicator? He is one of the most transparent manipulative spin doctors that I’ve ever seen. It’s not the job of the press to report his successes. It is their job to be honest and it is their job to hold the powerful accountable. They should be critical and they should ask the hard questions and they should challenge the powerful.

Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
Sure, since y’all swear that CNN is up Obama’s butthole I’ll use some examples from their network... also note, I’m not saying that Obama got the same coverage as Trump. Trump waged war against the MSM when he called them the enemy of the people and started calling everything negative Fake News. He escalated this war into something I’ve never seen. Obama and even George W who got much negative press both handled the press with respect and were smart and savvy enough to not pour fuel on the fire as Trump likes to do.

Obamacare website developers: It's not our fault - CNNPolitics

Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class

Obama had a tense exchange with CNN's Jake Tapper over why he won't say 'radical Islamic terrorism'

Where in that first article did the author take Barack Obama to task? Your own cite proves my point, Slade! Fault was placed everywhere BUT on Barry!
Name one tie they held Obama accountable... I'll wait.
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?

Why wouldn't Obama treat the main stream media well? They were responsible for getting him elected over both Hillary Clinton and John McCain when he quite obviously didn't have the experience to do the job...and then they carried his water for his entire two terms even when things went terribly wrong with his decisions.
You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Okay I don’t know how the media reacted to the roll out. It definitely was botched to start, but more than likely the media, you know, acknowledged that. There are plenty of times the MSM has criticized Obama but you just pretend it never happened.

The roll out was Slade's example...not mine! I simply went and looked at the coverage of that fiasco and I couldn't find a single example of a liberal news outlet that was holding Barack Obama responsible for what took place. It was botched from the start. It was Obama's baby! But funny thing...he didn't get blamed for it's not working by the main stream media.

So find me an example where the main stream media really went after Barry for a screw up of his.
The entire media was reporting on the roll out. It wasn’t just Fox and Breitbart that broke and reported that story. The reporters pundits weren’t being dicks to Obama like they are to Trump, then again, Obama wasn’t prancing around yelling fake news every day either.

You're basically admitting that the "reporters pundits" have been being "dicks" to Trump, Slade and that took place from the moment he was named the GOP candidate! He accuses the main stream media of "fake news" because he's been subjected to a non stop barrage of negative coverage by them.
As for his promise that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor...PERIOD? Considering the fact that this was a bald faced lie and Obama knew it was a lie...he took an incredibly small amount of heat over that blatant lie from the main stream media.
That’s bullshit and you know it. The law didn’t force doctors to drop patients and it didn’t force insurance companies to drop plans. It set standards for them to comply with and then they did what they did. It was a broken promise but it wasn’t a lie. You use that term much to loosly and the irony isn’t lost considering the current president that you support.
It was a "broken promise" but not a lie? When you promise something that you know you have no intention of delivering on...isn't it a lie? Especially when it's going to affect a huge part of the economy? Obama lied, Slade and the main stream media covered for him on that lie.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Why should he? It’s not like he hides anything. The press needs to grow up if they want to play, otherwise they aren’t really needed.
how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you ru
It's a grateful Nation that was schooled by Barry about black lives mattering because no one knew that beforehand
On a scale of 1 - 10, how pissed off do you get when somebody dares to say that a black person’s life matters?
blacks don't seem to care about BLM because they murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
Eight per DAY
BLM is idiocy/ironic/nonsensical
''blacks'' crying about ''black'' lives but murdering ''blacks'' at a very high rate
Is the president obligated to give press conferences?

Doesn't the White house have daily press releases that are presented to the media daily?

There is no there there
I can name about a dozen just around Obamacare from the horrible rollout of the ridiculously expensive and poor functioning website to “keep your doctor keep your plan” to a pledge of saving money that didn’t happen.

These and many other topics were all over the airwaves, were you not paying attention?

You're claiming the main stream media held Barack Obama accountable for the expensive and poorly functioning website? Show some examples of how he was roasted by the media for that, Slade. I'm curious to see how hard they were on poor Barry!
You’re just making shit up by saying the media coddled Obama. Even if they did, he at least took questions from Fox News. Hell he appeared on Fox News several times in addition. Trump on the other hand is coddled by Fox News and he avoids ANY other media.

So show me all of the main stream media stories that attacked Obama personally for the poor roll out of the ACA website, Billy! I'm curious if you can even find one. My guess is that even with the stories that found fault with the horrendous job that was done on that website that you have a hard time finding one that blames Barry.
Like I said before you treat people with respect they typically do the same back. Obama was respectful to most the media and they treated him the same. Trump spits in their face so of course they are going to be hostile. What don’t you understand about this?

Why wouldn't Obama treat the main stream media well? They were responsible for getting him elected over both Hillary Clinton and John McCain when he quite obviously didn't have the experience to do the job...and then they carried his water for his entire two terms even when things went terribly wrong with his decisions.
You don’t think the MSM has a part in getting Trump elected as well? How much free airtime did he get during the campaign? A week before the election were they leading each show off with fake news about Trump or covering Hillaries e-mail scandal?

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