As Rep. Nunes stated, "[Trump is] a neophyte"

Since you misquoted what Nunes said, who is the idiot?
Trump has 5, none of which are billionaires, and only 2 that currently worked there, one as a minor league. The others are long removed.
Did you also call Obama out for his Goldman Sachs picks? See below

Claiming someone is the worst President ever...when he's only been in office for less than two months and the opposition party won't even let him seat his Cabinet an amusing concept, Nat

Most of us can pick an idiot after a few minutes....You don't seem to have that capability.

BTW, Trump's cabinet pick......mostly Goldman-Sachs billionaires, were NOT vetted enough as prior nominees have had to endure.
Yes, a political neophyte. Which is refreshing.
Whether Nunes knew it or not, he pegged Trump as being someone who has NO place to inhabit the oval office.

If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.

I would just add to republican Nunes' characterization of Trump as not only a neophyte, but given Trump's behavior, a neonate also.

Unless Trump's behavior changes dramatically, he will not last his 4 years in office.
In some sense it's true Mr. Trump is a neophyte because he never was a politician in his life before being elected :)
Of which most of those headlines are made up.
You are being rather selective in your list of Donald Trump's record. Do you not read the papers or watch channels other than Fox News on TV?
Uh-oh....clearly someone didn't click the link. If they had, they would have seen that the link was from CNBC. :eusa_whistle:
You are correct; I didn't click the link as my eyes glaze-over when economists blather-on.
Shocking....the hatriot here chooses to be willfully ignorant and comments without knowing what an article was about.
The point remains that you are selective in citing Trump's record with a report on boring economic indicators rather than the headlines every day in the newspapers and on TV keeping an account of Trump's chaotic White House.
Even Republican senators will understand that a scatterbrain like Trump can do mighty harm and he will have to be brought-down. There is only chaos in the Oval Office since the conman took-over.
So first Trump has to be brought down because he's a "tyrant". When I point out that he keeps rejecting power in the Oval Office and restoring it to Congress and the states, you suddenly come up with the new narrative that he must be brought down because he is a "scatterbrain".

Basically you're going to advocate for Trump to be "brought down" at all cost simply because he didn't run as a Dumbocrat.
Donald Trump is many things but one thing he is not is fit to be president of the United States.
And yet you've been completely unable to articulate why. Barack Obama was unfit to be president, snowflake. Donald Trump has been phenomenal in his first month.
Oh Lordy! Where to begin?
No, I promise I will spare readers a list of the obvious but why Donald Trump is not fit to be president must be obvious to yourself surely.
I can understand a certain loyalty to a political party or even an individual president although I have no favorites myself. Still, Donald Trump is so wrong for the presidency for obvious reasons.
To begin with, he is mentally unstable. See my signature.
Then there are his mounting daily lies, sometimes at rallies and other times on Twitter. You know; the crowd sizes, Sen. Cruz's father involved in the Kennedy assassination, President Obama not being American, etc., etc. Most recently that President Obama has released scores from Guantánamo Camp who went on to kill when it was George W Bush who did that. Trump added that Obama must be bad or sick. Now really.
Then there are his attempts to govern by signing executive orders. Remember how he had the cameras on him every day as he signed them. There was only a still shot of him with the rewritten immigration one after federal court stopped his first one.
It just goes on and on.
Can you really and truly not see these things?
Did you ever say the same of Obama's eo's, ea's, etc?
Did you ever call Obama out for his actual lies?
Even about his mother and insurance not paying? On the grave of his own mother he lied.

Even Republican senators will understand that a scatterbrain like Trump can do mighty harm and he will have to be brought-down. There is only chaos in the Oval Office since the conman took-over.
So first Trump has to be brought down because he's a "tyrant". When I point out that he keeps rejecting power in the Oval Office and restoring it to Congress and the states, you suddenly come up with the new narrative that he must be brought down because he is a "scatterbrain".

