As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

No...all the UAW did was bleed the companies to death. Paying someone $25 per hour in the 1980's and 1990's to sweep a factory floor while also providing cadillac healthcare plans and cadillac pension plans is unsustainable. That's obvious to anyone who understands basic economics (which immediately eliminates progressives).
Yeah, the last thing we need is American workers making decent money. "Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
How decent is $125 less per week, snowflake? The American worker is supposed to earn decent money through increased proficiencies, increased productivity, increased talents. Not have it mandated to them through government (which takes low-wage jobs and turns them into no wage jobs).
Unions didn't give the ok to make the Pontiac Aztek. The execs are to blame obviously.
No...all the UAW did was bleed the companies to death. Paying someone $25 per hour in the 1980's and 1990's to sweep a factory floor while also providing cadillac healthcare plans and cadillac pension plans is unsustainable. That's obvious to anyone who understands basic economics (which immediately eliminates progressives).

Had execs chose to make cars consumers wanted it was sustainable. Again, see Pontiac Aztek.
How decent is $125 less per week, snowflake?

So you're being deliberately deceitful here because you are counting all MW workers (Full- and Part-time) in your totals. And we've seen that many people transitioned from MW full-time jobs to better-paying full-time jobs. So what does that do to the share of part-time workers in the pool from which you are devising these figures? It weighs heavily toward part-time work which will result in less pay because it's, you know, part-time!

How decent is $125 less per week, snowflake? The American worker is supposed to earn decent money through increased proficiencies, increased productivity, increased talents. Not have it mandated to them through government (which takes low-wage jobs and turns them into no wage jobs).

The asshole sure does love that word "snowflake" doesn't it?
How decent is $125 less per week, snowflake? The American worker is supposed to earn decent money through increased proficiencies, increased productivity, increased talents. Not have it mandated to them through government (which takes low-wage jobs and turns them into no wage jobs).

The asshole sure does love that word "snowflake" doesn't it?
And the snowflake here sure does hate the facts, doesn't she?
Dishonest propaganda ! Did you think that we wouldn't read it and discover that two studies were cited, that each show vastly different outcomes?? Do you really have to stoop so low to push your agenda?? Guess so.
Here you go, chief. I can do this all day. Let me know when you can't take any more of the facts.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
You get that? It's not even a full $15 per hour yet and already they are reducing hours and eliminating jobs. This is just basic economics, son.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
As I've always known, there is something seriously wrong with both you and Col. Anus. You are both harping on the study that supports what you are trying to say, and ignoring the study that says the opposite ..IN THE SAME ARTICLE POSTED BY ANUS!
I'll post it again for you sweetie...
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
Ask an adult for help!
Ask an adult ? I'm 70 years old with a graduate degree in public administration and a career in government behind me. Oh, and I'm way smarter that you Trumpski dumb fucks.
Well if you know that, why do you keep doing that?

I'm not doing it, you are. You are entering in conventional "wisdom" as a point of fact, and the actual facts show you are wrong. You stated, as fact, that raising the MW will raise prices. However, a study I linked to from UW said that wasn't the case in Seattle. So you need to square the reality with your theory.
17 United States 75.1 -0.3
18 Denmark 75.1 -0.2
19 Sweden 74.9 +2.9
And none of them are as prosperous as the U.S. overall (though the failed left-wing policies you keep pedaling are rapidly changing that).

So who's ranked #1-16? Why did you leave that out? Where's Norway? Where's Finland? Where's Denmark? Those are Scandanavian countries too. So why did you leave those out?
How decent is $125 less per week, snowflake?
So you're being deliberately deceitful here because you are counting all MW workers (Full- and Part-time) in your totals.
It's not "deceitful" to provide facts, snowflake. And I didn't do the study. Two different radical left-wing institutions did. I think that's what is causing your meltdown more than anything else. You can't scream "Faux News" so you have no argument ready.
Bwahahaha! Why would raising the minimum wage cause all of these minimum wage workers to magically "transition" into "better paying jobs"?

Because their wage was increased. Duh. Also mean incomes in Seattle rose faster than they did nationally.
It's not "deceitful" to provide facts, snowflake.

You're not doing that. You're deliberately leaving out information that places what you're saying in context. So you're not posting facts, you're posting incomplete and omitted bullshit.
17 United States 75.1 -0.3
18 Denmark 75.1 -0.2
19 Sweden 74.9 +2.9
And none of them are as prosperous as the U.S. overall (though the failed left-wing policies you keep pedaling are rapidly changing that).

So who's ranked #1-16? Why did you leave that out? Where's Norway? Where's Finland? Where's Denmark? Those are Scandanavian countries too. So why did you leave those out?
Where is Denmark? :uhh:

They are listed, genius. Tied with the U.S. As for why 1-16 weren't listed was because they weren't relevant to the discussion. Finland is #24 and Norway is #25.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
And I didn't do the study.

But you entered it into this debate and you're the one defending its "conclusions" (if you can call them that). So it's on you to truthfully represent what it is you're pushing out here. You guys do that a lot; deliberately leave information or data out of your conclusions because they undermine the premise you're trying to prove. We saw Rogoff and Reinhart do that with "Growth in the Time of Debt". So you are counting a larger share of part-time workers who, by definition, will make less because they are part-time. So of course that's going to result in a decline in average wages for MW workers, because you've transitioned people out of MW work to better-paying work, which leaves behind a smaller share of full-time MW workers and a larger share of part-time MW workers. Did you even think of that, or is this something I'm raising to you now to your surprise? Are you not prepared? Did you not do your homework?
As for why 1-16 weren't listed was because they weren't relevant to the discussion.

No, they weren't relevant to your point.

All of the top 5 economies on that list are socialist or have a degree of socialism. So that's why you left it out, right?
Bwahahaha! Why would raising the minimum wage cause all of these minimum wage workers to magically "transition" into "better paying jobs"?

Because their wage was increased. Duh. Also mean incomes in Seattle rose faster than they did nationally.
But that "increase" is the current minimum wage. Hence the reason they are part of the study. :lmao:

And the result? 9% decrease in hours and $125 per month decrease in take home pay.

Left-wing policy always results in decrease. Decrease in freedom. Decrease in prosperity. Decrease in wealth. Decrease in opportunity. Decrease in standard of living.
So ideally, people working for free would be the best scenario for business...

Conservatives will not be happy until they turn our country into a theocratic serfdom.
Progressives will not be happy until the collapse the U.S. like they did the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Detroit, and Illinois.

You people literally caused an entire city to declare bankruptcy. It is now a third-world shit-hole. Great job, dumb ass.

Seattle is bankrupt? Which RW retard told you that?

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