As I predicted, Stagflation here we come

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time. Let's hear it for intrusive gov't policies that raise the cost of employees to unaffordable levels and impose increased taxes and regulatory burdens. Thank you, Barack!
Stagflation Is Here as Fed Succeeds at Inflationary Target: Rosenberg | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

"My sense is that once this consumer deleveraging cycle is over, and there are signs that it is coming to an end if it hasn't ended already, you're going to see the velocity of money start to rise, against the backdrop of double-digit growth of the monetary base, and that is going to lead to inflation down the road."

Not the double-digit '70s-style inflation that plagued the Volcker era for years before he was ultimately able to break its back, Rosenberg says, but rather a mild form of stagflation for years to come, and he thinks stocks and bond markets are reflecting this already.
more at the source.
But it is a situation in which the repubs share the blame.

Did the GOP institute Obamacare, the biggest job killer in memory? No.
Did the GOP ramp up the CFR? No.
Did the GOP demonize corporations? No.

Yes, Bernanke was a Bush appointee. But that's about it.
Obama: The Bastard Love Child of Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.
But it is a situation in which the repubs share the blame.

Did the GOP institute Obamacare, the biggest job killer in memory? No.
Did the GOP ramp up the CFR? No.
Did the GOP demonize corporations? No.

Yes, Bernanke was a Bush appointee. But that's about it.

The Founding Fathers did demonize corporations.

All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation, not from a want of honor or virtue so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.”
–John Adams, at the Constitutional Convention (1787)

The reality is that the Founding Fathers didn’t think very much of corporations or, for that matter, any of the organized moneyed interests that played so large a role in the decision to revolt against Mother England.

Thom Hartman writes in his book" Unequal Justice",
Trade-dominance by the East India Company aroused the greatest passions of America’s Founders – every schoolboy knows how they dumped the Company’s tea into Boston harbour. At the time in Britain virtually all members of parliament were stockholders, a tenth had made their fortunes through the Company, and the Company funded parliamentary elections generously.”

After the nation’s founding, corporations were, as they are today, the result of charters granted by the state. However, unlike today, they were limited in how long they were permitted to exist (typically 20 or 30 years), only permitted to deal in one commodity, they could not own shares in other corporations, and their property holdings were expressly limited to what they needed to accomplish their corporate business goals.

What did the Founding Fathers really think about corporations and their rights? - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - True/Slant
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time. Let's hear it for intrusive gov't policies that raise the cost of employees to unaffordable levels and impose increased taxes and regulatory burdens. Thank you, Barack!
Republican AND Democrat Presidents and Congresses have signed Free Not Fair Trade Agreements that sent America's Manufacturing base over seas.

Bernanke might have been a Bush appointee but Barack has kept him.

You gotta' be asleep (or American) not to see what's going on.
I said earlier in a thread by Obama parrott 'drivebymedia', that a very large number of market watchers are predicting a major 'correction'. A few are saying 15 to 20%, while there are a few that are saying up to 80 - 90%. The 10-year benchmark bonds are now paying over 2% in interest (the first time in many years). A number of very large investors (Buffett, Soros) are moving slowly, but faithfully, out of the market in favor of ETF's and other securities.

I believe inflation is heading our way, like a train coming down the track. Based upon Barry's economic policies and a 17 TRILLION dollar deficit, I don't think that we can avoid it.

When and how bad? Those are the only questions that remain...
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time. Let's hear it for intrusive gov't policies that raise the cost of employees to unaffordable levels and impose increased taxes and regulatory burdens. Thank you, Barack!
Stagflation Is Here as Fed Succeeds at Inflationary Target: Rosenberg | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

"My sense is that once this consumer deleveraging cycle is over, and there are signs that it is coming to an end if it hasn't ended already, you're going to see the velocity of money start to rise, against the backdrop of double-digit growth of the monetary base, and that is going to lead to inflation down the road."

Not the double-digit '70s-style inflation that plagued the Volcker era for years before he was ultimately able to break its back, Rosenberg says, but rather a mild form of stagflation for years to come, and he thinks stocks and bond markets are reflecting this already.
more at the source.

This is the only possible outcome when the government props up the private sector.

I distinctly remember the era of Jimmy Carter. This is EXACTLY the same thing with the exception that the feds have stepped in and pumped trillions of dollars of worthless bonds into the market to keep actual inflation at bay.

Soon, the bonds will stop. Then, as John Wayne once said "It will be Katy bar the door".

This is no Chicken Little "The sky is falling" nonsense - this is nothing more than sound economic policy. It is NOT the job of the federal government to "prop" up the private sector. Eventually the feds will have no choice but to stop.....nuclear winter will ensue....
without 85 billion a month being poured on the rich and bankers from the FED, we would be allowed to admit we are in a depression. To avoid the inevitable, Obama decided to let the FED-R keep making easy credit, basically Obama decided to be part of expanding and creating another bubble, that creates ZERO ASSETS.

Looking forward to this bursting... Fuck, there won;t even be homes to sell.
Ok ignorant Obama bashers, carry on.

You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

So what EXACTLY is your point here? Everyone knows that it was both Houses and two presidents. What the heck does that do to help? Just keep blaming Bush and the democrat controlled House and Senate?, Bawney Fwank?, Chris Dodd? Barry Obama? The idiot Nancy Pelosi? Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid?

Or are you the guy who, on his way to the bottom of the North Atlantic during the sinking of the Titanic kept screaming "It's the Captain's fault!!"?

Bush is gone. He is History. Now, what has YOUR boy done to correct the situation?

That's what I thought.
Sell-offs of Treasuries, corporate bonds, and emerging market bonds has been rising around the world the past few months. Yields have been climbing. Not quite at 2010 levels, but getting there.

Everyone is talking about 1994.

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