As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
John Brennan claims he’s not the subject of a criminal investigation and John Durham told him so. However, it’s more likely Brennan committed perjury numerous times in their eight hour get-together on Friday.
As we reported yesterday, John Brennan is the king of corrupt spin. It looks like all things related to the Trump – Russia collusion fairy tale go back to Brennan. The interactions between the US and foreign entities most likely involved the CIA and lead back to Brennan. It’s all Brennan. This is why it’s puzzling when you hear the word on the street that Brennan is not the subject of the Durham investigation.
Yesterday Brennan reportedly spent eight hours with the Durham team and he was assured he was not the subject or target of a criminal investigation:

But note that the above comes from Brennan’s spokesman (yesterday we mistakenly stated attorneys). This does not come from the Durham team. We have heard little to nothing from the Durham team.
We noted yesterday Adam Housley’s tweets like Durham never said publicly that John Brennan is not the subject of a criminal investigation:
Brennan is claiming this is all politics. Of course he is. What else can Brennan do – admit he spied on the Presidential candidate from the opposing party, lied before Congress and the American people, put in place faulty information that led to a Special Counsel based on lies from the Hillary Clinton campaign and attempted a coup of the Trump Presidency?
Of course, Brennan is a target. Many believe Brennan is the mastermind.
Brennan is at the top. An investigation like this starts at the bottom and works its way up. By the time Durham interviews Brennan, the underlings have been thoroughly reviewed and hopefully all facts have been laid out.
Zerohedge also notes the likelihood that Brennan was the subject of the investigation and concludes:
John Durham and his team did not come to the decision to interview Brennan over the course of eight hours for the purpose of “filling in the blanks” on “events that are under review.”
The purpose of the interview was to get Brennan to confirm or deny information that others have provided up to this point about Brennan, and what he instructed others to do.
John Brennan was placed into a perjury trap yesterday
because he’s shown himself willing to perjure himself in the past in order to evade scrutiny.

Durham already had knowledge and transcripts from many others including previous Congressional testimony of Brennan in his questioning. Did he catch Brennan, in lies? But we must admit that Brennan has been around decades and knows the "in's and outs" of "twisting and weaving" words.
This is a gang of deep state criminals that will be prosecuted in a conspiracy to deny the civil rights of Trump, Flynn and others who spied on the Trump campaign. They devised this coup to take down our duly elected president.
Brennan thinks he is smarter than he is. I watched Congressman Gowdy's question session with him, and I heard 3 statements that appeared to be false, with the help of current disclosed knowledge.
Unfortunately, If Brennan is indicted, he will not be arrested similar to Manafort or Stone, he will not be "hauled" off except in the metaphorical sense. He will be allowed to show up in court, without being arrested and enter a plea at some time in the future just like Clinesmith did. He/they are always treated with kid gloves, count on it.
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As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating...​

Barr has indicated he will not use Congressional testimony. So I doubt that anything will happen.

Furthermore, Brennan could simply decline to answer questions at the interview so as not to get caught in a perjury trap. He had that option unless they gave him qualified immunity.

So, "devastating"? Not likely.
As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
John Brennan claims he’s not the subject of a criminal investigation and John Durham told him so. However, it’s more likely Brennan committed perjury numerous times in their eight hour get-together on Friday.
As we reported yesterday, John Brennan is the king of corrupt spin. It looks like all things related to the Trump – Russia collusion fairy tale go back to Brennan. The interactions between the US and foreign entities most likely involved the CIA and lead back to Brennan. It’s all Brennan. This is why it’s puzzling when you hear the word on the street that Brennan is not the subject of the Durham investigation.
Yesterday Brennan reportedly spent eight hours with the Durham team and he was assured he was not the subject or target of a criminal investigation:

