As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

Of course they are dicks to him, he talks shit about them non stop. Trump is a villan, he picks on people like a school yard bully. Obama stood for hope and was inspirational. Put politics aside and just look at each mans character and how they represented themselves and our country. That’s why they are being treated different.

You think Obama wasn't just as much a villain to those who opposed HIS vision of what America should be? The Obama White House used the IRS against it's political opponents. The Obama White House used FISA courts to spy on it's political opponents. The Obama White House deliberately lied to the American people about the Affordable Care Act...thinking they were too stupid to understand what was going to be passed! The Obama White House waged a war against the entire fossil fuel industry attempting to shut down both coal production, off shore oil drilling and fracking.

Obama may have been "inspirational" to you if you believe in big government interfering in the lives of every day Americans but if you believed in the Constitution he was a complete "villain"!
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully

Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.
Go on whatever little power trip you need to, fact is you don’t know shit about what I think so you just make yourself sound even more stupid when you try and dictate to me how I feel about things. Doesn’t get much more idiotic than that!

I can observe your posts, and that tells me all I need to know, at least about your posting persona.
Yeah and when I see you regurgitating back your off base observations it only makes me laugh. You’re not as smart as you think you are Marty and you make yourself look like an ass when you try and tell people how they feel about things. I’d work on a different approach to these discussions if you want to be taken seriously, because what you’re doing now is a joke.

If you don't want to be treated like a progressive cuck hack, stop posting like one.
Which of my posts are you referring to? Quote me, let’s see what you consider a “progressive cuck hack” whatever that means...

Anyone with TDS is either a progressive cuck hack, or a never trump enabler of said progressive cuck hacks.
Yeah I don’t really give a shit about your false assumptions and rants. I asked for you to quote me and back up your bluster with substance. You obviously can’t
You think Obama wasn't just as much a villain to those who opposed HIS vision of what America should be? The Obama White House used the IRS against it's political opponents. The Obama White House used FISA courts to spy on it's political opponents. The Obama White House deliberately lied to the American people about the Affordable Care Act...thinking they were too stupid to understand what was going to be passed! The Obama White House waged a war against the entire fossil fuel industry attempting to shut down both coal production, off shore oil drilling and fracking.

Obama may have been "inspirational" to you if you believe in big government interfering in the lives of every day Americans but if you believed in the Constitution he was a complete "villain"!
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully

Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.
Trump came out of Holliwood where any publicity is good publicity. This shows in his style! I did not think it would work in the political arena but so far it has! I am not sure Trump is as displeased with the negative press as he lets on. It is possible he understands some thing you and I do not! History will judge in the future!
He got the benefit of the doubt every single time. That you can't or won't see that just shows how much of a progressive cuck hack-twat you are.

I call myself a strict constructional federalist, with libertarian leanings.
Ya, well this **** mhack twat has no trouble beleiving he can dispatch you with oiut raising a sweat! You want to believe life is different for special people you are not very bright. You would eat pavement quick against me! SO this twat sais grow a fucking brain you peice of shit! No person in the public eye gets a free pas it is against human nature. You want to sit and strike your cock beleiving such shit to make ya feel better more power to ya dumb fucki! Next you are going to tell me Obama was immunde to gravity!



second: It's human nature to give the benefit of the doubt to people who you agree with. Most of the press is made up of progressives, and they would give a progressive like Obama far more leeway than someone they disagree with politically.

The press hates trump, so they give him zero leeway, and even run with information that wouldn't past muster against people they do like.

As Iowahawk would say:

Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.
Half the people hate me! Half the people hate Obama! We all have haters! Welcome to earth!

Non-response noted.
I responded. I am telling you it is no different for Obama,Trump,you and me! You can not beat the laws of nature for any position you take on any subject there will be people on the other side of that subject. Those people will be willing to speak up against you! In form of writing or speach either way they will take the other side and you will get negative press. No one exscapes this! No one is liked by all!

Why are you talking about people in general, we were discussing journalists, and in particular the White House Press Corps.

Are you telling the journalists in general and the White House press corps in particular doesn't skew left?
I can observe your posts, and that tells me all I need to know, at least about your posting persona.
Yeah and when I see you regurgitating back your off base observations it only makes me laugh. You’re not as smart as you think you are Marty and you make yourself look like an ass when you try and tell people how they feel about things. I’d work on a different approach to these discussions if you want to be taken seriously, because what you’re doing now is a joke.

If you don't want to be treated like a progressive cuck hack, stop posting like one.
Which of my posts are you referring to? Quote me, let’s see what you consider a “progressive cuck hack” whatever that means...

