As much as I despise the GOP and ultimately think they are poison in comparison to democrats...

Since the DAY the Constitution was ratified the President has been ELECTED via the electoral college. Pretty simply concept. Each State has x amount of electors, in order to win you need more then half of them to vote for you. How do you get electors? By winning State elections on Election day. Except 2 States all States have winner take all elector rules.

If Hillary Clinton was TOO STUPID to campaign in enough States to win them then the people DID IN FACT vote in Trump. The popular vote is meaningless EXCEPT inside an individual State. It does not matter if the entire state of New York and California vote for one person you need to win in enough States to garner enough electoral votes.

Whelp, that's not accurate either.

Take that infamous trio of states that pushed Rump over the hump in 2016 by a combined margin of 77,000 votes, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. *NOBODY* won the state vote of any of those states. Nor did anybody win this state (North Carolina). Nor did any candidate with the vote of Florida, Virginia, Minnesota, Colorado, Arizona or Utah. Yet every one sent 100% of their electoral votes to a candidate who could not win even half that state's vote.

From what I can see, Trump won higher percentages in those states and most states have winner take all rules. Seems fair enough. If Hillary wins a higher percentage in Florida she gets all the electoral votes.

They won pluralities, not majorities in all those states. Less than 50% of the vote, and 100% of the EVs.

No way that's not just fucked up. And the fact that both candies benefited from the same fucked-up system doesn't make it less fucked-up; rather it makes it doublefuckedup.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.
Because they suck. Tammany Hall was the home of Democrats.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
Bernie will be the next President. Not to worry OP.

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I hear Venezuela could use a new President.
Maybe he can move there after Trump spanks him?
Joke now. Cry later.


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Bernie, the commie will never get the electoral votes to win. He will sweep the left and east coast states but outside of commie strongholds in urban cities like Milwaukee and Philadelphia, mid Americans will never back a commie and his draconian ideas of disarming the public will not fly here nor would there be compliance. Same goes for the wage confiscation of those that barter their labor in one hour increments. "Da gubermint' didn't do 35 percent of the labor required for me to get paper script notes in order to eek out an existence and I have no intention of letting them confiscate it/..come hell or high water.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Not a snowballs chance in ... that Bernie Sanders will be your scapegoat for 2020.


"At the conclusion of the party's national convention on August 25, 2018, officials adopted a measure banning superdelegates from voting on the first ballot at a contested national convention."

Superdelegates and the 2020 Democratic National Convention - Ballotpedia
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.
Electors? Here I thought we were talking about people. If you want to add obsolete, centuries old systems into the vote about a banana vs. an apple then the least you can do is answer the original question first.

As you know, our Founding Fathers established the Electoral College for the STATES to elect the President of the United States. In order to allow for the difference in the sizes of the state, each state is given a number of electors based on the size of the state.

What could be fairer?

If anything, the Electoral College is more important today than ever before.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.

Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.
Electors? Here I thought we were talking about people. If you want to add obsolete, centuries old systems into the vote about a banana vs. an apple then the least you can do is answer the original question first.

As you know, our Founding Fathers established the Electoral College for the STATES to elect the President of the United States. In order to allow for the difference in the sizes of the state, each state is given a number of electors based on the size of the state.

What could be fairer?

Just for a start, maybe having the votes of that state's electors bear SOME resemblance to how the state actually voted.

I mean as long as you're going to run the charade of pretending the people have a vote, you might as well make the charade actually look like it's working.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.

Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.
Elephant Do Do. The whole Machine in Chicago is Democrat. Always has been. That is why Chicago sucks.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.

Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.
Elephant Do Do. The whole Machine in Chicago is Democrat. Always has been. That is why Chicago sucks.

Again, absolute bullshit. See the link. Chicago is #3 --- nonpartisan.

Oh and as far as "always has been" that might come as a shock to Big Bill Thompson. He was voted out of office because he kept cozying up to Al Capone.

Sage advice -- do NOT fling bullshit in this direction. It WILL get flung back twice as hard.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.

Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.

STFU, don't have the slightest fucking clue about the incorporation of towns, cities, counties that are subsidiaries of the states that are subsidiaries of USA. INC and why it matters and how it ties into what is known as the UCC, statutory law, subject matter jurisdiction, HJR-192, etc, etc.

I will bitchslap you into next week, son. How fucking dare you to ever come onto a thread and pretend to be some kind of expert when you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.

October 20, 2009
DOJ forces town to put party labels on candidates for racial reasons
By Ed Lasky
A small North Carolina city is getting a taste of what life is like now that the Justice Department is run by Attorney General Eric Holder. When the city voters decided to do away with the party affiliation of candidates in local elections, the Justice Department came down on them like the proverbial load of bricks.