Basically you're going to advocate for Trump to be "brought down" at all cost simply because he didn't run as a Dumbocrat.
Donald Trump is many things but one thing he is not is fit to be president of the United States.
And yet you've been completely unable to articulate why. Barack Obama was unfit to be president, snowflake. Donald Trump has been phenomenal in his first month.
Oh Lordy! Where to begin?
No, I promise I will spare readers a list of the obvious but why Donald Trump is not fit to be president must be obvious to yourself surely.
I can understand a certain loyalty to a political party or even an individual president although I have no favorites myself. Still, Donald Trump is so wrong for the presidency for obvious reasons.
To begin with, he is mentally unstable. See my signature.
Then there are his mounting daily lies, sometimes at rallies and other times on Twitter. You know; the crowd sizes, Sen. Cruz's father involved in the Kennedy assassination, President Obama not being American, etc., etc. Most recently that President Obama has released scores of Guantánamo Camp who went on to kill when it was George W Bush who did that. Trump added that Obama must be bad or sick. Now really.
Then there are his attempts to govern by signing executive orders. Remember how he had the cameras on him every day as he signed them. There was only a still shot of him with the rewritten immigration one after federal court stopped his first one.
It just goes on and on.
Can you really and truly not see these things?
Did you ever say the same of Obama's eo's, ea's, etc?
Did you ever call Obama out for his actual lies?
Even about his mother and insurance not paying? On the grave of his own mother he lied.
It is better if you type under the last message.
Anyway, no; I never wrote about Obama's executive orders, or his mother but this thread is about Trump.

Even Republican senators will understand that a scatterbrain like Trump can do mighty harm and he will have to be brought-down. There is only chaos in the Oval Office since the conman took-over.
So first Trump has to be brought down because he's a "tyrant". When I point out that he keeps rejecting power in the Oval Office and restoring it to Congress and the states, you suddenly come up with the new narrative that he must be brought down because he is a "scatterbrain".

Basically you're going to advocate for Trump to be "brought down" at all cost simply because he didn't run as a Dumbocrat.
Donald Trump is many things but one thing he is not is fit to be president of the United States.
And yet you've been completely unable to articulate why. Barack Obama was unfit to be president, snowflake. Donald Trump has been phenomenal in his first month.
Oh Lordy! Where to begin?
No, I promise I will spare readers a list of the obvious but why Donald Trump is not fit to be president must be obvious to yourself surely.
I can understand a certain loyalty to a political party or even an individual president although I have no favorites myself. Still, Donald Trump is so wrong for the presidency for obvious reasons.
To begin with, he is mentally unstable. See my signature.
Then there are his mounting daily lies, sometimes at rallies and other times on Twitter. You know; the crowd sizes, Sen. Cruz's father involved in the Kennedy assassination, President Obama not being American, etc., etc. Most recently that President Obama has released scores of Guantánamo Camp who went on to kill when it was George W Bush who did that. Trump added that Obama must be bad or sick. Now really.
Then there are his attempts to govern by signing executive orders. Remember how he had the cameras on him every day as he signed them. There was only a still shot of him with the rewritten immigration one after federal court stopped his first one.
It just goes on and on.
Can you really and truly not see these things?
Due to my pad, it is easier to post on top.

So selective outrage. Got it.
Did you ever say the same of Obama's eo's, ea's, etc?
Did you ever call Obama out for his actual lies?
Even about his mother and insurance not paying? On the grave of his own mother he lied.
It is better if you type under the last message.
Anyway, no; I never wrote about Obama's executive orders, or his mother but this thread is about Trump.

Even Republican senators will understand that a scatterbrain like Trump can do mighty harm and he will have to be brought-down. There is only chaos in the Oval Office since the conman took-over.
So first Trump has to be brought down because he's a "tyrant". When I point out that he keeps rejecting power in the Oval Office and restoring it to Congress and the states, you suddenly come up with the new narrative that he must be brought down because he is a "scatterbrain".