Anyone with TDS is either a progressive cuck hack, or a never trump enabler of said progressive cuck hacks.
Yeah I don’t really give a shit about your false assumptions and rants. I asked for you to quote me and back up your bluster with substance. You obviously can’t

yet you keep coming back for more.

Again, if you aren't a progressive, you are even worse because you enable them. All out of TrumpHate.
Ya, well this **** mhack twat has no trouble beleiving he can dispatch you with oiut raising a sweat! You want to believe life is different for special people you are not very bright. You would eat pavement quick against me! SO this twat sais grow a fucking brain you peice of shit! No person in the public eye gets a free pas it is against human nature. You want to sit and strike your cock beleiving such shit to make ya feel better more power to ya dumb fucki! Next you are going to tell me Obama was immunde to gravity!



second: It's human nature to give the benefit of the doubt to people who you agree with. Most of the press is made up of progressives, and they would give a progressive like Obama far more leeway than someone they disagree with politically.

The press hates trump, so they give him zero leeway, and even run with information that wouldn't past muster against people they do like.

As Iowahawk would say:

Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.
Half the people hate me! Half the people hate Obama! We all have haters! Welcome to earth!

Non-response noted.
I responded. I am telling you it is no different for Obama,Trump,you and me! You can not beat the laws of nature for any position you take on any subject there will be people on the other side of that subject. Those people will be willing to speak up against you! In form of writing or speach either way they will take the other side and you will get negative press. No one exscapes this! No one is liked by all!

Why are you talking about people in general, we were discussing journalists, and in particular the White House Press Corps.

Are you telling the journalists in general and the White House press corps in particular doesn't skew left?
Because journalists and politicians are people subject to the same laws of nature! Sorry the left can not own the media and do so poorly at the poles! Look at the seats held! There are conservative and liberal journalists. There always has been and always will be! Right now the conservatives are winning. How do I know! By the number of governmental seats filled by the parties. The conservative message is winning at the moment or the Dems would hold more seats! These are the laws of nature, I did not write them. I have no choice but to live by them same as Obama,Trump and every other swinging dick out there.


second: It's human nature to give the benefit of the doubt to people who you agree with. Most of the press is made up of progressives, and they would give a progressive like Obama far more leeway than someone they disagree with politically.

The press hates trump, so they give him zero leeway, and even run with information that wouldn't past muster against people they do like.

As Iowahawk would say:
Half the people hate me! Half the people hate Obama! We all have haters! Welcome to earth!

Non-response noted.
I responded. I am telling you it is no different for Obama,Trump,you and me! You can not beat the laws of nature for any position you take on any subject there will be people on the other side of that subject. Those people will be willing to speak up against you! In form of writing or speach either way they will take the other side and you will get negative press. No one exscapes this! No one is liked by all!

Why are you talking about people in general, we were discussing journalists, and in particular the White House Press Corps.

Are you telling the journalists in general and the White House press corps in particular doesn't skew left?
Because journalists and politicians are people subject to the same laws of nature! Sorry the left can not own the media and do so poorly at the poles! Look at the seats held! There are conservative and liberal journalists. There always has been and always will be! Right now the conservatives are winning. How do I know! By the number of governmental seats filled by the parties. The conservative message is winning at the moment or the Dems would hold more seats! These are the laws of nature, I did not write them. I have no choice but to live by them same as Obama,Trump and every other swinging dick out there.

Half the people hate me! Half the people hate Obama! We all have haters! Welcome to earth!

Non-response noted.
I responded. I am telling you it is no different for Obama,Trump,you and me! You can not beat the laws of nature for any position you take on any subject there will be people on the other side of that subject. Those people will be willing to speak up against you! In form of writing or speach either way they will take the other side and you will get negative press. No one exscapes this! No one is liked by all!

Why are you talking about people in general, we were discussing journalists, and in particular the White House Press Corps.

Are you telling the journalists in general and the White House press corps in particular doesn't skew left?
Because journalists and politicians are people subject to the same laws of nature! Sorry the left can not own the media and do so poorly at the poles! Look at the seats held! There are conservative and liberal journalists. There always has been and always will be! Right now the conservatives are winning. How do I know! By the number of governmental seats filled by the parties. The conservative message is winning at the moment or the Dems would hold more seats! These are the laws of nature, I did not write them. I have no choice but to live by them same as Obama,Trump and every other swinging dick out there.

