As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

So to be clear - you believe paying people to dig a hole every other day in their backyard and then fill it back in on the other days will result in economic prosperity?

Building a road and digging a hole are not the same thing. No one is proposing digging a hole and filling it. What's being proposed is renovating our infrastructure.
Ok...come on now The Derp and danielpalos...give us all of those bat-shit crazy posts in a panic to try and explain the reality you don't want to accept.
In a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, researchers from the school's Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance found that the city's current minimum wage of $13 an hour for smaller employers increased hourly wages by about 3%. To lower workforce costs, however, employers decreased hours by about 9%, resulting in lower take-home pay for low-wage workers, about $125 less per month.

"The wages went up, but the loss of hours was sufficiently large that on balance though they make more per hour, they made less money overall," said professor Robert Plotnick, one of the study's authors.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...

UW study: Seattle's increased minimum wage hurts workers
Show us the, "surcharge" right wingers. Y'all, were soothsaying doubling in prices, across the board.
How? Their pensions consume 100% of their budget. Did you really need that explained to you? :uhh:

Again, that's fiscal policy not economic policy. Do you not understand the difference? You are referencing a fiscal issue, not an economic one. The two are not intrinsically linked.
There are starter jobs and there are career jobs. In no way should they be paid the same… Or considered the same in anyway.

Again, it's not your subjective, arbitrary judgement to make. Explain how you justify a career working an assembly line in a factory, yet not working an assembly line in a fast food joint? Both are demanding jobs. In fact, the fast food job might be tougher because it's so closely customer-facing whereas the manufacturing job isn't. Ever work a day in fast food? There's a reason turnover is so high.
That's one reason why automation will replace burger flipping jobs in the near future.
I didn't say that. Either you're lying or you have a very serious reading comprehension issue. Care to share with the class which? My money is on lying. That's what the left does the most.

You equated infrastructure renewal with digging a hole and filling it while also saying it will collapse the economy. That is what you wrote, man!
Yep. And raising taxes also causes businesses to stop hiring people

Except that doesn't happen. So again, you are using Conservative theory as fact. When Clinton raised taxes in 1993, 21,000,000 jobs were created over the next 8 years. When Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy at the end of 2012, 2013 was one of the strongest employment growth years of his term.

So you need to rethink your conventional "wisdom" because the real-world facts do not support it.
Wow, what a totally moronic thing to say. Are you SURE you want us to think you believe that kind of stupidity?

But it's true! Conservatives think people are entitled to own a business and pay their workers shitty wages. Conservatives have a massive entitlement complex.
That's one reason why automation will replace burger flipping jobs in the near future.

Yeah, we've been hearing that from you guys for 30 years and it hasn't happened. So since you've been wrong for 30 years, why would you be right today?
There are starter jobs and there are career jobs. In no way should they be paid the same… Or considered the same in anyway.

Again, it's not your subjective, arbitrary judgement to make. Explain how you justify a career working an assembly line in a factory, yet not working an assembly line in a fast food joint? Both are demanding jobs. In fact, the fast food job might be tougher because it's so closely customer-facing whereas the manufacturing job isn't. Ever work a day in fast food? There's a reason turnover is so high.
That's one reason why automation will replace burger flipping jobs in the near future.
so what; how many blacksmiths still shoe horses, in modern times? y'all can still practice, just for fun, now.
Wow, what a totally moronic thing to say. Are you SURE you want us to think you believe that kind of stupidity?

But it's true! Conservatives think people are entitled to own a business and pay their workers shitty wages. Conservatives have a massive entitlement complex.
Oh, I am so sad now that you said that, because apparently you actually believe it. I heard about people like that, but didn't think they really existed. So sad.
That's one reason why automation will replace burger flipping jobs in the near future.

Yeah, we've been hearing that from you guys for 30 years and it hasn't happened. So since you've been wrong for 30 years, why would you be right today?
Order takers are already being replaced and machines can already make better assembly line burgers than humans. It's only a matter of time and economics. Keep jacking the MW and it will happen sooner.

There was a time, not too long ago, when the idea of having to pump your own gas was unheard of. Heck, you had a teenager come out and pump your gas, check your tires, water and oil. You didn't have to even get out of your car. Sure, burger flipping jobs will always be around. </sarcasm>
Wow, what a totally moronic thing to say. Are you SURE you want us to think you believe that kind of stupidity?

But it's true! Conservatives think people are entitled to own a business and pay their workers shitty wages. Conservatives have a massive entitlement complex.
Oh, I am so sad now that you said that, because apparently you actually believe it. I heard about people like that, but didn't think they really existed. So sad.
Don't just complain about taxes, right wingers; end the drug war.
Order takers are already being replaced and machines can already make better assembly line burgers than humans. It's only a matter of time and economics. Keep jacking the MW and it will happen sooner.

Well, as we wait for something to happen that might or might not, we have to concern ourselves with the current state of employment today. You're putting the cart before the horse.

There was a time, not too long ago, when the idea of having to pump your own gas was unheard of. Heck, you had a teenager come out and pump your gas, check your tires, water and oil. You didn't have to even get out of your car. Sure, burger flipping jobs will always be around. </sarcasm>

Well, as I understand it the gas station thing isn't done by robots, and only certain states have that (like NJ). In my state of GA, I pump my own gas, and there aren't Full Serve stations that I know of in the greater Atlanta area, where you would expect them.
Order takers are already being replaced and machines can already make better assembly line burgers than humans. It's only a matter of time and economics. Keep jacking the MW and it will happen sooner.

