As Hillary Implodes the Democrats Have No Plan B

Biden would win because he's on the right side of most issues, and he has the better life story (tragic as it is) he's a better campaigner than anyone the GOP is offering,

and because he is more charismatic than anyone the GOP is offering.

and he makes Palin look like Einstein

"As Hillary Implodes the Democrats Have No Plan B"

It's still August 2015, more than a year and two months from the GE; many clearly don't understand the chronology of American presidential politics.

HRC isn't 'imploding,' and republicans have no plan A.
Biden would win because he's on the right side of most issues, and he has the better life story (tragic as it is) he's a better campaigner than anyone the GOP is offering,

and because he is more charismatic than anyone the GOP is offering.

and he makes Palin look like Einstein

View attachment 48053

Better then cut, slash and burn! Better then someone that wants to shut down the government that leads to the shutting down of billions of dollars worth of science, infrastructure work and our national parks.
Sinking like a stone....


A new poll from Reuters shows Hillary Clinton dipping below 50 percent support in her race for the Democrat nomination. Just over a week ago, Hillary was pulling 55 percent support from Democrat primary voters. In Friday’s poll, her support had dropped to 49 percent.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16% registered his highest support ever in the Reuters poll, winning the support of 23 percent of Democrats. Vice-President Joe Biden, who isn’t a candidate (yet), earns the support of 12 percent of Democrats. Almost 10 percent of Democrats say they wouldn’t vote in the primary, given the current choice of candidates.

In other words, “none of the above” is currently running 4th in the Democrat primary, just behind a candidate who isn’t running and ahead of three who are.

Reuters: Hillary Clinton Below 50 Percent in National Dem Poll - Breitbart
Biden would win because he's on the right side of most issues, and he has the better life story (tragic as it is) he's a better campaigner than anyone the GOP is offering,

and because he is more charismatic than anyone the GOP is offering.

and he makes Palin look like Einstein

View attachment 48053

Better then cut, slash and burn! Better then someone that wants to shut down the government that leads to the shutting down of billions of dollars worth of science, infrastructure work and our national parks.

Good point. The Congress just took a five week paid vacation and haven't done anything about a budget. Smart moneys says it's going to be a shutdown and one would think they would get smarter than that this time.
Odd that democrats would look to Biden to save them when they tossed him out early before. They are desperate.
The guy that wrote that opinion piece is not very good at political analysis but he is good at telling conservatives what they want to hear. The way he dismissed Sanders out of hand at the very end is a good indication he is clueless.

Well, its time to acknowledge it.

Since the ignominious collapse of the Soviet Union...the latest failed experiment in Marxian Utopia...there has grown up in America a generation...trained in public schools by teachers who are members of Socialist Public Employee Unions...who can vote...and yet have no more sense than to think that another Marxian Utopia is a good idea.

This poster is a Proud his homosexual comrades....he has come out of the closet.

He thinks Bernie and Pocahontas have tweaked Marx sufficiently to try him again...because they are lazy morons.

Even morons can be capitalists...they can believe in the profit incentive...but they cannot be both stupid and lazy....that automatically makes you a Democrat....rather a Socialist....there is no longer a difference.

Hillary may get indicted.

Uncle Joe could get Alzheimer's, but how could we ever tell?

Pocahontas ain't no Indian, but if she was, her Indian name would be Raving Loon-Moon;

Loons ain't got no choice but to:

Feel the Bern!

This is what 8 years of community organizing will get you.
We have already patiently explained why there will not be a Republican president and what you have to do to get one. It was ignored and now you can scratch your head for eight years trying to figure out why white power wasn't enough to win.

But, you also said we wouldn't lose 1000 seats nationwide clearly it seems you are not very correct.
The guy that wrote that opinion piece is not very good at political analysis but he is good at telling conservatives what they want to hear. The way he dismissed Sanders out of hand at the very end is a good indication he is clueless.

Well, its time to acknowledge it.

Since the ignominious collapse of the Soviet Union...the latest failed experiment in Marxian Utopia...there has grown up in America a generation...trained in public schools by teachers who are members of Socialist Public Employee Unions...who can vote...and yet have no more sense than to think that another Marxian Utopia is a good idea.

This poster is a Proud his homosexual comrades....he has come out of the closet.

He thinks Bernie and Pocahontas have tweaked Marx sufficiently to try him again...because they are lazy morons.

Even morons can be capitalists...they can believe in the profit incentive...but they cannot be both stupid and lazy....that automatically makes you a Democrat....rather a Socialist....there is no longer a difference.

Hillary may get indicted.

Uncle Joe could get Alzheimer's, but how could we ever tell?

Pocahontas ain't no Indian, but if she was, her Indian name would be Raving Loon-Moon;

Loons ain't got no choice but to:

Feel the Bern!