He who controls the message wins the election. We still live in a world of cause and effect. You have been deemed to stupid to hear any more!
Non-response noted.
I responded. I am telling you it is no different for Obama,Trump,you and me! You can not beat the laws of nature for any position you take on any subject there will be people on the other side of that subject. Those people will be willing to speak up against you! In form of writing or speach either way they will take the other side and you will get negative press. No one exscapes this! No one is liked by all!

Why are you talking about people in general, we were discussing journalists, and in particular the White House Press Corps.

Are you telling the journalists in general and the White House press corps in particular doesn't skew left?
Because journalists and politicians are people subject to the same laws of nature! Sorry the left can not own the media and do so poorly at the poles! Look at the seats held! There are conservative and liberal journalists. There always has been and always will be! Right now the conservatives are winning. How do I know! By the number of governmental seats filled by the parties. The conservative message is winning at the moment or the Dems would hold more seats! These are the laws of nature, I did not write them. I have no choice but to live by them same as Obama,Trump and every other swinging dick out there.

He who controls the message wins the election. We still live in a world of cause and effect. You have been deemed to stupid to hear any more!

Oh god, who's sock are you?

I've seen this type of stupid before.
You think Obama wasn't just as much a villain to those who opposed HIS vision of what America should be? The Obama White House used the IRS against it's political opponents. The Obama White House used FISA courts to spy on it's political opponents. The Obama White House deliberately lied to the American people about the Affordable Care Act...thinking they were too stupid to understand what was going to be passed! The Obama White House waged a war against the entire fossil fuel industry attempting to shut down both coal production, off shore oil drilling and fracking.

Obama may have been "inspirational" to you if you believe in big government interfering in the lives of every day Americans but if you believed in the Constitution he was a complete "villain"!
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully

Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.

With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
So the people that “followed their religion” in regards to slavery, anti miscegenation and segregation weren’t bigots? Religion gives you a cover?

Most of them tacked the religion on via piss poor interpretations of the bible only AFTER they were called out by Northern Abolitionists.

The Bible and most other religious texts consider homosexuality to be sinful. Show me in the bible where it makes slavery or segregation or bans on inter-racial marrying approved of, or even required.

The bible does have some references on how to treat slaves, but it doesn't require it. It also has some things to say about how the Jews should associate with other groups, but most of those were not carried over into Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.
So the people that “followed their religion” in regards to slavery, anti miscegenation and segregation weren’t bigots? Religion gives you a cover?

Most of them tacked the religion on via piss poor interpretations of the bible only AFTER they were called out by Northern Abolitionists.

The Bible and most other religious texts consider homosexuality to be sinful. Show me in the bible where it makes slavery or segregation or bans on inter-racial marrying approved of, or even required.

The bible does have some references on how to treat slaves, but it doesn't require it. It also has some things to say about how the Jews should associate with other groups, but most of those were not carried over into Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.

The bible never mentions gay marriage and no, the Christian taliban doesn't get to impose their religious rules on the rest of us...besides you're not in the majority.

It considers homosexuality sinful. All references to marriage in the bible are to a man and woman (or women). The NT is mostly into monogamy only.

So the Gay Taliban gets to impose their rules on us? i.e. bake that fucking cake, peasant?
If the NT is about monogamy, why doesn’t the Christian taliban try to outlaw divorce instead of marriage?

Sorry, snowflake, they aren’t our rules. The rules were set in the 60s. You know the rule, the one that says the gay baker must bake for the Christian in all 50 states...
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully

Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.
Trump came out of Holliwood where any publicity is good publicity. This shows in his style! I did not think it would work in the political arena but so far it has! I am not sure Trump is as displeased with the negative press as he lets on. It is possible he understands some thing you and I do not! History will judge in the future!
I actually agree. He seems to create the negative news on purpose and thrive in it. It solidifies his supporters and wears down his opponents, normalizing things that in past years would be much bigger deals.
Yeah and when I see you regurgitating back your off base observations it only makes me laugh. You’re not as smart as you think you are Marty and you make yourself look like an ass when you try and tell people how they feel about things. I’d work on a different approach to these discussions if you want to be taken seriously, because what you’re doing now is a joke.

If you don't want to be treated like a progressive cuck hack, stop posting like one.
Which of my posts are you referring to? Quote me, let’s see what you consider a “progressive cuck hack” whatever that means...

Anyone with TDS is either a progressive cuck hack, or a never trump enabler of said progressive cuck hacks.
Yeah I don’t really give a shit about your false assumptions and rants. I asked for you to quote me and back up your bluster with substance. You obviously can’t

yet you keep coming back for more.

