As Hillary Implodes the Democrats Have No Plan B

Care to explain that further?

I thought i was clear - if Bernie Sanders ran the country only the government and their cronies would be wealthy, while the rest of us would suffer.
Right, no, that part I got. But that's just silly rhetoric. I can say if Trump gets in office he'll have tigers hunt all of us down. See, ridiculous means nothing, not supported by facts.

But, against my better judgement, I'll bite, how exactly is he going to make himself and his "cronies" rich while making EVERYONE else poor? What in his policies reflects this?

I will remind you he has lived more modestly than most politicians, living off of only his age as a public servant. Unlike many in office he has not abused his office to become rich, one of many reasons I support him.

So, how will a man who has lived in government for 35 years without getting rich, or being paid off, or taking money from super PACs, a man with seemingly no ambition for material gain, how will he make himself and his cronies rich?

Let's say he wouldn't be corrupt, there would still be plenty of other people in government that would be. And the only way for anyone in the private sector to be able to get wealthy would be to be in bed with the political class.
Well, people in the private sector get plenty wealthy doing that now. Why would Bernies policies prevent people from getting rich? Certainly taxes on millionaires and billionaires would be higher, but how would that make them poor? If you tax 60% of lets say, a ten million dollar profit that's still 4 million dollars. If I had 4 million dollars I would certainly still feel rich. And capital gain taxes tend to be lower than other income taxes. (Depending on loopholes)

You're correct, there's too much cronies capitalism in our economy today. Bernie in power will just exacerbate the situation. You act like higher taxes has no effect on an economy. It is a disencentivizing force. Sanders' s wish list would all but destroy the economy.
So people will want to stop making money because more of it will be taxed? If your taxes went up 5% would you quit your job? Some of our highest eras of economic prosperity went hand in hand with higher taxes.
Care to explain that further?

I thought i was clear - if Bernie Sanders ran the country only the government and their cronies would be wealthy, while the rest of us would suffer.
Right, no, that part I got. But that's just silly rhetoric. I can say if Trump gets in office he'll have tigers hunt all of us down. See, ridiculous means nothing, not supported by facts.

But, against my better judgement, I'll bite, how exactly is he going to make himself and his "cronies" rich while making EVERYONE else poor? What in his policies reflects this?

I will remind you he has lived more modestly than most politicians, living off of only his age as a public servant. Unlike many in office he has not abused his office to become rich, one of many reasons I support him.

So, how will a man who has lived in government for 35 years without getting rich, or being paid off, or taking money from super PACs, a man with seemingly no ambition for material gain, how will he make himself and his cronies rich?

Let's say he wouldn't be corrupt, there would still be plenty of other people in government that would be. And the only way for anyone in the private sector to be able to get wealthy would be to be in bed with the political class.
Well, people in the private sector get plenty wealthy doing that now. Why would Bernies policies prevent people from getting rich? Certainly taxes on millionaires and billionaires would be higher, but how would that make them poor? If you tax 60% of lets say, a ten million dollar profit that's still 4 million dollars. If I had 4 million dollars I would certainly still feel rich. And capital gain taxes tend to be lower than other income taxes. (Depending on loopholes)

You're correct, there's too much cronies capitalism in our economy today. Bernie in power will just exacerbate the situation. You act like higher taxes has no effect on an economy. It is a disencentivizing force. Sanders' s wish list would all but destroy the economy.
Also, to say Bernies wish list as you call it relies only on taxes would be mistaken, by ending a large part of the war on drugs and not imprisoning people for small amounts of marijuana we would save quite a bit of money, prisoners are expensive. Also, by auditing the DOD, we could find wasteful spending in our military industrial complex (such as 200 billion dollars on one plane) and make our military more efficient, not gutting it as some suggest it would do, but uphold the DOD to the same fiscally responsible polices any branch of government should put forth.
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We have already patiently explained why there will not be a Republican president and what you have to do to get one. It was ignored and now you can scratch your head for eight years trying ti figure out why white power wasn't enough to win.
Biden would win because he's on the right side of most issues, and he has the better life story (tragic as it is) he's a better campaigner than anyone the GOP is offering,

and because he is more charismatic than anyone the GOP is offering.
Now I know that you are not serious. Joe has charisma. He is a likable fellow to have a beer with, but charismatic? Nah Trump? He has the charisma. Who else can have the following he does with the crass things he's said?

Trump has no charisma. He is a stupid asshole. Mean and stupid right wingers are emboldened by all the media attention he is getting and they are likewise unleashing their stupidity for all the world to see. It's a carnival of stupid.
I didn't think that Bernie had a chance until I saw the first debate. And then I'm like "why not?" He's more likable than that bunch of losers.

I mean, of the sitting Governors in the field, only Kasich has an job-approval rating above 50%. (Scott walker--39%. Bobby Jindal--32%. Chris Christie--30%). It's just pathetic!
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It's hard to imagine Biden being a viable alternative. Pretty much any Republican candidate except Trump could defeat him. While I wouldn't write off Bernie, I still think in the end he will be too radical to be able to win a nation wide election.

Democrats are worried — so worried five donors who raised millions for President Obama as well as Obama’s chief Florida strategist have both sworn off Hillary and joined an effort to draft Vice President Joe Biden to save the party from an unelectable (or, dare we say it, indicted) nominee.

As Hillary implodes, the Democrats have no real Plan B
I don't believe people would vote jeb Walker rubio or Cruz over biden.

I'm really not worried BC the GOP field is so weak.

I don't think Biden would beat any of them
It's hard to imagine Biden being a viable alternative. Pretty much any Republican candidate except Trump could defeat him. While I wouldn't write off Bernie, I still think in the end he will be too radical to be able to win a nation wide election.

Democrats are worried — so worried five donors who raised millions for President Obama as well as Obama’s chief Florida strategist have both sworn off Hillary and joined an effort to draft Vice President Joe Biden to save the party from an unelectable (or, dare we say it, indicted) nominee.

As Hillary implodes, the Democrats have no real Plan B
I don't believe people would vote jeb Walker rubio or Cruz over biden.

I'm really not worried BC the GOP field is so weak.

I don't think Biden would beat any of them
I disagree.
Some of our highest eras of economic prosperity went hand in hand with higher taxes.

The only people who believe that are the people who have zero understanding of economics
Oh please, tax rates were higher for the rich in some of the most prosperous times this nation has Had, it's an undeniable fact. Don't throw out garbage without supporting your claims
Some of our highest eras of economic prosperity went hand in hand with higher taxes.

The only people who believe that are the people who have zero understanding of economics
I'm also not saying high taxes causes economic prosperity, I'm saying business continues on regardless, high or low taxes, profits profit, and if you think people and companies will not continue to make profits under higher taxes, then I question your understanding of economics.
It's hard to imagine Biden being a viable alternative. Pretty much any Republican candidate except Trump could defeat him. While I wouldn't write off Bernie, I still think in the end he will be too radical to be able to win a nation wide election.

Democrats are worried — so worried five donors who raised millions for President Obama as well as Obama’s chief Florida strategist have both sworn off Hillary and joined an effort to draft Vice President Joe Biden to save the party from an unelectable (or, dare we say it, indicted) nominee.

As Hillary implodes, the Democrats have no real Plan B
I think I touched on this some time ago.

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