As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Scandinavia is far more socialist than us and doing quite well.
Bwahahahaha! The left-wing lies being deployed in full force today. Enjoy, chief....

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist - The Local

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs ...

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think

You don't think they are more socialist than us?
I don't think you can read. That, or you just don't want to know the facts. In any case... Denmark and Sweden ties us on the Economic Freedom Index:

17 United States 75.1 -0.3
18 Denmark 75.1 -0.2
19 Sweden 74.9 +2.9

And none of them are as prosperous as the U.S. overall (though the failed left-wing policies you keep pedaling are rapidly changing that).
Scandinavia is far more socialist than us and doing quite well.
Bwahahahaha! The left-wing lies being deployed in full force today. Enjoy, chief....

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist - The Local

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs ...

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think

You don't think they are more socialist than us?
I don't think you can read. That, or you just don't want to know the facts. In any case... Denmark and Sweden ties us on the Economic Freedom Index:

17 United States 75.1 -0.3
18 Denmark 75.1 -0.2
19 Sweden 74.9 +2.9

And none of them are as prosperous as the U.S. overall (though the failed left-wing policies you keep pedaling are rapidly changing that).

What are their income tax rates?
No stupid . As in a DIFFERENT min wage job. Since Seattle has such low unemployment you can leave job one if your hours are cut and take job 2 at full time .
Bwahahahaha! Stupid....if Seattle's unemployment is so low (as you keep claiming), that means there are no jobs available. They've all been filled.

You can always count on a progressive to contradict their own position. :lmao:

It's not zero !

You contradict yourself . The If $15 wage was so destructive unemployment would be high.
Dishonest propaganda ! Did you think that we wouldn't read it and discover that two studies were cited, that each show vastly different outcomes?? Do you really have to stoop so low to push your agenda?? Guess so.
Here you go, chief. I can do this all day. Let me know when you can't take any more of the facts.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
You get that? It's not even a full $15 per hour yet and already they are reducing hours and eliminating jobs. This is just basic economics, son.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
As I've always known, there is something seriously wrong with both you and Col. Anus. You are both harping on the study that supports what you are trying to say, and ignoring the study that says the opposite ..IN THE SAME ARTICLE POSTED BY ANUS!
They don't have more to spend, snowflake. The study (by radical left-wing Cal, Berkley) just found that the minimum wage worker is now coming home with $125 per month less in Seattle. Sorry snowflake...those are the facts.

Yes, because many minimum wage workers transitioned to better paying jobs, so the amount gets skewed downward because it's counting part-time workers with full time workers who both get the minimum wage. That's why the study said, very plainly, that it left out key parts of the labor force and employment. So you move, say, a percentage of the minimum wage workers to full-time, better paying jobs, your totals will certainly revise downward because the part-time workers are now making up a larger share of MW workers because many of their full-time counterparts moved on to better-paying jobs.

Yeah...and it's me. The University of Cal just proved it (not that they really needed to as this is just basic economics). Thanks for playing snowflake. You may run along now.

You are deliberately misrepresenting the conclusions of that study. You're just posting headlines, you didn't do the work of actually reading the study. That's because you, and all Conservatives, do rushed, sloppy work.
Again, see Kansas.
Again...let me know when they file bankruptcy like Detroit was forced to and like Illinois will be doing very soon.

So the car companies made shitty cars and Detroit paid for it. That is a democratic failure? Funny.
Really? That's the best you've got? :laugh:

To blame GM, Ford, and Chrysler for the Dumbocrats collapsing Detroit? I wonder how all of those left-wing factory floor union workers would feel about you proclaiming they made "shitty cars"? Then again, everything the left does is shitty.
They don't have more to spend, snowflake. The study (by radical left-wing Cal, Berkley) just found that the minimum wage worker is now coming home with $125 per month less in Seattle. Sorry snowflake...those are the facts.
Yes, because many minimum wage workers transitioned to better paying jobs,
Bwahahaha! Why would raising the minimum wage cause all of these minimum wage workers to magically "transition" into "better paying jobs"?

You can stop trolling now, junior. You've run out of material.
Again, see Kansas.
Again...let me know when they file bankruptcy like Detroit was forced to and like Illinois will be doing very soon.

So the car companies made shitty cars and Detroit paid for it. That is a democratic failure? Funny.
Really? That's the best you've got? :laugh:

To blame GM, Ford, and Chrysler for the Dumbocrats collapsing Detroit? I wonder how all of those left-wing factory floor union workers would feel about you proclaiming they made "shitty cars"? Then again, everything the left does is shitty.

Unions didn't give the ok to make the Pontiac Aztek. The execs are to blame obviously.
Dishonest propaganda ! Did you think that we wouldn't read it and discover that two studies were cited, that each show vastly different outcomes?? Do you really have to stoop so low to push your agenda?? Guess so.
Here you go, chief. I can do this all day. Let me know when you can't take any more of the facts.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
You get that? It's not even a full $15 per hour yet and already they are reducing hours and eliminating jobs. This is just basic economics, son.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
As I've always known, there is something seriously wrong with both you and Col. Anus. You are both harping on the study that supports what you are trying to say, and ignoring the study that says the opposite ..IN THE SAME ARTICLE POSTED BY ANUS!
I'll post it again for you sweetie...
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
Ask an adult for help!
Nobody, apparently you need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

But that's what you said. You said that if wages are increased, that will raise prices. It was the cornerstone of your argument. Now you're completely abandoning it? Wow, dude.

