As elites arrive in Davos, conspiracy theories thrive online


Above is my post..seems to be a few more words involved than just the first sentence? By what metric do you call this a 'summary dismissal'?

You seem to be intelligent..why is it that you choose not to take my post in its entirety? I can only conclude that you just don't have the chops to actually debate cogently. world does not really depend on your engaging me or feel free to act accordingly~
I already did.

You told me I was wrong, and then admitted I was right.

. . . after that, you told me you trusted billionaire oligarchs to care about the unwashed masses, and we should just trust them.


Sloppy and lazy reasoning.

It is like a slave in the 1850's trying to convince another slave they should try to escape to freedom, and the other slave saying Massa knows best.

I don't have a good argument for someone that is in the depths of Stockholm syndrome, sorry.
In a land of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Here, they get together once a year to plan on how to control us all and anybody who even ponts out that they are doing so is assailed as some sort of kook by those who despise individual freedom
I already did.

You told me I was wrong, and then admitted I was right.

. . . after that, you told me you trusted billionaire oligarchs to care about the unwashed masses, and we should just trust them.


Sloppy and lazy reasoning.

It is like a slave in the 1850's trying to convince another slave they should try to escape to freedom, and the other slave saying Massa knows best.

I don't have a good argument for someone that is in the depths of Stockholm syndrome, sorry.
You forgot to mention how Papa Klaus will be doing all his wonderful things for humanity with fairy dust and unicorn kisses, too!!
Some more about this.....

"Citing an unexpected “scheduling conflict”, Soros announced on the weekend that he would not be attending the WEF meeting on Monday.

For his part, Schwab announced he is suffering an unspecified “health complaint” and is not expecting to be able to attend the Davos summit."
At max, the right is just keeping itself entertained. I doubt they're actually hurting anyone from story telling.
Many in the institutional GOP political circles are in on this, including Trump.
I tend to agree..except..I think the Right hurts giving it's opposition the ammo necessary to smear them in the how whackadoodle crazy the Right their own words.
That does hurt those on the Right with valid issues--whose voices are drowned out the the Q-berts and the laughter of those the Right need to reach the most--the great mass of Americans.
You don't have a clue what is going on, it shows.
There is nothing the rightwing can do about that.
True. The corporate parties are owned by the WEF, as are the courts and the interlocking directorate, and all professional societies.
most Americans not only believe MY shit..over yours.
Most Americans do not read, and establishment TEE VEE do not give them unbiased news coverage of what is going on. They believe what they are told to believe, and most Americans have no idea, and no opinion on the WEF.



Many in the institutional GOP political circles are in on this, including Trump.

You don't have a clue what is going on, it shows.

True. The corporate parties are owned by the WEF, as are the courts and the interlocking directorate, and all professional societies.

Most Americans do not read, and establishment TEE VEE do not give them unbiased news coverage of what is going on. They believe what they are told to believe, and most Americans have no idea, and no opinion on the WEF.


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That the World Economic Forum commissioned a maximum of 5,000 troops from the Swedish federal government to guard them during their annual meeting speaks volumes.
That whole 5,000 troops thing is ironically similar to the image they were trying to project at the Capital building by stationing troops around it.

They clearly wanted to establish the image that America was under seige by so-called domestic extremists.

I imagine that the WEF is trying to project the same image by doing this

Much like how it went down by placing troops around the Capital building, the WEF likely wants and needs to project that same image in order to justify their ongoing assault on civil liberties across the board.

They, like those in Washington, need that image to make it easier to just label anyone who doesn't agree with them, even elected representatives, a terrorist.

And they'll keep that image alive and in focus for as long as the people don't demonstrate the common sense to see what they're actually doing.
The society you you support may be a technologically advanced feudal society, but is a feudal society nevertheless

If you had actually LEARNED from history, you would not be so keen on repeating it.
Indeed..I agree. it is odd hear someone on this board admit to the feudal nature of Capitalism, as we apply it.

I think we're breaking new ground every day, historically. That may, indeed, be a huge part of the problem as regards our culture wars.
Never, in History, have we been able to ignore religion to the extent we can now.
Never, in History, have the poor had so many rights--and so much affluence--in this country.
Never, in History, have women enjoyed the benefits of true equality, both financial and sexual.
Never, in History, has the taboo subject of homosexuality been demystified and this country and on this scale.
Never, in History, has every person had the opportunity and possibility of reaching out and talking to any other person on the globe.

Now, i get that one can cherry-pick some isolated examples..and I'm sure someone will--but we are into new territory..historically and culturally.

You see, I think people are freer now than at any time in the past..and I can see that. Certainly in my lifetime, people are far freer here in the US than they were when i was born (1946)
Indeed..I agree. it is odd hear someone on this board admit to the feudal nature of Capitalism, as we apply it.

I think we're breaking new ground every day, historically. That may, indeed, be a huge part of the problem as regards our culture wars.
Never, in History, have we been able to ignore religion to the extent we can now.
Never, in History, have the poor had so many rights--and so much affluence--in this country.
Never, in History, have women enjoyed the benefits of true equality, both financial and sexual.
Never, in History, has the taboo subject of homosexuality been demystified and this country and on this scale.
Never, in History, has every person had the opportunity and possibility of reaching out and talking to any other person on the globe.

Now, i get that one can cherry-pick some isolated examples..and I'm sure someone will--but we are into new territory..historically and culturally.

You see, I think people are freer now than at any time in the past..and I can see that. Certainly in my lifetime, people are far freer here in the US than they were when i was born (1946)
All because of capitalism and individual freedom.
Indeed..I agree. it is odd hear someone on this board admit to the feudal nature of Capitalism, as we apply it.

I think we're breaking new ground every day, historically. That may, indeed, be a huge part of the problem as regards our culture wars.
Never, in History, have we been able to ignore religion to the extent we can now.
Never, in History, have the poor had so many rights--and so much affluence--in this country.
Never, in History, have women enjoyed the benefits of true equality, both financial and sexual.
Never, in History, has the taboo subject of homosexuality been demystified and this country and on this scale.
Never, in History, has every person had the opportunity and possibility of reaching out and talking to any other person on the globe.

Now, i get that one can cherry-pick some isolated examples..and I'm sure someone will--but we are into new territory..historically and culturally.

You see, I think people are freer now than at any time in the past..and I can see that. Certainly in my lifetime, people are far freer here in the US than they were when i was born (1946)

They are, fascists, like you, are trying to end that freedom.
All because of capitalism and individual freedom.
Tend to agree..except, if I may point out..except for my last point..every single example is codified and protected in law--and it took forever, against fierce opposition, to do so.

Individual freedom---backed up by the state, just sayin'~
Interesting how those who claim to have such a problem with conspiracy theories and theoriest are the ones who give them the most attention which is what they want so badly. Try taking this advice from an episode of the Simpsons.
Naw...judging by your posts, that's you----perhaps you might reread some of them?
People who wish freedom don't ban books.

Really? I want everyone to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, so long as they don't harm someone else.

You want to control all aspects of people lives. Makes you a stinking fascist.

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