As scandal swirls, Obama focuses on the real cause of cynicism about government: Rush


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Is Obama the ugliest and shallowest President you have ever seen? imagine a Republican President blaming Chris Matthews for all the PROBLEMS he is having? and WHY is the MAN off on FUNDRAISERS while all this is happening on OUR DIME as usual
links in article at site


posted at 8:51 pm on May 13, 2013 by Allahpundit

We’ve got four separate scandals exploding right now, each one arguably bigger than the last: Benghazi, Sebelius extorting health-care execs to fund ObamaCare, the DOJ harvesting reporters’ phone records to see who they’re talking to, and of course the metastasizing revelations about the IRS targeting conservative groups. When mulling the reasons why people are cynical about government, you might think that cover-ups and harassment of political opponents by the ruling administration are, shall we say, a “key factor.”

But you’d be wrong.

“What’s blocking us right now is a sort of hyper-partisanship in Washington that I was, frankly, hoping to overcome in 2008,” Obama said today, according to the pool report. “My thinking was when we beat them in 2012 that might break the fever, and it’s not quite broken yet. But I am persistent. And I am staying at it. And I genuinely believe there are Republicans out there who would like to work with us but they’re fearful of their base and they’re concerned about what Rush Limbaugh might say about them…

“As a consequence we get the kind of gridlock that makes people cynical about government,” he told donors. “My intentions over the next 3 ½ years are to govern. … If there are folks who are more interested in winning elections than they are thinking about the next generation then I want to make sure there are consequences to that.”

all of it here

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