Soooooo, you have "conventional wisdom" and I have empirical data. Only one of those are real. Your argument was that raising wages would raise prices. The study by U of W said that didn't happen in Seattle. So now you are ignoring real-world evidence in order to serve an ideological belief. That's dogma.

That's not what I said, go back and read it again, if you don't understand what it means I'll be happy to clarify whatever it is that you don't grasp.

That is what you said, and now you're trying to wiggle around the parameters to make it seem like you said something else. But you and I both know you didn't. So why the sophism?

Here ... let me save both of us some time; this is a pretty decent explanation of the economic effect of binding price floors (which a minimum wage qualifies as ): Price Floor Impact on Market Outcome , let me know if you need clarification after you read it through.

So your study seems to say that if people are paid less, they will spend more? Huh?

Probably because you don't appear to understand basic microeconomics.

No, I think what's happening is that you're trying to obfuscate the issue by trying to classify labor as a disposable commodity, because there is nothing beyond your theory that supports your argument, whereas there's plenty of empirical evidence that supports mine. For your argument to make sense, Seattle and the 13 states + DC that raised their MW in 20914 should all have seen slower employment growth than states and municipalities that didn't. Yet that is not the case. So here's an example of Conservative theory conflicting with reality. Raising the MW didn't result in slower job growth, quite the opposite. If what you're saying is true, then those states would have seen the slower job growth after raising their MWs, but they didn't. So why didn't they? It's not like it's a weird coincidence. All 13 of those states that raised their MW saw faster job growth than the 37 states that didn't. So how does your theory square with that reality?
Snowflake...this is basic economics.

No, you're trying to foist Conservative Bullshit Economics on us. Not "basic economics". I like how you completely ignore the facts that show prices didn't rise like you all said they would in Seattle. So again, we have Conservative theory conflicting with reality. And in order to save your own ego, you have to ignore reality. Which is what you're doing.

After A Year, Seattle’s New Minimum Wage Hasn’t Raised Retail Prices
Business owners did a bunch of handwringing about how damaging to the economy the wage increase would be. But so far, they’re wrong.

So we have Conservatives telling us that raising the MW will raise prices, yet the real-world empirical evidence shows that isn't the case.

So that means what you believe is bullshit, doesn't it?
Like I said....progressives will not be happy until they collapse the entire United States.

Well, you guys collapsed Kansas, and you collapsed the economy with your deregulation and tax cuts during Bush the Dumber. So what exactly do you all have to offer anyone besides arrogant ignorance?
Unions didn't give the ok to make the Pontiac Aztek. The execs are to blame obviously.
No...all the UAW did was bleed the companies to death. Paying someone $25 per hour in the 1980's and 1990's to sweep a factory floor while also providing cadillac healthcare plans and cadillac pension plans is unsustainable. That's obvious to anyone who understands basic economics (which immediately eliminates progressives).
No...all the UAW did was bleed the companies to death. Paying someone $25 per hour in the 1980's and 1990's to sweep a factory floor while also providing cadillac healthcare plans and cadillac pension plans is unsustainable. That's obvious to anyone who understands basic economics (which immediately eliminates progressives).

Yeah, the last thing we need is American workers making decent money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
No, you're trying to foist Conservative Bullshit Economics on us. Not "basic economics". I like how you completely ignore the facts that show prices didn't rise like you all said they would in Seattle.
I said there are three things they would, snowflake. Raise prices, cut hours, eliminate jobs.

And this is basic economics. Both the University of Cal and the University of Washington have confirmed it. Your inability to accept reality is a reflection of your immaturity. Here they are again...
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
Yeah...and the minimum wage workers take home pay is -9%

Yeah, because those MW workers moved to better-paying jobs, leaving part-time workers with a larger share of the total MW workers. So of course pay goes down...the pool from which you are devising this calculation has changed. Just curious, over the same period, what was the income growth for all workers? Why are you just pointing out MW workers, why not include all workers in that? I'm betting that the income growth for all workers made up for the gap from losing MW workers to full-time workers.

The mean hourly wage for Seattle was $30.43 in May 2016. What was it in May 2015 and what was it in May 2017?

Mean hourly wage - Seattle
May 2015: $29.33
May 2016: $30.43
May 2017:

If May 2017 is less than May 2016, then your argument is correct. If it's more, then your argument is incorrect. But hey-ho, the BLS shows that Seattle's incomes grew faster than the national average:

Total compensation costs for private industry workers increased 2.4 percent in the Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, Wash. metropolitan area for the year ended March 2017, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Assistant Commissioner for Regional Operations Richard Holden noted that one year ago, Seattle experienced an annual gain of 2.9 percent in compensation costs. Locally, wages and salaries, the largest component of compensation costs, advanced at a 3.6-percent pace for the 12-month period ended March 2017. Nationwide, total compensation costs increased 2.3 percent and wages and salaries rose 2.6 percent from March 2016 to March 2017.

You continue to harm the poorest among us and revel in doing so.

It's painfully clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

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