As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.
The Bible doesn’t require bigotry towards gays, especially in the realm of legal, civil marriage. You’re free to make whatever silly rules you want for your religious followers. You aren’t free to impose those rules on the rest of us.

it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.

The bible never mentions gay marriage and no, the Christian taliban doesn't get to impose their religious rules on the rest of us...besides you're not in the majority.

It considers homosexuality sinful. All references to marriage in the bible are to a man and woman (or women). The NT is mostly into monogamy only.

So the Gay Taliban gets to impose their rules on us? i.e. bake that fucking cake, peasant?
If the NT is about monogamy, why doesn’t the Christian taliban try to outlaw divorce instead of marriage?

Sorry, snowflake, they aren’t our rules. The rules were set in the 60s. You know the rule, the one that says the gay baker must bake for the Christian in all 50 states...

Most Churches won't grant divorces, only annulments.

Is there some Gay Religion that says heterosexuality is sinful?

That has zero to do with civil marriage law. They are two completely different things.

Some Christians thought the Bible exempted them from serving blacks...the courts felt differently.

Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc. - Wikipedia.
That’s fine and very well may be an accurate description of both men, however my pint still stands. They way they carry themselves and how they treat others, especially their opposition determines how they are viewed by the masses and Trumps style is distained by many which is why there is so much backlash

If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.

With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
There is a press briefing most every day...........You live in a swamp full of your own feces
If that's an accurate description of both men...then how does your point still stand? Obama didn't have to get in the face of the media because again let's be honest...the media almost always went along with the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out. Why would Barry fight with those who didn't go after him? Trump on the other hand has been attacked by the media from the moment he was named the GOP's nominee. He's been in a never ending fight with people who obviously hate his guts for beating the candidate that they supported wholeheartedly.
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.

With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.

Are you serious? Have you forgotten what Obama did to James Rosen? Trump may "belittle" the press but Barry used his Justice Department to accuse a Fox News reporter of being a "criminal co-conspirator" so they could wire tap him! It amazes me how quickly you on the left have forgotten all of the sleazy things that your guy did when he had power!
Obama was attacked by Fox News nonstop for 8 years. He threw jabs at them and was obviously frustrated with the way they covered his administration. But the difference between how Obama treated Fox and how Trump is treating the MSM is night and day and it goes directly to my point.

With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.

Are you serious? Have you forgotten what Obama did to James Rosen? Trump may "belittle" the press but Barry used his Justice Department to accuse a Fox News reporter of being a "criminal co-conspirator" so they could wire tap him! It amazes me how quickly you on the left have forgotten all of the sleazy things that your guy did when he had power!
I was waiting for you to bring that up but we both know that we are talking about apples and oranges. I actually agree with you that the Rosen case appeared to be overreach, however, that involved the release of classified information involving anti-terrorism efforts. Very different than what we are talking about
There is no press anymore. Only trashy liars and America haters like you people.
Translation: I can’t make excuses for IQ45 not having press conferences so I’ll just make up another ridiculous lie to take the attention away from the topic.
With all due respect, Slade there is a HUGE difference between one media outlet attacking you...while a dozen give you constant love...and what Trump has experienced since he has become President! Might I remind you that at one point Obama tried to get Fox News barred from White House press briefings? Considering that Fox was pretty much the ONLY media outlet challenging Obama's version of events it's telling that Obama was so thin skinned about criticism that he sought to silence virtually the only source of it for his Administration!
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.

Are you serious? Have you forgotten what Obama did to James Rosen? Trump may "belittle" the press but Barry used his Justice Department to accuse a Fox News reporter of being a "criminal co-conspirator" so they could wire tap him! It amazes me how quickly you on the left have forgotten all of the sleazy things that your guy did when he had power!
I was waiting for you to bring that up but we both know that we are talking about apples and oranges. I actually agree with you that the Rosen case appeared to be overreach, however, that involved the release of classified information involving anti-terrorism efforts. Very different than what we are talking about
Do you remember that Rosen wasn't the only journalist that the Obama Administration targeted? You seem to have amnesia when it comes to how Barack Obama used his Justice Department against those in the media that he didn't care for. How has Trump done anything even CLOSE to that?
Fox is the largest news network in the USA by far. I wouldn’t write them off as some lone oppositional voice.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.