This is what 8 years of community organizing will get you.
Is this what passes for political discourse on your planet?
The guy that wrote that opinion piece is not very good at political analysis but he is good at telling conservatives what they want to hear. The way he dismissed Sanders out of hand at the very end is a good indication he is clueless.

Well, its time to acknowledge it.

Since the ignominious collapse of the Soviet Union...the latest failed experiment in Marxian Utopia...there has grown up in America a generation...trained in public schools by teachers who are members of Socialist Public Employee Unions...who can vote...and yet have no more sense than to think that another Marxian Utopia is a good idea.

This poster is a Proud his homosexual comrades....he has come out of the closet.

He thinks Bernie and Pocahontas have tweaked Marx sufficiently to try him again...because they are lazy morons.

Even morons can be capitalists...they can believe in the profit incentive...but they cannot be both stupid and lazy....that automatically makes you a Democrat....rather a Socialist....there is no longer a difference.

Hillary may get indicted.

Uncle Joe could get Alzheimer's, but how could we ever tell?

Pocahontas ain't no Indian, but if she was, her Indian name would be Raving Loon-Moon;

Loons ain't got no choice but to:

Feel the Bern!

This is what 8 years of community organizing will get you.
Is this what passes for political discourse on your planet?

This is what passes as a response to political discourse on your planet?
It's hard to imagine Biden being a viable alternative. Pretty much any Republican candidate except Trump could defeat him. While I wouldn't write off Bernie, I still think in the end he will be too radical to be able to win a nation wide election.

Democrats are worried — so worried five donors who raised millions for President Obama as well as Obama’s chief Florida strategist have both sworn off Hillary and joined an effort to draft Vice President Joe Biden to save the party from an unelectable (or, dare we say it, indicted) nominee.

As Hillary implodes, the Democrats have no real Plan B

"except trump"?
Better get with the program.
The guy that wrote that opinion piece is not very good at political analysis but he is good at telling conservatives what they want to hear. The way he dismissed Sanders out of hand at the very end is a good indication he is clueless.

Well, its time to acknowledge it.

Since the ignominious collapse of the Soviet Union...the latest failed experiment in Marxian Utopia...there has grown up in America a generation...trained in public schools by teachers who are members of Socialist Public Employee Unions...who can vote...and yet have no more sense than to think that another Marxian Utopia is a good idea.

This poster is a Proud his homosexual comrades....he has come out of the closet.

He thinks Bernie and Pocahontas have tweaked Marx sufficiently to try him again...because they are lazy morons.

Even morons can be capitalists...they can believe in the profit incentive...but they cannot be both stupid and lazy....that automatically makes you a Democrat....rather a Socialist....there is no longer a difference.

Hillary may get indicted.

Uncle Joe could get Alzheimer's, but how could we ever tell?

Pocahontas ain't no Indian, but if she was, her Indian name would be Raving Loon-Moon;

Loons ain't got no choice but to:

Feel the Bern!

This is what 8 years of community organizing will get you.
Is this what passes for political discourse on your planet?

This is what passes as a response to political discourse on your planet?
The only way I could respond in kind to your post would be to get really drunk and write a rambling diatribe on how conservatives are being mind controlled by nazis and aliens from a secret base deep under the south pole with the assistance of bigfoot and the angry ghost of Joseph McCarthy.
We have already patiently explained why there will not be a Republican president and what you have to do to get one. It was ignored and now you can scratch your head for eight years trying ti figure out why white power wasn't enough to win.
Biden would win because he's on the right side of most issues, and he has the better life story (tragic as it is) he's a better campaigner than anyone the GOP is offering,

and because he is more charismatic than anyone the GOP is offering.
Now I know that you are not serious. Joe has charisma. He is a likable fellow to have a beer with, but charismatic? Nah Trump? He has the charisma. Who else can have the following he does with the crass things he's said?

Trump has guaranteed he would lose by his alienation of Hispanics.

the only people he's "alienating" are the illegal ALIENS...and not all of them are hispanic. You're a racist for assuming so. :)
We have already patiently explained why there will not be a Republican president and what you have to do to get one. It was ignored and now you can scratch your head for eight years trying to figure out why white power wasn't enough to win.

But, you also said we wouldn't lose 1000 seats nationwide clearly it seems you are not very correct.

Where did I say that?
We have already patiently explained why there will not be a Republican president and what you have to do to get one. It was ignored and now you can scratch your head for eight years trying ti figure out why white power wasn't enough to win.
Biden would win because he's on the right side of most issues, and he has the better life story (tragic as it is) he's a better campaigner than anyone the GOP is offering,

and because he is more charismatic than anyone the GOP is offering.
Now I know that you are not serious. Joe has charisma. He is a likable fellow to have a beer with, but charismatic? Nah Trump? He has the charisma. Who else can have the following he does with the crass things he's said?

Trump has guaranteed he would lose by his alienation of Hispanics.
As well as Americans capable of rational thought.

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