But note that the above comes from Brennan’s spokesman (yesterday we mistakenly stated attorneys). This does not come from the Durham team. We have heard little to nothing from the Durham team.
We noted yesterday Adam Housley’s tweets like Durham never said publicly that John Brennan is not the subject of a criminal investigation:
Brennan is claiming this is all politics. Of course he is. What else can Brennan do – admit he spied on the Presidential candidate from the opposing party, lied before Congress and the American people, put in place faulty information that led to a Special Counsel based on lies from the Hillary Clinton campaign and attempted a coup of the Trump Presidency?
Of course, Brennan is a target. Many believe Brennan is the mastermind.
Brennan is at the top. An investigation like this starts at the bottom and works its way up. By the time Durham interviews Brennan, the underlings have been thoroughly reviewed and hopefully all facts have been laid out.
Zerohedge also notes the likelihood that Brennan was the subject of the investigation and concludes:
John Durham and his team did not come to the decision to interview Brennan over the course of eight hours for the purpose of “filling in the blanks” on “events that are under review.”
The purpose of the interview was to get Brennan to confirm or deny information that others have provided up to this point about Brennan, and what he instructed others to do.
John Brennan was placed into a perjury trap yesterday
because he’s shown himself willing to perjure himself in the past in order to evade scrutiny.

Durham already had knowledge and transcripts from many others including previous Congressional testimony of Brennan in his questioning. Did he catch Brennan, in lies? But we must admit that Brennan has been around decades and knows the "in's and outs" of "twisting and weaving" words.
This is a gang of deep state criminals that will be prosecuted in a conspiracy to deny the civil rights of Trump, Flynn and others who spied on the Trump campaign. They devised this coup to take down our duly elected president.
Brennan thinks he is smarter than he is. I watched Congressman Gowdy's question session with him, and I heard 3 statements that appeared to be false, with the help of current disclosed knowledge.
Unfortunately, If Brennan is indicted, he will not be arrested similar to Manafort or Stone, he will not be "hauled" off except in the metaphorical sense. He will be allowed to show up in court, without being arrested and enter a plea at some time in the future just like Clinesmith did. He/they are always treated with kid gloves, count on it.

Brennan and chinese communist dictator Xi both have reason to hope trump is not reelected
Unfortunately, If Brennan is indicted, he will not be arrested similar to Manafort or Stone, he will not be "hauled" off except in the metaphorical sense. He will be allowed to show up in court, without being arrested and enter a plea at some time in the future just like Clinesmith did. He/they are always treated with kid gloves, count on it.
If Brennan is indicted it could be military tribunal style ( for national security reasons ) and we may never know about it.
If Brennan is indicted it could be military tribunal style ( for national security reasons ) and we may never know about it.
I have a hunch about Brennan. My hunch is that Hillary lied about getting rid of information she had on "rivals" and excused herself with two words before a grand jury all those years ago. Those two words were "I forget." Since she "forgot" back then, I bet she later "found" those notes and got a whole lot more secrets when she was entrusted by Obama to be Secretary of State the better of two administrations until she decided to run for President. I bet the hundreds if not thousands of people she silenced with her monopoly on the FBI's information highway didn't vote for her or else contributed generous and anonymous sums to her rival for President, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway who ran against her, it was a given. I'm guessing that my guessing is spot on. :thanks:
I have a hunch about Brennan. My hunch is that Hillary lied about getting rid of information she had on "rivals" and excused herself with two words before a grand jury all those years ago. Those two words were "I forget." Since she "forgot" back then, I bet she later "found" those notes and got a whole lot more secrets when she was entrusted by Obama to be Secretary of State the better of two administrations until she decided to run for President. I bet the hundreds if not thousands of people she silenced with her monopoly on the FBI's information highway didn't vote for her or else contributed generous and anonymous sums to her rival for President, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway who ran against her, it was a given. I'm guessing that my guessing is spot on. :thanks:
I believe they're all covering for her - Comey, Brennan, Clapper - but if it comes down to it, I'm sure they're prepared to throw Hillary or Obama under the bus.
I believe they're all covering for her - Comey, Brennan, Clapper - but if it comes down to it, I'm sure they're prepared to throw Hillary or Obama under the bus.
No man I have ever heard of who was secretly being monitored on tape or by hidden cameras would allow a creep like Hillary to disclose an indescretion that would cause him to lose his wife and place his kids into an emotional fatherlessness that would rip their future apart. And most wives never want to know that their man had an affair while she was carrying his child. Only a heartless asswipe would squeal out a "truth" demanded by a crooked politician that would harm an entire family of innocent children. :( It goes without saying men should not be using high office for prizes.

