As If The Walls Aren't Already Closing In On Democrats

Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
I wish he were more Presidential.

But he's MAGA, so I can overlook the unimportant surface crap.
Someone should make a t-shirt.

I was impeached and all I got was this stinking shirt.
Here's one that might do.

What do you call a partisan House Impeachment and a bipartisan Senate acquittal?
A failed Democrat coup attempt. :p

winning = impeached

good call dip !


Innocent until proven guilty. Even for Trump.

Overwhelmingly voted not guilty. So it's like he impeachment never happened.
Even better … the unhinged House Dems overplayed a pair of 3s in the Senate trial and got bitch-slapped all the way back to their own chamber. Boom!

When even the WashPo can see it and MSN posts it you know the end is near.

Democrats fight over who is best able to beat a newly emboldened President Trump
...There was no simple answer, but Tom Steyer, the billionaire businessman, put the issue in stark terms, warning that, after the events of the past week, there is now a “very real threat” that the president will be reelected. “Who can go toe-to-toe with Mr. Trump?” he asked. “Who can take down Mr. Trump?”

The dilemma for Democratic voters is that no one candidate has yet persuaded more than a fraction of the party that they are capable of doing so. Democrats came out of Iowa splintered and demoralized, and Friday’s debate accentuated both the attributes each of the leading Democrats is offering and the limits of their appeal.
Obama was great at "acting presidential". Look what happened.

"Being presidential" is measured by one's effectiveness as president.
Look what happened record string of months with job growth, lowering deficits. no stupid trade wars, our allies still like us. And no impeachmrent.
Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
Who cares if he doesn't ACT presidential. Being PC does not make a President. Getting things DONE is far better. Obama was long on talk. Made pretty speeches. Only constructive thing he did was defeating Hillary and taking out Bin Laden.
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
I wish he were more Presidential.

But he's MAGA, so I can overlook the unimportant surface crap.
Another MAGA ass who doesn't care if the President lies to him everyday as long as he is duped into thinking a manufacturing recession, trillion dollar deficits, the fed bailing us out, and a 2.4 average GDP in 2019 is a great economy.
Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
Who cares if he doesn't ACT presidential. Being PC does not make a President. Getting things DONE is far better. Obama was long on talk. Made pretty speeches. Only constructive thing he did was defeating Hillary and taking out Bin Laden.
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Yes.Proven fact.
Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
Who cares if he doesn't ACT presidential. Being PC does not make a President. Getting things DONE is far better. Obama was long on talk. Made pretty speeches. Only constructive thing he did was defeating Hillary and taking out Bin Laden.
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Yes.Proven fact.
You you are claiming that in January of 2017 that our GNP growth was a negative 6 percent and we lost 800,000 jobs that month.
Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
Who cares if he doesn't ACT presidential. Being PC does not make a President. Getting things DONE is far better. Obama was long on talk. Made pretty speeches. Only constructive thing he did was defeating Hillary and taking out Bin Laden.
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Yes.Proven fact.
You you are claiming that in January of 2017 that our GNP growth was a negative 6 percent and we lost 800,000 jobs that month.
I claim nothing. The Economy sucked. Propped up with borrowed money.And fake Stats. Only "Jobs" Obama created were Gov't sinecures ,bureaucrat jobs ,and part time McJobs.
Don't gloat, humble pie is just one tweet away.
I'm happy this week, but to think Trump learned his lesson and is now going to be way more presidential, is wishful thinking.
Who cares if he doesn't ACT presidential. Being PC does not make a President. Getting things DONE is far better. Obama was long on talk. Made pretty speeches. Only constructive thing he did was defeating Hillary and taking out Bin Laden.
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Yes.Proven fact.
You you are claiming that in January of 2017 that our GNP growth was a negative 6 percent and we lost 800,000 jobs that month.
I claim nothing. The Economy sucked. Propped up with borrowed money.And fake Stats. Only "Jobs" Obama created were Gov't sinecures ,bureaucrat jobs ,and part time McJobs.
Fuck off., You claimed it was a proven fact. You assfuck Trumpettres lie about your lying. How pathetic.
Who cares if he doesn't ACT presidential. Being PC does not make a President. Getting things DONE is far better. Obama was long on talk. Made pretty speeches. Only constructive thing he did was defeating Hillary and taking out Bin Laden.
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Yes.Proven fact.
You you are claiming that in January of 2017 that our GNP growth was a negative 6 percent and we lost 800,000 jobs that month.
I claim nothing. The Economy sucked. Propped up with borrowed money.And fake Stats. Only "Jobs" Obama created were Gov't sinecures ,bureaucrat jobs ,and part time McJobs.
Fuck off., You claimed it was a proven fact. You assfuck Trumpettres lie about your lying. How pathetic.
Such shocking language! Temper,temper!
So you think we were losing 800,000 jobs a month with an economy shrinking at a rate of 6% when Obama left office?
Yes.Proven fact.
You you are claiming that in January of 2017 that our GNP growth was a negative 6 percent and we lost 800,000 jobs that month.
I claim nothing. The Economy sucked. Propped up with borrowed money.And fake Stats. Only "Jobs" Obama created were Gov't sinecures ,bureaucrat jobs ,and part time McJobs.
Fuck off., You claimed it was a proven fact. You assfuck Trumpettres lie about your lying. How pathetic.
Such shocking language! Temper,temper!
I'd rather spend time with people that say fuck than with liars like you.
Yes.Proven fact.
You you are claiming that in January of 2017 that our GNP growth was a negative 6 percent and we lost 800,000 jobs that month.
I claim nothing. The Economy sucked. Propped up with borrowed money.And fake Stats. Only "Jobs" Obama created were Gov't sinecures ,bureaucrat jobs ,and part time McJobs.
Fuck off., You claimed it was a proven fact. You assfuck Trumpettres lie about your lying. How pathetic.
Such shocking language! Temper,temper!
I'd rather spend time with people that say fuck than with liars like you.
Good. Keep watching CNN. (snicker). But what I posted were FACTS. ObamaCare cost Taxpayers 5 Trillion. The Bank Bailouts cost a pretty penny also. Look it up. I will NOT do yer homework for ya.

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