Again, if you aren't a progressive, you are even worse because you enable them. All out of TrumpHate.
Another empty statement with no substance. Stop making shit up. Give me a buzz when you can actually try and back up your bullshit
You are talking politics, I’m talking character. Trump is an in your face gutter rat shit talker. That causes a visceral reaction in many and why so many are so deeply opposed to him. Even those who don’t follow politics either love him because he represents a “fuck you” to government or they hate him because he represents and egomaniac bully

Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.

With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
Most of them tacked the religion on via piss poor interpretations of the bible only AFTER they were called out by Northern Abolitionists.

The Bible and most other religious texts consider homosexuality to be sinful. Show me in the bible where it makes slavery or segregation or bans on inter-racial marrying approved of, or even required.

The bible does have some references on how to treat slaves, but it doesn't require it. It also has some things to say about how the Jews should associate with other groups, but most of those were not carried over into Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.
Most of them tacked the religion on via piss poor interpretations of the bible only AFTER they were called out by Northern Abolitionists.

The Bible and most other religious texts consider homosexuality to be sinful. Show me in the bible where it makes slavery or segregation or bans on inter-racial marrying approved of, or even required.

The bible does have some references on how to treat slaves, but it doesn't require it. It also has some things to say about how the Jews should associate with other groups, but most of those were not carried over into Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.

The bible never mentions gay marriage and no, the Christian taliban doesn't get to impose their religious rules on the rest of us...besides you're not in the majority.

It considers homosexuality sinful. All references to marriage in the bible are to a man and woman (or women). The NT is mostly into monogamy only.

So the Gay Taliban gets to impose their rules on us? i.e. bake that fucking cake, peasant?
If the NT is about monogamy, why doesn’t the Christian taliban try to outlaw divorce instead of marriage?

Sorry, snowflake, they aren’t our rules. The rules were set in the 60s. You know the rule, the one that says the gay baker must bake for the Christian in all 50 states...

Most Churches won't grant divorces, only annulments.

Is there some Gay Religion that says heterosexuality is sinful?
If you don't want to be treated like a progressive cuck hack, stop posting like one.
Which of my posts are you referring to? Quote me, let’s see what you consider a “progressive cuck hack” whatever that means...

Anyone with TDS is either a progressive cuck hack, or a never trump enabler of said progressive cuck hacks.
Yeah I don’t really give a shit about your false assumptions and rants. I asked for you to quote me and back up your bluster with substance. You obviously can’t

yet you keep coming back for more.

Again, if you aren't a progressive, you are even worse because you enable them. All out of TrumpHate.
Another empty statement with no substance. Stop making shit up. Give me a buzz when you can actually try and back up your bullshit

Nah, I'd just rather string you out for a few days and what your TrumpHate flow!
Which of my posts are you referring to? Quote me, let’s see what you consider a “progressive cuck hack” whatever that means...

Anyone with TDS is either a progressive cuck hack, or a never trump enabler of said progressive cuck hacks.
Yeah I don’t really give a shit about your false assumptions and rants. I asked for you to quote me and back up your bluster with substance. You obviously can’t

yet you keep coming back for more.

Again, if you aren't a progressive, you are even worse because you enable them. All out of TrumpHate.
Another empty statement with no substance. Stop making shit up. Give me a buzz when you can actually try and back up your bullshit

Nah, I'd just rather string you out for a few days and what your TrumpHate flow!
Sorry to break it to you but your aren’t the puppet master that you think you are. You make baseless claims and then come up short when asked to back them up. That makes you a joke, you’re just embarrassing yourself.
Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.
Trump came out of Holliwood where any publicity is good publicity. This shows in his style! I did not think it would work in the political arena but so far it has! I am not sure Trump is as displeased with the negative press as he lets on. It is possible he understands some thing you and I do not! History will judge in the future!
I actually agree. He seems to create the negative news on purpose and thrive in it. It solidifies his supporters and wears down his opponents, normalizing things that in past years would be much bigger deals.
The effects are not what I expected but here we are! Strange days indeed! Most peculiar! He certainly brought some of it on him self and knew he would before he did! Some of it seems strategic.
Barack Obama may be smooth...he may be adept at reading from a teleprompter like a well seasoned news anchor but that doesn't make his "character" any better than Donald Trump's! Trump is New York City personified. He IS an in your face...won't back down bully...because in the world he worked in that's what's required! Barack Obama is a politician. A Chicago political machine politician to be exact. He represents a "fuck you" to people that believe government should play by the rules.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.

With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
Stupid is what Stupid does. He is not stupid, why would he want to even talk with the Progressive press. The are the Mouth Piece of the Progressive Deep State/

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