You can't tell an FBI File to shut up. It's a public record accessible by the Truth in Information Act. I reckon that if folks back home knew all the details the politician that manipulated and lied the most by yanking on the indescretion chain could make someone and his family as miserable as a 10 on a one-to-ten scale.
The cure is for people to keep their noses clean, to require proof f false witnesses, and to dismiss gross offenders for good.
No man I have ever heard of who was secretly being monitored on tape or by hidden cameras would allow a creep like Hillary to disclose an indescretion that would cause him to lose his wife and place his kids into an emotional fatherlessness that would rip their future apart. And most wives never want to know that their man had an affair while she was carrying his child. Only a heartless asswipe would squeal out a "truth" demanded by a crooked politician that would harm an entire family of innocent children. :( It goes without saying men should not be using high office for prizes.
You mean the alleged 'pee tape' ? Unless they can show it to a 'clean' judge, Trump should at least win a defamation settlement easily.
You can't tell an FBI File to shut up. It's a public record accessible by the Truth in Information Act. I reckon that if folks back home knew all the details the politician that manipulated and lied the most by yanking on the indiscretion chain could make someone and his family as miserable as a 10 on a one-to-ten scale.
The cure is for people to keep their noses clean, to require proof f false witnesses, and to dismiss gross offenders for good.
There's literally a civil war going on as we speak behind those doors, on different fronts. There's the spying issue, the 9/11 families lawsuit against the Saudi's, even the JFK files.....big tech censorship.....the 2020 election.

But when 'they' more or less control most of the media, 'they' can keep the public in the dark at their discretion in the interest of 'national security'. So only they know who they is, not us.
As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
John Brennan claims he’s not the subject of a criminal investigation and John Durham told him so. However, it’s more likely Brennan committed perjury numerous times in their eight hour get-together on Friday.
As we reported yesterday, John Brennan is the king of corrupt spin. It looks like all things related to the Trump – Russia collusion fairy tale go back to Brennan. The interactions between the US and foreign entities most likely involved the CIA and lead back to Brennan. It’s all Brennan. This is why it’s puzzling when you hear the word on the street that Brennan is not the subject of the Durham investigation.
Yesterday Brennan reportedly spent eight hours with the Durham team and he was assured he was not the subject or target of a criminal investigation:

But note that the above comes from Brennan’s spokesman (yesterday we mistakenly stated attorneys). This does not come from the Durham team. We have heard little to nothing from the Durham team.
We noted yesterday Adam Housley’s tweets like Durham never said publicly that John Brennan is not the subject of a criminal investigation:
Brennan is claiming this is all politics. Of course he is. What else can Brennan do – admit he spied on the Presidential candidate from the opposing party, lied before Congress and the American people, put in place faulty information that led to a Special Counsel based on lies from the Hillary Clinton campaign and attempted a coup of the Trump Presidency?
Of course, Brennan is a target. Many believe Brennan is the mastermind.
Brennan is at the top. An investigation like this starts at the bottom and works its way up. By the time Durham interviews Brennan, the underlings have been thoroughly reviewed and hopefully all facts have been laid out.
Zerohedge also notes the likelihood that Brennan was the subject of the investigation and concludes:

Durham already had knowledge and transcripts from many others including previous Congressional testimony of Brennan in his questioning. Did he catch Brennan, in lies? But we must admit that Brennan has been around decades and knows the "in's and outs" of "twisting and weaving" words.
This is a gang of deep state criminals that will be prosecuted in a conspiracy to deny the civil rights of Trump, Flynn and others who spied on the Trump campaign. They devised this coup to take down our duly elected president.
Brennan thinks he is smarter than he is. I watched Congressman Gowdy's question session with him, and I heard 3 statements that appeared to be false, with the help of current disclosed knowledge.
Unfortunately, If Brennan is indicted, he will not be arrested similar to Manafort or Stone, he will not be "hauled" off except in the metaphorical sense. He will be allowed to show up in court, without being arrested and enter a plea at some time in the future just like Clinesmith did. He/they are always treated with kid gloves, count on it.