Are you serious? Have you forgotten what Obama did to James Rosen? Trump may "belittle" the press but Barry used his Justice Department to accuse a Fox News reporter of being a "criminal co-conspirator" so they could wire tap him! It amazes me how quickly you on the left have forgotten all of the sleazy things that your guy did when he had power!
I was waiting for you to bring that up but we both know that we are talking about apples and oranges. I actually agree with you that the Rosen case appeared to be overreach, however, that involved the release of classified information involving anti-terrorism efforts. Very different than what we are talking about
Do you remember that Rosen wasn't the only journalist that the Obama Administration targeted? You seem to have amnesia when it comes to how Barack Obama used his Justice Department against those in the media that he didn't care for. How has Trump done anything even CLOSE to that?
Obama didn’t turn on reporters that he didn’t like, the DOJ went after a group of reporters that disclosed classified information. Trump shit talks the media everyday and uses his bully pulpit to degrade and discredit the media so when anything comes out that’s negative about him he and his weak minded supporters can just yell fake news instead of actually considering the facts. It is a transparent tactic and quite embarrassing for those who have fallen into the trap.
It's the largest cable news network in the US. The regular news networks dwarf the Fox News in viewership!
Most watched TV networks in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
So look at the viewership that Barack Obama basically OWNED on NBC, CBS and ABC and compare that to the viewership that Trump OWNS now on Fox News! Once again...the Obama White House actually tried to bar Fox News from White House news briefings! Show me where Trump has done something that even remotely approaches that level of intolerance with dissenting views?
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.

Are you serious? Have you forgotten what Obama did to James Rosen? Trump may "belittle" the press but Barry used his Justice Department to accuse a Fox News reporter of being a "criminal co-conspirator" so they could wire tap him! It amazes me how quickly you on the left have forgotten all of the sleazy things that your guy did when he had power!
I was waiting for you to bring that up but we both know that we are talking about apples and oranges. I actually agree with you that the Rosen case appeared to be overreach, however, that involved the release of classified information involving anti-terrorism efforts. Very different than what we are talking about
Do you remember that Rosen wasn't the only journalist that the Obama Administration targeted? You seem to have amnesia when it comes to how Barack Obama used his Justice Department against those in the media that he didn't care for. How has Trump done anything even CLOSE to that?
Obama didn’t turn on reporters that he didn’t like, the DOJ went after a group of reporters that disclosed classified information. Trump shit talks the media everyday and uses his bully pulpit to degrade and discredit the media so when anything comes out that’s negative about him he and his weak minded supporters can just yell fake news instead of actually considering the facts. It is a transparent tactic and quite embarrassing for those who have fallen into the trap.

What Obama did was go after reporters when people in government leaked information to reporters that was damaging to his Administration. He used the Espionage Act in his time in office more than three times as much as the three Presidents that proceeded him combined and what was troubling is the WAY that he used it...not to protect the country but to protect himself!
Uh, Trump actually shut down news briefings for a time because he was so mad at the negative press. He has made threats about prosecuting journalist and has used the bully pulpit to belittle and disparage the press that goes far beyond anything Obama ever did.

Are you serious? Have you forgotten what Obama did to James Rosen? Trump may "belittle" the press but Barry used his Justice Department to accuse a Fox News reporter of being a "criminal co-conspirator" so they could wire tap him! It amazes me how quickly you on the left have forgotten all of the sleazy things that your guy did when he had power!
I was waiting for you to bring that up but we both know that we are talking about apples and oranges. I actually agree with you that the Rosen case appeared to be overreach, however, that involved the release of classified information involving anti-terrorism efforts. Very different than what we are talking about
Do you remember that Rosen wasn't the only journalist that the Obama Administration targeted? You seem to have amnesia when it comes to how Barack Obama used his Justice Department against those in the media that he didn't care for. How has Trump done anything even CLOSE to that?
Obama didn’t turn on reporters that he didn’t like, the DOJ went after a group of reporters that disclosed classified information. Trump shit talks the media everyday and uses his bully pulpit to degrade and discredit the media so when anything comes out that’s negative about him he and his weak minded supporters can just yell fake news instead of actually considering the facts. It is a transparent tactic and quite embarrassing for those who have fallen into the trap.

What Obama did was go after reporters when people in government leaked information to reporters that was damaging to his Administration. He used the Espionage Act in his time in office more than three times as much as the three Presidents that proceeded him combined and what was troubling is the WAY that he used it...not to protect the country but to protect himself!
And what specific things was Obama reacting to that he thought was damaging to his administration? You tell me
Let's see...the NSA spending huge sums of money on a program to spy on American citizens? The FBI illegally wiretapping the Israeli embassy? A botched attempt to disable Iran's nuclear program? The US military firing on civilians and journalists in Iraq?
Last edited:
Basically...anything that showed incompetence in his Administration. He was attempting to scare any potential whistle blowers from divulging information to journalists by going after the journalists and charging them as criminals...something that I believe had only been done once since the Espionage Act was passed decades ago!
Last edited:
Remember that this was a President who promised the "most transparent Administration in history", Slade...who then set a record for most Freedom of Information requests denied at 77%!
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
You sound upset,frustrated and defeated billy, perhaps you should learn to stop leading with your chin
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Maybe if real journalists were there?
it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.
it considers it sinful. People are allowed to vote on things per their morality, and if they get enough people to agree, it doesn't matter if the reason is religious or not.

The 1st amendment protects you from paying into churches, or being forced to be a member of one, or attending one. It doesn't require all laws to have a secular basis only.

