As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

And Kansas is a real winner for conservatives...
Let me know when they file bankruptcy. I won't be holding my breath.

Well the did just increase taxes after failed conservative policy so maybe they won't.
There is no such thing as "failed" conservative policy. You can't point to a single city, state, or nation that has every collapsed under actual conservative policy. It has never happened and it never will.

Meanwhile, every single city, state, and nation that has ever collapsed has done so under the weight of idiotic left-wing policy.

lol, we have a 20 trillion dollar debt because of conservative policy.
So ideally, people working for free would be the best scenario for business...

Conservatives will not be happy until they turn our country into a theocratic serfdom.
Progressives will not be happy until the collapse the U.S. like they did the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Detroit, and Illinois.

You people literally caused an entire city to declare bankruptcy. It is now a third-world shit-hole. Great job, dumb ass.

Seattle is bankrupt? Which RW retard told you that?
Uh...Detroit, stupid. Someone clearly isn't informed... :eusa_whistle:
And I didn't do the study.
But you entered it into this debate and you're the one defending its "conclusions" (if you can call them that). So it's on you to truthfully represent what it is you're pushing out here.
Actually, it's on you to accept reality. Something you desperately don't want to do.

You believe that the only way to keep some of America prosperous to keep some of America poor.
Economic growth.
Which ceases to occur under failed left-wing policy...
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
You believe that the only way to keep some of America prosperous to keep some of America poor.
You idiotically believe that everyone can have $10 million. :laugh:

For the record - I don't believe in "keeping" anyone anywhere. I believe they should have to earn it. That's what creates prosperity. But you don't understand basic economics so you won't understand this.
You believe that the only way to keep some of America prosperous to keep some of America poor.
You idiotically believe that everyone can have $10 million. :laugh:

For the record - I don't believe in "keeping" anyone anywhere. I believe they should have to earn it. That's what creates prosperity. But you don't understand basic economics so you won't understand this.

I understand that Seattle has a 3.1% unemployment rate.
lol, we have a 20 trillion dollar debt because of conservative policy.
That's hilarious considering $10 trillion of that came from Barack Insane Obama alone. :eusa_whistle:

No it didn't. You lie.
You're just being a troll now. Even you know that Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt. Literally everyone knows that.

Post like an adult and I'll respond to you.
I understand that Seattle has a 3.1% unemployment rate.
And I know that the minimum wage workers in Seattle have been hurt by idiotic left-wing policy and are now further behind than ever (9% decrease in hours resulting in a $125 per month decrease in take home pay).
lol, we have a 20 trillion dollar debt because of conservative policy.
That's hilarious considering $10 trillion of that came from Barack Insane Obama alone. :eusa_whistle:

No it didn't. You lie.
You're just being a troll now. Even you know that Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt. Literally everyone knows that.

Post like an adult and I'll respond to you.
I did, troll. It's indisputable. Let the adults talk now, ok?
Seattle is bankrupt? Which RW retard told you that?

The Patriot asshole is a special kind of dumb fuck.
Uh-oh....looks like the fragile little snowflake is having an epic meltdown over the fact that reality doesn't line up with her precious ideology. I guess she's feeling a bit upset at being so easily duped by the left, so she is lashing out.
i really feel sorry for the seattle call girls who know have to charge 15.00 just to survive
Economic growth.
Which ceases to occur under failed left-wing policy...
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals

Seattle seems to be doing really well. Conservative policy seems to only get it when they have a natural resource to feed it.
lol, we have a 20 trillion dollar debt because of conservative policy.
That's hilarious considering $10 trillion of that came from Barack Insane Obama alone. :eusa_whistle:

No it didn't. You lie.
You're just being a troll now. Even you know that Barack Insane Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt. Literally everyone knows that.

And he was given a recession, 2 wars, mortgage bubble, growing debt... Bush was handed a balanced budget and ruined it.
Opinion | Zombies, Vampires and Republicans

The right’s zombie-in-chief is the insistence that low taxes on the rich are the key to prosperity. This doctrine should have died when Bill Clinton’s tax hike failed to cause the predicted recession and was followed instead by an economic boom. It should have died again when George W. Bush’s tax cuts were followed by lackluster growth, then a crash. And it should have died yet again in the aftermath of the 2013 Obama tax hike — partly expiration of some Bush tax cuts, partly new taxes to pay for Obamacare — when the economy continued jogging along, adding 200,000 jobs a month.

Despite the consistent wrongness of their predictions, however, tax-cut fanatics just kept gaining influence in the G.O.P. — until the disaster in Kansas, where Gov. Sam Brownback promised that deep tax cuts would yield an economic miracle. What the state got instead was weak growth and a fiscal crisis, finally pushing even Republicans to vote for tax hikes, overruling Brownback’s veto.

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