Basically you're going to advocate for Trump to be "brought down" at all cost simply because he didn't run as a Dumbocrat.
Donald Trump is many things but one thing he is not is fit to be president of the United States.
And yet you've been completely unable to articulate why. Barack Obama was unfit to be president, snowflake. Donald Trump has been phenomenal in his first month.
Oh Lordy! Where to begin?
No, I promise I will spare readers a list of the obvious but why Donald Trump is not fit to be president must be obvious to yourself surely.
I can understand a certain loyalty to a political party or even an individual president although I have no favorites myself. Still, Donald Trump is so wrong for the presidency for obvious reasons.
To begin with, he is mentally unstable. See my signature.
Then there are his mounting daily lies, sometimes at rallies and other times on Twitter. You know; the crowd sizes, Sen. Cruz's father involved in the Kennedy assassination, President Obama not being American, etc., etc. Most recently that President Obama has released scores of Guantánamo Camp who went on to kill when it was George W Bush who did that. Trump added that Obama must be bad or sick. Now really.
Then there are his attempts to govern by signing executive orders. Remember how he had the cameras on him every day as he signed them. There was only a still shot of him with the rewritten immigration one after federal court stopped his first one.
It just goes on and on.
Can you really and truly not see these things?
Claiming someone is the worst President ever...when he's only been in office for less than two months and the opposition party won't even let him seat his Cabinet an amusing concept, Nat

Most of us can pick an idiot after a few minutes....You don't seem to have that capability.

BTW, Trump's cabinet pick......mostly Goldman-Sachs billionaires, were NOT vetted enough as prior nominees have had to endure.

Vetting? You mean like selecting a candidate with zero executive experience? A Junior Senator with an absolutely abysmal record of writing legislation? A man who's entire adult life has been based on being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review...a position that he got less on merit than on the Harvard Administration's demand that someone of color be picked to blunt charges that it had been unfair to minority professors and staff? You mean THAT kind of poor vetting?
You are being rather selective in your list of Donald Trump's record. Do you not read the papers or watch channels other than Fox News on TV?
Uh-oh....clearly someone didn't click the link. If they had, they would have seen that the link was from CNBC. :eusa_whistle:
You are correct; I didn't click the link as my eyes glaze-over when economists blather-on.
Shocking....the hatriot here chooses to be willfully ignorant and comments without knowing what an article was about.
The point remains that you are selective in citing Trump's record with a report on boring economic indicators rather than the headlines every day in the newspapers and on TV keeping an account of Trump's chaotic White House.

Did you just seriously demand that we ignore "boring economic indicators" to instead concentrate on what the main stream media is saying about Trump? Wow...and then you Progressives wonder why nobody listens to what you're saying anymore!
Claiming someone is the worst President ever...when he's only been in office for less than two months and the opposition party won't even let him seat his Cabinet an amusing concept, Nat!

What are you Progressives afraid of? It's obvious at this point that Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi are leading a full court press to prevent Trump from governing because Democrats have come to the realization that if Trump succeeds in fixing things in Washington then their party will lose not only the next midterm elections but elections for decades to come. The Washington elite are freaked out right now...and rightly so!

It's call payback.

The progressive liberals like Pelosi felt that the last six years that Obama was in office the GOP with the blessing of the Tea Party obstructed Obama, so they feel it is payback time.

Will it work or backfire on then!?!

Might work in liberal states like New York and California but it could backfire in swing states and cost them seats that few blue dogs still have control of...

The voters chose to send GOP representatives to Washington so that the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda could be halted before it did further damage to the country.

Are progressive liberals like Pelosi trying to get "payback" on those voters? If that's the case then why should anyone be shocked when those voters don't vote for Democrats?
You lost.

I fought against the orange clown....and, YES, I lost

You supported the douche bag....and, YES, you lost too, but are too dumb to realize it.......

I can sleep better for being smarter in recognizing slime.

I don't think you sleep well at all. You spend all day here venting your hatred and rage and contempt for America and its President.
Every day you dream up a new attack from your marching orders given to you from the apparently criminal DNC.

The party of JFK is dead, and the party you worship are a bunch of Radical Liberal Marxist Jihadists, and they are no ally or friend to America and neither are you.
Which is why 33 Electoral Districts voted for him.

What did we get with "Establishment Politicians?"

