As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

But that "increase" is the current minimum wage. Hence the reason they are part of the study. :lmao:

So the minimum wage rises, unemployment drops, median wages also rise faster than the national average, yet you're here trying to convince us the Seattle MW increase is a bad thing. Ridiculous.

Also, the study finds that the minimum wage caused large employment and hours gains in higher-wage jobs, which suggests that its methodology fails to account properly for the booming Seattle labor market during the period studied.
Actually, it's on you to accept reality. Something you desperately don't want to do.

I do accept reality, you're the one who accepts a modified version of reality absent any context, where the ends justify the means, even when the ends are incorrect and the means are dishonest.
From yesterday's Washington Post. A good read:

Seattle’s higher minimum wage is actually working just fine
One would do well to dismiss these naysayers. The new study’s findings are out of step with a large body of research pertinent to Seattle’s minimum wage increase, and the study has important limitations. Another recent study without those limitations, from Michael Reich, Sylvia Allegretto and Anna Godoey at the University of California at Berkeley, is more consistent with other research and shows that Seattle’s minimum wage is having its intended effects.
The studies also showed that employment and wages for higher-paying jobs increased at a faster pace than the rest of the country. Which means those low-wage workers transitioned to higher-paying jobs.
No...all the UAW did was bleed the companies to death. Paying someone $25 per hour in the 1980's and 1990's to sweep a factory floor while also providing cadillac healthcare plans and cadillac pension plans is unsustainable. That's obvious to anyone who understands basic economics (which immediately eliminates progressives).

It wasn't the UAW that went "all-in" on fuel-inefficient SUVs while foreign companies were making high-mileage sedans and hybrids. It also wasn't the UAW that made car companies spend billions in marketing, advertising, and endorsements. It wasn't the UAW that made wages so low in places like Mexico, nor was it the UAW that made $20/hr union factory jobs move to Mexico where they pay $20/day. Remember, it was Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, William F. Buckley, and Ronald Reagan who were encouraging US businesses to move production overseas to places like China.

It was Conservatives who voted to pass NAFTA. In the Senate, 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats voted for NAFTA. In the House, 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voted for NAFTA. 156 Democrats in the House voted against NAFTA, joined by only 43 Republicans.
Prosperity. The polar opposite of what the left has to offer.

We didn't get prosperity the last time Conservatives controlled all three branches of government (2003-2007), so why would it be any different today?
So the minimum wage rises, unemployment drops, median wages also rise faster than the national average, yet you're here trying to convince us the Seattle MW increase is a bad thing. Ridiculous.
So the poorest among us have their hours reduced - on average - by 9% resulting in a $125 reduction in take home pay, yet you're here trying to convince us of the "wonders" of failed left-wing policy.

The people you claim you wanted to help with this idiotic failed policy are now even further behind. Beyond ridiculous. Very appropriate that your screen name is "derp".
So the poorest among us have their hours reduced - on average - by 9% resulting in a $125 reduction in take home pay, yet you're here trying to convince us of the "wonders" of failed left-wing policy.

Because there are more part-time workers in the MW pool than full-time workers who transitioned to higher-paying jobs. Because part time work is fewer hours than full-time work, that's what accounts for the reduction. It should be noted, however, that employment, hours worked, and incomes rose for higher-paying jobs as the unemployment rate dropped. So what that means is that you are lamenting the transition from low wage jobs to high wage jobs and misrepresenting the consequences of that transition.

Which makes you a sophist.
Bottom Line:

Anything involving money that liberals are ever involved in is always a miserable failure of epic proportions.

See Illinois and bankruptcy.
Bottom Line:
Anything involving money that liberals are ever involved in is always a miserable failure of epic proportions.
See Illinois and bankruptcy.

Even with their fiscal troubles, Illinois still beat Kansas in job creation, business creation, and GDP growth.
absent any context
The context could not be any more clear here:
On the whole, the study estimates, the average low-wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the hike in the minimum.
That's what idiotic left-wing policy always does. It brings everyone down - especially the poorest among us. They are now further behind thanks to the pure stupidity known as progressivism.
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Bottom Line:
Anything involving money that liberals are ever involved in is always a miserable failure of epic proportions.
See Illinois and bankruptcy.

Even with their fiscal troubles, Illinois still beat Kansas in job creation, business creation, and GDP growth.
Well sure....if you spend beyond your means you will have a bigger house and fancier automobiles than me - in the short term. But then the bill will come due, snowflake. When it does (and it's about to in Illinois), they will file bankruptcy and lose their pensions while Kansas will carry on.

Once again you prove that progressives are clueless of basic economics.
absent any context
The content could not be any more clear here:

Not content, context. You are misrepresenting the study out of context. You know by now that the study includes part-time workers whose hours and earnings skew the overall average down as their share of the MW worker pool increases as more move to better-paying, full-time work.
Well sure....if you spend beyond your means you will have a bigger house and fancier automobiles than me - in the short term. But then the bill will come due, snowflake. When it does (and it's about to in Illinois), they will file bankruptcy and lose their pensions while Kansas will carry on.

Kansas did carry on - by repealing trickle-down economics
Well sure....if you spend beyond your means you will have a bigger house and fancier automobiles than me - in the short term. But then the bill will come due, snowflake. When it does (and it's about to in Illinois), they will file bankruptcy and lose their pensions while Kansas will carry on.

Kansas did carry on - by repealing trickle-down economics
No such thing no matter how many times you chant your idiotic religious beliefs.
No such thing no matter how many times you chant your idiotic religious beliefs.

You can call it whatever you want; trickle down, supply-side, voodoo's all the same shit with different shades of polish.

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