Well, as we wait for something to happen that might or might not, we have to concern ourselves with the current state of employment today. You're putting the cart before the horse.

And TODAY McDonalds is replacing order takers with kiosks.

There was a time, not too long ago, when the idea of having to pump your own gas was unheard of. Heck, you had a teenager come out and pump your gas, check your tires, water and oil. You didn't have to even get out of your car. Sure, burger flipping jobs will always be around. </sarcasm>

Well, as I understand it the gas station thing isn't done by robots, and only certain states have that (like NJ). In my state of GA, I pump my own gas, and there aren't Full Serve stations that I know of in the greater Atlanta area, where you would expect them.
What does it matter if the gas is pumped by robots? The bottom line remains, economics replaced the teenager with the self-serve pump. Do you think anyone would hesitate to replace more workers with more machines when it's cheaper to do so? We already know they would not.
And TODAY McDonalds is replacing order takers with kiosks.

Like any rollout, aren't they testing it in a couple markets first to see if it makes sense?

What does it matter if the gas is pumped by robots? The bottom line remains, economics replaced the teenager with the self-serve pump. Do you think anyone would hesitate to replace more workers with more machines when it's cheaper to do so? We already know they would not.

Well, teenagers should be in school, not working. Secondly, it's still up for debate as to whether it's cheaper to automate fast food. Too early to tell.
So to be clear - you believe paying people to dig a hole every other day in their backyard and then fill it back in on the other days will result in economic prosperity?

Building a road and digging a hole are not the same thing. No one is proposing digging a hole and filling it. What's being proposed is renovating our infrastructure.
The point - that the left always misses - is that neither one leads to economic prosperity. Repairing infrastructure is a cost. It is a necessary cost (in some cases), but it is a cost none-the-less.

The left believes that paying all of these construction crews to repair roads and bridges somehow leads to a booming, prosperous economy. It does not. If it did - then simply paying people to dig a whole in their backyard every day and fill it back in would do the same thing. And this alone proves what I've said all along - the left simply does not understand basic economics. They have no clue what creates wealth.
Ok...come on now The Derp and danielpalos...give us all of those bat-shit crazy posts in a panic to try and explain the reality you don't want to accept.
In a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, researchers from the school's Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance found that the city's current minimum wage of $13 an hour for smaller employers increased hourly wages by about 3%. To lower workforce costs, however, employers decreased hours by about 9%, resulting in lower take-home pay for low-wage workers, about $125 less per month.

"The wages went up, but the loss of hours was sufficiently large that on balance though they make more per hour, they made less money overall," said professor Robert Plotnick, one of the study's authors.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...

UW study: Seattle's increased minimum wage hurts workers
Show us the, "surcharge" right wingers. Y'all, were soothsaying doubling in prices, across the board.
That's not true at all. We we're all saying exactly what happened, would happen. It's always one of three things:

1. Raise prices to cover the new labor costs

2. Cut hours to decrease the new labor costs

2. Eliminate jobs to decrease the new labor costs

Here is the bottom line: because the left simply cannot grasp even basic economics and basic business, they actually believe that a business owner will eat the cost of a government mandate. They do not. Ever. They pass those costs on to the consumer, they move their business elsewhere (i.e. overseas), they eliminate labor (automation), or engage in other acts to ensure their profit margins remain the same.

Stop trying to change the story here and focus on the false narrative of "you conservative said prices would increase". We said that is one possible outcome. But we also mentioned the others - and we said all of them would be detrimental. You progressives claimed you were trying to help the little guy. Well, just like Obamacare and the "Dodd-Frank Finance Reform Act", you've set the little guy even further back than they were before.

Of course, just as in Atlas Shrugged, you'll use this new reality of the poorest among us being even further behind as an excuse to implement more of your failed legislation - granting control over the private market and the people.
And TODAY McDonalds is replacing order takers with kiosks.

Like any rollout, aren't they testing it in a couple markets first to see if it makes sense?

They wouldn't even be testing it if they hadn't already run the numbers on it. The bottom line is, automation is coming.

What does it matter if the gas is pumped by robots? The bottom line remains, economics replaced the teenager with the self-serve pump. Do you think anyone would hesitate to replace more workers with more machines when it's cheaper to do so? We already know they would not.

Well, teenagers should be in school, not working. Secondly, it's still up for debate as to whether it's cheaper to automate fast food. Too early to tell.
That is not correct. When school is not in session, teenagers are perfectly capable and should be working. As for whether it's cheaper to automate fast food, it will be because automation always gets cheaper and labor always gets more expensive.
The point - that the left always misses - is that neither one leads to economic prosperity. Repairing infrastructure is a cost. It is a necessary cost (in some cases), but it is a cost none-the-less.

It's a cost that benefits the economy because the infrastructure isn't poor. It also employs people, who then go and spend their paychecks in the consumer market. Infrastructure renewal is an economic multiplier. According to the SF Federal Reserve, every $1 of infrastructure spending results in $2 of economic activity.

The left believes that paying all of these construction crews to repair roads and bridges somehow leads to a booming, prosperous economy. It does not. If it did - then simply paying people to dig a whole in their backyard every day and fill it back in would do the same thing. And this alone proves what I've said all along - the left simply does not understand basic economics. They have no clue what creates wealth.

Digging a hole in your backyard benefits no one. Building a road benefits everyone who uses that road. When it comes to wealth creation, Conservatives have nothing but a poor track record. As the below chart shows, every time taxes are cut, household debt increases. So y'all don't create wealth, you create debt.


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