As much as we'd like to believe it - a wall is not the solution to the border crisis


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.
We will build a wall and man it with machine guns and put a stop to these assholes jumping our borders and killing our citizens.
the wall is a necessary element in enforcing our borders. We have plenty of immigration laws on the books already. The only thing missing is a government determined to enforce them.

the dems see illegals as potential voters. That's what this is all about and that's why our laws have not been enforced.
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.
The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy, slippery slope fallacy, in addition to being ignorant, hateful bigotry and demagoguery common to most on the right.
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.
No, but it sure is a good start. Why does the Vatican have billions of dollars worth of goods behind a Wall protected by warriors and that keeps people out?

The Death Penalty is said to be "Not a deterrent to prevent others from committing murder". Yet the death penalty does something that a liberal doesn't understand. "REPEAT OFFENDER" is taken off the rap sheet...

the wall is a necessary element in enforcing our borders. We have plenty of immigration laws on the books already. The only thing missing is a government determined to enforce them.

the dems see illegals as potential voters. That's what this is all about and that's why our laws have not been enforced.

The establishment wants to use illegals to rig elections in favor of the establishment. You bring in millions of illegals, give them amnesty and the vote, purchase their votes for the establishment and cancel out the votes of millions of uppity Americans guaranteeing establishment control of government without fear of establishment politicians losing elections.
Walls are an effective part of border control. If walls don't work, then why does every liberal elitist have one around their home?
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.

You are right about the wall, waste of time, money and Trump selling it is like Monorail...

But you did say something that would stop illegal immigration, right it your own post... "refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" "..... IT is not like picking fruit for 12 hours a day for peanuts is great but it is better than the places they come from...

America Illegally is buying huge amounts of drugs from south of the borders and supplying huge quantities of black money, guns and other arms... If you want to destabilize a government deliberately that is how you do it. This has been going on for decades and has created some of the most corrupt and violent places in the world... This is been fueled by US drug money and arms..

So how about drastically reduce the amount of drug money by treating drug addiction as a medical problem rather than a criminal one. Severely reduce the illegal drug market. Sensible gun law that doesn't allow Americans to arm the Gangs down south...

Then you can invest in places in Mexico and the relationship could be mutually beneficial in time. Mexico is already US 3rd largest trading partner with a GDP per head of $8000, imagine the win for the US if that was doubled...

Help your neighbours and the US will win...
Most countries have a National ID Card that is required for employment, government benefits and to vote. It would be a virtual wall.
The Democratic Party regards middle class taxpayer Voters as its enemy and illegal aliens as the future majority of their Party.
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.
Israel built a wall and terrorism dropped 98%.
Walls work.
Walls are an effective part of border control. If walls don't work, then why does every liberal elitist have one around their home?

Because it is easier to build a 400 foot fence than a 2500 mile wall
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.
No, but it sure is a good start. Why does the Vatican have billions of dollars worth of goods behind a Wall protected by warriors and that keeps people out?

The Death Penalty is said to be "Not a deterrent to prevent others from committing murder". Yet the death penalty does something that a liberal doesn't understand. "REPEAT OFFENDER" is taken off the rap sheet...


The Vatican wall is centuries old.
We can build walls all we like, as high as we like and as far as we will not stop the illegal immigration.

As a nation (as long as it still exists), we are going to have to make some HARD, COLD decisions as to whether or not we are going to remain a nation or become a multi-cultured refuge pot for the world...because as it stands, we are nearly that already.

Noone wants people to get hurt for fleeing dire conditions, but let's be honest, most of the refugees coming to America are coming simply because "it's better here" and they can "get more".

If walls and laws won't stop them...what will? And should we "stop" them? Why are Americans "entitled" to the American way of life and not everyone on the planet?

I am personally for militarizing the border with severe consequences for making an illegal crossing. I do not with-hold any measures. This is because I know for a FACT that only one thing will protect our borders and prevent America from becoming a 3rd world nation...and that's FEAR. Fear that crossing the border can come at a REAL and IMMEDIATE risk of losing everything....even your life.

In Miami Florida, English is no longer the first language. Spanish is. Across the country MS-13 is growing and putting Americans in danger. Drunken illegals with no insurance and no license are driving irresponsibly on our roads, taking innocent American lives. Millions of illegals are being encouraged to vote in California, NewYork, Oregon and Washington state. People are willing to sacrifice American lives for political gain.

I think the border has become overly politicized with the Left making it all too easy to come here illegally for the political purpose of weakening the Conservative right. (Actually. everyone knows this has been going on for decades, I'm just reiterating).

The Left is now fighting to introduce laws to have electoral colleges dismantled. Have you been following the news? The Left wants California and NewYork to basically decide who becomes President. Both states have massive illegal immigrant populations. Florida, with it's also massive illegal immigrant population will join them as soon as the Left has finished overtaking the state (almost there) and can get Hard Alt-Leftist into the governors office and overrun the state legislature. Then Florida will get crazy gun laws and become a sanctuary state just like California. Tick tock.

The lack of a wall, lack of enforcement and deterrence and security at the borders and the border is the primary source for breaking the conservative backbone in America. The Left applauds, even as they are breaking their own backs but don't even know it....or don't care.

What part of this is incorrect? Don't be a jackass and just post some stupid one line comment. Explain why you have the position you do if you disagree and feel open borders are best for America.

Only pure imbeciles will find this situation humorous.
Israel built a wall and terrorism dropped 98%.
Walls work.

Oh they would never admit that.
What would Texans do without their construction labor of illegals.

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