  • An oppressive and fiscally irresponsible government.
  • A Mandate nobody wanted, and that we had to completely dismantle the Partisan Legislation was so bad.
  • An Administration that was a government to itself, with multiple scandals and only themselves to investigate them and cover them up.
  • Russians giving Clinton and Obama $209 Million dollars.
  • Iran-Russian-Uranium-Ransom Gate
  • Fast & Furious
  • The IRS Scandal
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • Benghazi Gate
  • Clinton Server Gate
  • Clinton and Obama giving Classified Information to Unauthorized People.
  • Our Government Paying Terrorists to assassinate Qaddafi and then having those same terrorists attack The Benghazi Outpost\Weapons Depot
  • Blumenthal
  • Lies about The DNC server.
  • Illegal Taps on President Trump's Team.
  • Liberal Moles in out Intellgence Community.
  • 11 Trillion added to The National Debt.
  • Jobs moving overseas and skyrocketing health care.
  • Global Warming Hoax & Carbon Tax Scam
  • The Creation Of ISIS
  • Losing a War that was already won
  • Monetary support and arms support to TERRORISTS to have them do the dirty work of overthrowing Legitimate Governments.

Liberals Believing Lying Every Day is a Virtue.

"I cannot predict how long the list of Trump failures and scandals will look like should he be able to put the Ides of March behind him and stay his full term."

TREE: Neither can you or would you list a long line of successes that he will have, which outs you as a biased Liberal Marxist Jihadist. And he is already having a positive impact on this economy, despite all of the vicious lies and propaganda you radicals are trying to saturate The American Public with.
It is better if you type under the last message.
Due to my pad, it is easier to post on top.
You have to love hatriots. They even want to control whether people respond above a previous message or below it. These little facists have such a strong urge to control every little facet of your life - even something as stupid as where you place a response on a message board.
Lame "defenses', right wingers.......

So, was Nunes praising or deriding Trump when he called the Donald a neophyte?

(the backstabbing of trump has JUST begun by the GOP.....LOL)
Read the entire passage. He tells ya.
Lame "defenses', right wingers.......

So, was Nunes praising or deriding Trump when he called the Donald a neophyte?

(the backstabbing of trump has JUST begun by the GOP.....LOL)
Claiming someone is the worst President ever...when he's only been in office for less than two months and the opposition party won't even let him seat his Cabinet an amusing concept, Nat

Most of us can pick an idiot after a few minutes....You don't seem to have that capability.

BTW, Trump's cabinet pick......mostly Goldman-Sachs billionaires, were NOT vetted enough as prior nominees have had to endure.

Vetting? You mean like selecting a candidate with zero executive experience? A Junior Senator with an absolutely abysmal record of writing legislation? A man who's entire adult life has been based on being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review...a position that he got less on merit than on the Harvard Administration's demand that someone of color be picked to blunt charges that it had been unfair to minority professors and staff? You mean THAT kind of poor vetting?
I am surprised to learn that Barack Obama did not have ability at Harvard and he got a position and maybe a law degree because he is black.
You are being rather selective in your list of Donald Trump's record. Do you not read the papers or watch channels other than Fox News on TV?
Uh-oh....clearly someone didn't click the link. If they had, they would have seen that the link was from CNBC. :eusa_whistle:
You are correct; I didn't click the link as my eyes glaze-over when economists blather-on.
Shocking....the hatriot here chooses to be willfully ignorant and comments without knowing what an article was about.
The point remains that you are selective in citing Trump's record with a report on boring economic indicators rather than the headlines every day in the newspapers and on TV keeping an account of Trump's chaotic White House.

Did you just seriously demand that we ignore "boring economic indicators" to instead concentrate on what the main stream media is saying about Trump? Wow...and then you Progressives wonder why nobody listens to what you're saying anymore!
It is economists like the top executives at Goldman Sachs who caused an economic meltdown not so long ago and from which many countries around Europe as well as the USA are still struggling to overcome. Economists are not any better at predicting economic events as a newspaper horoscope and probably a lot worse. Economists are not only boring but useless too.
It is economists like the top executives at Goldman Sachs who caused an economic meltdown not so long ago and from which many countries around Europe as well as the USA are still struggling to overcome.
Poor Eloy. So young. So immature. So idealistic. So uninformed. Snowflake - executives at Goldman Sachs can't collapse economies. They simply don't have that kind of power.

It is the federal government that does that. Such as Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act and Barack Obama's "quantitative easing" which flooded our economy with trillions of dollars which causes economic collapse.

But....being that you admitted you don't read links or listen to economists, none of us would expect you to understand this material. Do run along now and let the adults speak.

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