The Department overruled the decisions of the voters and decided that equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without candidates being clearly labeled as Democrats. Ben Conery of the Washington Times reports:

The Justice Department's ruling, which affects races for City Council and mayor, went so far as to say partisan elections are needed so that black voters can elect their "candidates of choice" - identified by the department as those who are Democrats and almost exclusively black.

DOJ forces town to put party labels on candidates for racial reasons
Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.

Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.
Elephant Do Do. The whole Machine in Chicago is Democrat. Always has been. That is why Chicago sucks.

Again, absolute bullshit. See the link. Chicago is #3 --- nonpartisan.

Oh and as far as "always has been" that might come as a shock to Big Bill Thompson. He was voted out of office because he kept cozying up to Al Capone.

Sage advice -- do NOT fling bullshit in this direction. It WILL get flung back twice as hard.
How about this? Which Party is really Anti-Woman? Look up Weinstein ,Ted Kennedy ,and Bill Clinton.
Since the DAY the Constitution was ratified the President has been ELECTED via the electoral college. Pretty simply concept. Each State has x amount of electors, in order to win you need more then half of them to vote for you. How do you get electors? By winning State elections on Election day. Except 2 States all States have winner take all elector rules.

If Hillary Clinton was TOO STUPID to campaign in enough States to win them then the people DID IN FACT vote in Trump. The popular vote is meaningless EXCEPT inside an individual State. It does not matter if the entire state of New York and California vote for one person you need to win in enough States to garner enough electoral votes.

Whelp, that's not accurate either.

Take that infamous trio of states that pushed Rump over the hump in 2016 by a combined margin of 77,000 votes, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. *NOBODY* won the state vote of any of those states. Nor did anybody win this state (North Carolina). Nor did any candidate with the vote of Florida, Virginia, Minnesota, Colorado, Arizona or Utah. Yet every one sent 100% of their electoral votes to a candidate who could not win even half that state's vote.
Look you fucking RETARD the Majority of voters decide the electoral college in all States even the two that split the state by Congressional district. You can whine and cry all you want that is how our system works and HAS ALWAYS worked. Trump won and Clinton lost pretty simple concept, or perhaps you can point to a single US Presidential election that was EVER decided by who won the most votes? You can not because EVERY election was decided by the Electoral College. It has NEVER mattered who won the popular vote EXCEPT INSIDE an individual State.
Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.

Actually most cities have nonpartisan elections. Because there's nothing "political party" or "right' or "left" about managing a city. Cute fantasy, but more bullshit.

You're right about part one though. Political parties are about amassing and consolidating power. That's uh, the reason they exist in the first place.
And all the cities Democrats run are crap holes.

Again, for those who never learned to read, most cities elect their local governments on a nonpartisan basis. Because there's nothng in the world "Democratoc",. "Republican", "Whig", "Federalist" or any other party, about deciding which neighborhood gets its fucking trash picked up on Tuesdays. That's simple fucking management.

Y'all wannabe Composition Fallacists are SO pathetic.
Elephant Do Do. The whole Machine in Chicago is Democrat. Always has been. That is why Chicago sucks.

Again, absolute bullshit. See the link. Chicago is #3 --- nonpartisan.

Oh and as far as "always has been" that might come as a shock to Big Bill Thompson. He was voted out of office because he kept cozying up to Al Capone.

Sage advice -- do NOT fling bullshit in this direction. It WILL get flung back twice as hard.

See the link. Chicago is #3 --- nonpartisan.

Nonpartisan elections that have left Dems in control since the 1920s.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Those Super-Delegates will cost Bloomburg a million dollars a pop---which he will pay, of course---but the Young Brainwashed Bernie Bolsheviks will be so pissed, they'll stay home for the general election, or even vote for the Bad Orange Man.

It's a lose-lose situation because Democrats are so dumb they couldn't see that Uncle Joe Biden is in early stage dementia or Alzheimer's. (A few real dumb-asses still don't.)

Democrats are going to have to work the "Russia Hacked the Election" scam yet again. They'll be filing law suits all over the day after the election.

What else have they got?

Yesterday Biden stated that "Bernie's health care plan would cost 34 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dollars!!!!!!!!!".
That's right a whopping 34 MILLION dollars.
And there are people who are going to vote for this joke.
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.
I think the super delegates in 2016 would have voted for Bernie if he had beaten Hillary and I think they will vote for him now. I'm just happy people are finding out what socialism means not the fear-mongering GOP version.
Most Bernie brown shirts couldn't even spell socialism.

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