And "bake that fucking cake, peasant" is imposing YOUR rules on other people, so you are a giant fucking hypocrite.

The bible never mentions gay marriage and no, the Christian taliban doesn't get to impose their religious rules on the rest of us...besides you're not in the majority.

It considers homosexuality sinful. All references to marriage in the bible are to a man and woman (or women). The NT is mostly into monogamy only.

So the Gay Taliban gets to impose their rules on us? i.e. bake that fucking cake, peasant?
If the NT is about monogamy, why doesn’t the Christian taliban try to outlaw divorce instead of marriage?

Sorry, snowflake, they aren’t our rules. The rules were set in the 60s. You know the rule, the one that says the gay baker must bake for the Christian in all 50 states...

Most Churches won't grant divorces, only annulments.

Is there some Gay Religion that says heterosexuality is sinful?

That has zero to do with civil marriage law. They are two completely different things.

Some Christians thought the Bible exempted them from serving blacks...the courts felt differently.

Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc. - Wikipedia.

The bible doesn't reference how to treat other races directly, just other tribes, and that is mostly OT when the hebrews were the irish of the middle east.
The bible never mentions gay marriage and no, the Christian taliban doesn't get to impose their religious rules on the rest of us...besides you're not in the majority.

It considers homosexuality sinful. All references to marriage in the bible are to a man and woman (or women). The NT is mostly into monogamy only.

So the Gay Taliban gets to impose their rules on us? i.e. bake that fucking cake, peasant?
If the NT is about monogamy, why doesn’t the Christian taliban try to outlaw divorce instead of marriage?

Sorry, snowflake, they aren’t our rules. The rules were set in the 60s. You know the rule, the one that says the gay baker must bake for the Christian in all 50 states...

Most Churches won't grant divorces, only annulments.

Is there some Gay Religion that says heterosexuality is sinful?

That has zero to do with civil marriage law. They are two completely different things.

Some Christians thought the Bible exempted them from serving blacks...the courts felt differently.

Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc. - Wikipedia.

The bible doesn't reference how to treat other races directly, just other tribes, and that is mostly OT when the hebrews were the irish of the middle east.

It doesn't matter if YOU believe the bible justifies racism,the racist believe it does. Many people don't believe the bible forbids gay marriage, but homophobes believe it.

Why should homophobes get religious carve outs from law we don't give to racists?
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

I'm fine getting my updates via Trump's Twitter, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Trump interviews. At least I know I'll get the truth uninhibited by the leftest, biased, hateful media. Your post is case in point. What's it like being so angry and miserable all the time? Must really suck. LOL
It considers homosexuality sinful. All references to marriage in the bible are to a man and woman (or women). The NT is mostly into monogamy only.

So the Gay Taliban gets to impose their rules on us? i.e. bake that fucking cake, peasant?
If the NT is about monogamy, why doesn’t the Christian taliban try to outlaw divorce instead of marriage?

Sorry, snowflake, they aren’t our rules. The rules were set in the 60s. You know the rule, the one that says the gay baker must bake for the Christian in all 50 states...

Most Churches won't grant divorces, only annulments.

Is there some Gay Religion that says heterosexuality is sinful?

That has zero to do with civil marriage law. They are two completely different things.

Some Christians thought the Bible exempted them from serving blacks...the courts felt differently.

Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc. - Wikipedia.

The bible doesn't reference how to treat other races directly, just other tribes, and that is mostly OT when the hebrews were the irish of the middle east.

It doesn't matter if YOU believe the bible justifies racism,the racist believe it does. Many people don't believe the bible forbids gay marriage, but homophobes believe it.

Why should homophobes get religious carve outs from law we don't give to racists?

Does the bible condone homosexuality or not? Yes or No?

Does the bible condone racism, yes or no?

The 2nd requires a stretch, the 1st requires no stretch.

And the issue of us allowing people to go with their morality depends on the pervasiveness of the situation. PA laws for race were required because of the systemic nature of the discrimination found in PA's in the south. One baker not wanting to do one cake is not pervasive, and should be placed under other guidelines.

What is with your constant need to be accepted by people that don't want to accept you? I swear progressives are nothing more than perpetual 14 year old girls stuck in the "PAY ATTENTION TO ME" phase.
Never have responded to this thread.

But, I'll do it now because, per the norm, as the Donald was heading
out for the NRA convention he had 2 press conferences. One lasted
30 minutes and the one at the airport lasted 15.

He does that every time he travels anywhere.

That fuckin' Coon didn't do that. Plus his questions were scripted. You had
to ask, to ask a question, and you had to submit the question in advance.

Then it would be a 16 minute answer of babbling and rambling.

Trump is very accessible. Nobody likes the answers and y'all damn well
hate the honest replies.

Your whining is beyond belief and it will get worst after November.

As hard as y'all are trying you will not be able to derail The Trump Train.

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