(from the article)
Some participants are likely talking. We reported in an interview on the Howie Carr show in April with former US Attorney Joe DiGenova that Obama FBI General Counsel James Baker was singing like a bird.

DiGenova discussed the Durham investigation and said that Durham was building a conspiracy case and anyone who lied to the court will be indicted for obstruction of justice charges:

The bottom line is this, it’s unfolding and what’s happening is, what Durham is actually doing is he’s painting a picture and not everyone of these acts is going to be a specific separate crime. But they are going to be, what’s called overt acts in a conspiracy. One to defraud the United States government. One to deny the civil rights of Trump and Flynn and Page and a bunch of other people.
At the 8:55 mark diGenova dropped another bomb when discussing the notes that were released that show the government was actively working to frame General Flynn
(from the article)
Some participants are likely talking. We reported in an interview on the Howie Carr show in April with former US Attorney Joe DiGenova that Obama FBI General Counsel James Baker was singing like a bird.

DiGenova discussed the Durham investigation and said that Durham was building a conspiracy case and anyone who lied to the court will be indicted for obstruction of justice charges:

At the 8:55 mark diGenova dropped another bomb when discussing the notes that were released that show the government was actively working to frame General Flynn
diGenova needs to be the next AG after we get shed of the senile, pants-shitting fraud.
diGenova needs to be the next AG after we get shed of the senile, pants-shitting fraud.

IMHO, people should go to jail for what they tried to do to Flynn, it's just not the way our Dept of Justice is supposed to work. It won't happen of course, the deep state protects its own, and political hacks like Brennan deserve to be incarcerated but won't. There's no deterrence, so WTF let's go after somebody on the other side.
As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
John Brennan claims he’s not the subject of a criminal investigation and John Durham told him so. However, it’s more likely Brennan committed perjury numerous times in their eight hour get-together on Friday.
As we reported yesterday, John Brennan is the king of corrupt spin. It looks like all things related to the Trump – Russia collusion fairy tale go back to Brennan. The interactions between the US and foreign entities most likely involved the CIA and lead back to Brennan. It’s all Brennan. This is why it’s puzzling when you hear the word on the street that Brennan is not the subject of the Durham investigation.
Yesterday Brennan reportedly spent eight hours with the Durham team and he was assured he was not the subject or target of a criminal investigation:

But note that the above comes from Brennan’s spokesman (yesterday we mistakenly stated attorneys). This does not come from the Durham team. We have heard little to nothing from the Durham team.
We noted yesterday Adam Housley’s tweets like Durham never said publicly that John Brennan is not the subject of a criminal investigation:
Brennan is claiming this is all politics. Of course he is. What else can Brennan do – admit he spied on the Presidential candidate from the opposing party, lied before Congress and the American people, put in place faulty information that led to a Special Counsel based on lies from the Hillary Clinton campaign and attempted a coup of the Trump Presidency?
Of course, Brennan is a target. Many believe Brennan is the mastermind.
Brennan is at the top. An investigation like this starts at the bottom and works its way up. By the time Durham interviews Brennan, the underlings have been thoroughly reviewed and hopefully all facts have been laid out.
Zerohedge also notes the likelihood that Brennan was the subject of the investigation and concludes:

Durham already had knowledge and transcripts from many others including previous Congressional testimony of Brennan in his questioning. Did he catch Brennan, in lies? But we must admit that Brennan has been around decades and knows the "in's and outs" of "twisting and weaving" words.
This is a gang of deep state criminals that will be prosecuted in a conspiracy to deny the civil rights of Trump, Flynn and others who spied on the Trump campaign. They devised this coup to take down our duly elected president.
Brennan thinks he is smarter than he is. I watched Congressman Gowdy's question session with him, and I heard 3 statements that appeared to be false, with the help of current disclosed knowledge.
Unfortunately, If Brennan is indicted, he will not be arrested similar to Manafort or Stone, he will not be "hauled" off except in the metaphorical sense. He will be allowed to show up in court, without being arrested and enter a plea at some time in the future just like Clinesmith did. He/they are always treated with kid gloves, count on it.

Whoever wrote this article is high on drugs and delusional. He can't tell his wet dreams from reality at this point.

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